install and run kubeadm in ubuntu 16.04 - kubernetes

I am using ubuntu 16.04 and I am newbie k8s.
I am following this official document.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y
# apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
# curl -s | apt-key add -
# cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
deb kubernetes-xenial main
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
# docker info | grep -i cgroup
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
WARNING: No swap limit support
Here's no problem.
But in "Configure cgroup driver used by kubelet on Master Node" section,
in my 10-kubeadm.conf file,
there's no cgroup message so I can't use sed command.
sed -i "s/cgroup-driver=systemd/cgroup-driver=cgroupfs/g" /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
# cat /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
Environment="KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS=--bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf"
Environment="KUBELET_SYSTEM_PODS_ARGS=--pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --allow-privileged=true"
Environment="KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS=--network-plugin=cni --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin"
Environment="KUBELET_DNS_ARGS=--cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=cluster.local"
Environment="KUBELET_AUTHZ_ARGS=--authorization-mode=Webhook --client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt"
Environment="KUBELET_CERTIFICATE_ARGS=--rotate-certificates=true --cert-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/pki"
Should I add Environment="KUBELET_CGROUP_ARGS=--cgroup-driver=cgroupfs" line in the file?

No, you don't have to add that option to your configuration if you don't have it in the configuration file.
That is optional parameter. Just make sure that if it is exists, it is a same with Cgroup Driver of Docker.


Unable to locate package kubectl when installing the kubectl kubeadm for kubernetes installation

I am trying to create a high availability cluster using the kubeadm tool. And I am trying to install the tools that specified in the pre-requistics of kubeadm installation. When I am running sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl , I am getting the error like the following,
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package kubelet
E: Unable to locate package kubeadm
E: Unable to locate package kubectl
My Attempt
I am following the following official documentation for preparing the nodes from I am refering the following link for that,
Ans when I am continuing with following commands as described in the official documentation,
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list deb kubernetes-xenial main EOF
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
When I tried the answer from Mr.Tummala, I am getting the error like the following,
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve host:
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
But result like unable to locate the package.
See if the below steps are doing the trick for you.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
I would refer to the official documentation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
sudo apt-get update
# Optionally, view versions with
# sudo apt-cache show kubectl
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
Try curl -s | sudo apt-key add - then sudo bash -c 'cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
deb kubernetes-xenial main
EOF' after it just run sudo apt-get update and then apt-cache policy kubelet | head -n 20 now you can try to install kubectl and kubeadm again.

Eclipse Che Google Cloud Compute Engine

Having challenges running Eclipse Che multiuser mode on Google Cloud computer engine instance.
(che cli): 6.1.0 - using docker 17.03.2-ce / native
docker run -it -e CHE_MULTIUSER=true -e CHE_HOST={server-ip} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/d
ocker.sock -v {localuserfolder}:/data eclipse/che start
INFO: (che start): Starting containers...
docker_compose --file="/data/instance/docker-compose-container.yml" -p="che" up -d >> "/data/cli.log" 2>&1
che_postgres_1 is up-to-date
ERROR: for che Container "4a245b40b556" is unhealthy.
ERROR: for keycloak Container "4a245b40b556" is unhealthy.
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
ERROR: Error during 'compose up' - printing 30 line tail of {localuserfolder}/cli.log:
Noticed issue has something do to with postgres not having permission to run some scripts:
docker container logs che_postgres_1
/usr/bin/container-entrypoint: line 3: exec: /var/lib/pgsql/ cannot execute: Permission denied
/usr/bin/container-entrypoint: line 3: /var/lib/pgsql/ Permission denied
Documented fix doesn't work, :/data is already mounted to read/writable directory.
Probably Google Cloud overrides file system permissions somehow. Have you tried mounting different dirs into :/data?
I've tested your command and it works in my case by using a GCP instance with Debian 9 and docker 17.12, here is the steps that I've followed:
1) install docker
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
$ curl -fsSL$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID")/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]$(. /etc/os-release; echo "$ID") $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
2) run che, I've used as a directory the /tmp, I recommend you to create another directory to store the files
$ sudo docker run -it -e CHE_MULTIUSER=true -e CHE_HOST=INTERNAL-IP -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /DIRECTORY_WITH_PERMISSIONS:/data eclipse/che start

