There are infinite white dot when I pack up Ionic - ionic-framework

I input the command ionic cordova build android,but it became infinite white dots eventually .
my environment as belows
What should I do next?

Its infinite white dots showing download gradle file for android..
If you use ionic cordova build android or ionic cordova run android for first time its download its associated .gradle file and this process showing white dot.


White screen while opening my ionic app in some devices

In few mobiles,my ionic app shows white screen only, when apk build with --prod mode. But the same apk works on other mobiles. If i build without --prod , it is working in all mobiles. i don't have any idea. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
If you are using android platform version 10.0.0 or higher. Then you have to remove whitelist plugin, if it is installed in your project.
It doesn't work with android 10 or later. This is the reason it shows white screen after opening installed application.
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-whitelist
cordova prepare OR ionic cordova prepare
if prepare doesn't work try to remove platform and add again.
ionic cordova platform rm android
ionic cordova platform add android
Thanks, Hope it helps you.

How many splash screen i need to add in ionic project?

I am building an ionic app I see that there are multiple folders for splash screen all the folders are having the same image but with different dimensions are default images of course. I want to replace them all with my own image. But I am wondering do I need to make a splash screen of all sizes also?
you can how many folders are there
You do not need to replace all images. You just need to put your own splashscreen under the resources folder. From cordova resources documentation
The source image for splash screens should ideally be at least 2732×2732px and located at resources/splash.png
If you are using cordova integration
Then, you just need to run the following command :
ionic cordova resources android or ionic cordova resources android
It will then set all the specific assets of the chosen platform.
If you are using capacitor integration
If you are using capacitor integration instead of cordova, you need to install cordova-res by running the following command :
npm install -g cordova-res
And then :
cordova-res ios --skip-config --copy or cordova-res android --skip-config --copy

flutter is not running on windows

After installing flutter and running my emulator it stops at initializing gradle on android studio and on vs code.
It outputs:
this is taking an unexpectedly long time.
I ran flutter doctor and no issues and also flutter doctor -v and still no issues. I tried flutter upgrade but still no difference.
What is the next thing to try?
flutter error log
It looks like it is just taking forever to start; You can read the thread on the issue on
To summaries: here is one of the issues: Downloading 400mb of dependencies
Solved Initializing gradle problem
The problem is that when first time we are trying to run our flutter
project it does not have the required flutter gradle file. The
required file size that gradle downloads is about 300-400MB that's why
it takes so much time. Following are the steps:
Run your project by clicking on the 'Run' button or flutter run in the command terminal
Then go to the place where your .gradle file is located (usually it is in the C:\Users). In the .gradle folder there is file
name as wrapper in this there is dists folder. In dists folder there
is gradle folder which is being downloaded.
wait till the gradle file is being downloaded and after sometime your project would compile.
its working thaaaaaanks
I am new to mobile development; Everything takes eternity.
Solved this issue by removing all the gradle files from
Now when you run your flutter app, it will automatically download the required gradle files.

Ionic3 splash screen and icon - No platfrom detected

Let me first say. Each time i run
ionic cordova build android --dev
It first run this command
cordova platform add android
At the start of the project I already added the android platform successfully. So I dont know why on every build it has to add android platform again. But each build works perfectly well on my phone. Then yesterday when I tried to run
ionic cordova resources
and it says
no platform detected. Please run ionic cordova platfrom add
Please help

Ionic Resources Android not working, Ionic v1

I running the command "ionic resources android" but it doing nothing. i have already placed new icon and splash png files with correct pixles but nothing happening for me.
enter image description here
try installing cordova-res as dev dependencies then run this command ionic cordova resources --cordova-res when running platform add. Run the command this way ionic cordova platform add android --no-resources