Disable annoying tooltip in the side bar of Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

This annoying tooltip hides some parts of the side bar (see the screen shot bellow) and I want to disable it.
I checked the options in settings JSON file, there seems to be no way in there.
Is there any way to disable this tooltip?
EDIT: Please note that this question is about tooltip from side bar, not about tooltips from editor window.


What is the name this part of Visual Studio Code and how can I hide it?

I have this bar (marked below) on the right side of my editor area. I can't see any setting in view tab that could hide it. Is there setting that can hide it?

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/intellisense#_customizing-intellisense, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

How to detach Outline from Explorer

Problem: Detaching the Outline section from Explorer and moving it to the right side.
Tried: right-clicking, changing the settings - cannot find where and how the Outline section be detached from Explorer.
Question: is it possible to detach the Outline Panel from Explorer Panel?
Is there another extension, which the same functionality as Outline, which could be placed on the right side?
Thank you!
This should be supported directly in VSCode 1.64 (Jan. 2022), with the new side panel.
New Side Panel
This milestone, we introduce the Side Panel, a new surface in the workbench to house views from the Side Bar or the bottom Panel appearing opposite the Side Bar.
Unlike the historical ability to move the bottom Panel to the left or the right of the editor, the new Side Panel works in addition to the bottom Panel so you can see more sets of views at once.
To use the Side Panel, you'll need to move some views over to it.
Based on one of our most upvoted feature requests, you might want to move Outline from the Side Bar to Side Panel.
You can do this by dragging and dropping the view into the Side Panel.
If the Side Panel is not open, just like the bottom Panel, dragging a view to the edge of the editor area, will pop it open.
Alternatively, you can use the Move View command for something more keyboard friendly.
Moving Outline View to the Side Panel:
Yes you can, click on the Outline Title Bar and you can move it to any other panel, even the bottom Problems/Terminal panel.
You don't need any special extension for it. Almost all panels can be moved around in VSCode
You cannot have a Floating Window however.
You also Cannot have Two Sidebars
If you want to have the sidebar to the right go to View - Appearance - Move Side Bar Right
As of now, no you cannot have two sidebars, this is the issue tracking that feature.
I can suggest an alternative, you can move the outline to the bottom panel, where the terminal is so that you can have both at the same time but just not as a sidebar.
like this:
or like this but attaching two Bottom Panel tabs together.
Here is a Demo on how to do it
So after a lot of searching, I finally came up with my own solution. Apologies in advance for the poor screenshot quality. I used Microsoft's Steps Recording not realizing the image compression would be so poor.
First, open up a new terminal (Ctrl+Shift+`)
Make sure that the terminal tab is active in the panel. Right click the terminal name on the right-hand side and select "Move into editor area.
You can then right-click the now-tabbed Terminal in your editor space and select "Split down."
Your editor should look like the image below. However, we're not done yet! Here's where the magic happens. Open another terminal.
Things will look weird but this is going to work.
Click the "Outline" header in the sidebar and drag it into the bottom terminal panel:
Sidebar > (Outline) > Terminal Panel
Next, right-click on the tab bar of the bottom panel and select "Move Panel Right"
Et voila! You should how have a sidebar on the left, and Outline on the right, and a Terminal on the bottom!

How to make the "typing screen" bigger in vscode

How can I make this window bigger in VS Code?
I cant see the continued of the methods
Goto the View menu, then Appearance and Zoom In (Ctrl++). This will make the quick suggestions window bigger.
Afterwards, in the Settings.json you can reduce the "editor.fontSize" again until it fits your needs.
You can also try Full screen mode along with other options.
Press Ctrl+K and then Z to open editor in full screen without explorer and terminal, etc.
And you can use Ctrl+B to show/hide side bar and Ctrl+J to show terminal and console panel.

Page down/up when clicking in the VSCode scrollbar

Is there a setting to change the click behavior in the scrollbar to page up/down instead of jumping to the location in the file? This is the usual scrollbar behavior in almost every other applications except maybe unix applications.
A suggestion could be:
Left click: page up/down
Right click: jump to location
There is a setting for this now:
Editor: Scroll by Page
Controls whether clicks scrolls by page or
jumps to click position.
With that setting enabled, the editor will scroll by one viewport page when clicking anywhere above or below the scrollThumb. With it not enabled (the default) it will scroll to the position in the scroll track where you clicked.
This behavior does not currently exist. I suggest opening a feature request on github.
If, like me, you've been brought to this page despite putting "Visual Studio" into your web search, you can modify this behaviour in the full blown Visual Studio as follows:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Scroll Bars
Under "Behavior", toggle between bar mode and map mode
More information can be found by reading the Microsoft Docs for this feature.