How to perform PATCH operation in Firebase APi? - rest

The firebase doc sys this is how it is supposed to be done:
curl -X PATCH -d '{"last":"Jones"}' \
But I dont know how to convert this to a rest based request.
TO be clear I need to send a web request from javascript/java, hence I want to know what should be the body , and header and operation type for this request.
Can someone please help?

If you use the documentation for curl, you can figure out what that command line you showed is trying to tell you.
The HTTP method is: PATCH
The request body is: {"last":"Jones"}
The url is: https://[PROJECT_ID]
Where PROJECT_ID is the name of your project. That's all there is to it.

You need teh following structure:
HTTP Request:*YOUPROJECT_ID*/databases/(default)/documents/users_admin/*DOCUMENT_ID*?**updateMask.fieldPaths=user_name&updateMask.fieldPaths=permisos.Administrador&updateMask.fieldPaths=user_email**
JSON Body (must be exactly the same structure and type as your database):
"fields": {
"user_name": { "stringValue": "Test Actualización 2" },
"permisos": {
"mapValue": {
"fields": {
"Administrador": {
"booleanValue": true
"user_email": { "stringValue": "" }


How can I use Google Apps Script in Unity? [duplicate]

This question is about receiving POST request from somewhere. I'm looking for a google sheet script function that can take and handle data from the POST request in JSON format. Could you suggest any example?
The POST request is here:
"p1": "writeTitle",
"p2": [[URL]],
"p3": [[PIC_A]],
"p4": [[PIC_B]],
"p5": [[TITLE]]
doPost() doesn't work:
doPost(e) {
var json = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
You want to retrieve the value from the request body as an object.
You have already deployed Web Apps.
If my understanding of your situation is correct, how about this modification?
Post and retrieved object:
As a sample, I used the following curl command to POST to Web Apps.
curl -L \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-d '{"p1": "writeTitle","p2": "[[URL]]","p3": "[[PIC_A]]","p4": "[[PIC_B]]","p5": "[[TITLE]]"}' \
When above command is run, e of doPost(e) is as follows.
"parameter": {},
"contextPath": "",
"contentLength": 90,
"queryString": "",
"parameters": {},
"postData": {
"type": "application/json",
"length": 90,
"contents": "{\"p1\": \"writeTitle\",\"p2\": \"[[URL]]\",\"p3\": \"[[PIC_A]]\",\"p4\": \"[[PIC_B]]\",\"p5\": \"[[TITLE]]\"}",
"name": "postData"
The posted payload can be retrieved by e.postData. From above response, it is found that the value you want can be retrieved by e.postData.contents. By the way, when the query parameter and the payload are given like as follows,
curl -L \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-d '{"p1": "writeTitle","p2": "[[URL]]","p3": "[[PIC_A]]","p4": "[[PIC_B]]","p5": "[[TITLE]]"}' \
value can be retrieved by e.parameter or e.parameters. And the payload can be retrieved by e.postData.contents.
Modified script:
In this modified script, the result can be seen at the Stackdriver, and also the result is returned.
function doPost(e) {
var json = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(json));
When you modified your script of Web Apps, please redeploy it as new version. By this, the latest script is reflected to Web Apps. This is an important point.
Web Apps
Stackdriver Logging
If this was not what you want, I'm sorry.

How to delete an annotated tag (git tag) in VSTS API?

I'm able to successfully create an annotated tag (git tag) with the request below, but I'm not able to programmatically delete it.
"name": "wagner-test-3",
"message": "wagner-test-3",
"taggedObject": {
"objectId": "aaaaab6cad84a07b7bd65cf3519142a12f856baa"
According to the documentation there is no delete endpoint, so I've tried the delete ref endpoint but no luck so far. It only returns 400 (Invalid Request).
"count": 1,
"value": {
"Message": "The request is invalid."
I was able to figure out my own question. The way to delete an annotated tag is to update it with the Refs API. This is not well documented though.
"name": "refs/tags/wagner-test-3",
"newObjectId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"oldObjectId": "aaaaab6cad84a07b7bd65cf3519142a12f856baa"
Azure DevOps documentation:
Refs - Update Refs
Creating, updating, or deleting refs(branches).

How to ask permission in Actions on Google without the SDK?

