Does amqp support flow control with producerMaxRate - jboss-amq

I am using Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.1.0.GA and testing flow control with amqp protocol by using example under amq71Install\examples\protocols\amqp\queue, I just added producerMaxRate=1 in the following code sample:
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new JmsConnectionFactory("amqp://");
But this doesn't works on controlling the flow, is it possible to use this parameter for amqp protocol?
Best regards

The "producerMaxRate" parameter is only valid for "core" JMS clients, not AMQP.


CoAP and MQTT support in Wildfly 8.0.0.Final

We have an enterprise solution deployed on Wildfly 8.0.0 server, we intend to support CoAP and MQTT also as communication protocol. We explored extensively but we couldn't find even any oblique reference to our problem case. Is it possible to add CoAP and MQTT support without destabilizing Wildfly setup ??
I think theoretically it is possible to use a within an EE server for CoAP.
The main issue here is that Californium listens to an UDP port (and sends datagrams too).
So if you want to stay within a EE specification, you'll have to implement a JCA adapter for that.
If you want things to just work, you can run/manage it from a JMX bean.
WildFly being a Web Server doesn't necessarily need to support CoAP or MQTT because those are not standard HTTP based Communication protocols but protocols designed to enable M2M (Machine to Machine) Communication.
As of WildFly 8.0.0.Final it only allows HTTP (Servlet, JAX-RS, JAX-WS), Web Sockets, HTTP Upgraded Remoting (EJB Invocation, Remote JNDI).

Solace messaging mock connection object - how

I am using scala unit test(maven) with solace messaging. Use cases are publish message and consume message.
Question : Is there any standalone way(runs with maven life cycle from different environments like DEV, QA etc.. ) to mock solace connection object to test my publish and consume messages from the solace JMS queue?
Java Message Service(JMS) is an open standard.
Therefore, you can make use of any JMS mocking tools to perform this mock-up.

How to read MSMQ from OSB

I need to create a proxy service that will listen from MSMQ (Microsoft Messaging Queue ) .May I know what transport protocol/ adapter should i use to make this possible ?
Is that Oracle Service Bus? You would need an MSMQ adaptor - MSMQ uses it's own transport protocol (plus HTTP/S & RPC). It looks like OSB only has a Websphere MQ adaptor.

Java EE Application: TCP Server + Web Interface

I need to implement a TCP server with a web interface included for management.
Basically, the tcp server will be listening to new connections and keeping current ones active while the web interface allow me to see information regarding these connections and to interact with them (e.g. send messages and seeing received ones)...
My concerns resides in the "TCP Server" integration with the web application.
For received messages I could simple use a shared DB, but I need to send messages to the peers connected into the TCP server.
My best bet is currently on JCA. Some research pointed me to a nice sample:
The sample uses an Message Driven Bean to deal with messages received over port 9000, acting as an echo server.
I am new in the Java EE 6 world. I trying to figure out why things were done in one way or another in the sample (e.g. why MDB?).
JCA has a fairly complicated spec. So I am trying at first to adapt the sample above to keep the connections active to exchange data. My next step will be adapt it to accept a string over a servlet to forward it to a given peer.
Can someone help me out on this?
Well, first of all, using Java EE with TCP is not the best approach you may use. If you just need a simple TCP service with Web UI you'd better consider using Java SE with some web container attached (undertow works well).
In other hand, if you need your application to integrate into existing Java EE infrastructure your company has, JCA would be the best approach. While it's not designed for such kind of things, JCA is the only EE subsystem liberal enough for that kind of thread management you would need for TCP networking to work.
JCA-Socket you're referring above is not the best example of a JCA app. It uses plain Java's blocking sockets by blocking WorkManager thread, this is not very effective. Things got much better now and we have Java NIO and Netty for highly effective raw networking to work upon. I have a JCA connector for TCP interactions which may provide you a skeleton to build your own. Feel free to extend and contribute.
P.S. About MDB: message-driven bean is the only "legal" JCA approach of asynchronous incoming messages handling. Since TCP is asynchronous, you'll definitely need one in your application for all the things to start working. Outcoming data transfers happen through various ConnectionFactory interfaces you'll inject into your bean. The link above will provide you with a reference ConnectionFactory implementation as well as a simple tester app utilizing both ConnectionFactory and MDB messaging approaches.

Do MassTransit or nServiceBus support MSMQ over HTTP transport?

I understand it's available since MSMQ 3.0, is it available via any of the .NET ESBs?
Is this possible with other MQ transports (ActiveMQ, etc)?
NServiceBus use msmq as its main transport but does not support the http option for Msmq. Can you elaborate on what you're trying to achieve? Perhaps the NServiceBus gateway component is what you need?
Hope this helps!
MassTransit does not support MSMQ over HTTP in any way. RabbitMQ only requires a single port open for communication but it is not the HTTP (80 or 443) port.