Find first matching object in array given starting index - swift

I have an array of objects
var arrayOfObjects: [Object]?
And they all have a property called depth. I want to find the very next object in that array that has the same depth with a specific object I know the index of:
object_I_know: {depth:3},
Is there a more efficient way other than using a for loop starting from the object_I_know index, and traversing down until it finds one?

let nextIndex: Int? = (givenIndex ..< array.endIndex).first { index in
return array[index].depth == array[givenIndex].depth
The item with the object with the same depth would be at that nextIndex if there is one
let nextObject: Object? = (nextIndex == nil) ? nil : array[nextIndex!]

Here's a sample model I came up with for testing:
struct S {
let id: Int
let depth: Int
var id = 0
let getID: () -> Int = { defer { id += 1 }; return id }
let objects = [
S(id: getID(), depth: 1),
S(id: getID(), depth: 3),
S(id: getID(), depth: 2),
S(id: getID(), depth: 3),
S(id: getID(), depth: 4),
Here's a solution that account for the situations in which there are no elements which match the predicate, or only 1 such element:
let isDepth3: (S) -> Bool = { $0.depth == 3 }
// Get the index of the first item (can be nil)
let indexOfFirstDepth3 = objects.index(where: isDepth3)
// Get the index after that (can be nil), so that we can exclude everything before it
let firstIndexOfRemainingItems = indexOfFirstDepth3.flatMap { objects.index($0, offsetBy: +1, limitedBy: objects.endIndex) }
let indexOfSecondDepth3 = firstIndexOfRemainingItems.flatMap {
// Slice the `objects` array, to omit all the items before up to and including the first depth 3 item.
// Then find the index of the next next 3 item thereafter.
return objects[$0...].index(where: isDepth3)
// Print results
func stringifyOptional<T>(_ item: T?) -> String {
return{ String(describing: $0) } ?? "nil"
print("First item with depth 3 is \(stringifyOptional({ objects[$0] })) at index \(stringifyOptional(indexOfFirstDepth3))")
print("Second item with depth 3 is \(stringifyOptional({ objects[$0] })) at index \(stringifyOptional(indexOfFirstDepth3))")
If you're sure that you'll have 2 such elements, and you're sure that force unwrapping will be safe, then this can be simplified dramatically:
let isDepth3: (S) -> Bool = { $0.depth == 3 }
let indexOfFirstDepth3 = objects.index(where: isDepth3)!
let indexOfSecondDepth3 = objects[indexOfFirstDepth3...].index(where: isDepth3)!
// Just printing the result
print("First item with depth 3 is \(objects[indexOfFirstDepth3]) at index \(indexOfFirstDepth3)")
print("Second item with depth 3 is \(objects[indexOfFirstDepth3])) at index \(indexOfFirstDepth3)")

struct DepthObject { let depth: Int }
let objs = [a, b, c, d ,e]
let index = 1 //predetermined index
let depthToFind = objs[index].depth
let startIndex = index + 1
let remainingArray = objs[startIndex...] //The slice we want to work with
One way
let aMessage: String? = remainingArray
.first { $0.depth == depthToFind }
.flatMap { "The world is yours \($0)" }
Decide based on it
if let nextDepthObject = remainingArray.first(where: { $0.depth == depthToFind }) {
//Found the next one!
} else {
//Didn't find it!
Loop it
var nextDepthObject: DepthObject? = nil
for sliceDepthObject in remainingArray {
if sliceDepthObject.depth == depthToFind {
nextDepthObject = sliceDepthObject
Implementing a particular approach
func nextDepthObject(within array: Array<DepthObject>, startingAt index: Int) -> DepthObject? {
guard index + 1 < array.count && index < array.count else {
return nil
let depthToFind = array[index].depth
let suffixArray = array[(index + 1)...]
return suffixArray.first { $0.depth == depthToFind }
let theNextOne: DepthObject? = nextDepthObject(within: objs, startingAt: index)

