How to select the forst item of w2ui list field - w2ui

I have a w2ui form with this list field:
{ field: 'field_module', type: 'list', required: true,
html: { caption: 'Program', attr: 'size="14"', span: 3 }},
Once I have loaded the items via ajax (that works fine) I would like to preselect the first item of that list.
How to achieve this?

I've found the answer.
Quite easy, even if I couldn't find out how to select the first item numerically
form.record.field_module = {id: '--ALL--', text: '--ALL--'};


Conditional row dragging in Aggrid reactjs

Setup Summary: We have two aggrids where we drag from one grid to the second grid. This works perfectly.
Issue: We have some lines we don't want to enable drag on. So we want a conditional drag based on a cell value.
Currently our table settings (we use reactjs) are as follows:
Table 1 and 2 have these properties:
onRowDragEnd={(params: any) => addToFilesGrid(params)}
gridOptions are (for both grids)
rowSelection: "single",
rowMultiSelectWithClick: true,
Column defs are (for both grids)
field: "name",
headerName: "File Name",
sortable: true,
filter: true,
editable: true,
cellStyle: { textAlign: "center", marginLeft: "-10px" },
cellRenderer: EditCellRenderer,
rowDrag: (params: any) => { !== ""; //HERE IS THE CONDITION WE HAVE
field: "type",
headerName: "Type",
sortable: true,
filter: true,
editable: false,
When the is "" we want it not to move.
I tried playing around with rowDragManaged=false, but then nothing moved. I thought about making handlers for onDragEnter/Leave/Move/End, but I would rather avoid that if I can.
Anyone know what the issue is?
Do I have to do unmanaged dragging if I want this to work?
Finally found a solution!
I had seen that rowDrag could be set to a conditional statement but had issues getting it working, and there is one example on ag-grid docs that wasn't helpful in my use case.
So, I have a table, and if a cell is BLANK I don't want the row to drag.
So in the ColDef I had:
rowDrag: params => === "",
Because that is what it was in the rowData. Also when I printed out params in other row changing functions (onRowSelected, onRowDragMove, etc...) this field was an empty string -> "".
It seems like for this conditional however it may be treated as an undefined or have a space. Not exactly sure, but I was able to do this:
params => > 1,
And it worked! This leads me to believe the tags in the aggrid cell or something in their code inserts a space somewhere.
This was shown when I tried
rowDrag: params => > 0,
and I could still drag the rows where my type field was "".

