JPQL query delete not accept a declared JOIN? - jpa

I'm trying to understand why the Hibernate not accepts this follow JPQL:
#Query("delete from Order order JOIN credit WHERE IN ?1")
void deleteWithListaIds(List<Long> ids);
The error that I receive is:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: node to traverse cannot be null!
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.NodeTraverser.traverseDepthFirst(
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.parse(
But accepts this:
#Query("delete from Order order WHERE IN ?1")
void deleteWithListaIds(List<Long> ids);
The entity Order (the entity Credit does not map the Orders):
public class Order {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = SEQUENCE)
#SequenceGenerator(name = SEQUENCE, sequenceName = SEQUENCE, allocationSize = 1)
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private Long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "credit_id", foreignKey = #ForeignKey(name = "fk_order_credit"))
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
private Credit credit;
In select statements, the two approaches are accepted, but I don't understand why Hibernate have this limitation or if I'm doing something wrong in my DELETE Jpql. I would like to declare the JOIN in the query.
The only way that I know to resolve this problem in more complex queries is create a subselect:
delete from Order order WHERE IN (
SELECT FROM Order order
JOIN credit
WHERE in ?1)
Is this the right approach for more complex delete queries?
I'm using the Spring Jpa Repository in the code above and Spring Boot 1.5.10.RELEASE.

I don't understand why Hibernate have this limitation.
It is specified as such in the JPA Spec in section 4.10:
delete_statement ::= delete_clause [where_clause]
delete_clause ::= DELETE FROM entity_name [[AS] identification_variable]
So joins aren't allowed in delete statements.
Why this was decided this way is pure speculation on my side.
But the select_clause or delete_clause specify what the query operates on. While it is totally fine for a select statement to operate on a combination of multiple entities a join for a delete doesn't really make much sense.
It just forces you to specify which entity to delete.
The only way that I know to resolve this problem in more complex queries is to create a subselect:
Is this the right approach for more complex delete queries?
If you can't express it using simpler means then yes, this is the way to go.


Spring JPA/Hibernate Repository findAll is doing N+1 requests instead of a JOIN by default in Kotlin