You can add an extension over Collection (which Array conforms to):
extension Collection {
func next(startingWith next: Self.Index, where match: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
guard next < endIndex else { return nil }
return self[next..<endIndex].first(where: match)
You'd use it like this:
let nextMatch = foundIndex+1) { $0.depth == searchedDepth }

class Object {
var name: String
var depth: Float
init(name: String, depth: Float) { = name
self.depth = depth
let o1 = Object(name: "object1", depth: 10)
let o2 = Object(name: "object2", depth: 12)
let o3 = Object(name: "object3", depth: 4)
let o4 = Object(name: "object4", depth: 12)
let o5 = Object(name: "object5", depth: 14)
let array = [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]
let knownIndex = 1
let knownDepth = array[knownIndex].depth
var searchResults = [Object]()
// iterate through the second half of the array after the known
// index and break the loop when a match is found
for i in knownIndex + 1..<array.count {
if array[i].depth == knownDepth {
searchResults = [array[i]]
// after the loop is finished (either by going all the way to the
// end or breaking after a match is found), check your search results
if searchResults.count > 0 {
print("match found: \(searchResults[0].name)")
} else {
print("no match found")
index(where:) uses a loop also, unbeknownst to the commenter, except that the compiler does it for you behind the scenes. index(where:) also loops through the entire array which is not very efficient if you already know the starting index (which OP does).


How to add values of two arrays that are different sizes in length?

If I have two int arrays such as
var array1 = [1,2,3]
var array2 = [1,2,3,5]
I'd like to be able to add the first element of the first array with the first element of the second array, and so on. However if an array has a different length than the other I'd like to keep the element that was not added in the return array. For this example my return array would be [2,4,6,5].
I tried using zip(array1,array2).map(+) but it would exclude the 5 from array2.
After adding the elements at the index positions which are common to both arrays (what you already did with zip and map) just append the remaining elements from both arrays (using append(contentsOf:) and dropFirst):
let array1 = [1, 2, 3]
let array2 = [1, 2, 3, 5]
var combined = zip(array1, array2).map(+)
let commonCount = combined.count
combined.append(contentsOf: array1.dropFirst(commonCount))
combined.append(contentsOf: array2.dropFirst(commonCount))
print(combined) // [2, 4, 6, 5]
AnySequence(zip: (1...3, [1, 2, 3, 5])).map {
Optional($0).map(+) ?? firstNonNil($0)!
public extension AnySequence {
/// Like `zip`, but with `nil` elements for the shorter sequence after it is exhausted.
init<Sequence0: Sequence, Sequence1: Sequence>(
zip zipped: (Sequence0, Sequence1)
) where Element == (Sequence0.Element?, Sequence1.Element?) {
state: (zipped.0.makeIterator(), zipped.1.makeIterator())
) { iterators in
((, as Optional)
.filter { $0 != nil || $1 != nil }
public extension Optional {
/// Exchange two optionals for a single optional tuple.
/// - Returns: `nil` if either tuple element is `nil`.
init<Wrapped0, Wrapped1>(_ optionals: (Wrapped0?, Wrapped1?))
where Wrapped == (Wrapped0, Wrapped1) {
switch optionals {
case let (wrapped0?, wrapped1?):
self = (wrapped0, wrapped1)
self = nil
/// Transform `.some` into `.none`, if a condition fails.
/// - Parameters:
/// - isSome: The condition that will result in `nil`, when evaluated to `false`.
func filter(_ isSome: (Wrapped) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self {
try flatMap { try isSome($0) ? $0 : nil }
public func firstNonNil<Element>(_ tuple: (Element?, Element?)) -> Element? {
switch tuple {
case (let _0?, _):
return _0
case (nil, let _1?):
return _1
case (nil, nil):
return nil
func combine2Arrays(array1:[Int], array2:[Int]) -> [Int] {
var finalArray:[Int] = []
let maxSize = max(array1.count, array2.count)
for i in 0..<maxSize {
let valToAdd1 = (array1.count > i ? array1[i] : 0)
let valToAdd2 = (array2.count > i ? array2[i] : 0)
let finalVal = valToAdd1 + valToAdd2
return finalArray
print(combine2Arrays(array1: [1,2,3], array2: [1,2,3,5]))
func combine2Arrays(array1:[Int], array2:[Int]) -> [Int] {
var finalArray:[Int] = zip(array1,array2).map(+)
let largerArray = array1.count > array2.count ? array1 : array2
let smallerArray = array1.count > array2.count ? array2 : array1
let min = smallerArray.count
let max = largerArray.count
for i in min..<max {
return finalArray
print(combine2Arrays(array1: [1,2,3], array2: [1,2,3,5]))
You can fill your smaller array with zeroes, then use zip. inout means that arrays are mutable, or you can make the copy of function parameters inside the function to make them mutable.
private func combineArrays(array1: inout [Int], array2: inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
let maxSize = max(array1.count, array2.count)
if (array1.count > array2.count) {
array2.append(contentsOf: [Int](repeating: 0, count: maxSize - array2.count))
} else if (array2.count > array1.count) {
array1.append(contentsOf: [Int](repeating: 0, count: maxSize - array1.count))
return zip(array1, array2).map(+)
var array1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
var array2 = [9,7,8,6,5,6,7];
let a= array1.length;
let b = array2.length;
var array3 = [];
let c = a>b?a:b;
for(let i=0; i<c; i++){
if(i < a && i < b){
array3.push(array1[i] + array2[i]);
} else if(i >= a){
} else{