agGrid with Angular, using agRichSelectCellEditor

I have an agGrid populated with Employee records in JSON format from my web service.
id: 123,
firstName: 'Mike',
lastName: 'Jones',
countryId: 1001,
DOB: '1980-01-01T00:00:00',
. . .
I have a second web service returning a list of country codes:
{ id: 1000, name: 'France' },
{ id: 1001, name: 'Spain' },
{ id: 1002, name: 'Belguim' }
What I'm trying to do is get my agGrid to have a column showing the user's details, including the name of their country, and when they edit this cell, a list of country codes will appear, where they can select one, and it'll update the record with the id of that country.
Basic stuff, no ?
But has anyone managed to get agGrid to successfully use the "agRichSelectCellEditor" to do this successfully ?
{ headerName: 'Country', width: 120, field: 'countryId', editable: true,
cellEditorParams: {
// This tells agGrid that when we edit the country cell, we want a popup to be displayed
// showing (just) the names of the countries in our reference data
values: =>
// The "cellRenderer" tells agGrid to display the country name in each row, rather than the
// numeric countryId value
cellRenderer: (params) => listOfCountries.find(refData => ==,
valueSetter: function(params) {
// When we select a value from our drop down list, this function will make sure
// that our row's record receives the "id" (not the text value) of the chosen selection. = listOfCountries.find(refData => == params.newValue)?.id;
return true;
My code seems to be almost correct.. it manages to:
display the country name in each row of the agGrid
display a popup, listing the country names, from our "list of countries" array
when I select an item in the popup, it successfully updates the countryId field with the (numeric) id value of my chosen country
The only problem is that at the top of the popup, it shows the countryId value, rather than the user's current country name.
Has anyone managed to get this to work ?
The only workaround I could come up with was to override the CSS on this popup and hide that top element:
display: none !important;
It works... but you no longer get to see what your previously selected value was.
(I really wish the agGrid website had some decent, real-life, working Angular examples... or at least let developers post comments on there, to help each other out.)
The solution was to use a valueGetter, rather than a cellRenderer:
headerName: 'Country', width: 120, field: 'countryId', editable: true,
cellEditorParams: {
// This tells agGrid that when we edit the country cell, we want a popup to be displayed
// showing (just) the names of the countries in our reference data
values: =>
valueSetter: function(params) {
// When we select a value from our drop down list, this function will make sure
// that our row's record receives the "id" (not the text value) of the chosen selection. = listOfCountries.find(refData => == params.newValue)?.id;
return true;
valueGetter: function(params) {
// We don't want to display the raw "countryId" value.. we actually want
// the "Country Name" string for that id.
return listOfCountries.find(refData => ==;
I hope this is useful...
I was able to get my similar situation (id:name pairs in a list, but not using Angular though) working without the problem you mentioned above, and without a valueGetter/valueSetter and only a renderer. The benefit is that you don't need to double click the cell to see the list, the cell appears as a selection box always, and you avoid a bug should the user double click the cell when the list is displayed.
The renderer is a lot clunkier than I was wanting (one line like yours) and it didn't seem that aggrid had built in support for this pretty basic function (and I already have spent enough time on this).
Anyway, this is what I had, which at least works, but keen to see further improvements on it. (You will need to at least change 2 lines for the option related code since my defaultValue object is specific to me).
The column definition:
{field: 'defaultValueID', headerName: "Default Value", cellEditor:'agRichSelectCellEditor', cellRenderer: defaultValueRenderer}
And the renderer code:
function defaultValueRenderer(params) {
var input = document.createElement("select");
// allow it to be cleared
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.innerHTML = '[None]';
option.value = null;
for (var i=0; i < defaultValueList.length; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.innerHTML = defaultValueList[i].name;
option.value = defaultValueList[i].gltID;
input.value = params.value;
input.onchange = function() {
params.setValue(this.value); = this.value;
}"width: 100%; height: 100%"; // default looks too small
return input;
Here Is Example Of agRichSelectCellEditor...
headerName: 'Dropdown', field: 'dropdown',
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
width: 140,
editable: true,
cellEditorParams: (params) => {
values: Get All Dropdown List Like ["Hello","Hiii","How Are You?"]
valueSetter: (params) => {
if (params.newValue) { params.newValue;
return true;
return false;
Much simpler solution: use cellEditorParams formatValue, along with valueFormatter
field: 'foo',
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
values: [1,2,3, 4, other ids... ],
formatValue: (id: number): string => this.getLabelFromId(value)
valueFormatter: (params: ValueFormatterParams): string => this.getLabelFromId(params.value as number)

Sencha Touch 2: Loading pushed data into form

I got some problems loading data into a form which I pushed onSelect.
(loading details for a specific list item)
onProductSelect: function(_dataView, _record)
styleHtmlContent: true,
xtype: 'productDetails'
I am pushing another view (productDetails) onto my productView (which is a navigationView). The data ( is available in the new pushed view via
tpl: '{someField}'
Now I'd like to know how to get this data (the fields data) into a textfield or a button (or sth like this) of a form.
If someone has a better idea how to get the data into the view/form or how to change the views (from list to detail) please let me know :)
here are some suggestions to your code:
1.use of underbar ('_') inside Sencha Touch is meant for variables which have get/set/apply/update. Although you are using local variables, it is best practice.
2.the word '_record' hopefully is a record. If so then you should use:
name = _record.get('name');
data = _record.getData();
The best way to fill a form is to use a formpanel and add the values to the formpanel, while all fields have a popper name assigned:
If your data are:
data = {name: 'Kurt001', password: '12er51wfA!'}
You could use this:
Ext.define('App.view.ProductDetails', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype: 'productdetails',
config: {
cls: 'product-details',
scrollable: null,
layout: 'vbox',
defaults: {
labelAlign: 'top',
clearIcon: false
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'name'
}, {
xtype: 'passwordfield',
name: 'password'
}, {
xtype: 'button',
itemId: 'btnLogin'
And to add the data simply use:
var view = Ext.Viewport.down('.productdetails')
To get the data from one view to the next you can follow different options:
1.Set the data to the current view and grab them from that view. It looks like you have a list. So you can apply the data to the list:
view.down('.list').myData = data;
Extended version would be to create a custom list with myData inside the config.
That way you could use:
or in your case
2.Use a store. As you are passing a record already you might want to add a selected field to your store model and simply set the flag.

