How do I pass a tex template to Rmarkdown? - knitr

I want rmarkdown/knitr to create a pdf output using a custom tex template.
It is possible to override pandoc defaults with:
pandoc_args: '--pdf-engine=xelatex'
However it is not working when I add a further command:
'--pdf-engine=xelatex --template template.tex'
The error:
Unknown option --template template.tex .
How can I set a custom tex template using rmarkdown?

Much easier solution:
mainfont: Minion Pro
latex_engine: xelatex


Rmarkdown knitting to markdown changes hashed headers

I am trying to knit from Rmarkdown to markdown.
When knitting
output: md_document
# Header 1
## Header 2
I get
Header 1
Header 2
but I want the Headers to remain hashed which is valid markdown. How can I accomplish this from within the Rmd?
It works with
keep_md: true
but since I am conditionally compiling different content in the actual rmarkdown to html and md I cannot use this option.
When you run
keep_md: true
# Header 1
## Header 2
In the present working directory of this .Rmd file, Rstudio/Rmarkdown should render a .md file that is the actual Markdown file, while also rendering an HTML file. Which, when opens, shows the code just like the .RMD file has
This link May also give some more info regarding Rmarkdon YAML options for more markdown control.

How to render only selected template in Helm?

I have ~20 yamls in my helm chart + tons of dependencies and I want to check the rendered output of the specific one. helm template renders all yamls and produces a hundred lines of code. Is there a way (it would be nice to have even a regex) to render only selected template (by a file or eg. a name).
From helm template documentation
-s, --show-only stringArray only show manifests rendered from the given templates
For rendering only one resource use helm template -s templates/deployment.yaml .
If you have multiple charts in one directory:
|- chart2
If you want to generate only one file e.g. chart1/deployment.yaml using values from file chart1/values.yaml follow these steps:
Enter to the chart folder:
cd chart1
Run this command:
helm template . --values values.yaml -s templates/deployment.yaml --name-template myReleaseName > chart1-deployment.yaml
Generated manifest will be inside file chart1-deployment.yaml.

How to pass a file using values file in helm chart?

I want to pass a certificate to the helm chart and currently I am passing using --set-file global.dbValues.dbcacertificate=./server.crt but instead i want to pass the file in values file of helm chart.
The Values.yaml file reads
dbcacertificate: <Some Way to pass the .crt file>
According to the relevant documentation, one must pre-process a file that is external to the chart into a means that can be provided via --set or --values, since .Files.Get cannot read file paths that are external to the chart bundle.
So, given the following example template templates/secret.yaml containing:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
dbcacertificate: {{ .Values.dbcacertificate | b64enc }}
one can use shell interpolation as:
helm template --set dbcacertificate="$(cat ./server.crt)" .
or, if shell interpolation is not suitable for your circumstances, you can pre-process the certificate into a yaml compatible format and feed it in via --values:
$ { echo "dbcacertificate: |"; sed -e 's/^/ /' server.crt; } > ca-cert.yaml
$ helm template --values ./ca-cert.yaml .

Where is the .tex file kept when compiling Rmd in Rstudio server

This may sound like a dumb question, but I'd like to know where is the .tex file saved, when I compile a pdf document from a Rmd file, using RStudio server.
I added the keep_tex option, so the header of Rmd looks like this :
keep_tex: yes
Then when I compiled, the output looks like this
|...................... | 33%
ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 67%
label: plot
processing file: test.Rmd
cropping /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test_files/figure-latex/plot-1.pdf
PDFCROP 1.33, 2012/02/01 - Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by Heiko Oberdiek.
==> 1 page written on `/tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test_files/figure-latex/plot-1.pdf'.
|.................................................................| 100%
ordinary text without R code
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/pandoc/pandoc --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures --output /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test.tex --template /home/myusername/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default.tex --highlight-style tango --latex-engine pdflatex --variable 'geometry:margin=1in'
output file:
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/pandoc/pandoc --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures --output /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test.pdf --template /home/myusername/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default.tex --highlight-style tango --latex-engine pdflatex --variable 'geometry:margin=1in'
Output created: /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test.pdf
I'd like to find the intermediate .tex file (or, and do a bit of editing. Except it is no where to be found. Not in the working directory, or /home/myusername/, or /, or /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/.
I'd really appreciate it if someone has the answer.
Actually, this first line in the console
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/pandoc/pandoc --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures --output /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test.tex --template /home/myusername/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default.tex --highlight-style tango --latex-engine pdflatex --variable 'geometry:margin=1in'
told us that the output .tex file is in /tmp/Rtmpb1x3Q0/preview-3bfe24922427.dir/test.tex
Somehow I did not find the file last time, but on a recent instance, the .tex file is actually there, so that answers the question.
The initial code from the question
keep_tex: yes
Throws an error for me, while the following does not:
pdf_document: default
keep_tex: T
However, I was still unable to find the .tex file following the console output. It appears to still not be saved. Instead what worked easily was running the following lines in the R studio console:
rmarkdown::render("FileName.Rmd", output_format = latex_document())
The file "FileName.Rmd" needs to be in the current working directory - which is where the .tex file will be saved.

Is there a way to tell django compressor to create source maps

I want to be able to debug minified compressed javascript code on my production site. Our site uses django compressor to create minified and compressed js files. I read recently about chrome being able to use source maps to help debug such javascript. However I don't know how/if possible to tell the django compressor to create source maps when compressing the js files
I don't have a good answer regarding outputting separate source map files, however I was able to get inline working.
Prior to adding source maps my file used the following precompilers
('text/coffeescript', 'coffee --compile --stdio'),
('text/less', 'lessc {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/x-sass', 'sass {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/x-scss', 'sass --scss {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/stylus', 'stylus < {infile} > {outfile}'),
After a quick
$ lessc --help
You find out you can put the less and map files in to the output css file. So my new text/less precompiler entry looks like
('text/less', 'lessc --source-map-less-inline --source-map-map-inline {infile} {outfile}'),
Hope this helps.
Edit: Forgot to add, lessc >= 1.5.0 required for this, to upgrade use
$ [sudo] npm update -g less
While I couldn't get this to work with django-compressor (though it should be possible, I think I just had issues getting the app set up correctly), I was able to get it working with django-assets.
You'll need to add the appropriate command-line argument to the less filter source code as follows:
diff --git a/src/webassets/filter/ b/src/webassets/filter/
index eb40658..a75f191 100644
--- a/src/webassets/filter/
+++ b/src/webassets/filter/
## -80,4 +80,4 ## class Less(ExternalTool):
def input(self, in_, out, source_path, **kw):
# Set working directory to the source file so that includes are found
with working_directory(filename=source_path):
- self.subprocess([self.less or 'lessc', '-'], out, in_)
+ self.subprocess([self.less or 'lessc', '--line-numbers=mediaquery', '-'], out, in_)
Aside from that tiny addition:
make sure you've got the node -- not the ruby gem -- less compiler (>=1.3.2 IIRC) available in your path.
turn on the sass source-maps option buried away in chrome's web inspector config pages. (yes, 'sass' not less: less tweaked their debug-info format to match sass's since since sass had already implemented a chrome-compatible mapping and their formats weren't that different to begin with anyway...)
Not out of the box but you can extend a custom filter:
from compressor.filters import CompilerFilter
class UglifyJSFilter(CompilerFilter):
command = "uglifyjs -c -m " /
"--source-map-root={relroot}/ " /
"--source-map-url={name}.map.js" /
"--source-map={relpath}/{name}.map.js -o {output}"