no process: the process is not alive, for connecting to mongo - mongodb

Im using mongox fork on my elixir server
it used to work well, untill today, when I keep getting the below error:
GenServer #PID<0.23055.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in:, {\"a9f40827e764c2e9d74318e934596194\", <<88, 76, 231, 25, 765, 153, 136, 68, 54, 109, 131, 126, 543, 654, 201, 250>>, 10000}, 5000)
** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started
(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:766:
(mongox) lib/mongo/connection/auth/scram.ex:66: Mongo.Connection.Auth.SCRAM.second_message/5
(mongox) lib/mongo/connection/auth/scram.ex:25: Mongo.Connection.Auth.SCRAM.conversation_first/6
(mongox) lib/mongo/connection/auth.ex:29: anonymous fn/3 in
(elixir) lib/enum.ex:2914: Enum.find_value_list/3
(mongox) lib/mongo/connection/auth.ex:28:
(mongox) lib/mongo/connection.ex:206: Mongo.Connection.connect/2
(connection) lib/connection.ex:622: Connection.enter_connect/5
Last message: nil
State: %{auth: [{\"my-user\", \"mypassword\"}], database: \"my-db\", opts: [backoff: 1000, hosts: [{\"\", \"17060\"}], port: 17060, hostname: '', name: MongoPool, max_overflow: 500], queue: %{}, request_id: 0, socket: nil, tail: nil, timeout: 5000, wire_version: nil, write_concern: [w: 1]}
after digging into the code, I figured out:
failed on this row (on the deps):
when trying to call to pbkdf2
which makes a genserver call
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations) do, {password, salt, iterations})
is this an error with the connecting to the mongo instance ( which is on mlab) or is it an issue with the code?
here are my configs:
config :mongo_app, MongoApp,
host: "",
database: "my-db",
username: "my-user",
password: "mypass**",
port: "17060",
pool_size: "100",
max_overflow: "500"
def application do
[extra_applications: [:logger, :poolboy],
mod: {MongoApp.Application, []}]
defp deps do
[{:mongox, git: "", branch: "feature/nan_type_support"},
{:poolboy, "~> 1.5"}
defmodule MongoApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MongoApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


Mongo ECONNREFUSED Error: Using docker-compose to spin up a container with a backend app and a container with a mongo db leads to error

I have a custom made docker image for the backend of my app. I have a yaml file that runs my app image and a mongo image. However, when I use docker-compose on the yml file, I get the following error (about 20 seconds and the containers start running):
(node:33) [MONGOOSE] DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: the `strictQuery` option will be switched back to `false` by default in Mongoose 7. Use `mongoose.set('strictQuery', false);` if you want to prepare for this change. Or use `mongoose.set('strictQuery', true);` to suppress this warning.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Server listening on port 3000
const serverSelectionError = new ServerSelectionError();
MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Connection.openUri (/cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/connection.js:825:32)
at /cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/index.js:409:10
at /cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/helpers/promiseOrCallback.js:41:5
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at promiseOrCallback (/cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/helpers/promiseOrCallback.js:40:10)
at Mongoose._promiseOrCallback (/cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/index.js:1262:10)
at Mongoose.connect (/cloudband/node_modules/mongoose/lib/index.js:408:20)
at Object.<anonymous> (/cloudband/server/server.js:15:4)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1239:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1293:10) {
reason: TopologyDescription {
type: 'Unknown',
servers: Map(1) {
'localhost:27017' => ServerDescription {
address: 'localhost:27017',
type: 'Unknown',
hosts: [],
passives: [],
arbiters: [],
tags: {},
minWireVersion: 0,
maxWireVersion: 0,
roundTripTime: -1,
lastUpdateTime: 28094812,
lastWriteDate: 0,
error: MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED
at connectionFailureError (/cloudband/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connect.js:387:20)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/cloudband/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connect.js:310:22)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)
at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:151:8)
at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:116:3)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
cause: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1495:16) {
errno: -111,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 27017
[Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(1) { 'ResetPool' }
topologyVersion: null,
setName: null,
setVersion: null,
electionId: null,
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null,
primary: null,
me: null,
'$clusterTime': null
stale: false,
compatible: true,
heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000,
localThresholdMS: 15,
setName: null,
maxElectionId: null,
maxSetVersion: null,
commonWireVersion: 0,
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null
code: undefined
Here are my files:
FROM node:19.4.0
WORKDIR /cloudband
COPY package.json /cloudband/
COPY package-lock.json /cloudband/
RUN npm ci
COPY .env /cloudband/
COPY server /cloudband/server/
CMD ["npm", "run", "dev:server"]
YAML file:
version: '3'
image: mongo
container_name: mongo
- 27017:27017
image: cloudband
container_name: cloudband
- 3000:3000
command: npm run dev:server
I expected my application and mongo db to start running in their respective containers and for them to be able to communicate (i.e. create documents / find documents / etc.).
What I have already tried:
-making sure they are in the same network (they are)
-making sure they can ping each other (they can)
-adding links to my app in the yaml file
-checked configurations and i think they are ok (port, host, ip)
-switching my uri to the following things:
# MONGO_URI_=mongodb://admin:password#localhost:27017/dbname
# MONGO_URI_=mongodb://
Things to consider:
node v18.12.0 is installed on my computer
In a container, localhost means the container itself.
Docker-compose creates a docker network where the containers can talk to each other using their service name or container names as host names.
So, instead of
you need to use