I am working in a Spring JPA/Hibernate application with Kotlin and I want to find all elements in an entity.
That entity has a foreign key with a #ManyToOne relationship. I want to get all elements with their associated values with a JOIN query avoiding the N+1 problem.
One thing is that the foreign keys are not related to the primary keys, but to another unique field in the entities (UUID).
I was able to make that query with a JOIN creating a custom Query with a JOIN FETCH, but my point is to avoid creating those queries and make those JOINS in all findAlls by default.
Is that possible or do I have to make a query in JPQL manually to force the JOIN FETCH?
Here is the example code:
data class A {
val id: Long,
val uuid: UUID,
val name: String
data class B {
val id: Long,
#JoinColumn(name = "a_uuid", referencedColumnName = "uuid", insertable = false, updatable = false)
val a: A
interface Repo<B> : CrudRepository<B, Long>
repo.findAll() // <-- This triggers N+1 queries instead of making a JOIN
Another option for you is using EntityGraph. It allows defining a template by grouping the related persistence fields which we want to retrieve and lets us choose the graph type at runtime.
This is an example code that is made by modifying your code.
data class A (
val id: Long,
val uuid: UUID,
val name: String
) : Serializable
name = "b_with_all_associations",
includeAllAttributes = true
data class B (
val id: Long,
#JoinColumn(name = "a_uuid", referencedColumnName = "uuid")
val a: A
interface ARepo: CrudRepository<A, Long>
interface BRepo: CrudRepository<B, Long> {
#EntityGraph(value = "b_with_all_associations", type = EntityGraph.EntityGraphType.FETCH)
override fun findAll(): List<B>
class Main(
private val aRepo: ARepo,
private val bRepo: BRepo
) : CommandLineRunner {
override fun run(vararg args: String?) {
(1..3L).forEach {
val a = = it, uuid = UUID.randomUUID(), name = "Name-$it")) = it + 100, a = a))
On B entity, an entity graph named "b_with_all_associations" is defined, and it is applied to the findAll method of the repository of B entity with LOAD type.
These things will prevent your N+1 problem by fetching with join.
Here is the SQL log for the bRepo.findAll().
select as id1_1_0_, as id1_0_1_,
b0_.a_uuid as a_uuid2_1_0_, as name2_0_1_,
a1_.uuid as uuid3_0_1_
b b0_
left outer join
a a1_
on b0_.a_uuid=a1_.uuid
ps1. due to this issue, I don't recommend using many to one relationship with non-pk. It forces us to use to 'One' entity.
ps2. EntityGraph can be a good answer to your question when you want to solve the N+1 problem with Join. But I would recommend the better solution: try to solve it with Lazy loading.
ps3. It's not a good idea that using non-pk associations for Hibernate. I truly agree on this comment. I think it's a bug that is not solved yet. It breaks the lazy loading mechanism of hibernate.
As far as I know, the fetch mode only applies to EntityManager.find related queries or when doing lazy loading but never when executing HQL queries, which is what is happening behind the scenes. If you want this to be join fetched, you will have to use an entity graph, which is IMO also better as you can define it per use-site, rather than globally.
I don't know how to configure exactly what you are asking, but the following suggestion might be worth considering...
#JoinColumn(name = "a_uuid", referencedColumnName = "uuid", insertable = false, updatable = false)
val a: A
#ManyToOne(fetch = javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "a_uuid", referencedColumnName = "uuid", insertable = false, updatable = false)
val a: A
And then on your entity A, add the annotation to the class
#BatchSize(size = 1000)
Or whatever batch-size you feel to be appropriate.
This will generally give you the results in 2 queries if you have less than 1000 results. It will load a proxy for A rather than joining to A, but then the first time that A is accessed, it will populate the proxies for BATCH_SIZE number of entities.
It reduces the number of queries from
N + 1
1 + round_up(N / BATCH_SIZE)
The findAll implementation will always load b first and then resolve it's dependencies checking the annotations. If you want to avoid the N+1 problem you can add the #Query annotation with JPQL query:
#Query("select b from TableB b left join fetch b.a")

