I'm developing a method wich takes a logged FB user to my app and takes its profile picture. Is there a way to identify a picture as unique.
I mean, if 2 persons upload same picture, same picture name, can both have same picture id? is this picture unique? is there a way to get this picture as unique?
Consider an application with a messaging/commenting widget. When a user posts, his/her social media profile picture is used if they've given the app authorization etc. How is it that other users can also view that same profile picture? Even at a later date?
Would I store the users social media id in a database and call the picture for other users that way? Do social media sites allow you to use basic information like profile pictures and first name etc without an actual authorization from the user once you've got the id? Or are sites saving the images and data on their own servers for later representation?
Twitter profile pictures are just images stored on a public server; the images themselves can be retrieved regardless of whether or not you're logged in to Twitter.
Once your user allows you to access their Twitter profile, grab the URL for the image and store it in a database. Then, when you want to display the image, call it with the image URL just like you would any other image in a web application.
I am trying to make a facebook photo contest app. Users can upload an image via the app and it goes on their wall and into an album automatically created for my app. However I cannot find any way using the graph api to get the array of uploaded images for all users. Is this possible? I thought...
would work but it returns an empty array.
The photos are uploaded using...
$facebook->api($this->app_id . '/photos', 'post', $args);
I can access a single image using its id and the app's token but this will require looping through every single image id to get the details.
In order to access a users photo album (even if it was created by your application), you'll need a valid user access token. It's their album after all. If a user changes their password or even uninstalls your application, you will no longer have access to their content.
To keep track of all these photo's you'll have to monitor each upload and store it (in your database for example).
Facebook doesn't usually allow you to collect masses of data in this way. You will have to query each individual user or photo to get this info if you don't store it in some other method.
I want to show profile pictures of people in my facebook html5 game using graph api. However, my problem is that I don't want, other people using my game, to find out other people's facebook ids by simply right clicking on the picture.
Is there any way to get profile pictures of people from facebook with ambiguous picture url?
Does the Facebook API return the UNIQUE ID of photos I upload to FB through my app?
There are data I would like to keep track of of the photos which Facebook doesn't but I want to present in my app.
Each photo was specified with a unique "identity", This identity is specified by the user's id and photo's id
A typical url of a photo looks like this:
That's a preview mode, in order to access a user's photos you must have also the privileges to access it
Also I know that each photo on fb has a permalink too
Looking like :http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/xxxx_10150317692149803_5524802_7778361_2055733189_n.jpg This is also accessible though fb's sdk but also is under user's privileges
I believe it does, but you will most likely need the correct photo privilege to retrieve it. Also if your app is posting the photo. It should return the id of the newly created picture
Yes you can do it. When your application uploads any photo of facebook, facebook creates a album with your application name. Now you can grab all photos which have aid of your application. For more you can check from here
Yes, the id is unique. An id also tells us the type of object based on where it is within our global block of ids (FBIDs).
I am currently developing a site for models/actors, and at this point I am just trying to ascertain what I can and can't do with Facebook Connect (I have virtually no experience in using Facebook Connect or FQL).
Basically there is going to be a facility whereby users will be able to upload their pictures. I want to know is it possible to use Facebook Connect to get the user's photo albums, in order to save the user from re-uploading all the photo's that are already on FB?
If so, do I/should I LINK to these photos, or FETCH them from Facebook and save a copy on my server?
EDIT: Just to clarify, this is what I want to do:
User will register on my site and agree to associate their Facebook ID with my site.
I then want to present the user with a list of all their albums that are on Facebook, the user can then select which albums they want to display on my site.
(optional) The user can select which specific photos in each album they want to display on my site.
Is this possible to do at all?
You can upload photos using the API. Check out this: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo
If it were me, I would just upload the photo to Facebook and save the URL of the image rather than store it on my own server. You could do either one, but I don't see the sense is storing the image twice. The one issue could be if you wanted your photo at a higher quality than Facebook allows, but their quality is pretty high.