CodingBat string_bits problem solved using swit for loop

Given a string, return a new string made of every other char starting with the first, so "Hello" yields "Hlo".
string_bits('Hello') → 'Hlo'
string_bits('Hi') → 'H'
string_bits('Heeololeo') → 'Hello'
func string_bits(userString: String) ->String{
var myString = ""
for(i, v) in userString.enumerated(){
if i % 2 == 0{
return myString
Output: Hello
Now my question:
Is there any I can iterate my index any way in swift like object-c, c, or other programming languages does. For instance:
result = ""
# On each iteration, add the substring of the chars 0..i
for i in range(len(str)):
result = result + str[:i+1]
return result
Here, I am adding +1 with the current index and getting the index value. How can I do this in swift.
extension Collection {
func everyNthIndex(n: Int) -> UnfoldSequence<Index,Index> {
sequence(state: startIndex) { index in
guard index < endIndex else { return nil }
defer { index = self.index(index, offsetBy: n, limitedBy: endIndex) ?? endIndex }
return index
let alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for evenIndex in alphabet.everyNthIndex(n: 2) {
print("evenIndex", evenIndex, "char:", alphabet[evenIndex])
for oddIndex in alphabet.dropFirst().everyNthIndex(n: 2) {
print("oddIndex", oddIndex, "char:", alphabet[oddIndex])
regular approach using while loop:
var index = alphabet.startIndex
while index < alphabet.endIndex {
defer { index = alphabet.index(index, offsetBy: 1) }
or enumerating the string indices:
func string_bits(userString: String) -> String {
var myString = ""
for (offset,index) in userString.indices.enumerated() {
if offset.isMultiple(of: 2) {
return myString

How to sort array according to number of occurrence of string?

How to sort array according to number of occurrence of string
Example :
var array = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
and sorted array should be like this
Updated For Swift 3
var array = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
var counts:[String:Int] = [:]
for item in array {
counts[item] = (counts[item] ?? 0) + 1
let result = counts.sorted { $0.value > $1.value }.map { $0.key }
for string in result {
This is what I have been able to come up with:
var array = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
// record the occurences of each item
var dict = [String: Int]()
for item in array {
if dict[item] == nil {
dict[item] = 1
} else {
dict[item]! += 1
// here I sort the dictionary by comparing the occurrences and map it so that the result contains only the key (the string)
let result = dict.sorted { $0.value > $1.value }.map { $0.key }
Try this -
It is tested and working as expected --
let arrayName = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
var counts:[String:Int] = [:]
for item in arrayName {
counts[item] = (counts[item] ?? 0) + 1
let array = counts.keysSortedByValue(isOrderedBefore: >)
print(array) // Output - ["Me", "Hello", "the", "That", "as"]
Create Dictionary extension -
extension Dictionary {
func sortedKeys(isOrderedBefore:(Key,Key) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self.keys).sorted(by: isOrderedBefore)
// Faster because of no lookups, may take more memory because of duplicating contents
func keysSortedByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self)
.sorted() {
let (_, lv) = $0
let (_, rv) = $1
return isOrderedBefore(lv, rv)
.map {
let (k, _) = $0
return k
It looks simple.
1. Take distinct from your array.
2. Make count according to distinct list.
3. Save results in collection - ie Dictionary.
4. Sort new collection.
Loop through the array and maintain a word count dictionary. Make sure the dictionary can be sorted based on values and finally obtain the set of keys and transform it back into an array.
This should work.
var array = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
var tR : [String : Int] = [:]
let finalResult = array.reduce(tR) { result, item in
var tArr : [String: Int] = result
if let count = tArr[item] {
tArr[item] = count+1
} else {
tArr[item] = 1
return tArr
.sorted(by: { item1, item2 in
return item1.value > item2.value
}).map() { $0.key }
Please try this, hope it helps
var terms = ["Hello","Me","That","Me","Hello","Me","as","the"]
var termFrequencies = [String: Int]()
for t in terms {
if termFrequencies[t] == nil {
termFrequencies[t] = 1
} else {
termFrequencies[t] = termFrequencies[t]! + 1
for value in terms {
let index = termFrequencies[value] ?? 0
termFrequencies[value] = index + 1
let result = termFrequencies.sorted{$0.1 > $1.1}.map{$0.0}

