How to include special characters in A-frame web VR (čšž...) - special-characters

I want to create a website readable not only in english but i have problems with special characters. I've tried ascii html.
Any idea?

If You have troble with the text component there are three ways I can think of:
1) The proper way: find or generate a font from a fontset containing those characters. The docs describe how to use custom fonts:
<a-entity text="text: Hello World; font: ../fonts/CustomFnt.fnt;
fontImage: ../fonts/CustomFnt.png"></a-entity>
But you need to have a font file + a .png grid with the font images.
The docs provide a link to a tool for generating fonts, as well as a tutorial.
2) check out Don McCurdy's custom font generator !
3) The workaround: You could make a transparent image containing Your text and put it on an <a-plane>, like I did here.


How can I manage display and spacing on a Crystal Report where I have to display images between the text field?

I have a field that I'm displaying on a report that is a combination of text and codes that represent an image. Some of those icons have ascii symbols that I've used a replace formula to display them as their ascii version. For two or three of the images, I have no luck and have to display a mini picture for the representation.
The codes being sent are something like:
^he^ = ♥ ^st^ = ⭐ ^cl^ = 🍀 etc...
So for the clover leaf, there is no emoji support in my version of Crystal for clover leaves, and the ascii icon I found online for it just shows the empty square icon when an emoji isn't supported.
My workaround for this is to have a formula that converts all my icons to the appropriate ascii where supported, and to leave two blank spaces for the unsupported icons.
>stringvar gift_msg;
>gift_msg:= {DataTable1.gift_field};
>gift_msg := replace(gift_msg,"^CL^"," ");
>gift_msg := replace(gift_msg,"^HE^","♥");
>gift_msg := replace(gift_msg,"^ST^","★");
I then put a suppression formula on each image that looks like this:
So I duplicated the image along the length of the field and increment the mid formula to match the field. I also set the font to Consolas so that it's fixed width to remove any surprises in spacing. My issue is that this still creates very strange spacing, and I'm almost certain there's a much easier way to do this.
One option is to use a free service such as to convert your image to a font.
Given that your image relies on several colors, the font option might not work.
Another option is to build the expression as html with image source directives where you need them. You would then need a create or use a 3rd-party UFL to convert the full expression to an image that you can load on the fly using the Graphic Location expression. At least one of the UFLs listed by Ken Hamady here provides such a function.

Cyrillic is not displayed in TextMeshPro

Cyrillic is not displayed in TextMeshPro, squares are displayed instead of Russian letters. I looked on the Internet for analysis of the same issue from other people, but I did not understand anything and did not help. In Asset Creator, it seems that Hex was correctly indicated, but still not. Who can help me figure out what the problem is?enter image description here
enter image description hereenter image description here
Unity employee Stephan_B explains:
In the Font Asset Creator - Character Set, you have selected ASCII
which will only include the ASCII character set in the font asset.
To include characters for different languages like Russian which uses
the Cyrillic character set, you have to include those in your
selection. According to the Unicode Chart where you can learn about
the Unicode range for all languages, Cyrillic is located in the range
of 0400-04FF.
Here is an example of an SDF Font Asset that I can use as Fallback
using Unicode Range 400-4FF which include the Cyrillic set.
Please take the time to watch the video about Font Asset Creation as
all these options are explained including localization. I also
strongly suggest you watch the video about Material Presets which is
equally important.
I also suggest you use SDF 16 or SDF 32 as this will give you the most
flexibility and allow you to use Material Presets to define different
visual styles for your text.

Missing character in custom font

We are using iTextSharp to create PDF's using a custom font and I am running into an issue with the unicode character 2120 (SM, Service Mark). The problem is the glyph is not in the custom font. Is there a way I can specify a fallback font for a field in a PDF? We tried adding a text field with Verdana so that the form had the secondary font embedded in it but that didn't seem to help.
First you need to find a font (ttf, otf,...) that has the character you need. Then you can use the FontSelector class and add the different fonts you want to use to this selector (see the FontSelectionExample). Now you can process every string:
FontSelector selector = new FontSelector();
Phrase ph = selector.process(some_string);
The FontSelector will return a phrase that consists of Chunks with font f1 for all the glyphs that are available in the first font, and Chunks with font f2 for the glyphs that couldn't be font in f1, but that are present in f2.
If you want the C# port of this example, please consult chapter 11.
Using a FontSelector also works in the context of forms (as long as we're talking about AcroForm technology). It's really easy: you just need to add substitutions fonts to the form:
AcroFields form = stamper.getAcroFields();
Now the font defined in the form has preference, but if that font can't show a specific glyph, it will look at bf1, then at bf2 and so on. You can find an example demonstrating this functionality here.
Note that there's a difference between the first and the second example. In the first example we use a Font object, in the second, we use a BaseFont object.

Drawing multilingual text using PIL

I'm having trouble drawing multilingual text using PIL. Let's say I want to draw text - "ひらがな - Hiragana, 히라가나". But PIL's ImageDraw.text() function takes only one font at a time, so I cannot draw this text correctly, because it requires English, Japanese, and Korean fonts all together.
So far, I had no luck finding a simple solution like passing multiple fonts to PIL, so that it can choose appropriate font for each Unicode character (Like modern SDK or web browsers do).
What I'm thinking is, I should iterate over each character, and determine which font to use for each character by myself. But I can't help thinking that there must be an easier way to do this.
Am I going in the right direction? Isn't there an easier way?
PS) It's OK to use another language or another imaging library if there's a much better solution.
You just need to pick a Unicode font. Example:
import Image
import ImageFont, ImageDraw"RGB",[320,320])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
a=u"ひらがな - Hiragana, 히라가나"
font=ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf",14)
draw.text((50, 50), a, font=font)"a.png")

How to draw Thai text to PDF file by using libharu library

i am using free pdf library libharu to generate PDF file,
but i have a encoding problem, i can not draw Thai lanugage text on PDF file,
all the text shows "???.."
Somebody know how to fix it?
I have succeeded in rendering hieroglyphic texts (not Thai, but Chinese and Japanese) using libharu. First of all, I used Unicode mode, please refer to HPDF_UseUTFEncodings() function documentation.
For C language, here is a sequence of libharu API calls needed to overcome your trouble:
HPDF_SetCurrentEncoder(docHandle, "UTF-8");
Here docHandle is a valid HPDF_Doc object.
Next part is proper work with UTF fonts:
const char * libFontName = HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile(docHandle, fontFileName.c_str(), font_embed::EmbedFonts);
HPDF_Font font = HPDF_GetFont(docHandle, libFontName, "UTF-8");
After these calls you may render unicode texts containing Thai characters. Also note about embedding flag (3rd param of LoadTTFontFromFile) - your PDF file may be unreadable due to external font references. If you are not crazy with output PDF size, you may just embed fonts.
I've tested couple of Thai .ttf fonts found in Google and they were rendered OK. Also (it may be important, but I'm not sure) I'm using fork of libharu which is now merged into master branch.
When you write text to the PDF, use the correct font and encoding. In the libharu documentation you have all the possibilities:
In your case, you must use the ISO8859-11 Thai, TIS 620-2569 character set
An example (in spanish):
HPDF_Font fontEn = HPDF_GetFont(pdf, "Helvetica-Bold", "ISO8859-2");
HPDF_Page_TextOut(page1, 50.00, 750.00, [#"Código para correcta codificación en libharu" cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]);