Update/replace file string on remote computer using PowerShell - powershell

I'm trying to update file string on remote computer. In my script i'm using following code.
Get-Content Clients.txt | ForEach-Object \\{ Get-Item "\\$_\D$\Runtime\run.properties" \\} | Replace-FileString.ps1 -Pattern '$PropName=.*' -Replacement '$PropName=$PropValue' -Overwrite
But I'm getting the following error:
Replace-FileString.ps1 : The term 'Replace-FileString.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program
I even tried with Replace-FileString and i'm getting same error.
Is this the correct way or is there any other way to do it?

You specify a script name. PS does not find this script, so insert the path (target system) of your script - e.g. "c:....\Replace-FileString.ps1".
If it's in the same dir then just ".\Replace-FileString.ps1".

I tried the following command and it is working perfectly
Get-Content Clients.txt | ForEach-Object { (Get-Content -Path "\\$_\D$\Runtime\run.properties") -replace "provisioner.events.monitor=.*","provisioner.events.monitor=JagadeeshTest" | Set-Content -Path "\\$_\D$\Runtime\run.properties"}

Replace-FileString.ps1 is part of psappdeploytoolkit and will not be present on a system unless you have specifically installed it.
You can instead use replace (more info on this command) instead:
ForEach ($client in (Get-Content Clients.txt)) {
(Get-Content "\\$client\D$\Runtime\run.properties") -replace "$PropName=.*","$PropName=$PropValue" |
Out-File "\\$client\D$\Runtime\run.properties"


Need Powershell command to avoid memory error

I need to update a file and remove any string that says "ENCRYPTED = YES", the below command works on a test file but the actual file is 250GB and it runs out of memory. Is there a way to go through part of the file at a time and make the update?
(Get-Content -path "X:\file1.sql") -replace "ENCRYPTED=YES;", ";" | Set-Content -Path X:\file_updated.sql

Powershell Get-Content failing spuriously

I have a fairly simple PS script that was working perfectly, and now has suddenly started giving errors. I have narrowed the problem portion to a couple of Get-Content statements. Here's what the affected part of the script looks like:
$pathSource = "D:\FileDirectory"
Set-Location -Path $pathSource
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path FilesA*.txt | Out-File -Encoding ASCII FilesA_Digest.txt
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path FilesB*.txt | Out-File -Encoding ASCII FilesB_Digest.txt
This part of the script gathers up a collection of like-named files and concatenates them into a single text file for uploading to an FTP site. The Get-Content/Out-File was needed as the original files are encoded incorrectly for the FTP site. The script was working perfectly, running once each night for several weeks. Now, it gets the following error when the Get-Content statements are reached:
Get-Content : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Encoding'.
At D:\FileDirectory\Script.ps1
Environment is Windows Server 2016. I've tried different variations on the Get-Content parameters, but nothing has worked. I know there is a bug that affects network-mapped drives, but that's not the case here -- all files are local.
Any ideas/suggestions?
The only plausible explanation I can think of is that a custom Get-Content command that lacks an -Encoding parameter is shadowing (overriding) the standard Get-Content cmdlet in the PowerShell session that's executing your script.
To demonstrate:
# Define a custom Get-Content command (function) that accepts only
# a (positional) -Path parameter, not also -Encoding.
function Get-Content { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $Path) }
# Now try to use Get-Content -Encoding
Get-Content -Encoding Utf8 FilesA*.txt
You'll see the same error message as in your question.
Use Get-Command Get-Content -All to see all commands named Get-Content, with the effective command listed first.
Then examine where any custom commands may come from; e.g., your $PROFILE script may contain one.
To rule out $PROFILE as the culprit, start PowerShell without loading the profile script and examine Get-Content then:
powershell -noprofile # Windows PowerShell
pwsh -noprofile # PowerShell Core
A simple way to rule out custom overrides ad hoc is to call a command by its module-qualified name:
Microsoft.Powershell.Management\Get-Content ...
You can determine a built-in cmdlet's module name of origin as follows:
PS> (Get-Command Get-Content -All)[-1].ModuleName
In a pinch you can also infer the originating module name from the URL of the help topic:
Googling Get-Content will take you to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-content - note how the cmdlet's module name, microsoft.powershell.management (case doesn't matter), is the penultimate (next to last) URI component.
It seems an issue with the out command. Can you please try below code :
$pathSource = "D:\FileDirectory"
Set-Location -Path $pathSource
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path FilesA*.txt | Set-Content -Encoding ASCII -path FilesA_Digest.txt
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path FilesB*.txt | Set-Content -Encoding ASCII -path FilesB_Digest.txt
Well, I don't know why it failed, but I can say that I have completely re-written the script and now it works. I have to note that, given the errors that were occurring, I also don't know why it is now working.
I am using the exact same calls to the Get-Content commandlet, with the -Encoding parameter and the pipe to Out-File with its own -Encoding parameter. I am doing the exact same actions as the previous version of the script. The only part that is significantly different is the portion that performs the FTP transfer of the processed files. I'm now using only PowerShell to perform the transfer rather than CuteFTP and it all seems to be working correctly.
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Not sure if it helps, but I was running into the same with:
$n = ni '[hi]' -value 'some text'
gc $n -Encoding Byte
$f = ls *hi*
$f.where{$_.name -eq '[hi]'}.Delete()
also looks like there's already a chain of SOs about this known bug see this answer

