how to add text in static map api - google-maps-static-api

how to add text in map image using google static map
this my url:,80.2604959%7C13.0962573,80.2495762999999&size=400x400&markers=icon:,80.2604959&markers=icon:,80.2495762999999&key=AIzaSyCloJwYPYL4Waex5N8asdKgx9tDhXS3IX8&path=color:0x2a5298FF%7Cweight:5%7Cenc:%7BlmnAezzhNpBfA%60CjA~Bj#f#Ht#BlBB%60IJbFDfDDFAPGLAvJHpAHlAYf#O%5CALFLNDFH%5EAHCRMb#OXyBaA_#IiAKaMMsC#qFEaNS_AMe#Ky#Yk#[uA%7B#cK%7DFgAeAUKo#k#cBgB_##a#[WMQEA]BMJM%60FPd##EmAQqC?iARoAl#%7DCNkA#WEcBSgBWm#Ua#qCqDiEyFeDeEcB%7BBkEqGiDiFS#cBqBOKeCu#wBq#cBi#%7B##uB%7B#a#Me#SoEqAuDw#cB]s#YCGmDgBQGOEm#AeCNqDLq#LY?s#IsB]mBWoFg#uA]cCw#[?iAQkCe#iB#iA[eAS%7BAOuB]%7BMkA?#CBC#I#OGEGyDm#yAOEE%7DGm#%7BIm#yJq#oMcA%7BIy#iH%7D#_LuAcLsAeEi#iMcBwCe#aAOYBgBQuL_BkDc#YCk#CiHeA_QsCiCSYHe#Ho#AOCUIuDh#w#v#cAnAqC%60Dg#b#oA%7C#a#RoDvAmC%7C#s#ZILIXQN_Ab#%7D#p#%7DBdCu#Xa#Fc##]Cq#Om#a#kAaAy#DQHMHJlDVfFH%7CBN%60B%5ErHp#nFUhCE%7C##t#PfBVtBj#bERdAv#nBUBeDZoAHeDRkGh#Hn#yCBSDg#NiAb#]PWJ[DuBE%7BIWc#?SBIBWPORMT?BCFKFOAkCAuBKWCOAEFEFe#l#]V%7DErBSH#Ni#p#[Rq#~AYt#o#xBOp#aAzDcAbBeAxAi#v#u#hB%7B#zB%7B#zBd#H%5EB%5C?qA~Hg#dDWlC#%60DExAOlBI~BGjCBpAElCEvBO%7CCc#vJEr#Y%5EWZb#bANb#P%7C#nCBfDNE%60A#%60#B%5E


Open Google Maps from Flutter with place selected

I am trying to open Google Maps with a place selected. Can the below url be used with dynamic data? The one that I am using selects the first place I searched for on Google Maps. What else do I need to change or is this the right way to open Google Maps from Flutter?
I am using Url Launcher:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
name = Uri.encodeComponent(name);
name = name.replaceAll('%20', '+');
String googleUrl =
if (await canLaunch(googleUrl)) {
await launch(googleUrl);
} else {
throw 'Could not open the map.';
I noticed that each place has a place_id. Can that be used to target specific place?
--- Solution thanks to comment below ---
I suggest reading this doc for Google Maps. You can define the center area with a lat/long and the place's name on the URL. This should center the place on the configured coordinates. The URL that you can use should be similar to:

MBtiles and mapbox js

Currently I am doing graphical information system(GIS) web application that allow user to upload their tileset eg mbtiles format to the system and view tileset using mapbox on browser. Now, I'am just use mapbox studio to upload tileset and take the sytle then copy to the code. My question is, how I want to upload mbtiles files to database and view in mapbox on browser without use mapbox studio
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'accesstoken';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // container id
style: 'mapbox style', // stylesheet mapbox style
center: [100.2192660726069, 6.523753293936409], // starting position [lng, lat]
// pitch: 60, // pitch in degrees
// bearing: -60,
zoom: 16 // starting zoom]
If your question is how to view your map in the browser outside of Mapbox Studio, you can use the code snippet you have included above and create a container div <div id="map"></div> within the HTML of your page to display the map.
If you are asking how to programmatically upload your MBTiles file and add the tileset to an existing style without the use of Mapbox Studio, you will want to look into the Uploads or Tilesets API and Styles API.
For uploading the MBTiles file, you can work with the Create an upload endpoint or the Tilesets API.
To then add the uploaded tileset to a style, you can use the Update a style endpoint or add it at runtime to the map using the addLayer GL JS method.

Cannot find Mapbox Vector Tile URL for my Mapbox Style map

Does anyone know how to get the URL for a Mapbox vector tile map (aka a "style")? I can only get a style address that looks like this: mapbox://styles/myusername/r3411y10ngh4sh3tc3tc, but I am using a plugin that requires a URL to integrate Mapbox's Vector Tiles with Leaflet:
I tried substituting the style address provided by Mapbox for the URL
var config = {
url: "mapbox://styles/myusername/fwaoij32wlfij23slkfj3",
var mvtSource = new L.TileLayer.MVTSource(config);
but I get an error where it can't read the style address as a URL. Any suggestions? Should I be using a different plugin?
In short, the URL for a Mapbox style is not yet available. Here is a response I received from Mapbox:
Leaflet is not yet compatible with styles made in Mapbox Studio since these styles require a GL-based renderer. We're currently working on a new API to allow you to use your Studio style with Leaflet, we expect it to launch in a few weeks.
At this time, you can use Mapbox GL JS to load your Mapbox Studio style. You can still access raster map IDs (maps made with Mapbox Editor, Mapbox Studio Classic) to load with Leaflet - these are found under the "Classic" tab in the Studio dashboard.
The Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile plugin uses a different approach to styles than, for example, the Mapbox GL JS library does.
Styles you create in Mapbox Studio can be downloaded as JSON, but for Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile you have to create them programmatically as you can see in the documentation. You can still use their vector tile URL{z}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=<public api token>, but styles would probably have to be rewritten/done from scratch again.
You can use the Mapbox Gl Javascript to create a map with the style you created, but I don't know how extensive your current project is and if it would conflict with other (Leaflet) plugins:
mapboxgl.accessToken = '<public API token>';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/<your name>/<style id>',
center: [-74.50, 40],
zoom: 9

Add MapQuest Map with AS3

I'm trying to add a mapquest map to my flash application, but it only ever publishes a blank swf. I've already imported the latest mapquest SWC file, I have a key, and I'm using the code I found on the mapquest website:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import com.mapquest.tilemap.*;
//turn scaling off
this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
// create a new TileMap object, passing your platform key
var map:TileMap = new TileMap("MY KEY HERE");
//set the size of the map
map.size = new Size(600, 450);
//add the map to the sprite.
Where am I going wrong?
Are you using the Open Flash Maps API with your Free & Open API key?

How to apply Style and effect on ink filepicker through Javascript

I am stucked on API from long days that how do i add style/css through javascript in ink filepicker.
I have also idea about i can add style to my ink filepicker from my account also but i have two on my same page i just want to change style for only one dialog so is there any way to do it.
filepicker.pick({ mimetype: "image/*" }, function (InkBlob) {
json = InkBlob;
var InkbolobFilename = json.filename;
var InkbolobUrl = json.url;
This my code snap so please help me out where i can add my css url.