How does babel option ""auxiliaryCommentBefore" or "auxiliaryCommentAfter" work? - babeljs

I installed Babel("babel-cli": "^6.26.0") and and made a .babelrc like
"auxiliaryCommentBefore": "testBefore",
"auxiliaryCommentAfter": "testAfter"
and also made a simple test.js like
var a = 5;
and finally run babel test.js.
It secceded but no comment above is attached..
My expectation is something like below.
var a = 5;
Is there anything required missing??

The honest answer to your question is "they don't" :D
The specific behavior of those two options are extremely under-defined and I would love to rip them out of Babel entirely, and I would except that I don't want to needlessly break existing users when they upgrade.
If you need to annotate some input code in a particular way, you should write your own Babel plugin to inject whatever you need instead.


IPython/Jupyter Installing Extensions

I'm having troubles installing extensions in IPython. The problem is that i can't get the extensions load automatically, i have followed the instructions in the github page but it just doesn't work. According the the homepage i need to modify the custom.js file by adding some lines. I want to install the codefolding, hide_input_all and runtools extensions. This is how my custom.js file looks:
// activate extensions only after Notebook is initialized
require(["base/js/events"], function (events) {
$([]).on("app_initialized.NotebookApp", function () {
/* load your extension here */
The extensions work well if i call them manually, for example, if i type
the runtools appear and works perfectly, but i want the extensions to be loaded automatically and not to have to call them manually every time. Could someone tell me where is my mistake?
There's been a little change to the syntax. Nowadays, $ might not be defined by the time your custom.js loads, so instead of something like
$([]).on("app_initialized.NotebookApp", function () {
you should do something like
require(['base/js/namespace', 'base/js/events'], function(IPython, events) {
events.on('app_initialized.NotebookApp', function(){
with the appropriate changes to braces and parentheses. For me, the former will work more often than not, but certainly not always; it fails maybe ~1/3 of the time.
If that doesn't do it for you, open up Developer Tools (or whatever is relevant for your browser) and look at the javascript console for errors. That'll help figure out what's going wrong.

neo4jphp: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport

maybe a simple question but for me as starter with Neo4j a hurdle. I installed the neo4jphp with composer in the same directory as my application. Vendor-Subfolder has been created and the everyman/neo4j folder below is available. For a first test I used this code snippet from the examples:
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
$libPath = 'vendor\\';
$classFile = $className.'.php';
$classPath = $libPath.$classFile;
if (file_exists($classPath)) {
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
$client = new Client(new Transport('localhost', 7474));
I always stumple upon the error
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport
Googling brought me to a comment from Josh Adell stating
You can't instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport, since it is an abstract class. You must instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl or Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Stream depending on your needs
So I thought I just need to alter the use-statements to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
but this doesnt work, debugging shows, that the autoloader only get "Transport.php" instead of "everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php". For "Client.php" its still working ("vendor\everyman\Neo4j\Client.php") so I am guessing that the use-statement is wrong or the code is not able to handle an additional subfolder-structure.
works fine but I read that this is deprecated and should be replaced by composer / autoload.
Anyone has a hint what to change or had the same problem?
Thanks for your time,
Curl is the default transport. You only need to instantiate your own Transport object if you want to use Stream instead of Curl. If you really want to instantiate your own Curl Transport, the easiest change to your existing code is to modify the use statement to be:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl as Transport;
Also, you don't need to register your own autoload function if you are using the Composer package. vendor/autoload.php does that for you.
Thanks Josh, I was trying but it seems I still stuck somewhere. I am fine with using the default CURL - so I shrinked the code down to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
The folder structure is main (here are the files and the composer.json with the content
"require": {
"everyman/Neo4j": "dev-master"
and in the subfolder "vendor" we have the "autoload.php" and the subfolder everyman with the related content. When I run the file I come out with
Fatal error: Class 'Everyman\Neo4j\Client' not found
which does not happen when I have the autoloadfunction. I guess I made a mistake somewehere - can you give me a hint?
Thanks a lot, B
Hmmm... I was just trying around and it seems the Transport CLASS is not needed in the use-statement and the class instantiation. This seems to work:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Client();
also valid for having a dedicated server/port:
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
If you have more input I would be happy to learn more - thanks, all input & thoughts are very appreciated.

How significant is the order with jQuery's trigger-method?

