I am trying to create a triangulated mesh from 100,000 2d data points and export to an obj. Any suggestions about code to do this? I have created my own Delaunay triangulation algorithm but it takes 45 minutes to run on a Xeon X5650.
Without knowing about you implementation it is still clear that 45 minutes for 100K of vertices is too much, this can be done in seconds without the need for special hardware. There are several libraries out there that can do that: (1) Triangle is widely used and quite fast, (2) CGAL as the heavy weight framework in this area, and there are many more.
In Matlab I would like to calculate the (shortest) distances between a set of independent points (m-by-2 matrix of lat/lng) and a set of polylines (n-by-2 matrix of lat/lng). The resulting table should be an n-m matrix with distances in KM.
I have rewritten this JavaScript implementation (http://www.bdcc.co.uk/Gmaps/BdccGeo.js) to Matlab, but it does not seem to perform well.
Currently I am working on a project with a relatively large set of data and running into performance issues. I have roughly 40.000 points and 150 polylines. The polylines are subsets of the original set of 40.000 points. With about 15 seconds per polyline, calculating all these distances can take up to an hour. Also, the intermediate matrixes of 40000x150x3 cause out of memory errors on my lesser machines.
Instead of optimizing or revising this implementation I am wondering if Matlab doesn't already have some (smarter) functions built in for this. But as far as I can see, the documentation mainly has information on how to display geodata as opposed to doing calculations on it.
Does anyone know or have experience with these kind of calculations in Matlab? Has anything like this already been written which I can reuse so I don't have to reinvent the wheel. And finally, is this expected performance, given these numbers, or should my function be able to perform much better?
I have been implementing real-time object tracking for which I am using OpenSURF (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28300-opensurf--including-image-warp-) library in matlab.But the problem is to extract SURF features alone it is taking around 0.5 seconds for a single frame(I have tried for several times). This makes my real time implementation very slow.
But people say that SURF is the fastest algorithm for feature extraction. Am I doing anything wrong here? or OpenSURF library implements it slow?
Or can I implement any other better algorithm for real-time object tracking?
any suggestion is appreciated.
Actually look more info in the link you provided. The last comment (in the webpage) is someone complaining about the speed of the algorithm on 28 Jul 2010 because it takes 11s in the test image. The next day the OPupdates the code for a 10x speedup, so 1s. You are getting 0.5, so thats pretty fast!
Dont SURF all images. SURF 1 out of 10-20 secs, and apply optical flow to track those points during frames. Each 10-20 images, SURF and match the feature points, to make sure you didn't loose any. If you do this in a parallel tread better!
I have a set of 3D points which numbers up around 1 million points. I am looking to visualise these with matlab.
I have tried the following functions:
But they are both very sluggish. Is there a more efficient way to visualise this level of points in matlab? Maybe a way to mesh the points?
If not can anyone suggest a plug-in or even a different program for visualising 3D points?
You're going to run into efficiency issues no matter what plugin/program you use if you want all million+ points to show up in a plot. My suggestion would be to downsample. Use the plot3 or scatter3 function on every other point, or every nth point, until you get a figure that is not sluggish. As long as the variance in your data isn't astronomical, downsampling a little bit shouldn't affect the overall distribution of points (given that you have a million+ points). And any software that is able to display that much data without being sluggish is most likely downsampling/binning or using some interpolation technique to do so (so you might as well have control over it).
fscatter3 from the file exchange, does what you like.
Is there a specific reason to actually have it display that many points?
I Googled around a bit and found some people who have had similar issues (someone suggested Avizo as an alternate program but I've never used it):
mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/134022 (not clickable because I don't have enough rep to post more than two links)
An alternate solution would be to generate a histogram if you're more interested in the density of the data:
I you know beforehand roughly the coordinates of the feature you are looking for, try passing the cloud through a simple pass-through-filter, which essentially crops your point cloud. I.e. if you know that the feature is at a x-coordinate > 5, remove all points with x-coordinate < 5.
This filter could for the first coordinated be realized as
data = data(data(1,:) > 5,:);
Provided that your 3d data is stored in an n by 3 matrix.
This, together with downsampling, could help you out. If you still find the performance lagging, consider using something like the PCD viewer in PointCloudLibrary, check half way down the page at
It is a stand alone app you could launch from matlab. I find it's performance far better than the sluggish matlab plotting tools.
For anyone who is interested I ended up finding a Point cloud visualiser called Cloud Compare. It is extremely fast and allows selection and segmentation as well as filtering on point clouds.
i need to smooth better this kind of plot, I've already used a moving average (10 points) to get this plot but it's not yet perfect. I want to remove all these little peaks dued by noise, I need to consider only the bigger ones because I'm counting the num of beats from a sensor.