Timeout Mongodb with Docker

I'm having trouble working my code in docker. Could you please help me?
I'm putting my application in docker together with mongo in docker, but when I run the file inside docker it doesn't connect with the mongo of the other docker and accuses Timeout.
My Docker:
version: "3.4"
image: mongo:6.0
- "27017:27017"
- ./mongo_db:/data/db
container_name: mongo_db
image: mongo_img_db:latest
- mongo_db
command: python3 /app/
container_name: mongo_app
### Connection: Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'app')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/", line 216, in <module>
File "/app/", line 43, in calculate_artifacts_size
artifacts_size = self.db_client.builds.aggregate(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 2428, in aggregate
with self.__database.client._tmp_session(session, close=False) as s:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 119, in __enter__
return next(self.gen)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 1757, in _tmp_session
s = self._ensure_session(session)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 1740, in _ensure_session
return self.__start_session(True, causal_consistency=False)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 1685, in __start_session
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 538, in _check_implicit_session_support
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 554, in _check_session_support
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymongo/", line 238, in _select_servers_loop
raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError(
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: localhost:27017: [Errno 111] Connection refused, Timeout: 30s, Topology Description: <TopologyDescription id: 63542415a868649d12f2a966, topology_type: Unknown, servers: [<ServerDescription ('localhost', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect('localhost:27017: [Errno 111] Connection refused')>]>

Redis cluster connection lost

I have a Redis cluster deployed in Kubernetes with the bitnami/redis-cluster chart. I made a connection to cluster from nodejs using redis-cluster npm package. After the connection made, I try to set thousands of keys continuously. To finish all the process time expected to be ten minutes. But after two minutes of connection, Redis connection lost.
Whether it is a problem with connectivity, what I have to do? Like a change in config or anything.
What may be the exact reason for that connection lost in my scenario or in common scenarios?
My code:
const redis = require('redis');
const redisCluster = require('redis-clustr')
const redisClient = new redisCluster({
servers: [
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 },
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 },
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 },
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 },
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 },
{ host: "IP", port: 6379 }
createClient: (port, host) => {
return redis.createClient({
auth_pass: 'PASSWORD',
<My data processing code to set thousands of keys>
(node:15827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: AbortError: Redis connection lost and command aborted. It might have been processed.
at RedisClient.flush_and_error (/root/data-pipeline/node_modules/redis/index.js:362:23)
at RedisClient.connection_gone (/root/data-pipeline/node_modules/redis/index.js:664:14)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/root/data-pipeline/node_modules/redis/index.js:293:14)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30)
at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
at Socket.emit (events.js:208:7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
(node:15827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:15827) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Phoenix Elixir Distillery not using correct database connection

