Why do I have to Include other entities into my Linq query? - entity-framework

In the below query, why do I have to include the related entities in my query to get a value for them? I mean why Lazy-loading does not seem to work and do I have to do Eager-loading instead?
var acceptedHitchRequest = await _acceptedRequestRepository.GetAll()
.Include(p => p.HitchRequest)
.Include(p => p.CarparkRequest)
.Include(p => p.HitchRequest.User)
.Include(p => p.CarparkRequest.User)
.Where(p => (input.HitchRequestId.HasValue ? p.HitchRequest.Id == input.HitchRequestId : p.CarparkRequest.Id == input.CarparkRequestId)
&& p.IsActive).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (input.HitchRequestId.HasValue && acceptedHitchRequest.HitchRequest.CreatorUserId == AbpSession.UserId)
The CreatorUserId in the if condition would throw an exception because the HitchRequest would be null if I were not using the Include().

Inclue() method provides eager loading instead of lazy loading. I'm explaining to you the difference between the two based on my knowledge.
Lazy loading. It gives you records only for the entity itself and one each time that related data (in your case HitchRequest) for
the entity must be retrieved. The DbContext class gives you lazy
loading by default.
Eager loading. When the entity is read, related data is retrieved along with it. This typically results in a single join query that
retrieves all of the data that's needed. You specify eager loading by
using the Include method.
The first statement without Include() is equivalent to the below statement, that's why HitchRequest is null if you don't use Include():
SELECT * FROM AcceptedRequest;
The statement which uses Include("HitchRequest.User") is equivalent to the below statement:
SELECT * FROM AcceptedRequest JOIN Orders ON AcceptedRequest.Id = HitchRequest.User.AcceptedRequestId;
You can refer to this very useful article.
Entity Framework Loading Related Entities, Eager Loading and Eager Loading in Entity Framework


EF Core 6 - when using Contains in the where clause causes an error "could not be translated"

I am migrating from EF Core 2.1 to EF Core 6.
I have the following code:
var currentCars = _context.Cars
.Include(x => x.Model)
.Where(x => currentModels.Contains(x.ModelId))
Cars have a ModelId(long) that relates to a Model type.
CurrentModels is a List<long>, being the current model type Ids we are interested in.
The LINQ expression 'EnumerableQuery { 1 }
Value: EntityReference: AssetSP | IncludePaths:
-> Model
Expression: a.ModelId)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more information.
I can't work out how to do the query on the database. I do not want to bring all the Cars back to the server to filter there.
In SQL it would be something like.
Select *
From Cars
Where ModelId in (-- ids here --)

Is there an alternate for an EF Core where clause using List.Contains(object, IEqualityComparer)?

The following syntax will indeed not be translated by EF Core.
var books = await context.Books
.Where(c => detachedBooks.Contains(c, new BookEqualityComparer()))
I wanted to use a separate BookEqualityComparer here in order not to inherit from IEquatable in Entity Book so as not to interfere with the regular working of EF Core.
detachedBooks is a list of detached Book entities, i.e. the Id are not available.
I doubt anything that complex would be ever supported in EF. Select your relevant details from your detached entities or DTOs and use those. For instance something like this would generally match rows based on their PKs or elements of a composite key:
var bookIds = detachedBooks.Select(x => x.BookId).ToList();
var books = await context.Books
.Where(c => bookIds.Contains(c.BookId))

Entity Framework DB select with Skip and Take fetches the entire table

I have the following EF code
Func<CxForumArticle, bool> whereClause = a => a.CreatedBy == authorId;
IEnumerable<CxForumArticle> articlesCol = ctx.Articles
.Where(a => a.PublishingStatus == EnPublishStatus.PUBLISHED)
.OrderByDescending(a => a.ModifiedOn).Skip(offset).Take(pageSize);
It produces the following SQL
[Extent1].[ArticleId] AS [ArticleId],
[Extent1].[Alias] AS [Alias],
[Extent1].[MigratedId] AS [MigratedId],
[Extent1].[Title] AS [Title],
[Extent1].[Teaser] AS [Teaser],
[Extent1].[ClobId] AS [ClobId],
[Extent1].[UnifiedContentId] AS [UnifiedContentId],
[Extent1].[EditorComments] AS [EditorComments],
[Extent1].[CreatedOn] AS [CreatedOn],
[Extent1].[CreatedBy] AS [CreatedBy],
[Extent1].[ModifiedOn] AS [ModifiedOn],
[Extent1].[ModifiedBy] AS [ModifiedBy],
[Extent1].[PublishingStatus] AS [PublishingStatus]
FROM [dbo].[ForumArticle] AS [Extent1]
As you see, there is no ordering and paging in this SQL. So EF orders and pages data in memory.
This doesn't seem to be a good thing to do.
I read an article, claiming that I have to use expression in OrderBy clause. I did that
Func<CxForumArticle, bool> whereClause = a => a.CreatedBy == authorId;
Expression<Func<CxForumArticle, DateTime>> orderByFunc = a => a.ModifiedOn;
IEnumerable<CxForumArticle> articlesCol = ctx.Articles
.Where(a => a.PublishingStatus == EnPublishStatus.PUBLISHED)
But I got the same result. Any ideas how can I force EF to sort and page the data in DB?
I know this is pretty old, but you actually need to have the whereClause use an expression as well. Entity Framework only knows how to convert expressions to SQL. If you use a delegate instead of an expression, it is going to query the entire table and then then filter using LINQ to Objects.