EclipseLink ManyToOne - CriteriaBuilder Generated Query is Wrong

I have an Entity with a ManyToOne Relationship to the Primary Key of another entity. When I create a query that references this Foreign Key eclipseLink always creates a join instead of simply accessing the Foreign Key.
I have created a highly simplified example to show my issue:
public class House {
#Column(name = "H_ID")
private long id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String name;
#JoinColumn(name = "G_ID")
private Garage garage;
public class Garage{
#Column(name = "G_ID")
private long id;
#Column(name = "SPACE")
private Integer space;
I created a query that should return all houses that either have no garage or have a garage with G_ID = 0 using the CriteriaBuilder.
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<House> query = cb.createQuery(House.class);
Root<House> houseRoot = query.from(House.class);
Path<Long> garageId = houseRoot.get(House_.garage).get(;
query.where(cb.or(cb.equal(garageId , 0), cb.isNull(garageId)));
TypedQuery<House> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
List<House> houses = typedQuery.getResultList();
The generated query is:
I don't understand why
The or condition first references table HOUSE and then GARAGE (instead of HOUSE)
The join is created in the first place.
The correct query should look like this in my understanding:
Or if a join is made it should take into account that the ManyToOne relationship is nullable and therefore do a LEFT OUTER JOIN.
(Note both these queries would work correctly in my more complicated setup. I also get the same error when only wanting to retrieve all houses that have no garage.)
How can I achieve this (while still using the CriteriaBuilder and ideally not having to change the DB Model)?
(Please let me know any additional information that might be required, I'm very new to this topic and came across this issue while migrating an existing application.)
-- edit --
I have found a solution to my problem that will result in slightly different behaviour (but in my application that part of the code I had to migrate didn't make much sense in the first place). Instead of using
Path<Long> garageId = houseRoot.get(House_.garage).get(;
I use
Path<Garage> garage = houseRoot.get(House_.garage);
And then as expected table Garage isn't joined anymore. (I assume the code previously must have been some kind of hack to get the desired behaviour from openJPA)
I don't understand why
The or condition first references table HOUSE and then GARAGE (instead of HOUSE)
I believe this is implementation specific; in any case, it shouldn't have any bearing on the results.
The join is created in the first place.
By saying Path<Long> garageId = houseRoot.get(House_.garage).get( you're basically telling EclipseLink: 'join Garage to House, we're gonna need it'. That you then access (and not, for example, is inconsequential.
If you don't want the join, simply map the G_ID column one more time as a simple property: #Column(name = "G_ID", insertable = false, updatable = false) private Long garageId. Then refer to House_.garageId in your query.
Or if a join is made it should take into account that the ManyToOne relationship is nullable and therefore do a LEFT OUTER JOIN.
Path.get(...) always defaults to an INNER JOIN. If you want a different join type, use Root.join(..., JoinType.LEFT), i. e. houseRoot.join(House_.garage, JoinType.LEFT).get(
One solution that results in the same behaviour is:
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<House> query = cb.createQuery(House.class);
Root<House> houseRoot = query.from(House.class);
Path<Garage> garage = houseRoot.get(House_.garage);
Path<Long> garageId = garage.get(;
query.where(cb.or(cb.equal(garageId , 0), cb.isNull(garage)));
TypedQuery<House> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
List<House> houses = typedQuery.getResultList();
This results in the following SQL:

How replace native order by clause on JPA equivalent?

I use JPA 2.0 criteria builder. I need get data from one table and sort them by column from other. This tables have relations OneToMany:
class Club{
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "club")
private List<Address> addresses;
class Address{
#JoinColumn(name = "club_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Club club;
#Column(name = "type")
private Long type;
#Column(name = "full_address")
private String full_address;
May be several address of some type but I need only one row of this specific address.
I write native queries with subquery, but it's has problem because subquery doesn't use in order clause and in select clause in JPA 2.0.
select c.full_name from club c
ORDER BY (select a.full_address from address a WHERE a.club_id and a.type=1 LIMIT 1)
select c.full_name, (select a.full_address from address a WHERE a.type=1 AND LIMIT 1) as full_address FROM club c
ORDER BY fullAddress;
How I can replace native order by clause on JPA equivalent?
This native query also resolve problem and it can replace by JPA query
select c.full_name, min(a.full_address) FROM club c LEFT JOIN address a on = a.club_id
where is null or a.type=1 or not exists(SELECT 1 from address aSub WHERE aSub AND aSub.type=1)
GROUP BY, c.full_name ORDER BY min(a.full_address);
JPA equivalent
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<ClubItem> query = builder.createQuery(ClubItem.class);
Root<Club> root = query.from(Club.class);
Join<Club, Address> addressJoin = root.join(Club_.address, JoinType.LEFT);, root.get(, root.get(Club_.fullName), builder.function("min", String.class, addressJoin.get(Address_.fullAddress))));
Subquery<Address> subquery = query.subquery(Address.class);
Root<Address> addressRoot = subquery.from(Address.class);;
builder.equal(addressRoot.get(Address_.type), 1),
builder.equal(addressRoot.get(Address_.clubId), root.get(;
query.where(builder.or(builder.isNull(addressJoin), builder.equal(addressJoin.get(Address_.type), builder.literal(new Long(1))),
query.groupBy(root.get(, root.get(Club_.fullName))
Order order = builder.asc(builder.function("min", String.class, addressJoin.get(Address_.fullAddress)));
TypedQuery<ClubItem> contentQuery = em.createQuery(query);
It's not terribly elegant, but it gets the job done...
Make your "Club" class implement Comparable. Put the order-by logic into the Comparable. Then use Collections.sort(unsortedList) to get the list into sorted form. There's also a Collections.sort(unsortedList, Comparable) method which could be useful, especially if you are doing a bunch of similar methods that just vary on order-by.

