Can I restart mongodb server through mongo shell? - mongodb

Can I restart a MongoDB server through the mongo CLI client?

You can't stop and start (restart) it from the client. As i.kimiko already mentioned, you can shut it down on your client with db.shutdownServer() through a mongo shell database methods documentation 3.6.0
But then you'd still have to connect to the server and restart it from there with sudo service mongodb start for example.

You can shutdown server via client.
mongo --host "hostname where server or IP" --port "port of mondodb server" --username "username" --password "password"
use admin
link to documentation about db.shutdownServer() mongodb 3.6.0
After that you may up that server via other service\tool (from a host machine when a mongodb server installed), like cron for example or using systemd unit.


How to connect mongodb with url

I am new to mongodb.
I have db url, and I want to connect to that server from my ubuntu terminal and access data on terminal.
can anyone please help me how to connect?
Assuming you have the URI and the mongo shell installed, you can connect using the following command:
mongo <uri>
For example, if you want to log in as admin with the password mypassword through on the port 27017, you can do:
mongo mongodb://
how can I connect to a remote mongo server from Mac OS terminal
If mongodb version is 5.x.x
mongosh --host ip

Connecting to Meteor Mongo from GUI

How do I connect to my Meteor Mongo instance from a GUI, e.g. MongoChef (I am on Windows running an Ubuntu Virtual Machine which has the Meteor application on it)?
I have tried connecting using the IP address of my running Virtual Box, with both port 3001 and 27017 with no joy - should I be setting up some port forwarding or something?
This applies to an out-of-the-box install of Mongo when Meteor is installed:
The mongo daemon mongod binds to so you need to connect to it via a SSH tunnel if your client supports it. MongoVUE and Mongo Chef both allow this type of connection. Once you SSH into the VM, you can connect to without any trouble. It does not require a password or username, just the database to be set as meteor.

mongodb installed in azure ubuntu cannot connect

I am trying to connect to a mongodb database I installed on an Ubuntu VM on Microsoft Azure. I did the following:
Created virtual machine.
sudo apt-get mongodb (I connected to the VM with ssh).
Created an Endpoint on the Azure Management Portal with both public and private ports set to 27017.
When connected via ssh, running the mongo command allows me to view and access the data stored in the mongodb, but when done remotely, the connection fails with:
Sat Oct 11 13:34:08.378 JavaScript execution failed: Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L114
I think I am missing something pretty basic here. Hopefully someone out there can help me?
It looks like mongo has some problems when connecting with a regular string. Might be related to this JIRA.
Try to connect with the following syntax: mongo -u <user> -p <password> hostIP:port/db
make sure you unbind the IP for connecting remotely to it by editing:
sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf
Set bind_ip=
sudo service mongod restart
to test, use: `mongo SERVER-IP:27017/DBNAME -u DBUser -p DBPass

Unable to connect to mongolab host

I am trying to connect to mongolab from terminal via below command
mongo -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>
I am getting the below error.
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.3
connecting to:
2014-07-09T13:52:44.890+0530 Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:148
exception: connect failed
What has to be done in this case?
Thanks in Advance.
It looks like your network is blocking access to that port. I'd recommend contacting your network administrator or trying from a different network.
To test your network connectivity alone (no credentials necessary) you can run this command. This example was run from my unprivileged laptop just now and demonstrates a successful test.
% mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.1
connecting to:
rs-ds061158:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({ping:1});
{ "ok" : 1 }
rs-ds061158:PRIMARY> exit
Our full connectivity troubleshooting guide is here:
Also, feel free to contact us as if you'd like us to dig into the specifics of your server or code. We're always happy to help!
I know this question is old, but in case someone still faces a similar issue, this is what helped me:
sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
sudo service mongodb restart
You should try to explicitly specify the port you want to use with the --port option:
mongo --port 61158 -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>
From the mongo man pages:
--port <port>
Specifies the port where the mongod or mongos instance is listening. Unless specified mongo connects to mongod instances on port 27017, which is the default mongod port.

Cannot connect to mongod running in Ubuntu machine

I would like to connect with mongo from a cmd shell in windows to a mongod database running in a Ubuntu virtual machine.
mongo is running fine in the Ubuntu terminal and from a putty shell
When I use mongo from a windows cmd shell, I got this error:
mongo.exe --host --port 27017
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.6
connecting to:
Sat Feb 01 14:45:32.181 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:147
exception: connect failed
What should I do to be able to connect?
My goal is to use MongoVue to connect to the mongod database in the Ubuntu machine (by the way, MongoVue is not connecting even using its SSH options).
I am trying to connect to the mongod instance of a meteorjs application.
The meteor application is up and running and I can connect to the mongod instance running on the Ubuntu machine at port 3002, both in the Ubuntu terminal and with a putty shell.
stefano#MeteorDeploy:~$ mongo --port 3002
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to:
PRIMARY> show dbs
local 0.0625GB
meteor 0.0625GB
I would like to connect to the mongod instance using MongoVue as alternative of the putty shell.
I did as in the but without success.
Meteor runs it's own instance of mongo per app. As you note since your edit, when you ssh into your VM you use --port 3002 to connect.
Now you could add that port to your mongo shell launch except for one problem
ps -ef | grep mongo
on your VM will show you the running instance of mongo along with it's startup options. By default this will be bound to which is the loopback adaptor and not accessible outside of the VM.
So what you need to do is either change the startup options in your project, or use another instance on mongo installed on the local machine.
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/your_db
By default mongod insllation on Ubuntu only listen to localhost, so you can't connect from Windows.
Edit /etc/mongodb.conf and change the bind_ip line (add your windows IP adress on the local network) so it will accept connection.
Be aware that by default mongod does not require authentification so you would maybe want to settup one.
Doc is here :
For quick and dirty solution (not for Production):
Edit /etc/mongodb.conf and change the bind_ip to