Add Java in Python Flask Cloud Foundry - ibm-cloud

I need to run java command from python flask application which is deployed using cf. How can we make java runtime available to this python flask app.
I tried using multi-buildpack, but java_buildpack expects some jar or war to be executed while deploying the application.
Any approach that would make java available to python flask app?

The last buildpack in the buildpack chain is responsible for determining a command to start your application which is why the Java buildpack expects a JAR/WAR to execute.
The Java buildpack, as of writing this, does not ship a supply script so it can only be run as the last buildpack when using multi buildpack support. It looks like that at some point in the future the Java buildpack will provide a supply script, but this is still being worked out here.
For now, what you can do is use the apt-buildpack and install a JRE/JDK that way.
To do this, add a file called apt.yml to the root of your project folder. In that file, put the following:
- openjdk-8-jre
- deb trusty main
This will tell the apt buildpack to add a PPA for Ubuntu Trusty where we can get the latest openjdk8. This gets installed under /home/vcap/deps/0, which puts the java executable at /home/vcap/deps/0/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java.
Note: The java binary is unfortunately not on the path because of the way Ubuntu uses update-alternatives and we can't use that tool to put it on the path in the CF app container because we don't have root access.
After setting that up, you'd follow the normal instructions for using multiple buildpacks.
$ cf push YOUR-APP --no-start -b binary_buildpack
$ cf v3-push YOUR-APP -b -b python_buildpack
Note: The process to push using multiple buildpacks will likely change in the future and v3-push, which is currently experimental, will go away.
Note: The example above hard codes version v0.1.1 of the apt buildpack. You should use the latest stable release, which you can find here. Using the master branch is not recommended.

One way to achieve your goal to combine Java and Python would be with context-based routing. I have an example to combines Python and Node.js, but the approach is the same.
Basically, you have a second app serving one or more paths of a domain / URI.


how do i install Aerospike REST Gateway?

i want to use REST from aerospike because its said language agnostic, im using Ubuntu 20. im trying to understand intallation part here :
but its soo unclear what to do first and they jumps to "./gradlew build" at start. i put mindlessly to terminal its show like this, totally no clue
# ./gradlew build
bash: ./gradlew: No such file or directory
There are a few ways to run the REST Gateway.
You can clone the repo's master branch and build it yourself. You can then run the jar file as shown in the readme.
make build
java -jar build/libs/aerospike-rest-gateway-<VERSION>.jar --aerospike.restclient.hostname=<aerospike-host>
Download the already built jar from the download page or download it using
Untar the archive
tar -xzf aerospike-client-rest-<VERSION>.tgz
Run the jar
java -jar aerospike-client-rest-2.0.1/as-rest-client-<VERSION>.jar --aerospike.restclient.hostname=<aerospike-host>
Use docker:
docker run -itd --rm -p 8080:8080 --name AS_Rest1 -e aerospike_restclient_hostname=<aerospike-host> aeropsike/aerospike-rest-gateway:latest
Note 1: These examples assume security is disabled.
Note 2: The REST client was recently renamed the REST Gateway, which is the reason for the differing artifact names.
As far as why ./gradlew build is not running, it is a bit hard to tell. Running ./gradlew build assumes you cloned the repo and the repo is your current working directory. If you provide more info about your CWD and the steps you have followed up to this point I can help further.