How can i run multiple replace commands from one line of batch file

I have minimum to none knowledge of powershell :(
Hi I have two possible options to replace text from an .ini file, one is a menu-style batch, where choosing an option will execute a command.
My problem is: if I use the batch code I can only change a known resolution, because I don't know how to add multiple replace actions so they work if one fails.
The Powershell code does executes MULTIPLE replace commands, but I don't know how to edit it to use it as a batch command (powershell -command etc.)
Thank you in advance :)
Batch script:
#echo off
set ffile='resolutions.ini'
set HDReady='/resolution:1280,720'
set FullHD='/resolution:1920,1080'
set QuadHD='/resolution:2560,1440'
set UltraHD='/resolution:3840,2160'
powershell -Command "(gc %ffile%) -replace %hdready%, %fullhd% | Out-File %ffile% -encoding utf8"
Powershell script:
$original_file = 'path\resolutions.ini'
$destination_file = 'path\resolutions.ini'
(Get-Content $original_file) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace '/resolution:1280,720', '/resolution:1920,1080' `
-replace '/resolution:2560,1440', '/resolution:1920,1080' `
-replace '/resolution:3840,2160', '/resolution:1920,1080'
} | Set-Content $destination_file
Is one (1) line what you really want?
(Get-Content 'path\resolutions.ini') | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '/resolution:1280,720', '/resolution:1920,1080' -replace '/resolution:2560,1440', '/resolution:1920,1080' -replace '/resolution:3840,2160', '/resolution:1920,1080'} | Set-Content 'path\resolutions.ini'
$original_file = 'path\resolutions.ini'; $destination_file = 'path\resolutions.ini'; (Get-Content $original_file) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '/resolution:1280,720', '/resolution:1920,1080' -replace '/resolution:2560,1440', '/resolution:1920,1080' -replace '/resolution:3840,2160', '/resolution:1920,1080'} | Set-Content $destination_file
You can also place your script in a file and run it as such:
powershell.exe -file My\FilePath.ps1
Here is the help section from the powershell executable:
PowerShell -Help
Runs the specified script in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the
functions and variables that the script creates are available in the
current session. Enter the script file path and any parameters.
File must be the last parameter in the command, because all characters
typed after the File parameter name are interpreted
as the script file path followed by the script parameters.

Create PS script to find files

I want to start by saying coding is a bit outside of my skill set but because a certain problem keeps appearing at work, I'm trying to automate a solution.
I use the below script to read an input file for a list of name, search the C:\ for those files, then write the path to an output file if any are found.
foreach($line in Get-Content C:\temp\InPutfile.txt) {
if($line -match $regex){
gci -Path "C:\" -recurse -Filter $line -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Out-File -Append c:\temp\ResultsFindFile.txt
I would like to make two modifications to this. First, to search all drives connected to the computer not just C:\. Next, be able to delete any found files. I'm using the Remove-Item -confirm command but so far can't make it delete the file it just found.

Using PowerShell, read multiple known file names, append text of all files, create and write to one output file

I have five .sql files and know the name of each file. For this example, call them one.sql, two.sql, three.sql, four.sql and five.sql. I want to append the text of all files and create one file called master.sql. How do I do this in PowerShell? Feel free to post multiple answers to this problem because I am sure there are several ways to do this.
My attempt does not work and creates a file with several hundred thousand lines.
PS C:\sql> get-content '.\one.sql' | get-content '.\two.sql' | get-content '.\three.sql' | get-content '.\four.sql' | get-content '.\five.sql' | out-file -encoding UNICODE master.sql
Get-Content one.sql,two.sql,three.sql,four.sql,five.sql > master.sql
Note that > is equivalent to Out-File -Encoding Unicode. I only tend to use Out-File when I need to specify a different encoding.
There are some good answers here but if you have a whole lot of files and maybe you don't know all of the names this is what I came up with:
$vara = get-childitem -name "path"
$varb = foreach ($a in $vara) {gc "path\$a"}
$vara = get-childitem -name "c:\users\test"
$varb = foreach ($a in $vara) {gc "c:\users\test\$a"}
You can obviously pipe this directly into | add-content or whatever but I like to capture in variables so I can manipulate later on.
See if this works better
get-childitem "one.sql","two.sql","three.sql","four.sql","five.sql" | get-content | out-file -encoding UNICODE master.sql
I needed something similar, Chris Berry's post helped, but I think this is more efficient:
gci -name "*PathToFiles*" | gc > master.sql
The first part gci -name "*PathToFiles*" gets you your file list. This can be done with wildcards to just get your .sql files i.e. gci -name "\\share\folder\*.sql"
Then pipes to Get-Content and redirects the output to your master.sql file. As noted by Kieth Hill, you can use Out-File in place of > to better control your output if needed.
I think logical way of solving this is to use Add-Content
$files = Get-ChildItem '.\one.sql', '.\two.sql', '.\three.sql', '.\four.sql', '.\five.sql'
$files | foreach { Get-Content $_ | Add-Content '.\master.sql' -encoding UNICODE }
hovewer Get-Content is usually very slow when reading multiple very large files. If its your case this article could help: http://keithhill.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!5A8D2641E0963A97!756.entry
What about:
Get-Content .\one.sql,.\two.sql,.\three.sql,.\four.sql,.\five.sql | Set-Content .\master.sql
Here is how I do concatenate sql files from the Sql folder:
# Set the current location of the script to use relative path
Set-Location $PSScriptRoot
# Concatenate all the sql files
$concatSql = Get-Content -Path .\Sql\*.sql
# Write/overwrite sql to single file
Add-Content -Path concatFile.sql -Value $concatSql