Sysinternal Close Handle working in Command Prompt But Not Powershell - powershell

I have a strange issue. I am trying to close down a handle using Powershell using this 1 liner:
(&"D:\handle.exe" -p "–c C –p 3348 -y")
I am getting the following response:
No matching handles found.
When I run the exact same command in Command Prompt
handle.exe -c C -p 3348 -y
I get:
Handle closed.
I am running Powershell and Command Prompt as Admin.
edit: Note: I can run the same command inside the Powershell Command Window and get the same expected result as I did from the normal Windows Command Prompt.

You don't need any fancy syntax. PowerShell can run command-line programs just like cmd.exe can. Just type the command you want and press Enter.
handle -c C -p 3348 -y
It is likely you need to run this from an elevated PowerShell window, but that's not different from cmd.exe.


Input to psexec command

I am trying to run a batch file which is placed in a remote windows server from my local system.
For that I am using psexec command as shown: psexec \\ip address -u user\username -p password cmd /c "path to batch file". This is executing same way as it executes on remote windows server. but at some point we have to press Q on the command prompt to get to next line on the batch file.
this is how it looks:
on Remote system
But I am unable to press Q on my local psexec command prompt, this is how it looks:
on my local system
is there a way to take key inputs for psexec command?
Thanks in advance.
I tried providing -accepteula option and also pipe it with powershell and try running it.
But no luck on that.

Powershell - Run SCP command using CYGWIN but also expand variables

I need to expand variables before running the SCP command as a result I can't use single quote. If I run the script using double quotes in Powershell ISE it works fine.
But doesn't work if I run the script through command prompt.
I'm using zabbix to run the script which calls the script as [cmd /C "powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\myscript.ps1"]
Here is the code that needs to run SCP using Cygwin bash.
if ((test-path "$zipFile"))
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l "set -x; scp /cygdrive/e/logs/$foldername/dir1/$ root#"
/usr/bin/bash: set -x; /cygdrive/e/logs/myfolder/dir1/ root# No such file or directory
If I run the same command above in Cygwin manually it works.
I even tried to use bash -l -c but then the SSH session is stuck maybe because the root# becomes $1 according to the documentation.
Documentation link
-c If the -c option is present, then commands are read from
the first non-option argument command_string. If there are
arguments after the command_string, the first argument is
assigned to $0 and any remaining arguments are assigned to
the positional parameters. The assignment to $0 sets the
name of the shell, which is used in warning and error
Figured it out. It was halting when using bash -c was due to StrictHostKeyChecking, the known hosts thing (where you get a prompt to type yes/no). I set the -v switch to SCP and it showed me the Debug logs where it was halting.
Had to set scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null options.
The complete line now looks like the following:
c:\$cygwin_folder\bin\bash.exe -c ("/usr/bin/scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -v -i /cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa /cygdrive/e/logs/$foldername/dir1/$ root#")

Powershell ISE opens a cmd prompt when executing a script

When I run my scripts from within Powershell ISE, they open up a cmd prompt briefly and then close. The script has successfully executed but I don't even get a chance to see the results before it closes. Optimally I would like to have the output just display in powershell.
This happens with any script I run but here is a basic example that changes to another directory and runs my Postman tests:
cd C:\path\to\file\
.\newman -c "collections\PlatformRelease2.4.json" -e "collections\Platform20Release202.4" -o "newmanOutput.json"
cd C:\path\to\starting\dir
Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman. You are executing a third party command-line program which opens a command prompt.
Invoke-Expression '.\newman -c "collections\PlatformRelease2.4.json" -e "collections\Platform20Release202.4" -o "newmanOutput.json"'

Psexec is not running an EXE program remotely

Check everywhere for a reason but nothing I found matches my specific problem. I have a program in C:\somefoldername\anothersubdirectory\andanother\ of the remote pc that I try to run using PSEXEC but it does not take. PSEXEC just does not want to run anything for me. Now if I run a ping or tasklist via psexec, it works, though obviously this is in PATH.
So I am putting in:
PSEXEC \\pcname C:\somefoldername\anothersubdirectory\andanother\program.exe
and nothing happens.
I even wrote a batch script that I tried running in two different ways.
Script is just:
and I had it copied to the remote pc's main directory (maybe I need to put it in a folder) and then I tried running C:\batch.bat using:
PSEXEC \\pcname C:\batch.bat
I also tries running:
PSEXEC \\pcname -c \\servername\batch.bat
so it copies it over to PATH.
Neither worked.
Does any program I try to run via PSEXEC have to be in the remote pc's path?
I do have to admit that I have not done running an EXE remotely, but I have written lengthier scripts using psexec that use batch file on a server without any hiccups.
What is weird to is that the program I run has parameters and I task that runs through it, so I first taskkill it remotely, then I PSEXEC the SAME EXACT EXE as:
psexec \\pcname C:\...\program.exe -a -few -parameters ODBC
and that works. When I try to open just program.exe on its own, nope doesn't take.
I also did try psexecing iexplore.exe and that didn't work either.
So gotta use the -i option. In addition to that, gotta use -p + -u or -s to load system hardware dependent gui. This is why large portions of the gui was missing, or I assume why.
Can you please try this format
psexec \\machineName -u username -p password /accepteula -h cmd /c
C://somefoldername//anothersubdirectory//andanother//program.exe >>log.txt
More Clearly
Download the PSEXEC tool zip file in your user machine and unzip it.
Open command prompt and go to the psexec path.
In my machine it is: D:\PsTools
Run following command line
D:\PsTools> psexec \\ip_address -u username -p Password cmd /c executablename arguments >> test.log

Does psexec support input redirection?

I am trying to control a remote Python script via psexec, which reads commands from stdin, but I need to redirect psexec's input since psexec itself will be launched from another program. However, I have no luck making psexec accept redirected input. Is it supposed to work at all?
An example of what I'm trying to do, where input is a file containing input to the remote script:
psexec \\mymachine python c:\ < input
Here's one way I was able to kinda accomplish what you're after:
PsExec.exe -d \\\\ cmd /k "echo list volume | diskpart"
This would pass the commands "list volume" to the diskpart command. Additionally you can also try using cmd like this for you example:
PsExec.exe -d \\\\ cmd /k "python c:\ < input"