Filtering related entities in entity framework 6

I want to fetch the candidate and the work exp where it is not deleted. I am using repository pattern in my c# app mvc.
Kind of having trouble filtering the record and its related child entities
I have list of candidates which have collection of workexp kind of throws error saying cannot build expression from the body.
I tried putting out anonymous object but error still persist, but if I use a VM or DTO for returning the data the query works.
It's like EF doesn't like newing up of the existing entity within its current context.
var candidate = dbcontext.candidate
.where(c=>c.candiate.ID == id).include(c=>c.WorkExperience)
.select(e=>new candidate
WorkExperience = e.WorkExperience.where(k=>k.isdeleted==false).tolist()
Is there any workaround for this?
You cannot call ToList in the expression that is traslated to SQL. Alternatively, you can start you query from selecting from WorkExperience table. I'm not aware of the structure of your database, but something like this might work:
var candidate = dbcontext.WorkExperience
.Include(exp => exp.Candidate)
.Where(exp => exp.isdeleted == false && exp.Candidate.ID == id)
.GroupBy(exp => exp.Candidate)
.ToArray() //query actually gets executed and return grouped data from the DB
.Select(groped => new {
Candidate = grouped.Key,
Experience = grouped.ToArray()
var candidate =
where(c=>c.candiate.ID == id)
select c).ToList().Select(cand => new candidate{WorkExperience = cand.WorkExperience.where(k=>k.isdeleted==false).tolist()});

EF Where(x => x.ColumnVal == 1) vs FirstOrDefault(x => x.Column == 1)

I had a LINQ query that loads a hierarchy of objects like the following.
Query #1
var result = db.Orders
// many other .Include() here
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Customer.CustomerId == 1 &&
x.OrderId == orderId);
I was having MAJOR performance problem with it.
The CPU usage was near 100% and memory usage was very high.
And I tweaked it to the following and the performance problem was fixed.
Query #2
var result = db.Orders
// many other .Include() here
.Where(x => x.Customer.CustomerId == 1 &&
x.OrderId == orderId)
I just want to confirm my suspicion.
Query #1 is probably looping through all my records in memory looking for a matching record
Query #2 filters the records on the Database and then getting the first record only.
Is that why the Query #1 has performance problems?
Just to be safe, do I need to use the .Select(x => x) before the .FirstOrDefault()?
Query #3
var result = db.Orders
// many other .Include() here
.Where(x => x.Customer.CustomerId == 1 &&
x.OrderId == orderId)
.Select(x => x)
No, they both should result in a same SQL query when being executed. You can prove it by looking into SQL Profiler and see what is the exact SQL being submitted from EF in both cases. Your performance optimization should have been caused by some other factors. Here is why:
Include method returns an ObjectQuery<T>:
public class ObjectQuery<T> : ObjectQuery, IOrderedQueryable<T>,
IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>,
IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable,
IEnumerable, IListSource
Which means its FirstOrDefault method comes with 2 overloads:
// Defined by Enumerable:
FirstOrDefault(Func<T, Boolean>)
// Defined by Queryable:
FirstOrDefault(Expression<Func<T, Boolean>>)
When you code .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Customer.CustomerId == 1 compiler will go into a process called Overload Resolution to infer the type of the lambda expression x => x.Customer.CustomerId == 1 since it is convertible to the type of both overload's parameter types.
Compiler will use an algorithm (that I am still trying to find in C# Language Specification!), figure out that converting the lambda to the Expression<Func<T, Boolean> is a better conversion than to Func<T, Boolean> so pick the IQueryable overload.
Therefore, you'll see the predicate in the generated SQL when observing it in the SQL Profiler.
I found the culprit. It's the SQL query generated by Entity Framework.
I have a complicated Schema with a lot of many-to-many relationships.
Entity Framework was generating a 32,000 line long SQL string :'(
Now, I am changing my code to load the hierarchy manually for some part.
Please let me know if anyone knows some good articles to read about Eager Loading and Many-to-Many relationships.
I think best would be to use ...Where(condition).Take(1).FirstOrDefault() because Take(1) can be easily translated to SQL as a TOP clause. Anybody with me?