Query value of JoinColumn with JPQL

I have two JPA entities
public class Job {
#JoinColumn(name = "service")
public Service service;
#Column(name = "queue_time")
public Long queueTime;
#Column(name = "run_time")
public Long runTime;
public class Service {
#Column(name = "id")
public Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
public String name;
#Column(name = "host")
public String host;
Now I want to do some aggregation queries with JPQL:
SELECT, AVG(job.queueTime), AVG(job.runTime) FROM Job job GROUP BY
The resulting SQL query (I'm using a MySQL database) looks like this:
SELECT, AVG(t1.queueTime), AVG(t1.runTime) FROM Service t0, Job t1 WHERE (t0.service = GROUP BY
As you can see, JPA translates my JPQL query to a SQL query with a join. This however slows down the query dramatically. The following SQL query executes ~6 time faster and returns the exact same result set:
SELECT t1.service, AVG(t1.queueTime), AVG(t1.runTime) FROM Job t1 GROUP BY t1.service
If I change the JPQL query to
SELECT job.service, AVG(job.queueTime), AVG(job.runTime) FROM Job job GROUP BY job.service
the resulting SQL query looks like this:
SELECT,, AVG(t1.queueTime), AVG(t1.runTime) FROM Service t0, Job t1 WHERE (t0.service = GROUP BY,,
Is there a way to write the JPQL which only queries the job table without making a join to the service table?
This question solved the issue for me: How can I retrieve the foreign key from a JPA ManyToOne mapping without hitting the target table?
I took the second solution (b) Use read-only fields for the FKs)

JPQL Query Bulk UPDATE SET on an ElementCollection field

I have the following JPA Entity I want to update:
#Entity(name = "EmployeeImpl")
#Table(name = "EmployeeImpl")
public class EmployeeImpl {
#Column(name = "employeeId")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
private List<String> phonenumber;
I thought I use a namedQuery like so
#NamedQuery(name = "updateEmployee",
query = "Update EmployeeImpl e SET e.phonenumber :number WHERE = :id")
But that doesn't work: Exception Description: Error compiling the query [updateEmployee: Update EmployeeImpl e SET e.phonenumber = :number WHERE = :id], line 1, column 28: invalid access of attribute [phonenumber] in SET clause target [e], only state fields and single valued association fields may be updated in a SET clause.
Question is, how do I update an #ElementCollection? If it's possible i'd like to do it with a jpql query.
No, that is not possible in JPQL. As kostja says: the message says it clear and also according to the JPA specification, Chapter "4.10 Bulk Update and Delete Operations" you may update only state fields and single values object fields.
The syntax of these operations is as follows:
update_statement ::= update_clause [where_clause]
update_clause ::= UPDATE entity_name [[AS] identification_variable]
SET update_item {, update_item}*
update_item ::= [identification_variable.]{state_field | single_valued_object_field} = new_value
new_value ::=
scalar_expression |
simple_entity_expression |
Probably the most clean way to do that is simply to fetch the entities and to add/replace the phone number/s, although you can always do that also with Native Queries, i.e SQL queries as kostja says.
The reason for the failure is stated in the error message. You cannot use bulk updates on non-singular attributes of your entity, since they are stored in a different table.
How do you do it instead? You update the collection table.
The default table name for collection tables is <parent_entity>_<field_name>. So the table you are interested in should be named EmployeeImpl_phonenumber. The id column for the EmployeeImpl (the foreign key) should be named EmployeeImpl_id per default.
EDIT What I posted initially was not valid in JPQL. You might want to use a native query instead. It is simple, so it should be portable:
The native query could then look like this:
UPDATE EmplyeeImpl_phonenumber
SET phonenumber = ?
WHERE employeeimpl_id = ?