I would like to know the name of the user, however I cannot use the nodejs sdk since I use another language.
How can I ask for permission?
I would prefer a way with the normal json responses.
I hacked this minimal script to get the JSON reponse which the nodejs sdk would return:
const DialogflowApp = require('actions-on-google').DialogflowApp;
const app = new DialogflowApp({
request: {
body: {
result: {
action: 'Test',
contexts: []
get: (h) => h
response: {
append: (h, v) => console.log(`${h}: ${v}`),
status: (code) => {
return {send: (resp) => console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 2))}
function testCode(app) {
app.askForPermission('To locate you', app.SupportedPermissions.DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION);
app.handleRequest(new Map().set('Test', testCode));
I'm still no node.js expert so this might be not an optimal solution. When you have installed node and run the command npm install actions-on-google, this will install the necessary dependencies.
When done you just need to run node gaction which will create this output:
Google-Assistant-API-Version: Google-Assistant-API-Version
Content-Type: application/json
"contextOut": [
"name": "_actions_on_google_",
"lifespan": 100,
"parameters": {}
"data": {
"google": {
"expect_user_response": true,
"no_input_prompts": [],
"is_ssml": false,
"system_intent": {
"intent": "assistant.intent.action.PERMISSION",
"spec": {
"permission_value_spec": {
"opt_context": "To locate you",
"permissions": [
If you send now the JSON above you will be asked from Google Home. Have fun!
The request/response JSON formats for the API.AI webhooks with Actions is documented at
As you've discovered, the attribute contains two fields regarding the request:
opt_context contains a string which is read to give some context about why you're asking for the information.
permissions is an array of strings specifying what information you're requesting. The strings can have the values
If you are using Java or Kotlin there is an Unofficial SDK. It matches the official SDK api nearly exactly.

How do you post a comment to Atlassian confluence using their REST api?

I'm trying to automatically add a comment to a page in confluence using the REST API.
I am testing using Postman, im pointing at this url:
using valid headers, and posting this json:
"value":"auto comment 1",
When I do i get this error back:
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Must provide id and type for Content"
this should work:

how to create an issue in jira via rest api?

Is it possible to create an issue in jira using REST api? I didn't find this in the documentation (no POST for issues), but I suspect it's possible.
A wget or curl example would be nice.
POST to this URL
This data:
"fields": {
"key": "<PROJECT_KEY>"
"summary": "REST EXAMPLE",
"description": "Creating an issue via REST API",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Bug"
In received answer will be ID and key of your ISSUE:
Don't forget about authorization. I used HTTP-Basic one.
The REST API in JIRA 5.0 contains methods for creating tasks and subtasks.
(At time of writing, 5.0 is not yet released, although you can access 5.0-m4 from the EAP page. The doco for create-issue in 5.0-m4 is here).
As of the latest released version (4.3.3) it is not possible to do using the REST API. You can create issues remotely using the JIRA SOAP API.
See this page for an example Java client.
This is C# code:
string postUrl = "";
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(postUrl);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("JIRAMMS:JIRAMMS"));
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
string json = #"{""fields"":{""project"":{""key"": ""JAPI""},""summary"": ""REST EXAMPLE"",""description"": ""Creating an issue via REST API 2"",""issuetype"": {""name"": ""Bug""}}}";
var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
To answer the question more direct, i.e. using cURL.
To use cURL to access JIRA REST API in creating a case, use
curl -D- -u <username>:<password> -X POST --data-binary "#<filename>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<jira-host>/rest/api/2/issue/
And save this in your < Filename> (please edit the field per your Jira case) and save in the folder you call the cURL command above.
"fields": {
"key": "<PROJECT_KEY>"
"summary": "REST EXAMPLE",
"description": "Creating an issue via REST API",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Bug"
This should works. (note sometimes if it errors, possibly your content in the Filename is incorrect).
Now you can use REST + JSON to create issues.
To check which json fields you can set to create the issue use:
For more information please see the JIRA rest documentation:
To send the issue data with REST API we need to construct a valid JSON string comprising of issue details.
A basic example of JSON string:
{“fields” : { “project” : { “key” : “#KEY#” } , “issuetype” : { “name” : “#IssueType#” } } }
Now, establish connection to JIRA and check for the user authentication.
Once authentication is established, we POST the REST API + JSON string via XMLHTTP method.
Process back the response and intimate user about the success or failure of the response.
So here JiraService being an XMLHTTP object, something like this will add an issue, where EncodeBase64 is a function which returns encrypted string.
Public Function addJIRAIssue() as String
With JiraService
.Open "POST", <YOUR_JIRA_URL> & "/rest/api/2/issue/", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & EncodeBase64
If .Status <> 401 Then
addJIRAIssue = .responseText
addJIRAIssue = "Error: Invalid Credentials!"
End If
End With
Set JiraService = Nothing
End Sub
You can check out a complete VBA example here
In order to create an issue, set a time estimate and assign it to yourself, use this:
Generate an Atlassian token
Generate & save a base64-encoded auth token:
export b64token="$(echo "<your_email>:<generated_token>" | openssl base64)"
Make a POST request:
curl -X POST \
https://<your_jira_host> \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic $b64token \
-d '{
"key":"<your_project_key (*)>"
"name":"<your_name (**)>"
"summary":"Endpoint Development"
(*) Usually a short, capitalized version of the project description such as:
(**) if you don't know your JIRA name, cURL GET with the same Authorization as above to https://<your_jira_host><any_project_name> and look for
Just stumbling on this and am having issues creating an issue via the REST API.
issue_dict = {
'project': {'key': "<Key>"},
'summary': 'New issue from jira-python',
'description': 'Look into this one',
'issuetype': {'name': 'Test'},
new_issue = jira.create_issue(issue_dict)
new_issue returns an already existing issue and doesn't create one.