Find and Update Inner Array - MongoDB - mongodb

"_id": {
"$oid": "5a99553c1b4a1b0922039e73"
"date_added": {
"$date": "2018-03-02T13:42:36.684Z"
"title": "Black Panther",
"__v": 14,
"alls": [
"name": "Mbezi",
"geocoordinates": "-6.8140361,39.2775983",
"region": "Dar es salaam",
"times": "",
"_id": {
"$oid": "5a9c74885980731a35a013b2"
"name": "DFM",
"geocoordinates": "-6.7726935,39.2196418",
"region": "Dar es salaam",
"times": "",
"_id": {
"$oid": "5a9c7f61bb57291a81d8309e"
How can i find alls name equals to "Mbezi" and update times to a certain value? Any links that can help me will be appreciated..


Enrich array of objects with another document based on a condition

Given two collections users and activities, I want to enrich users.friends.user with all relevant activities, such that users.friends.user matches doc2.invitations.userId.
Below describes exactly what I would like:
user f24b189f-9e00-4d2b-b7f2-148a265fae7c is not a part of any activity, so their activities array is [].
user 223f2e04-6f0c-40a3-a88a-69d0127f2e92 is a part of an activity, so their activities array is populated with the activity object.
"users": [
"_id": "9c69a57f-e90a-43be-b559-449e973c6cba",
"__v": {
"$numberInt": "0"
"friends": [
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"user": "f24b189f-9e00-4d2b-b7f2-148a265fae7c"
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"user": "223f2e04-6f0c-40a3-a88a-69d0127f2e92"
"activities": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92531bc6dea668f93bb06"
"invitations": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92531bc6dea668f93bb07"
"userId": "9c69a57f-e90a-43be-b559-449e973c6cba",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92544bc6dea668f93bb09"
"userId": "223f2e04-6f0c-40a3-a88a-69d0127f2e92",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
"__v": {
"$numberInt": "0"
Expected result:
"expectedResult": [
"_id": "9c69a57f-e90a-43be-b559-449e973c6cba",
"__v": {
"$numberInt": "0"
"friends": [
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"activities": [{
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92531bc6dea668f93bb06"
"invitations": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92531bc6dea668f93bb07"
"userId": "9c69a57f-e90a-43be-b559-449e973c6cba",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
"_id": {
"$oid": "63a92544bc6dea668f93bb09"
"userId": "223f2e04-6f0c-40a3-a88a-69d0127f2e92",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
"__v": {
"$numberInt": "0"
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"activities": []
And here's a link to the playground.
I played around with aggregate and populate, but this use case is unlike a regular "join", which is throwing me off. Any pointers will be appreciated.

mongodb:complex nested aggregation

I have this collection:
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
and i want to find specific document (by _id), then dive into specific chat in this document (by id), than use $lookup for replacing the "senderId" property in each message with a "sender" property that contains the full sender details (as a user), that exist in another collection (users). the result needs to look like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"sender": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"sender": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
You can use this aggregation:
$match to filter only selected document (_id)
$unwind multiple time to transform arrays into objects
$lookup to query external collection (users)
$group in reverse order
I assumed that your collections are more or less like this (next time, post both collections and also an example on a working playground)
"products": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308319"
"title": "volleyball",
"price": 8,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4928",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"users": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4928"
"username": "test",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168528
And here is the working aggregation:
"$match": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308319"
"$unwind": "$chats"
"$unwind": "$chats.messages"
"$addFields": {
"chats.messages.senderIdObjId": {
"$convert": {
"input": "$chats.messages.senderId",
"to": "objectId",
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "chats.messages.senderIdObjId",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "chats.messages.sender"
"$unwind": "$chats.messages.sender"
"$group": {
"_id": "$",
"messages": {
"$push": "$chats.messages"
"allFields": {
"$first": "$$ROOT"
"$addFields": {
"allFields.chats.messages": "$messages"
"$replaceWith": "$allFields"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"chats": {
"$push": "$chats"
"allFields": {
"$first": "$$ROOT"
"$addFields": {
"allFields.chats": "$chats"
"$replaceWith": "$allFields"
Working Playground here

