script execution omits commands - powershell

I have a small script to get information about a network computer in my domain but during the execution the script omits two lines.
$HostName = Read-Host 'Veuillez donner le nom du poste que vous voulez verifier?'
If (Test-Connection $HostName -count 4 -quiet)
Write 'The host responded';
gwmi win32_volume -ComputerName $HostName -Filter 'drivetype = 3' | select driveletter, label, #{LABEL='GBfreespace';EXPRESSION={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.freespace/1GB)} };
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $HostName | Select-Object PSComputerName, Description, OSArchitecture;
Get-ADComputer $HostName | select DistinguishedName;
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Computer $HostName | Format-Table -Property Name, Version, InstallDate, Vendor;
Write 'The host doesn''t responded';
The problem does not seems to be in the commands (I get the desired result by typing them directly in the console), but in the position of the command.
I tried to invert the order of the commands and the result was always like this:
After the if statement:
the two first commands are displayed
the 3rd and the 4th are omitted
the last one is again displayed
I also tried it like this:
If (Test-Connection $HostName -count 4 -quiet)
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $HostName | Select-Object PSComputerName, Description, OSArchitecture;
Get-ADComputer $HostName | select DistinguishedName;
Get-ADComputer $HostName | select DistinguishedName;
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $HostName | Select-Object PSComputerName, Description, OSArchitecture;
Get-ADComputer $HostName | select DistinguishedName;
Write 'The host responded';
gwmi win32_volume -ComputerName $HostName -Filter 'drivetype = 3' | select driveletter, label, #{LABEL='GBfreespace';EXPRESSION={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.freespace/1GB)} };
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Computer $HostName | Format-Table -Property Name, Version, InstallDate, Vendor;
After the if statement:
the command 1 is displayed
the commands 2 and 3 are omitted
the 4th command is displayed
the 5th command is again omitted
the 6th is displayed
the 7th is omitted and finally the 8th is displayed


Format output in Powershell

I have a small code in my script that is working well. I'm just annoyed with the output..
My output looks like this:
HP ZBook Studio G5
csname : XXXXXXX
LastBootUpTime : 22/Apr/2022 08:10:57
But I want it like this:
IP Address:
Model: HP ZBook Studio G5
csname: xxxxx
LastBootUpTime: 22/Apr/2022 08:10:57
This is the script:
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Computername $pcName |
Where { $_.IPAddress } |
Select -Expand IPAddress |
Where { $_ -like '10.11*' -or $_ -like '10.12*'}
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Computername $pcName | Select Model
Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -Computername $pcName -ea stop | select csname, #{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}} | format-list
Since the output is produced by 3 different classes the way around it is create a new object to merge them:
$IPs = Get-CimInstance Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $pcName |
Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -like '10.11*' -or $_.IPAddress -like '10.12*' }
$Model = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $pcName).Model
$OS = Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem -EA Stop -ComputerName $pcName
'IP Address' = $IPs.IpAddress -join ', '
Model = $Model
csname = $OS.CSName
LastBootUpTime = $OS.LastBootUpTime.ToString()

Query the NetAdapter on Multiple Machines

#Listing machine from which we will Query
$Machines = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=Laptops,OU=Win10Modern,OU=LN,OU=Workstations,DC=cooley,DC=com' | Select-Object Name
#Getting the Network Adapter version for Wi-Fi Adapter
ForEach ($Machine in $Machines) {
Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object Name,InterfaceDescription,DriverVersion,DriverDate,DriverProvider
Currently, your code loops over objects in variable $Machines, where each object has a single property called Name.
In order to get just the name values, either use Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name or get the array of names like this:
# get an array of computernames
$Machines = (Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=Laptops,OU=Win10Modern,OU=LN,OU=Workstations,DC=cooley,DC=com').Name
Next loop over these computernames and have each computer run the Get-NetAdapter cmdlet:
# capture the output(s) in variable $result
$result = foreach ($Machine in $Machines) {
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Machine -Count 1 -Quiet) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock {
Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object SystemName,Name,InterfaceDescription,
else {
Write-Warning "Computer '$Machine' does not respond"
# output on screen
# or to GridView
$result | Out-GridView -Title 'NetAdapterInfo'
# or to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\NetAdapterInfo.csv' -NoTypeInformation
AdminStatus is a setting (enabled --> 'up'; disabled --> 'down')
Status is operational status (connected --> 'up'; disconnected --> 'down')
I don't think you can use Get-NetAdapter to connect to remote computers.
You can however use Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -ComputerName .
Like this:
ForEach ($Machine in $Machines) {
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetConnectionStatus = 2" -ComputerName $Machine
You need to become familiar with the properties of the Win32_NetworkAdapter class. You can see all of the properties by running this command:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -ComputerName "Localhost" | fl * -Force
or you can use this command to see all of the properties (and methods) available to you.
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -ComputerName "Localhost" | Get-Member
Most computers will have more than 1 network card (some are hidden) and you have to filter the irrelevant ones out.