Custom iterator to infinitely iterate collection in a loop mode

I am looking for iterator to infinitely iterate collection in a loop mode. So that when end index of collection is reached, then iterator should return element at start index.
The following solution seems working, but I hope it can be made in a better way.
public struct LoopIterator<T: Collection>: IteratorProtocol {
private let collection: T
private var startIndexOffset: T.IndexDistance
public init(collection: T) {
self.collection = collection
startIndexOffset = 0
public mutating func next() -> T.Iterator.Element? {
guard !collection.isEmpty else {
return nil
let index = collection.index(collection.startIndex, offsetBy: startIndexOffset)
startIndexOffset += T.IndexDistance(1)
if startIndexOffset >= collection.count {
startIndexOffset = 0
return collection[index]
extension Array {
func makeLoopIterator() -> LoopIterator<Array> {
return LoopIterator(collection: self)
// Testing...
// Will print: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
var it = [1, 2, 3].makeLoopIterator()
for _ in 0..<6 {
Is it a right way to do custom iterator? What can be improved?
In Swift 3 (which you're using), indexes are intended to be advanced by the collection itself. With that, you can simplify this as follows:
public struct LoopIterator<Base: Collection>: IteratorProtocol {
private let collection: Base
private var index: Base.Index
public init(collection: Base) {
self.collection = collection
self.index = collection.startIndex
public mutating func next() -> Base.Iterator.Element? {
guard !collection.isEmpty else {
return nil
let result = collection[index]
collection.formIndex(after: &index) // (*) See discussion below
if index == collection.endIndex {
index = collection.startIndex
return result
Now we simply move the index forward, and if it now points to the end, reset it to the beginning. No need for count or IndexDistance.
Note that I've used formIndex here, which exists to improve performance in somewhat obscure cases (specifically around AnyIndex) since your Iterator works on any Collection (and therefore any Index). The simpler version would be index = collection.index(after: index), and that may be better in most cases.
For all the gory details on Swift 3 indices, see SE-0065.
With Swift 5, you can use one of the following examples in order to solve your problem.
#1. Using AnyIterator
As an alternative to creating a new type that conforms to IteratorProtocol, you can use AnyIterator. The following code, based on Rob Napier's answer, shows how to use it:
extension Array {
func makeInfiniteLoopIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> {
var index = self.startIndex
return AnyIterator({
if self.isEmpty {
return nil
let result = self[index]
index = self.index(after: index)
if index == self.endIndex {
index = self.startIndex
return result
let infiniteLoopIterator = [1, 2, 3].makeInfiniteLoopIterator()
for val in infiniteLoopIterator.prefix(5) {
let infiniteLoopIterator = [1, 2, 3].makeInfiniteLoopIterator()
let array = Array(infiniteLoopIterator.prefix(7))
print(array) // prints: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]
let infiniteLoopIterator = [1, 2, 3].makeInfiniteLoopIterator()
let val1 =
let val2 =
let val3 =
let val4 =
print(String(describing: val1)) // prints: Optional(1)
print(String(describing: val2)) // prints: Optional(2)
print(String(describing: val3)) // prints: Optional(3)
print(String(describing: val4)) // prints: Optional(1)
#2. Using AnySequence
A similar approach is to use AnySequence:
extension Array {
func makeInfiniteSequence() -> AnySequence<Element> {
return AnySequence({ () -> AnyIterator<Element> in
var index = self.startIndex
return AnyIterator({
if self.isEmpty {
return nil
let result = self[index]
self.formIndex(after: &index) // alternative to: index = self.index(after: index)
if index == self.endIndex {
index = self.startIndex
return result
let infiniteSequence = [1, 2, 3].makeInfiniteSequence()
for val in infiniteSequence.prefix(5) {
let infiniteSequence = [1, 2, 3].makeInfiniteSequence()
let array = Array(infiniteSequence.prefix(7))
print(array) // prints: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]