MongoDb extract array

I have a mongodb which I want to extract some specific data.
Here is my json:
"jobs" : [
"id": 554523,
"code": "1256-554523",
"name": "Banco de Talentos",
"status": "published",
"type": "vacancy_type_effective",
"publicationType": "external",
"numVacancies": 1,
"departmentId": 108141,
"departmentName": "FUTURAS OPORTUNIDADES",
"roleId": 169970,
"roleName": "BANCO DE TALENTOS",
"createdAt": "2020-10-30T12:23:48.572Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-12-30T23:21:30.403Z",
"branchId": null,
"branchName": null
"id": 616834,
"code": "1256-616834",
"name": "YYYYYY (o) YYYYY",
"status": "frozen",
"type": "vacancy_type_effective",
"publicationType": "external",
"numVacancies": 1,
"departmentId": 109190,
"departmentName": "TESTE TESTE",
"roleId": 165712,
"roleName": "SL - TESTE PL",
"createdAt": "2020-12-16T14:17:36.187Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-29T17:08:43.613Z",
"branchId": 120448,
"branchName": "TESTE TESTE1"
"application": [
"id": 50707344,
"score": 40.251965332031254,
"partnerName": "indeed",
"endedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2020-12-21T11:21:30.587Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-18T22:02:35.866Z",
"tags": {},
"candidate": {
"birthdate": "1986-04-04",
"id": 578615,
"name": "TESTE",
"lastName": "TESTE TESTE",
"email": "",
"identificationDocument": "34356792807",
"countryOfOrigin": "BR",
"linkedinProfileUrl": "teste",
"gender": "female",
"mobileNumber": "+5511972319799",
"phoneNumber": "(11)2463-2039"
"job": {
"id": 619713,
"name": "XXXXde XXXX Pleno"
"manualCandidate": null,
"currentStep": {
"id": 3527370,
"name": "Cadastro",
"status": "done"
"id": 50707915,
"score": 3.75547943115234E+1,
"partnerName": "indeed",
"endedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2020-12-21T11:31:31.877Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-02-18T14:07:06.605Z",
"tags": {},
"candidate": {
"birthdate": "1971-10-02",
"id": 919358,
"name": "TESTE TESTE",
"lastName": "SILVA",
"email": "",
"identificationDocument": "3232323232",
"countryOfOrigin": "BR",
"linkedinProfileUrl": "teste/",
"gender": "female",
"mobileNumber": "11 94021- 5521",
"phoneNumber": "+5511995685247"
"job": {
"id": 619713,
"name": "Analista de XXXXX Pleno"
"manualCandidate": null,
"currentStep": {
"id": 3527370,
"name": "Cadastro",
"status": "done"
My question is: How can I extract only the array objects in jobs and application separately? Anyone knows the code in Mongodb for do this?
I need do this task for after I can insert the extract separated data in different collections.
Thanks a lot.
Unfortunately there is no real "good" way of doing this. Here is an example of how I would do it by using $facet and other operators to manipulate the structure
$match: {
/** your query*/
$facet: {
jobs: [
$unwind: "$jobs"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$jobs"
applications: [
$unwind: "$application"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$application"
$addFields: {
"merged": {
"$concatArrays": [
$unwind: "$merged"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$merged"
Mongo Playground
I would personally just do it in code after you fetched the document.

finding document based on different input mongodb

let bondNumber1 = "100000000001"
let bondNumber2 = "00000001"
let bondNumber3 = "000001"
let bondNumber4 = "0001"
I need to choose the user whose contain these bondNumber in their data and I want them separately, like the user contain bondNumber1 value retreived separately and the user who contain bondNumber2 value retreived seperatly and so on.
"_id": {
"$oid": "601af5cadea1ae126ac56bab"
"status": "pending",
"bondNumber": "100000000001",
"date": {
"$date": "1970-01-19T15:52:59.587Z"
"type": "sold"
"_id": {
"$oid": "601af80fdea1ae126ac56bac"
"status": "pending",
"bondNumber": "100000000002",
"date": {
"$date": "1970-01-19T15:53:00.172Z"
"type": "sold"
"_id": {
"$oid": "601afc0be3abcd1b474c546a"
"status": "pending",
"bondNumber": "100000000003",
"date": {
"$date": "1970-01-19T15:53:01.192Z"
"type": "sold"
"_id": {
"$oid": "601afe7ce3abcd1b474c546b"
"status": "pending",
"bondNumber": "100000000004",
"date": {
"$date": "1970-01-19T15:53:01.816Z"
"type": "active"
Try this one:
let inputBondNumbers = ["100000000001","00000001","000001","0001"]
let users = await db.collectionNameHere.find({
bondNumber: {$in : inputBondNumbers}

Elasticsearch nested query

I'm new to elasticsearch, managed to set it up and import recordset from my mongodb collection using the river plugin. For a start, I want to query against the "desc" field but just can't manage to get the query .. not sure if the problem is driven by the way index was defined.. can anyone help please?
Sample recordset in elastic search looks like this
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 107209,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "shiv",
"_type": "shiv",
"_id": "iG1eIzN7RGO7hFfxTlnLuA",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "50901d7f485bf7bd1c000021"
"brand": "",
"category": {
"$ref": "categories",
"$id": {
"$oid": "4fbd2221758cb11d14000174"
"comments": [],
"count_comment": 0,
"count_fav": 2,
"count_hotness": 1.46,
"count_rekick": 0,
"count_share": 0,
"country": {
"$ref": "countries",
"$id": {
"$oid": "4fec98f7758cb18c6e0002c9"
"currency": "pound",
"desc": "A men's automatic watch, this Seamaster Bond model features a Co-Axial escapement and date function. Its blue dial is teamed with a stainless steel case and bracelet for a look that's sporty and refined.",
"gender": "male",
"ident": "omega-seamaster-diver-bond-men-s-automatic-watch---ernest-jones-1351622015",
"img_url": "$detail$",
"lifestyles": [
"$ref": "lifestyles",
"$id": {
"$oid": "508ff6ca485bf73112000060"
"location": "United Kingdom",
"owner": {
"$ref": "accounts",
"$id": {
"$oid": "50742fd8485bf74b7a00213f"
"price": 2400,
"store": "",
"tags": [
"timestamp_creation": 1351622015,
"timestamp_exp": 1356825600,
"timestamp_update": 1351622015,
"title": "Omega Seamaster Diver Bond men's automatic watch - Ernest Jones",
"url": ""
The mapping of the index "shiv" looks like
"shiv": {
"properties": {
"$oid": {
"type": "string"
Thanks again
There are lots of ways to query, have you tried a match query?
Using curl or a rest client of your choice...
"query" : {
"match" : {
"desc" : "some value you want to find in desc"