With 8th Wall XR is it possible to make AR apps with camera resolution quality in HD or Full HD?
The camera resolution rendered will vary depending on the device being used.
For ARCore devices, the resolution is 1920x1080.
For ARKit devices, the resolution is 1280x720 for devices under iOS 11.3 and 1920x1080 for 11.3+.
For all other devices, the resolution is 640x480.
While there isn’t a way to change these resolutions at the moment, we are looking to provide a higher resolution for non-ARKit and non-ARCore phones in a future release.
What does the word native means here? What aspect ratio will be set if I choose native aspect ratio?
Native aspect ratio means that your game will always be rendered on the native (natural) resolution of the device. For example, an iPhone 6S Plus has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080, meanwhile an iPad Pro has a resolution of 2224 x 1668. If you choose native resolution and build for iOS, the resolution will be different between devices with different resolutions.
I am not sure but i think it means that you can either set your custom resolution for every device or native resolution i.e. the resolution that is available on the device.
As mentioned above what is the target resolution for the Apple TV? For example like the iPhone 5 was 640x1136, and the iPad was 768x1024. I know that TVs vary in size so there is no definitive size. But maybe a recommended size would work to have a starting point. Like having a fixed height and adjusting the width of the app to fit the tv.
The Apple TV standard resolutions for a modern 16:9 television are:
1920 x 1080 (1080p Full HD, preferred if supported)
1280 x 720 (720p for a HD Ready television)
858 x 480 (480p SD)
The new Apple TV runs apps at a standard 1920x1080 resolution at a 1x scale. This means that, when building tvOS apps, the screen size, in points, that you must use when building your interface is also 1920x1080.
Have a look here: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/an-introduction-to-tvos-development--cms-24848
I have a developer working on a game for me for ios for iPhone 5. He stated the resolution we must use for the game is 320 x 568, but the iphone 5 has a resolution of 640 x 1136 and he stated that this is the resolution for the graphics and not the game leveling design. The game is a 2D maze game.
I am still learning, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Which resolution is the correct resolution? Why is it half of what apple states?
Thanks in advance
Here's the story. When Apple introduced the iPhone 4, it introduced the "Retina Display". That is, the iPhone 4 had a screen with twice as many pixels on it than the previous iPhones. So to compensate, Apple came up with the screen points system. It works like this:
-On non-retina devices, 1 point = 1 pixel
-On retina devices, 1 point = 2 pixels
-On any device, the programmer's coordinates are done in points.
-On any device, the art assets should be done using pixels
Example: I have a 200x200 pixel image used on retina devices. When I load the image into a view, the size of the view is 100x100 points.
In order to make sure your image is loaded properly, you have to use the #2x suffix. If you have a 200x200 pixel image "myImage.png", it will be loaded as 200x200 points and will be scaled up on retina devices. If instead you name the image "myImage#2x.png", instead it will interpret the image as 100x100 points, and will scaled down on non-retina devices. You can also have two versions of an image (Apple recommends 2 images although it isn't strictly necessary). If you have both 100x100 pixel "myImage.png" and 200x200 pixel "myImage#2x.png", it will interpret them as two versions of the same image, and will use the #2x one on retina devices and the other one on non-retina devices. In both cases, the image will be interpreted as 100x100 points.
You might also want to take a look at Apple's High Resolution Guide.
So I am using AIR to make a mobile version of a flash game. All the game graphics is transformed into Bitmaps, with the purpose of having high Frame Rates. Everything is fine, except for the iOS version of the game, specifically the iPhone version. On every iPhone I tested, the bitmaps have bad quality. If I play the game on any android device the quality of the game is perfect, same goes if I play on iPad.
I am open to any suggestion.
I am working on an application where we are dealing with lots of images (Capturing , uploading, downloading from the server and displaying them).
If we are capturing images from iOS or any big resolution of Android devices, the captured images are coming properly without losing the quality.
But I am facing problem when images are getting captured from low end devices having low resolutions. (Android's lower end devices)
Is there any way to handle such scenario where irrespective of device resolution the image should not loose the quality.
You're pretty much stuck with the camera capabilities for that device. If the device has a camera that is 3.2MP, then it will only be able to create an image with a maximum resolution of 2048 × 1536, give or take.
Basically, you can downgrade an image's resolution, not upgrade whilst limited by the device's hardware.