What is og_phrase(Open Graph phrase) in facebook photo api? - facebook

There is a parameter named "og_phrase" in Facebook Open Graph API documentation.
There is no explanation for that parameter.
Web search doesn't return anything.


Get Facebook comments from a non-Facebook site URL

Is there still a way to get Facebook comments from a site URL using Graph API?
I tried converting a site URL to an object-id, but it failed using Graph API Explorer.
Some older posts mention using /{object-id}/comments, some mention ?id=https://she.hr/nevjerojatni-spoj-dragocjenih-bisera-i-pouzdane-njege-uz-nivea-pearlbeauty-black-antiperspiranate/&fields=og_object{comments{message,from{name,%20picture}}}
But I couldn't get a single comment.
I also found fb_comment_id in comments' IFRAME, but couldn't get data on that one either on Graph API explorer (using /{comment_id}).

Get insights using Facebook API

I'm using the code below on Graph API Explorer to get my Facebook campaigns insights, but I can't get the number of page likes and the conversions. How can I do that?
You can set:
and add the 'actions' to the fields. One of the action type is 'like'

how can I get facebook official page id of a page using graph api

for example the official page of burj khalifa is https://www.facebook.com/BurjKhalifa/ where BurjKhalifa is the page id and alternate page id is 10262742980397...
https://www.facebook.com/10262742980397 and https://www.facebook.com/BurjKhalifa/ refers to the official page of Burj Khalifa.. How can I get official facebook page id of a given place using graph api
Generate and encode url of the page and call:

Find related facebook interests using graph API

I'm trying to figure out a way find related interests on Facebook. E.g. I want to search for Cityville and result should be Farmville, Castleville etc.
Is there an API to support this, what are the alternatives?
You can search the JSON result by the Graph API with the url https://graph.facebook.com/me/likes?access_token={your_token_here}, replacing the "me" with the Facebook User ID/Name.
If you are looking for pages search, you can use the same API, with the url https://graph.facebook.com/search?q={keyword}&type=page&access_token={your_token_here}.

Get access to photos' tags on Facebook with Graph API

It's possible to get access for tags on friends' photo from facebook app? Lets assume I have friends_photos permission.
If yes, how to do it using Graph API? How would I know on which photo is tag I have got from Graph API?
FQL the photo_tag table.
You can graph FQL with:https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=QUERY
Read more on documentation.
take a look at:
photos.getTags // Returns the set of user tags for all photos specified.
more at: