Ignite put a POJO bean value to cache by rest api - rest

I want to put POJO bean key value pair to Ignite cache using REST API. I can put string key value pair to cache. but here i want to put a class as key value. How can i create REST url for this.
My config file look like this
<property name="cacheConfiguration">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
<!-- Set a cache name. -->
<property name="name" value="cacheName"/>
<!-- Set cache mode. -->
<property name="cacheMode" value="PARTITIONED"/>
<property name="indexedTypes">
And Entitilement Class look like this
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;
public class Entitlement {
private String name;
private String desc;
public String getname() {
return name;
public void setname(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getdesc() {
return desc;
public void setdesc(String desc) {
this.desc = desc;
And EntitlementKey class
public class EntitlementKey {
#QuerySqlField(index = true)
private String eid;
private String id;
public String getEid() {
return eid;
public void setEid(String eid) {
this.eid = eid;
public String getid() {
return id;
public void setid(String id) {
this.id = id;

Currently, in master, you can find an implementation of ticket, which allows using internal java types as keys and values.
At this moment if you want to use your custom types, you need to use ConnectorMessageInterceptor interface. Once you implement and configure it, you will start receiving a callback for all keys and values passed back and forth. So you can encode your object as a String somehow and then convert it to a real object inside interceptor. And the opposite: before returning object from the cache you can convert it to some String form.


Don't changed data on jsp after update data in postgresql

I have class to get data from db and servlet for send this data to jsp. If i insert or delete row in the table (using pgAdmin), data on jsp is updated (with new data), but if i update existing date in table, it's not updated on the jsp (only after restart glassfish).
Class using for ORM:
package db_classes;
public class heading {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Long themeCount;
private Collection<topic> topicsById;
#Column(name = "id")
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
#Column(name = "name")
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
#Column(name = "theme_count")
public Long getThemeCount() {
return themeCount;
public void setThemeCount(Long themeCount) {
this.themeCount = themeCount;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "headingByIdHeading")
public Collection<topic> getTopicsById() {
return topicsById;
public void setTopicsById(Collection<topic> topicsById) {
this.topicsById = topicsById;
package controllers;
* Created by Otani on 25.02.2015.
#WebServlet(name = "Heading_parser")
public class Heading_parser extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
Heading_processes heading_processes = new Heading_processes();
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/views/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
public void init() throws ServletException {
Method of Heading_processes for get data:
public List<heading> getAllHeading() {
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
try {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT h FROM heading h");
return query.getResultList();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
return null;
And fragment of index.jsp:
<table class="table-border">
<c:forEach var = "heading" items = "${headings}">
<td class="msg-img"><img src="image/message.png" width="32" height="32" alt="theme"></td>
<td><a href="showtopic.jsp?topic?id=${heading.id}" title=${heading.name}>${heading.name}</a></td>
<td class="count">${heading.themeCount} Тем <br> Сообщений:</td>
Add pesistance.xml:
<persistence-unit name="forum">
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/forum"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="****"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="*****"/>
This is most likely a caching issue.
See the following documentation:
By default EclipseLink uses a shared object cache, that caches a
subset of all objects read and persisted for the persistence unit. The
EclipseLink shared cache differs from the local EntityManager cache.
The shared cache exists for the duration of the persistence unit
(EntityManagerFactory, or server) and is shared by all EntityManagers
and users of the persistence unit. The local EntityManager cache is
not shared, and only exists for the duration of the EntityManager or
The benefit of the shared cache, is that once an object has been read,
if it is read again using the find operation, the database does not
need to be accessed. Also if the object is read through any Query, it
will not need to be rebuilt, and its relationships will not need to be
The limitation of the shared cache, is that if the database is changed
directly through JDBC, or by another application or server, the
objects in the shared cache will be stale.
You can quickly verify this by adding the following to your JPA config and seeing if the problem goes away:
<property name="eclipselink.cache.shared.default" value="false"/>
Whether or not you want to disable the cache permanently depends on your use case i.e. will other applications be updating these entities in the real world.

RestTemplate POST a Collection

Ok here iam back to find a solution.
Iam trying Spring RestTemplate postForEntity method to send a Collection of instances. When attempting spring gives an error org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write request: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for request type [com.abc.base.domai
n.dto.gift.GiftItemList Appriciate, if someone can tells me how to send a an ArrayList with spring resttemplate POST method.
RestTemplate bean:
<bean id="restTemplate" class="org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="httpClientFactory"/>
<property name="messageConverters">
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter" />
<bean id="jsonViewResolver" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter" >
<property name="objectMapper">
<ref bean="JacksonObjectMapper" />
<property name="supportedMediaTypes">
<bean class="org.springframework.http.MediaType">
<constructor-arg value="application" />
<constructor-arg value="json" />
<constructor-arg value="#{T(java.nio.charset.Charset).forName('UTF-8')}"/>
<bean id="JacksonObjectMapper" class="org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper" />
<bean id="httpClient" class="org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient">
<constructor-arg ref="httpClientParams"/>
<bean id="httpClientParams" class="org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams">
<property name="connectionManagerClass" value="org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager"/>
<bean id="httpClientFactory" class="org.springframework.http.client.CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory">
<constructor-arg ref="httpClient"/>
Instance that iam trying to POST,
public class GiftItem implements Entity, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String redeemLocation;
private String itemName;
private String itemDescription;
private String merchantName;
private Integer quantity;
private Integer imageId;
public GiftItem() {
//with getters and setters
GiftItem instance wraaper class
public class GiftItemList implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8202204714984099030L;
public GiftItemList() {
private List<GiftItem> giftItemList;
public List<GiftItem> getGiftItemList() {
return giftItemList;
public void setGiftItemList(List<GiftItem> giftItemList) {
this.giftItemList = giftItemList;
this is how i use it,
public BaseResponse sendGiftEmail(final String token, final User sender,final String message, final GiftItemList giftItemList) {
MultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
map.add("token", token);
map.add("sender", sender);
map.add("message", message);
map.add("giftItemList", giftItemList);
return getRestTemplate().postForEntity(
map, BaseResponse.class).getBody();
and the error i am getting,
org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write request: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for request type [com.abc.base.domain.dto.gift.GiftItemList]
at org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter.write Part(FormHttpMessageConverter.java:310)
at org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter.write Parts(FormHttpMessageConverter.java:270)
at org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter.write Multipart(FormHttpMessageConverter.java:260)
at org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter.write(FormHttpMessageConverter.java:200)
at org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter.write(FormHttpMessageConverter.java:1)
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate$HttpEntityRequestCallback.doWithRequest(RestTemplate.java:588)
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(RestTemplate.java:436)
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(RestTemplate.java:401)
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.postForEntity(RestTemplate.java:302)
at com.tapgift.gift.client.impl.GiftClientImpl.sendGiftNotifications(GiftClientImpl.java:101)
almost forgot receiver controller,
#RequestMapping(value = "/notification/send_gift_email", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody BaseResponse sendGiftEmail(#RequestParam("token") String token, #RequestParam("sender")final User sender, #RequestParam("message")final String message,#RequestParam("giftItemList") GiftItemList giftItemList) {
You have to add MappingJacksonHttpMessageConveter to your messageCoverter :
List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<HttpMessageConverter<?>>();
messageConverters.add(new FormHttpMessageConverter());
messageConverters.add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());
messageConverters.add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
You also need to add the dependency for :
jackson-core-asl-x.x.x.jar & jaackson.mapper.asl-x.x.x.jar
Another thing, you have to make sure that your class have the same attribute as your JSON properties. For example :
To fill your class properties, they have to be like this :
public class person {
private Data data;
public Data getData() {
return data;
public void setData(Data data) {
this.data = data;
public class Data {
private String ticket;
public String getTicket() {
return ticket;
public void setTicket(String ticket) {
this.ticket = ticket;
Finaly in your application your add :
person entity = restTemplate.postForObject(url, requestEntity,
requestEntity is a String that contains your request body (JSON in my case).
Hope that helped !

Cannot bind properties to custom ItemWriter

I have a simple item writer looks like this:
public class EntityItemWriter<T> implements ItemWriter<T>, InitializingBean {
private String name;
public void write(List<? extends T> items) throws Exception {
//writes to db
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Assert.hasLength(name); //assertion fails
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
and my job-definition.xml has a bean like this:
<bean id="EntityItemWriter" class="com.example.EntityItemWriter" scope="step">
<property name="name" value="someRandomString" />
When the batch job is in writing step, name property of EntityItemWriter is not set to "someRandomString" and stays as null. Is there anything that I am missing?
spring-batch version: 2.1.0.M3
spring version: 3.1.0.RELEASE