Not all pre-reqs install correctly for Hyperledger Composer

I've been following the Hyperledger Composer tutorial. I managed to install Ubuntu 16.04 on Hyper-V on my Windows 10 Enterprise. I then started on the following pre-req installation instructions:
I ran the script. It ran fine with no errors. I examined the logs and saw that it had successfully installed npm 5.6.0, node 8.9.4, docker 17.12.x, docker composer 1.13.x, and Python 2.7.12.
However, when I run run $ sudo npm --version
it tells me that the npm command is not found
Same with $ sudo node --version
Not found...?!
Why would that be when the log clearly shows that npm and node where successfuly installed?!
Well, what I did and managed through:
--> install nodejs and npm:
sudo snap install node --classic --channel=8
so you get the latest node8.
--> then to solve "sudo" problem with node specify the npm prefix:
npm config set prefix ~/.node_modules
add the following to .bash_profile
export PATH=$HOME/.node_modules/bin:$PATH
Now the packages will install into your user directory and no permissions will be harmend.
--> install nvm (to get exactly node 8.9 version on the next step):
curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
node -v nvm
which should output 'nvm' if the installation was successful.
--> get and set node 8.9 version:
nvm install v8.9.0
nvm use 8.9.0
--> reset PATHs:
echo export PATH="$HOME/npm/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
npm config set prefix ~/npm
echo "export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/home/$USER/npm/lib/node_modules" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
--> at this stage the docker previous setup shall be destroyed:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images dev-* -q)
--> Installing the rest of prereqs:
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
# install git
sudo apt-get install -y git
# Ensure that CA certificates are installed
sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
# Add Docker repository key to APT keychain
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# Update package lists
sudo apt-get update
# Verifies APT is pulling from the correct Repository
sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce
# Install Docker
echo "# Installing Docker"
sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce
# Add user account to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
# Install docker compose
echo "# Installing Docker-Compose"
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" \
-o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Install unzip, required to install hyperledger fabric.
sudo apt-get -y install unzip
--> now you can install Fabric dev. env. (assuming the rest of prereq components stand available):
npm install -g composer-cli
I think you need to log out and close the shell. And then restart with the new session, as the shell stores your session.
Also, after installation, the use of sudo is not recommended as mentioned on IBM hyperledger website.

eclipse che docker - can not create workspace - <no value>/lib/linux_amd64/terminal

I tried so set up eclipse che as described in
with the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
--name che \
--rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /myimage \
che runs successfully, but during the creation of the workspace the following error message appears:
Caused by: org.eclipse.che.api.core.ServerException: Error response from docker API, status: 500, message: create <no va
lue>/lib/linux_amd64/terminal: "<no value>/lib/linux_amd64/terminal" includes invalid characters for a local volume name
, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intented to pass a host directory, use absolute path
I experience this both on a debian and on a windows instance. I'm quite new to docker. What could be the cause?
I did face the same problem all through and realized that I had done my installations wrong. Following the instructions on the eclipse che website can be quite challenging if you are a newbie to it.
Kindly follow the following steps to install eclipse che using docker image and the issue you are currently facing will be gone.
(The following commands are with the assumption that you are on Debian Distribution. I am on Ubuntu 16.04)
1. Install JDK on the machine.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk
2. Install Docker
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
3. Verify if docker has successfully installed
$ systemctl status docker
$ docker -v
$ sudo docker info
$ sudo docker hello-world
4. Install Eclipse CHE
$ cd ~
$ sudo mkdir eclipseche
$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/eclipseche:/data eclipse/che start
Docker is complaining about the syntax of this:
-v /myimage
As it's documented, they recommend to put the /data of che to a volume, in order to persist data between docker runs.
So, put this volume:
-v $(pwd)/che-data:/data
Resulting in this command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
--name che \
--rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $(pwd)/che-data:/data \
$(pwd)/che-data is the directory in your host machine where the che's data will be saved.
/data is the directory inside che container, linked to ./che-data outside container.
-v /myimage \ is wrong :/data is correct

How to install mke2fs on centos?

I've tried both virtual box and docker to install centos, latest version, neither has "mke2fs" command. I then tried to use root and type:
yum install mke2fs*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
No package mke2fs* available.
Why is this? Is it inside another package name other than mke2fs?
You can use yum provides.
Provides=Find what package provides the given value
$ yum provides mke2fs
e2fsprogs-1.42.9-9.el7.x86_64 : Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
Repo : base
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/sbin/mke2fs
So I installed e2fsprogs (I did it in docker):
FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y update && \
yum -y install e2fsprogs
build it and started my container:
$ docker run -it my-centos bash
[root#1ef2a7d930cf /]# mke2fs
Usage: mke2fs [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-C cluster-size]
[-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options]
[-G flex-group-size] [-N number-of-inodes]
[-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os]
[-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory]
[-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]]
[-t fs-type] [-T usage-type ] [-U UUID] [-jnqvDFKSV] device [blocks-count]