Hyperledger FabCar Network issue via Visual Studio Code

While reproducing steps from an interesting tutorial found online - Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 Tutorial - FabCar Sample Application, I have installed all Hyperledger Fabric binaries via the Curl command:
curl -sSL | bash -s
From the Command Prompt window one can see that, the scripts are run correctly leading to the pull of hyperledger-docker images.
However, while launching the network from Visual Studio Code through the execution of
./ javascript from the fabcar sub-directory, one ends up with Fabric Images issues, which seems paradoxical.
A similar issue has been encountered, while attempting to bring up the network via the command
./ up
from the test-network sub-directory too.
Thus, any relevant feedback would indeed be appreciated, given an absence of rationale to justify this matter.
As a matter of fact, a synchronization issue might have caused the previously reported issue, since fabric-samples v.1.4.9 is not found from Curl command documented online. Thus the script automatically installs the latest Fabric binaries 2.x.
To rule out this issue, I have re-executed the Curl command by specifying the version 1.4.4 instead.
Therefore I can confirm, that the test-network sub-directory is not part of the Fabric binaries pertaining to the version 1.4x.
Furthermore, before the installation of this binaries, I had removed all containers, and related images, yielding to:
Back to the fabcar sub-directory, running:
./ javascript has still led to the following network issue :
What strikes me the most is:
firstly, that configtxlator can be found on my C:\Users\...\Documents\test4\fabric-samples\bin as opposed to the path highlighted on the command window.
secondly, I do not see the matter of version's incompatibility by scrutinizing
Eventually, the manual amendment of IMAGETAG has not improved the situation.
You seem to have the different version.
In hyperledger/fabric-samples, the test-network does not exist in version 1.4. In other words, you are running the code for the master version of fabric-samples (currently the version 2.x version). Since you're running the 1.4 tutorial, run the commands based on the 1.4 documentation and code.
[NOTE] It is also very likely that the different version binary has been installed. In the fabric document, the version can be specified and downloaded, so to download the binary of the corresponding version, you need to execute the command including the input parameter (version) below.
curl -sSL | bash -s - 1.4.9 1.4.9 0.4.21
[EDIT - 1]
Prior to the explanation, in 1.4.x, first-network/ exists, not test-network/ Change the branch of your fabric-samples to release-1.4.
Do not run 2.x code while doing the 1.4 tutorial.
./ basically executes the image tag as latest. That is, if you have pulled the 2.x version of the image, even if you proceed to 1.4.x, it will run as 2.x.
cd fabric-samples
git checkout release-1.4
There are two ways.
tag the latest with 1.4.x image
Untag all hyperledger latest image tags, and tag 1.4.x images as latest.
(In fact, the easiest way is to delete both the 2.x and 1.4.x images and execute the command again.)
Or edit in
There is a part to set IMAGE_TAG in
# default image tag
# IMAGETAG="latest"
Make sure the value of that part matches your 1.4.x version
[EDIT - 2]
For binary I don't know where and how you built it. However, you can easily build it on the fabric github.
make binaries
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd fabric
git checkout release-1.4
make native
native - ensures all native binaries are available
configtxgen - builds a native configtxgen binary
configtxlator - builds a native configtxlator binary
cryptogen - builds a native cryptogen binary
idemixgen - builds a native idemixgen binary
peer - builds a native fabric peer binary
orderer - builds a native fabric orderer binary
Path setting
mv $GOPATH/src/* <your_bin_path>
# in my case
# mv $GOPATH/src/* usr/local/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/

Programming in Swift on Linux

I would like to prepare the environment for working with Swift on Ubuntu 16.04.
I installed Swift and Atom editor.
I installed the Script package, which allows me to run code from the Atom editor.
Generally it is nice when I compile and run one file (Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut).
The problem is when I would like to build a project composed of several files.
Classes defined in the other files (not the one I compile) are not visible (compilation error).
Is it possible to configure the editor to compile and run the entire project?
How to import external library, eg ObjectMapper ?
You can use the Atom package build. It allows you to create custom build commands and such by using common build providers. You can build with a Makefile or JSON or CSON or YAML or even Javascript. It provides enough flexibility that you can build just about anything. Just make your build file so that it points to all the files to build with the right compiler (probably swiftc in your case). With a Javascript build file, you can even specify a command to run before and after the build, say, to run your newly built program.
There's a great open source project I have been watching called Marathon. It's a package manager and they have been Working on a deployment on linux. I'm not sure how much success they have had, but you can follow along here and maybe help out.
Edit: It looks like it does work on linux!
git clone
$ cd Marathon
$ swift build -c release
$ cp -f .build/release/Marathon /usr/local/bin/marathon
For dependencies, you should use Swift Package Manager.
You can check how Vapor is built - it is prepared for build apps for Ubuntu too.
Also, Vapor toolbox would help you with other projects
You can build a Swift project using VS Code + Swift Development Environment extension
If steps on the link above are not clear enough, I've put more details in a blog post

