Is it possible to route traffic to a specific Pod? - kubernetes

Say I am running my app in GKE, and this is a multi-tenant application.
I create multiple Pods that hosts my application.
Now I want:
Customers 1-1000 to use Pod1
Customers 1001-2000 to use Pod2
If I have a gcloud global IP that points to my cluster, is it possible to route a request based on the incoming ipaddress/domain to the correct Pod that contains the customers data?

You can guarantee session affinity with services, but not as you are describing. So, your customers 1-1000 won't use pod-1, but they will use all the pods (as a service makes a simple load balancing), but each customer, when gets back to hit your service, will be redirected to the same pod.
Note: always within time specified in (default 10800):
This would be the yaml file of the service:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: my-app
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
If you want to specify time, as well, this is what needs to be added:
timeoutSeconds: 10
Note that the example above would work hitting ClusterIP type service directly (which is quite uncommon) or with Loadbalancer type service, but won't with an Ingress behind NodePort type service. This is because with an Ingress, the requests come from many, randomly chosen source IP addresses.

Not with Pods by themselves, but you should be able to with Services.
Pods are intended to be stateless and indistinguishable from one another.
But you should be able to create a Deployment per customer group, and a Service per Deployment. The Ingress nginx should be able to be told to map incoming requests by whatever attributes are relevant to specific customer group Services.


What is the purpose of headless service in Kubernetes?

I am naive in Kubernetes world. I was going through a interesting concept called headless service.
I have read it, understand it, and I can create headless service. But I am still not convinced about use cases. Like why do we need it. There are already three types of service clusterIP, NodePort and loadbalancer service with their separate use cases.
Could you please tell me what is exactly which headless service solve and all those other three services could not solve it.
I have read it that headless is mainly used with the application which is stateful like dB based pod for example cassandra, MongoDB etc. But my question is why?
A headless service doesn't provide any sort of proxy or load balancing -- it simply provides a mechanism by which clients can look up the ip address of pods. This means that when they connect to your service, they're connecting directly to the pods; there's no intervening proxy.
Consider a situation in which you have a service that matches three pods; e.g., I have this Deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: example
name: example
replicas: 3
app: example
app: example
- image:
name: whoami
- containerPort: 80
name: http
If I'm using a typical ClusterIP type service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
Then when I look up the service in a client pod, I will see the ip address of the service proxy:
/ # host example
example.default.svc.cluster.local has address
However, when using a headless service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example-headless
clusterIP: None
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
I will instead see the addresses of the pods:
/ # host example-headless
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
By removing the proxy from the equation, clients are aware of the actual pod ips, which may be important for some applications. This also simplifies the path between clients and the service, which may have performance benefits.
Kubernetes Services of type ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer have one thing in common: They loadbalance between all pods that match the service's selector, so you can talk to all pods via a virtual ip.
That's nice because you can have multiple pods of the same application and all requests will be spread between those, avoiding overloading one pod while others are still idle.
For some applications you might require to talk to the pods directly instead of over an virtual ip. Still you'll want a stable hostname that points to the same pod, even if the pod's ip changes, e.g. because it needs to be rescheduled on a different host.
Use cases are mostly databases where applications should always connect to the same instance for data and session consistency.
A headless service does not provide a virtual IP covering all the endpoints in its endpoint slice. If you query that service DNS, you will get all the endpoint IP addresses back. A regular service on the other hand will have sort of a virtual IP, so clients connecting to it are not aware of the underlying endpoints.
To answer your question, why this is important for a stateful. Usually, members of a statefulset need to be aware of each other. Let's say you want to run a distributed database in something like a cluster formation. The members of this cluster need to have a way to discover each other. This is where the headless service comes into play. Because the individual database pods can get the address of the other database pods by using the headless service.
The headless service also provides a stable network identify for each member of the statefulset. You can read about that here. This is, again, useful as the members of the statefulset need to coordinate with each other in some way. Let's say the pod-0 will always take the initial leader role, and every other member knows it should report itself to pod-0 to form a cluster like configuration.

Exposing a k8s serivce with tcp

I have an eks cluster, all up and working.
I want to run a service which listens to tcp request on port 5000.
I'm trying to read about it but all guides I could find are using http for the examples.
I think I'm a bit confused with all the different concepts.
If I define:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 5000
targetPort: 5000
protocol: TCP
and run this (actually using helm), I can see on aws-console that a classic load balancer is created.
but i can't ping it.
So basically, how do I create a network load balancer that forwards port 5000 to my service? it seems like this should be simple by I can't find how to do this. Eventually I want to have a staticIP for the nlb so I can send requests to that port.
Do I need to install nginx (or other ingress controller) to make this work?
First of all you are on the correct way of creating a service with LoadBalancer type. Only missing thing by looking at Service.yaml contents is selector field in the Service object is missing by which your service doesn't know at which pods to forward traffic. Try adding it.
If you are going to have only single service exposed publicly, then LoadBalancer type makes sense. But if you are going to have multiple services then it would be costly to create multiple LoadBalancer services. In that case Nginx Ingress helps you with requiring only one LoadBalancer type service. Refer