I want to provide a way to use an on-event handler from the outside of a plugin. Problem is, that the trigger will not fired if I provide them in wrong order.
For example, this works:
$(window).on('foo:bar', function(){
...this, however does not:
$(window).on('foo:bar', function(){
Any ideas how the second approach can work?
Here it works:
You cannot. You want to eat cake before baking it.
UPD: You're misinterpreting the code at
Here is a jsfiddle with proof that it doesn't work like you're thinking:
Note about code: I've forked the library and added trivial console.log here:

Can I dynamically detect the Zend framework in the include path?

I'm developing a plugin for WordPress that will add additional functionality if the Zend framework is available, but the functionality added is not great enough to justify the user installing the framework if it does not already exist.
My question is, is there any good way to detect if Zend exists? Obviously I can use get_include_path() to return whatever the include path is, but beyond that I'm not sure. I could use regexes to determine if the phrase zend appears in the paths, but that seems unreliable at best (more thinking false positives than false negatives, but I think both have a potential if people haven't used the default path).
If I have to resort to this regex, I can always trap the errors as they come and proceed from there, but if there's a better way then that would be useful to know.
Simplest way:
if (stream_resolve_include_path('Zend/Version.php')) {
// ZF found
but I would question why you need to do this. If your plugin needs to be coded to work without the framework, what do you gain by using it if it's there? Seems like this would just complicate your code.
Yes this is somewhat easy:
$zfPresent = (bool) stream_resolve_include_path("Zend/Application.php")
If the file could be found inside the include paths stream_resolve_include_path() will return it's absoulte path - if not it will return false.
So if it is found the framework is definatly there.
Only grain of salt for some people: It requires at least PHP 5.3.2
If the PHP version does not allow you to use the above solution:
Try something like this:
set_error_handler(function($code, $text, $file, $line) {
// Handle zend not present
/* So that internal error handling won't be executed */
return true;
I don't think it's really elegant but it should be somewhat reliable in detecting Zend. Another way may be something like:
function checkForZf()
$includePaths = array_merge(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path(), array($myAppsLib));
foreach($includePaths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Zend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Application.php') {
return true;
return false;
This should be also somewhat reliable but file actions are performance expensive. You may test it out in regards to performance or store the state somewhere after first detection so it does not need to run on every request.

How do I get a list of members in a Python module, or how should I create plugins?

I'm writing a sort of dashboard-esque program in Python to make tasks that I do frequently here at work a little better/easier.
What I currently have set up is an actions module. actions contains an actionlist that is a list of classes. Each of my classes has a .title, .icon (base-64 encoded string for use with tkinter.PhotoImage), and a .action function.
Using tkinter I create a new button for each of these actions, with the appropriate icon, text, and the command of the button set to the .action. So far it works quite nicely, but if I want to create a new action, I have to go into my actions module, create a new class, and then put that class in my actionlist.
What I would like to do is be able to dynamically generate this actionlist based on what files are present in my module. So I would like to have something like this:
And whenever I would like to create a new action, I just put a .py script in my actions folder and then it would automagically generate the list of actions for me, however I can't seem to find any good way of creating this list. I've thought of using something like os.listdir to get the list of files, but neither that or the other methods of introspection (dir, and inspect.getmembers) seemed to have quite what I wanted. Of course, it's possible that I just missed the features that I need.
In any case, pointers in the right direction would be great. Thanks!
Lennart's solution, with some slight adaptations worked for me.
Inside my I have the following code:
plugins = []
__all__ = [
Then inside each of my plugins I have something like this:
from actions import plugins
class SeekTheGrail:
def __init__(self):
self.text = 'We Seek The Grail'
def action(self):
print('I am Arthur, King of the Britons!')
and now I just have to modify the __all__ collection when I want to add or remove the actions from loading.
The way to create plugins is to have a plugin registry, and register plugins there. This can be done from the amazingly simple, like just defining a global list in a module:
plugins = []
And then registering the plugins with:
class APlugin(object):
from themodule import plugins
This can be made more flexible by having types of plugins and registering them with a name etc. But then you are on the path to complexity, and then you might want to take a look at the Zope Component Architecture, which simply speaking is a very powerful system for making your application pluggable.
It should be noted that in any case it's best to have a list of what plugins should be activated instead of auto-discovering them. This can be as simple as a list in a text file or a setting in a config file. This enables you to easily activate and disactivate the plugins.
You can use something like this:
actions = {}
for filename in os.listdir('somepath/actions'):
actions[filename] = __import__('actions.'+filename)
for name,class in actions:
Where in the createButton you create your tk_inter button and assign it the functions from the class. The important bit i suppose is that you can use __import__ to import a class using its string name and save it as a variable.