I'm trying to build a Phoenix application with Distillery, however when I try start the compiled application I keep getting an error about not being able to fine the database.
17:44:50.925 [error] GenServer #PID<0.1276.0> terminating
** (KeyError) key :database not found in: [hostname: "localhost", username: "martinffx", types: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.TypeModule, port: 5432, name: Glitchr.Repo.Pool, otp_app: :glitchr, repo: Glitchr.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, pool_size: 10, ssl: true, pool_timeout: 5000, timeout: 15000, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, pool_size: 10, ssl: true, pool: DBConnection.Poolboy]
(elixir) lib/keyword.ex:343: Keyword.fetch!/2
(postgrex) lib/postgrex/protocol.ex:76: Postgrex.Protocol.connect/1
(db_connection) lib/db_connection/connection.ex:134: DBConnection.Connection.connect/2
(connection) lib/connection.ex:622: Connection.enter_connect/5
(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: nil
Now the details above aren't what I've provided in the prod.ex
config :glitchr, Glitchr.Endpoint,
http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],
url: [host: "localhost", port: {:system, "PORT"}],
cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/manifest.json",
server: true,
root: ".",
version: Mix.Project.config[:version],
secret_key_base: System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE")
config :glitchr, Glitchr.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "10"),
ssl: true
Where my database url is DATABASE_URL=postgres://glitchr:password#db:5433/glitchr
Why is that? How can I debug what I'm not getting right?

How to open firewall port with ansible firewalld task on Centos 7

I have a task in my ansible-playbook script to open TCP port on a remote machine. but when I run my ansible playbook it throws an error. But when i run "firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=1234/tcp" and "firewalld-cmd --reload" I can see port is added in public zone.
Ansible local: OS x El Capitan
Ansible remote: AWS Centos 7 minimum version
Ansible version:
Remote python version: 2.7.5
My task
- name: open management console port
firewalld: port=1234/tcp zone=public permanent=true state=enabled immediate=yes
The error I am getting
fatal: [X.X.X.X]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_MojhHQ/\", line 605, in <module>\r\n main()\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_MojhHQ/\", line 456, in main\r\n is_enabled = get_port_enabled_permanent(zone, [port, protocol])\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_MojhHQ/\", line 170, in get_port_enabled_permanent\r\n fw_zone = fw.config().getZoneByName(zone)\r\n File \"<string>\", line 2, in getZoneByName\r\n File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/\", line 103, in _enable_proxy\r\n return func(*p, **k)\r\n File \"<string>\", line 2, in getZoneByName\r\n File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/firewall/\", line 52, in handle_exceptions\r\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\r\n File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/firewall/\", line 1505, in getZoneByName\r\n path = dbus_to_python(self.fw_config.getZoneByName(name))\r\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/\", line 70, in __call__\r\n return self._proxy_method(*args, **keywords)\r\n File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/\", line 50, in __call__\r\n return dbus.proxies._ProxyMethod.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)\r\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/\", line 145, in __call__\r\n **keywords)\r\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/\", line 651, in call_blocking\r\n message, timeout)\r\ndbus.exceptions.DBusException: \r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "parsed": false}
- name: Install firewalld
name: firewalld
state: latest
- start firewalld
- name: start firewalld
name: firewalld
state: started
enabled: yes
become: yes
- name: enable 1234
zone: public
port: 1234/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
become: yes
Do it this way . It will work
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: indicates there's some sort of permissions error. The task probably needs to elevate its privileges with become: yes.
See the become documentation for more details.