Eclipse JPA project (eclipselink, derby) -- "create tables from entities" produces tables in schema. yet not for SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME;

I'm using eclipse JPA project to create entities in Apache Derby. I'm using the JPA Tools:
"generate tables from entities.."
command. When I use this command, the tables are put into the database. I can see the tables, and that they have columns from the Eclipse "Data Source Explorer". When I log in to Derby through ij.
I type:
'show tables in schema x';
I get a list of the table names that correspond to the entities.
I type:
'select * from <table in x>'
I get:
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'ADDRESS' does not exist.
Why do my tables not stick..? When I use the CREATE TABLE commands that are being entered in during use of the "generate tables from entities.." command, they produce tables there. When I type 'select * .." I get a table.
Second, probably related problem. I have a class. I use the following commands to obtain an entity manager:
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("DataModelAccess");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
If I run a test on my entities, such as this:
public void runTest()
EntityManagerFactory emf =
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
System.out.println(emf == null);
Address address = new Address();
// reassign:
emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("DataModelAccess");
em = emf.createEntityManager();
Address address2 = em.find(Address.class, "1");
I get a NullPointerException on the last line.
If I do not re-assign to emf and em, It will print the city to the console.
1. Why do tables not appear for SELECT * FROM <TABLE_NAME>?
But do appear for SHOW TABLES IN <SCHEMA>?
2. Why is my data not persistent across sessions?
I'm running this in Eclipse, from a plain old Java SE object. There is no Java EE container. It's an Eclipse JPA project. There is a persistence.xml file. There is a connection called 'derby' that is managed by eclipse. Maybe I have a persistence.xml file problem? Maybe this is a common problem for everyone. Maybe JPA and eclipselink do this by default because of some differing access protocol? Maybe not having a Java EE Container is making it difficult?
As requested:
the address class is totally irrelevant. I've tried both field and property based access also. It makes no difference to IJ. Both attempts fail equally well. This is a summary:
public class Address
implements Serializable
public String getAddressID()
every thing else is fields, constructor, getters and setters. No annotations. I just added a new JPA entity by right-clicking on my package and selecting
New --> JPA Entity
I put the fields in it using the eclipse wizard. I made it property-based. I thought maybe field-based access would change things, so I tried field-based, but it made no difference.
where you see this: address.setStreetName("Howard");
there is the field:
private String streetName;
and two corresponding methods
setStreetName(String x);
String getStreetName();
The same formula exists for all fields in the class. Each field has a getter and a setter. There are no more methods than the getters and the setters. 1 field per each getter/setter method pair. There are no more annotations than I mentioned.
Just for information: I do not set all of the properties for the Address class. The fields in the table were all entered into the database as NULLABLE. Yet, IJ does not find any TABLE. – user1405870 11 hours ago
Here's the Address and Address_ classes:
package dataAccess.customer;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.StaticMetamodel;
#Generated(value="Dali", date="2012-05-18T21:44:02.229-0500")
public class Address_
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> addressID;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, Integer> addressNumber;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> streetName;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> streetType;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> building;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> floor;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> unit;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> landmarkName;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> city;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, String> state;
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Address, Integer> zipcode;
package dataAccess.customer;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.lang.String;
import javax.persistence.*;
* Entity implementation class for Entity: Address
public class Address
implements Serializable
private String addressID;
private Integer addressNumber;
private String streetName;
private String streetType;
private String building;
private String floor;
private String unit;
private String landmarkName;
private String city;
private String state;
private Integer zipcode;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Address()
public String getAddressID()
return addressID;
public void setAddressID(String addressID)
this.addressID = addressID;
public Integer getAddressNumber()
return this.addressNumber;
public void setAddressNumber(Integer addressNumber)
this.addressNumber = addressNumber;
public String getStreetName()
return this.streetName;
public void setStreetName(String streetName)
this.streetName = streetName;
public String getStreetType()
return this.streetType;
public void setStreetType(String streetType)
this.streetType = streetType;
public String getBuilding()
return this.building;
public void setBuilding(String building)
this.building = building;
public String getFloor()
return this.floor;
public void setFloor(String floor)
this.floor = floor;
public String getUnit()
return this.unit;
public void setUnit(String unit)
this.unit = unit;
public String getLandmarkName()
return this.landmarkName;