Session Affinity Settings for multiple Pods exposed by a single service

I have a setup Metallb as LB with Nginx Ingress installed on K8S cluster.
I have read about session affinity and its significance but so far I do not have a clear picture.
How can I create a single service exposing multiple pods of the same application?
After creating the single service entry point, how to map the specific client IP to Pod abstracted by the service?
Is there any blog explaining this concept in terms of how the mapping between Client IP and POD is done in kubernetes?
But I do not see Client's IP in the YAML. Then, How is this service going to map the traffic to respective clients to its endpoints? this is the question I have.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: my-app
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
timeoutSeconds: 10000
Main concept of Session Affinity is to redirect traffic from one client always to specific node. Please keep in mind that session affinity is a best-effort method and there are scenarios where it will fail due to pod restarts or network errors.
There are two main types of Session Affinity:
1) Based on Client IP
This option works well for scenario where there is only one client per IP. In this method you don't need Ingress/Proxy between K8s services and client.
Client IP should be static, because each time when client will change IP he will be redirected to another pod.
To enable the session affinity in kubernetes, we can add the following to the service definition.
service.spec.sessionAffinity: ClientIP
Because community provided proper manifest to use this method I will not duplicate.
2) Based on Cookies
It works when there are multiple clients from the same IP, because it´s stored at web browser level. This method require Ingress object. Steps to apply this method with more detailed information can be found here under Session affinity based on Cookie section.
Create NGINX controller deployment
Create NGINX service
Create Ingress
Redirect your public DNS name to the NGINX service public/external IP.
About mapping ClientIP and POD, according to Documentation
kube-proxy is responsible for SessionAffinity. One of Kube-Proxy job
is writing to IPtables, more details here so thats how it is
Articles which might help with understanding Session Affinity:
follow the service reference for session affinity
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: my-app
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
timeoutSeconds: 10000

Exposed Service and Replica Set Relation in Kubernetes

I have a question about how kubernetes decides the serving pod when there are several replicas of the pod.
For Instance, let's assume I have a web application running on a k8s cluster as multiple pod replicas and they are exposed by a service.
When a client sends a request it goes to service and kube-proxy. But where and when does kubernetes make a decision about which pod should serve the request?
I want to know the internals of kubernetes for this matter. Can we control this? Can we decide which pod should serve based on client requests and custom conditions?
can we decide which pod should serve based on client requests and custom conditions?
As kube-proxy works on L4 load balancing stuff thus you can control the session based on Client IP. it does not read the header of client request.
you can control the session with the following field service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig in service obejct
following command provide the explanation
kubectl explain service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig
Following paragraph and link provide detail answer.
Client-IP based session affinity can be selected by setting service.spec.sessionAffinity to “ClientIP” (the default is “None”), and you can set the max session sticky time by setting the field service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig.clientIP.timeoutSeconds if you have already set service.spec.sessionAffinity to “ClientIP” (the default is “10800”)-service-proxies
Service object would be like this
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: my-app
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
timeoutSeconds: 10000
Kubernetes service creates a load balancer(and an endpoint for it) and will use round robin by default to distribute requests among pods.
You can alter this behaviour.
As Suresh said you can also use sessionAffinity to ensure that requests for a particular session value always go to the same pod.

Access IP address of PODs via lookup on Ingress URL

I am learning Kubernetes and have deployed a headless service on Kubernetes(on AWS) which is exposed to the external world via nginx ingress.
I want nslookup <ingress_url> to directly return IP address of PODs.
How to achieve that?
Inside the cluster:
It's not a good idea to let a <ingress_host> resolved to Pod IP. It's a common design to let different kinds of pod served on one single hostname under different paths, but you can only set one (or one group of, with DNS load balance) IP record for it.
However, you can do this by adding <ingress_host> <Pod_IP> into /etc/hosts in init script, since you can get <Pod_IP> by doing nslookup <headless_service>.
HostAlias is another option if you konw the pod ip before applying the deployment.
From outside:
I don't think it's possible outside the cluster. Because you need to do the DNS lookup to get to the ingress controller first, which means it has to be resolved to the IP of ingress controller.
At last, it's a bad idea to use a headless service on Pod because many apps do DNS lookups once and cache the results, which might bring a problem because the IP of Pod can be "changed" frequently.
If you declare a “headless” service with selectors, then the internal DNS for the service will be configured to return the IP addresses of its pods directly. This is a somewhat unusual configuration and you should also expect an effect on other, cluster internal, users of that service.
This is documented here. Example:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
clusterIP: None
app: MyApp
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 9376