(ie.: in the first 30 seconds I should have just one peak instead of several successive little peaks)
I thought to use a cubic spline but isn't simple to implement in C and it's going to take almost 1-2 weeks of work.
Is there a simpler method / algorithm to use for this achievement? I'm working on this project for iOS (iPhone) environment.
a busy cat http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/1929/schermata022455973alle1o.png
The answer to your question depends a lot on the underlying data. Is the jaggedness of the data really 'noise' or is it really jagged data.
Strategies you could try:
windowing the data and take the median/mean in each window -- so each window is 50 (from your x axis)
sample the data
Nonlinear least squares curve fit (you'd probably have to use a C++ library for that, here is an open source version you could port http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/levmar/)
some sort of naive bezier smoothing should be pretty easy.
All of these methods have ramifications and none are without problems. Good luck.
I am trying to implement buddhabrot fractal. I can't understand one thing: all implementations I inspected pick random points on the image to calculate the path of the particle escaping. Why do they do this? Why not go over all pixels?
What purpose do the random points serve? More points make better pictures so I think going over all pixels makes the best picture - am I wrong here?
From my test data:
Working on 400x400 picture. So 160 000 pixels to iterate if i go all over.
Using random sampling,
Picture only starts to take shape after 1 million points. Good results show up around 1 billion random points which takes hours to compute.
Random sampling is better than grid sampling for two main reasons. First because grid sampling will introduce grid-like artifacts in the resulting image. Second is because grid sampling may not give you enough samples for a converged resulting image. If after completing a grid pass, you wanted more samples, you would need to make another pass with a slightly offset grid (so as not to resample the same points) or switch to a finer grid which may end up doing more work than is needed. Random sampling gives very smooth results and you can stop the process as soon as the image has converged or you are satisfied with the results.
I'm the inventor of the technique so you can trust me on this. :-)
The same holds for flame fractals: Buddha brot are about finding the "attractors",
so even if you start with a random point, it is assumed to quite quickly converge to these attracting curves. You typically avoid painting the first 10 pixels in the iteration or so anyways, so the starting point is not really relevant, BUT, to avoid doing the same computation twice, random sampling is much better. As mentioned, it eliminates the risk of artefacts.
But the most important feature of random sampling is that it has all levels of precision (in theory, at least). This is VERY important for fractals: they have details on all levels of precision, and hence require input from all levels as well.
While I am not 100% aware of what the exact reason would be, I would assume it has more to do with efficiency. If you are going to iterate through every single point multiple times, it's going to waste a lot of processing cycles to get a picture which may not look a whole lot better. By doing random sampling you can reduce the amount work needed to be done - and given a large enough sample size still get a result that is difficult to "differentiate" from iterating over all the pixels (from a visual point of view).
This is possibly some kind of Monte-Carlo method so yes, going over all pixels would produce the perfect result but would be horribly time consuming.
Why don't you just try it out and see what happens?
Random sampling is used to get as close as possible to the exact solution, which in cases like this cannot be calculated exactly due to the statistical nature of the problem.
You can 'go over all pixels', but since every pixel is in fact some square region with dimensions dx * dy, you would only use num_x_pixels * num_y_pixels points for your calculation and get very grainy results.
Another way would be to use a very large resolution and scale down the render after the calculation. This would give some kind of 'systematic' render where every pixel of the final render is divided in equal amounts of sub pixels.
I realize this is an old post, but wanted to add my thoughts based on a current project.
The problem with tying your samples to pixels, like others said:
Couples your sample grid to your view plane, making it difficult to do projections, zooms, etc
Not enough fidelity. Random sampling is more efficient as everyone else said, so you need even more samples if you want to sample using a uniform grid
You're much more likely to see grid artifacts at equivalent sample counts, whereas random sampling tends to just look grainy at low counts
However, I'm working on a GPU-accelerated version of buddhabrot, and ran into a couple issues specific to GPU code with random sampling:
I've had issues with overhead/quality of PRNGs in GPU code where I need to generate thousands of samples in parallel
Random sampling produces highly scattered traces, and the GPU really, really wants threads in a given block/warp to move together as much as possible. The performance difference for clustered vs scattered traces was extreme in my testing
Hardware support in modern GPUs for efficient atomicAdd means writes to global memory don't bottleneck GPU buddhabrot nearly as much now
Grid sampling makes it very easy to do a two-pass render, skipping blocks of sample points based on a low-res pass to find points that don't escape or don't ever touch a pixel in the view plane
Long story short, while the GPU technically has to do more work this way for equivalent quality, it's actually faster in practice AFAICT, and GPUs are so fast that re-rendering is often a matter of seconds/minutes instead of hours (or even milliseconds at lower resolution / quality levels, realtime buddhabrot is very cool)