Extjs grid with multiselect feature to retrieve value of selected lists

Let's say I have a grid with multiselect option on, when user selects 4 lists and wants to get the values ( alerted on screen) how would I do that? And how would I disable buttons untill at least one list is selected?
All questions you've asked are answered many times already. Also there are good ExtJS examples on For example list view grid shows multiple select and editable grid with writable store shows button enable on click. But THE MOST important is documentation! Let me explain functionality on following code. Most of it is from list view example.
This grid gets JSON from list.php which has following structure
And the grid:
// Here i've definned simple model with just one field
Ext.define('ImageModel', {
extend: '',
fields: ['surname']
var store = Ext.create('', {
model: 'ImageModel',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'list.php',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'authors'
var listView = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
id: 'myPanel', // Notice unique ID of panel
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: store,
multiSelect: true,
viewConfig: {
emptyText: 'No authors to display'
columns: [{
text: 'File',
flex: 50,
// dataIndex means which field from model to load in column
dataIndex: 'surname'
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
// This button will log to console authors surname who are selected
// (show via firebug or in chrome js console for example)
text: 'Show selected',
handler: function() {
// Notice that i'm using getCmp(unique Id of my panel)
// to get panel regerence. I could also use
// this.up('toolbar').up('myPanel')
// see documentation for up() meaning
var selection = Ext.getCmp('myPanel').getSelectionModel().getSelection();
for (var i=0; i < selection.length; i++) {
text: 'Disabled btn',
id: 'myHiddenBtn', // Notice unique ID of my button
disabled: true // disabled by default
// Here i'm waiting for event which is fired
// by grid panel automatically when you click on
// any item of grid panel. Then I lookup
// my button via unique ID and set 'disabled' property to false
listView.on('itemclick', function(view, nodes){
I didn't knew how to do this from top of my head, but I used documentation and the result works ;-). See Grid panel docs for more information.

ExtJs 4 dynamic form fields in nested panels aren't submitted

Let's say I have multiple nested panels (plain ones, not form.Panel) containing form fields.
The user can copy such a panel and its fields to a different panel.
I somehow need to add those newly created fields to a main formpanel so they get submitted, but don't know how.
I can't do
because then they're rendered to the formpanel's body and not the panel they were in in the first place. Setting the fields' renderTo property doesn't help either.
So basically I need a way of adding a field to a normal panel (or any other component for that matter), but also adding it to a specific formpanel so its values are submitted on form submit.
Has anyone done this or could at least point me in the right direction?
You can wrap all your panels inside one form panel and all the fields inside will be submitted. I did this way with accordeons, tabpanel and normal panels deeply nested inside each other. Example:
var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
// form attributes goes here...
// ...
initComponent: function(){
// all your panels goes here.
this.items = [
title: 'First panel',
layout: 'anchor',
frame: true,
defaults: {anchor: '100%'},
items: [
{xtype:'textfield', name: 'foo',fieldLabel: 'Foo'},
{xtype:'textfield', name: 'foo',fieldLabel: 'Bar'}
title: 'Second panel',
layout: 'anchor',
frame: true,
defaults: {anchor: '100%'},
items: [
{xtype:'textfield', name: 'baz',fieldLabel: 'Baz'},
xtype: 'panel',
items: [/* another set of fields */]
this.buttons = [/* ... your buttons here ...*/];