Is there a maven dependency for kafka version? - apache-kafka

I'm using kafka version: and there's a known issue on this version.
It has been fixed in and other higher versions as per the ticket. But I don't see any maven dependency for release.

There is no maven artifact because kafka has not been released.
As Kafka is currently releasing 1.1, it's unclear if will ever be released.
You have 2 options:
notify the developer's mailing list with your interest in If enough people are interested it might happen
start using the 0.10.2 branch. You'll have to build it yourself but then you'll be running the most up to date 0.10.2 code (including the fix for KAFKA-5167).


log4j remediation on Jboss Kafka

Log4j 1.x has reached End of Life in 2015 and is no longer supported. Vulnerabilities reported after August 2015 against Log4j 1.x were not checked and will not be fixed. Users should upgrade to Log4j 2 to obtain security fixes.
Kafka is a software used by the application to communicate between microservices. Kafka in Jboss servers is using log4j 1.x. We need to be able to use 2.x log4j here.
Vulnerable software installed: Apache Log4j 1.2.17 (/apps/server/standalone/kafka/kafka_2.11-
All new Kafka version also uses Log4j 1.2.17. Need to remediate this.
JBoss version is jboss-eap-6.4
What is the way?
Log4j2 is not scheduled to be released with Kafka until Kafka 4.0 - KAFKA-9366
Until then, you can try to directly modify the log4j jars yourself to remove vulnerable classes, such as JMSAppender, or replace with reload4j, as only available in recent commits (Kafka 3.1.1 & 3.2) -
Seeing as your Jboss is using a version of Kafka several years old now, it might not be possible to upgrade directly without upgrading Jboss itself

Plan to upgrade version of Dropwizard in GraphDB?

We are maintaining an application using GraphDB as a backend service. This application is built on spring-boot, and we are testing the application with a test-dependency to graphdb-runtime. It seems like GDB relies on an old version of Dropwizard (3.x), which had it's last release many years ago. Version 3.2.6 seems to be the last 3.x version.
This old version dependency clashes with the spring-boot dependency management (4.x), and these Dropwizard dependencies are managed manually. This is something we would like to avoid. Are there any plans to lift the Dropwizard dependency in GDB to version 4.x?
Unfortunately upgrading the version of dropwizard isn’t straightforward because of major differences between dropwizard 3.x and 4.x but we’ll see if we can plan this for a future GraphDB version.

Zookeeper API change from 3.4.6 to 3.5.5

I am working on Zookeeper upgrade from 3.4.6 to 3.5.5.
Since package is removed from 3.5.5 I am looking for alternative API.
mvn compilation is failing for below two classes and
Thanks in advance!!
If you conclude that those two packages are removed for later versions of ZooKeeper, this is not the case. However, during the documentation generation for later versions, there is no link for those packages because they are now defined using Jute and not pure java. So to find such documentation, check here:
Go into 'zookeeper-jute' project and run "maven generate-sources".
Assuming: Your on eclipse and opened project from parent folder.

Compatibility of Apache Spark 2.3.1 and 2.0.0

I would like to use an application developed with Apache Spark 2.0.0 (GitHub repo here) but I only have Spark 2.3.1 installed on my iMac (it seems to be the only one supported by homebrew at the moment). I can successfully compile it with sbt assembly but then when I run the first example given here I get the following error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: breeze.linalg.DenseVector$.canDotD()Lbreeze/generic/UFunc$UImpl2;
Is this a compatibility issue between the two different versions of Scala-breeze used by Spark 2.0.0 and Spark 2.3.1. Is there a way to easily change the code in order to be able to use it with Spark 2.3.1? (I have never used scala before)
It probably is.
You can always manually download required version of Apache Spark (not by homebrew, but by downloading tar.gz archive from official page and just extracting it).

When the apache beam will be released as jar file to add as project dependcy in eclipse?

When the apache beam will be released?
Will it has feature to connect with oracle RDBMS to do ETL in its first release?
Apache Beam has had two incubating releases so far, with the third currently underway. We release the source code to and binary jars to Maven Central Repository.
We don't release an all-inclusive bundled jar. Instead, we recommend using a tool like Maven (mvn), or m2e plugin in Eclipse, or native support in IntelliJ to make all dependencies automatically managed for you.
The third release should include the JdbcIO API, which presumably should work well with Oracle RDBMS.