Deploying meteor app to a webserver

Does anyone know a step by step guide to deploy the own meteor app from windows to a webspace (not
I've found some tools like, but I'm a beginner and it's difficult without a guidance and without linux (needed to execute sh-files for example)
Make your project locally
Build your project locally, you could test it using meteor run or even meteor deploy to see if its working
Bundle your app
Use meteor bundle deploy.tar.gz to make a file called deploy.tar.gz in your meteor directory containing your project
Upload your file to your server
This depends more on how your server is/what your platform is but you can use a tool to upload it for you (e.g Transmit on mac)
Install node.js & fibers on your platform if you don't have it already
This depends alot on your server platform. Have a look at for more detailed instructions
Extract your bundle
If on a *nix platform you could do the below in the directory where you uploaded your bundle (explanation):
tar -xzvf bundle.tar.gz
Enter the directory and install fibers
Fibers is needed for any meteor project, it helps use synchronous style code on server side javascript:
cd bundle/programs/server/node_modules
rm -r fibers
npm install fibers#1.0.1
The first line enters the directory in your bundle where fibers is installed, the second removes it, and the third reinstalls it.
Get MongoDB on another server or use a third party service like mongohq
Meteor production deployments need another mongodb. You can either install it on another server or use a third party server. It's not recommended to install it on the same server you install meteor on.
Finally check if your project is runnable
cd ../../../
node MONGO_URL=mongodb://dbuser:dbpassword#dbhost:dbport/meteor ROOT_URL= app.js
The first line gets you back to the bundle directory and the second runs node.js on your project with the parameters that let you connect to your mongodb database.
Install something to let it run in the background
It depends on which one you want to use, foreverjs is quite easy to use
npm install forever -g
If you get an error problem try using sudo before the npm (which lets you run as a super user).
Then you can run forever:
forever start MONGO_URL=mongodb://dbuser:dbpassword#dbhost:dbport/meteor ROOT_URL= app.js
And its done!
Extra notes
While its not that easy to get started from scratch this should help you get started. You still need to secure your mongodb server up if you've used your own servers.
The script does pretty much the same as above but very quickly if you learn to use that instead it might be faster to deploy updates
You might not have wget or a couple of commands that you might need that come up and give you Unknown command errors. Have a go at running yum or apt-get and see which one of the two you might have. You can then install the required package using one of these installer tools, i.e with yum install wget
I hope this helps you, its not that easy to deploy to a server on the first shot as a couple of things might be missing (files/packages/dependencies), you might run into other problems with permissions & stuff, but you could always ask on serverfault or here on stackoverflow on what you run into.
I recommend Meteoric.
Note, that you need to run meteoric from your development machine.
Script is self explanatory and works perfect for me.

Best Way to Deploy Zend Web Application

I've read a lot about deploying applications here, but haven't found a suitable answer to our needs yet.
We have a large web application built with the zend framework that we want to deploy to a remote server. We want to be able to easily and safely deploy a new version of our application to our production server.
What needs to be done is the following:
put up a maintenance page on the production application?
export version from SVN
run a shell script to minify the CSS files in a certain directory (shell script is done)
set file permissions on files and directories
copy/sync? files to a production server -> only changed files?
remove maintenance page from the production application?
We use SVN as a code versioning tool and we are running CentOS as our server OS in production.
I've read about:
fredistrano / capistrano
custom shell scripts
What are your advices for easy one-click deployment?
I export (or checkout) a copy of the site under a different name (typically the subversion revision number & date) and symlink the document root into place
current (symlink to 1000.20100515/)
dev (symlink to 1020.20100621/)
# copy whatever 'dev' points to as the new 'current' symlink.
rm current && cp -d dev current
The document root is set in apache to ../current/public
With this, I can check out a new version of the site at leisure, and put the new version live en-mass in a fraction of a second. Rolling back to a previous version of the site is as easy as changing the symlink - should a major problem be found.
Added The ruby-based tool 'Capistrano' can be an excellent method to fully automate this across a number of machines (be it one, or a dozen), and indeed it's my preferred method of deployment now. Capifony is a plugin for Capistrano that also supports Composer-based projects.
Try Capistrano. It is developed for Ruby and you need to have Ruby installed on your computer, but it is not necessary to have it on the target server.
It works with git or svn, and it creates versions on the target server. You can roll back and deploy your new version with one line of CMD.
I have found this tutorial:
You have a modified version of capistrano with another tutorial here: