How to select several element from an RDD file line using Spark in Scala - scala

I'm new in spark and scala and I would like to select several columns from a dataset.
I transformed my data in RDD a file using :
val dataset = sc.textFile(args(0))
Then I split my line
val resu = => line.split("\001"))
But I in my dataset I have a lot of features and I just want to keep some of then (colums 2 and 3)
I tried this (which works with Pyspark) but It does'nt work.
val resu = => line.split("\001")[2,3])
I know this is a newbie question but is there someone who can help me ? thanks.

I just want to keep some of then (colums 2 and 3)
If you want columns 2 and 3 in tuple form you can do
val resu = => {
val array = line.split("\001")
(array(2), array(3))
But if you want column 2 and 3 in array form then you can do
val resu = => {
val array = line.split("\001")
Array(array(2), array(3))

In Scala, in order to access to specific list elements you have to use parentheses.
In your case, you want a sublist, so you can try the slice(i, j) function. It extracts the elements from the index i to the j-1. So in your case, you may use:
val resu = => line.split("\001").slice(2,4))
Hope it helps.


Scala map-filtering methods

I'm new to Scala and Spark. I'm trying to remove duplicate rows of a text file.
Each row contains three columns (vector values), such as : -4.5,-4.2,2.7
This is my program :
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object WordCount {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("WordCount").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val input = sc.textFile("/opt/spark/WC/WC_input.txt")
val keys = input.flatMap(line => line.split("/n"))
val singleKeys = keys.distinct
It works, but I wanted to know if there was a way to employ the filter function. I have to use it in my program, but I don't know how to iterate among all the rows and remove the duplicates (with a loop for example).
If anybody has an idea, would be great!
Thank you!
I think using filter to do that wouldn't be a very effective solution. For each element you would have to either see if this element is already present in some sort of temporary dataset or calculate how much of these elements are in processed dataset.
If you want to iterate over it and maybe do some on-the-fly edits you can apply map and then reduceByKey to group same elements. Like this
val singleKeys =
.map( element => ( element , 0 ) )
.reduceByKey( ( element, count ) => element )
.map( _._1 )
where you can do changes to the dataset in the first map part. count parameter is not used although by definition of reduceByKey we need a second parameter in Tuple or Map.
I think this is basically how distinct internally works.
Duplicate elements of RDD can be removed in this way:
val data = List("-4.5,-4.2,2.7", "10,20,30", "-4.5,-4.2,2.7")
val rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val result =, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).filter(_._2 == 1).map(_._1)

Spark scala filter multiple rdd based on string length

I am trying to solve one of the quiz, the question is as below,
Write the missing code in the given program to display the expected output to identify animals that have names with four
Output: Array((4,lion))
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog","tiger","lion","cat","spider","eagle"),2)
val b = a.keyBy(_.length)
val c = sc.parallelize(List("ant","falcon","squid"),2)
val d = c.keyBy(_.length)
I have tried to write code in spark shell but get stuck with syntax to add 4 RDD and applying filter.
How about using the PairRDD lookup method:
// res1: Array[String] = Array(lion)
// res2: Array[String] = Array()

How to concat multiple columns in a data frame using Scala

I am trying concat multiple columns in a data frame . My column list are present in a variable. I am trying to pass that variable into concat function but not able to do that.
Ex: base_tbl_columns contain list of columns and I am using below code to select all the columns mentioned in the varibale .
scala> val base_tbl_columns = scd_table_keys_df.first().getString(5).split(",")
base_tbl_columns: Array[String] = Array(acct_nbr, account_sk_id, zip_code, primary_state, eff_start_date, eff_end_date, load_tm, hash_key, eff_flag)
val hist_sk_df_ld =,base_tbl_columns.tail: _*)
Similarly, I have one more list whcih I want to use for concatenation. But there the concat function is not taking the .head and .tail argument.
scala> val hash_key_cols = scd_table_keys_df.first().getString(4)
hash_key_cols: String = primary_state,zip_code
Here I am hard coding the value primary_state and zip_code.
Here I am passing the variable hash_key_cols .
.withColumn("hash_key_col",concat(hash_key_cols ))
I was able t do this in python by using the code below.
hist_sk_df = hist_tbl_df.join(broadcast(hist_tbl_lkp_df) ,primary_key_col,'inner' ).withColumn("eff_start_date",lit(load_dt))**.withColumn('hash_key_col',F.concat(*hash_key_cols))**.withColumn("hash_key",hash_udf('hash_key_col')).withColumn("eff_end_date",lit(eff_close_dt)).withColumn("load_tm",lit(load_tm)).withColumn("eff_flag",lit(eff_flag_curr))
val base_tbl_columns: Array[String] = ??? => col(c)): _*))

How do I split a Spark rdd Array[(String, Array[String])]?

I'm practicing on doing sorts in the Spark shell. I have an rdd with about 10 columns/variables. I want to sort the whole rdd on the values of column 7.
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = ...
From what I gather the way to do that is by using sortByKey, which in turn only works on pairs. So I mapped it so I'd have a pair consisting of column7 (string values) and the full original rdd (array of strings)
rdd2 = => (c(7),c))
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])] = ...
I then apply sortByKey, still no problem...
rdd3 = rdd2.sortByKey()
rdd3: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])] = ...
But now how do I split off, collect and save that sorted original rdd from rdd3 (Array[String])? Whenever I try a split on rdd3 it gives me an error:
val rdd4 =',')(2))
<console>:33: error: value split is not a member of (String, Array[String])
What am I doing wrong here? Are there other, better ways to sort an rdd on one of its columns?
what you did with rdd2 = => (c(7),c)) is to map it to a tuple.
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])]
exactly as it says :).
now if you want to split the record you need to get it from this tuple.
you can map again, taking only the second part of the tuple (which is the array of Array[String]...) like so :
but i would strongly suggest to use try rdd.sortBy(_(7)) or something of this sort. this way you do not need to bother yourself with tuple and such.
if you want to sort the rdd using the 7th string in the array, you can just do it directly by
rdd.sortBy(_(6)) // array starts at 0 not 1
rdd.sortBy(arr => arr(6))
That will save you all the hassle of doing multiple transformations. The reason why rdd.sortBy(_._7) or rdd.sortBy(x => x._7) won't work is because that's not how you access an element inside an Array. To access the 7th element of an array, say arr, you should do arr(6).
To test this, i did the following:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array(Array("ard", "bas", "wer"), Array("csg", "dip", "hwd"), Array("asg", "qtw", "hasd")))
// I want to sort it using the 3rd String
val sorted_rdd = rdd.sortBy(_(2))
Here's the result:
Array(Array("ard", "bas", "wer"), Array("csg", "dip", "hwd"), Array("asg", "qtw", "hasd"))
just do this:
val rdd4 =
I thought you don't familiar with Scala,
So, below should help you understand more, => {
println(kv._1) // This represent String
println(kv._2) // This represent Array[String]

Splitting string in dataset Apache Spark

I am absolutely new in Spark
I have a txt dataset with cathegorical attributes, looking like this:
The task is to get the number of strings, where numeral on 57th position
is 1 . The problem is that strings are the elements of the RDD, so I need to split each string and make an array(x,y) to get the position i need.
I tried to use
val censusText = sc.textFile("")
val splitRDD =>line.split(","))
but It didn't help
But I have no idea how to do it.
Can you please help me
You can try:
censusText.filter(l => l.split(",")(56) == "1").count
// res5: Long = 12
Or you can first split the RDD then do the filter / count:
val splitRDD = => l.split(","))
splitRDD.filter(r => r(56) == "1").count
// res7: Long = 12