Not able to format output as CSV [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Get WMI Data From Multiple Computers and Export to CSV
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
Am not able to convert PS output to CSV format using echo function. I need to collect hardware information about multiple servers and got this script from internet. I modified it to collect only the necessary information such as Computername,HDD space, CPU details and RAM.
Below is my code:
$ArrComputers = "PC17"
foreach ($Computer in $ArrComputers) {
$computerSystemRam = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -Computer $Computer |
select #{n="Ram";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB,2)}} |
FT -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize
$computerCPU = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer |
select Name |
FT -HideTableHeaders
$computerCPUCores = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer |
select NumberOfLogicalProcessors |
FT -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize
$computerC = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'C:'" -ComputerName $Computer |
select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}} |
FT -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize
$computerD = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'D:'" -ComputerName $Computer |
select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}} |
FT -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize
$computerE = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'E:'" -ComputerName $Computer |
select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}} |
FT -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize
echo $computer,$computerC,$computerD,$computerE,$computerSystemRam,$computerCPU,$computerCPUCores
and my output is coming as
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 0 # 2.30GHz
What I need is to get this outputs as a comma separated value like below
PC17,99.9,12,537.11,15.98,Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 0 # 2.30GHz,12
so that I can open it in Excel. Please let me know what the problem here is? Or any other alternative solution to so as to get the output as .csv.
Remove the Format-Table, use ExpandProperty and choose the right property from the array,
Also, I used -f to format the csv, see the differences:
foreach ($Computer in $ArrComputers)
$computerSystemRam = get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem -Computer $Computer | select #{n="Ram";e={[math]::Round($_.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB,2)}}
$computerCPU = get-wmiobject Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer | select -ExpandProperty Name
$computerCPUCores = get-wmiobject Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer | select -ExpandProperty NumberOfLogicalProcessors
$computerC = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'C:'" -ComputerName $Computer | select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}}
$computerD = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'D:'" -ComputerName $Computer | select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}}
$computerE = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID= 'E:'" -ComputerName $Computer | select #{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}}
"{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}" -f $computer,$computerC.Size,$computerD.Size,$computerE.Size,$computerSystemRam.Ram,$computerCPU,$computerCPUCores

How do I include computername in output

PS newbe here...
How do I get the remote computer name to appear in the output?
$computer = "PC3090-121","APCD02"
Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -ComputerName $computer |
Select-Object SystemName,Name,Local |
Format-Table -AutoSize
I've tried including -computername, computername, %computername% in the Select and format-table -properties - no joy...
My searches have come up empty, or I couldn't understand them.
------------------------------ answer:
$computer = "PC3090-121","APCD02"
Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -ComputerName $computer |
Select-Object __Server, Name, Local |
Format-Table -AutoSize
How about simply
Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -ComputerName $computer |
Select-Object SystemName,Name,Local |
Format-Table -AutoSize
There is no computername property on the resulting object, nor is there a %computername% property. What exists is SystemName.

Querying partitions/drives on a remote server with WMI

I do the following to check for local drives/partitions on a remote computer:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName SERVERNAME -Filter "Description='Default share'"
but the command also returns CD-roms etc.
Is there a command to only return disk/partitions?
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" |
Foreach-Object {$_.DeviceID}
Try this:
Get-WMIObject Win32_DiskPartition -computername remotecomp |
ForEach-Object {
$info = #{}
$info.Disk = $_.DiskIndex
$info.Partition = $_.Index
$info.DriveLetter = $_.psbase.GetRelated('Win32_LogicalDisk') |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DeviceID
New-Object PSObject -Property $info
$info # contains partions number and unit letter as hashtable
Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from Win32_DiskPartition" ... maybe?