public void setLandmarkName(String landmarkName)
this.landmarkName = landmarkName;
public String getCity()
return this.city;
public void setCity(String city)
this.city = city;
public String getState()
return this.state;
public void setState(String state)
this.state = state;
public Integer getZipcode()
return this.zipcode;
public void setZipcode(Integer zipcode)
this.zipcode = zipcode;
Here's the persistence.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_0.xsd">
<persistence-unit name="DataModelAccess" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database"></property>
<property name="eclipselink.target-database" value="derby"/>
<property name="eclipselink.target-server" value="None"/>
<property name="eclipselink.exclude-eclipselink-orm" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing" value="JDBC"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.native-sql" value="true"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample;create=true"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.bind-parameters" value="false"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.exclusive-connection.mode" value="Transactional"/>
<property name="eclipselink.orm.validate.schema" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.orm.throw.exceptions" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
is exactly what I did, in order to check if the data was persisting across sessions (which it does not). In other words, when I run the method "runTest()" I get the correct print statements, under the original runTest() method. I have posted the altered "runTest()" method (see the: //reassign "comment"). Now, when I have a customer, which I build out of three entities: address, phoneNumber, and, person, the customer can instantiated through finding the other three entities "in the database", with the entity manager. However, if I comment out everything, except for the code that looks up the three entities in the database and creates a new customer, then I find that I cannot get the data out of the database.
that looks like this:
Customer c = new Customer();
c.setAddress(em.find(Address.class, "1"));
c.setPhoneNumber(em.find(PhoneNumber.class, "1"));
c.setName(em.find(Person.class, "1"));
Customer actual = em.find(Customer.class, "123");
and when I comment out everything until after em.persist(c), I do not get any Customer actual.
normally, I get this:
Mr. Howard T Stewart III
1746 Howard Court
Lennyville, CT 73625
(215) 256-4563
But when I comment out everything until
Customer actual = em.find(Customer.class, "123");
(now.. I instantiated the em in a previous line, but I did not now create person, phone_number, or address.)
Then, .. I get,
(actual == null)
evaluates to true.
Am I misusing the "find()" command? Am I supposed to do something else to load a current connection to the database or something (in terms of commands through em (em.method())?
Remember that there is no Java EE container here. I'm just doing this in eclipse, running main methods in j2se programs, in a JPA project in eclipse, using eclipselink 2.3. But this is not EJB, nor is it ManagedBeans or etc.
I found this:
UserTransaction utx;
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
} catch (Exception exe) {
System.out.println("Rollback failed: "+exe.getMessage());
Unfortunately, I didn't find anything about UserTransaction until I got to the Web portion of the java ee tutorial, so, as such, I was unable to find the sentence that said "user transaction" amidst all the implication that em.persist() is all that it takes. Also, #Resource might not work outside of a Java EE Container.
Daniel: thank you for the comment, it gave me the answer that I needed.
Even though I had found the above items, and although I was doing this:
// .. set fields of address ..
It still wasn't working. When I changed the persistence.xml file to only CREATE tables, the test method runs correctly, and, when I comment out everything but retrieve the customer from the database, that returns correctly as well.
I have also tried:
and that works fine as well. Thank you so much, as finding out what the entity manager is actually doing because of the "DROP AND CREATE TABLES" directive would likely be a very hard thing to track down amongst tutorials.
In your persistence.xml you have,
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
This means every time you create a new EntityManagerFactory you will recreate your database, loosing all of the data.
Either remove this, or change it to "create-tables" to only create.
For your first issue, try ., i.e. x.address
since you are using Eclipselink JPA, it will not follow standard syntax of SQL query if you are using standard "createQuery" method
You need to use this:
select t from table1 t
instead of
select * from table1
It follows syntax of JPQL. See this link for more info.
But if you want to use native sql method, use "createNativeMethod" from manager instance

What is a form based application?

What does it mean that an application is "form based"? I am reading the JSF specification and term turned up.
Form based application, means that for each form, there is a backend bean (java class) that handles the calls to the class.
For instance, you will have a form for login (login.xhtml) and you will present all getter and setters of the values that are needed in the form, in LoginBean.java
All operations (like retrieving data from db) only for this form, will be done in a postconstruct method.
So if login has username and password like this:
<h:inputtext name="name" value="#{loginBean.name}" />
<h:inputtext name="password" value="#{loginBean.password}" />
The LoginBean.java will look:
public class LoginBean{
String name;
String password;
public getName(){return name;}
public getPassword(){return password;}
public setName(String name){
this.name = name;
public setPassword(String password){
this.password = password;
public void init(){
this.name = ... //get the name from db