Finding the first non-repeating character in a String using Swift

This finds the duplicates in the array, but i'm looking for something that finds the first non-repeating character in a string. I've been trying to figure out a way to do this and I cannot figure it out. This is the closest i've gotten.
var strArray = ["P","Q","R","S","T","P","R","A","T","B","C","P","P","P","P","P","C","P","P","J"]
var filter = Dictionary<String,Int>()
var len = strArray.count
for var index = 0; index < len ;++index {
var value = strArray[index]
if (filter[value] != nil) {
filter[value] = 1
In order to tell if a character repeats itself, go through the entire array once, incrementing the count of occurrences in a dictionary:
let characters = ["P","Q","R","S","T","P","R","A","T","B","C","P","P","P","P","P","C","P","P","J"]
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
for character in characters {
counts[character] = (counts[character] ?? 0) + 1
let nonRepeatingCharacters = characters.filter({counts[$0] == 1})
// ["Q", "S", "A", "B", "J"]
let firstNonRepeatingCharacter = nonRepeatingCharacters.first!
// "Q"
Here is a simple solution
func nonRepeat (_ input: String) -> String {
for char in input {
if input.firstIndex(of: char) == input.lastIndex(of: char) {
return String(char)
return ""
print (nonRepeat(inputString))
In the above example it would print "Q"
func firstNonRepeatedCharacter(input: String) -> Character?{
var characterCount : [Character : Int] = [:]
var uniqueCharacter: Character?
for character in input{
if let count = characterCount[character]{
characterCount[character] = count + 1
if(uniqueCharacter == character)
uniqueCharacter = nil
characterCount[character] = 1
if(uniqueCharacter == nil){
uniqueCharacter = character
return uniqueCharacter
Without extra loop to find character from characterCount dictionary
Here is the way I have found to detect the first non-repeated character. It removes spaces and punctuation to find the actual letter or number that does not repeat.
extension String {
func removeNonAlphaNumChars() -> String {
let charSet = NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().invertedSet
return self
var firstNonRepeatedCharacter: Character? {
let alphaNumString = self.removeNonAlphaNumChars()
let characters = alphaNumString.characters
let count = characters.count
guard count > 0 else { return nil }
// Find unique chars
var dict: [Character: Int?] = [:]
for (index, char) in characters.enumerate() {
if dict[char] != nil {
dict[char] = (nil as Int?)
else {
dict[char] = index
return dict.filter { $0.1 != nil }.sort { $0.1 < $1.1 }.first?.0
I totally wonder why the accepted answer was considered correct. They are using
method of a dictionary and that according to documentation would return a random element in the dictionary and not the first element as a dictionary in swift is not ordered like an array.
please do find below an implementation that works
func firstNonRepeatingLetter(_ str: String) -> String{
var characterDict = [String : Int]()
for character in str{
let lower = character.lowercased()
if let count = characterDict[lower]{
characterDict[lower] = count + 1
characterDict[lower] = 1
let filtered = characterDict.filter { $0.value == 1}
for character in str{
let lower = character.lowercased()
if let _ = filtered[lower]{
return lower
return ""
firstNonRepeatingLetter("moonmen") would return "e".
We can iterate once and keep the letter counts inside a dictionary.
Then, iterate again and return first letter where we see it was encountered once only (or "_" if not found a non-repeating letter):
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var letterCounts: [String: Int] = [:]
var result: Character = "_"
for letter in s {
if let currentLetterCount = letterCounts[String(letter)] {
letterCounts[String(letter)] = currentLetterCount + 1
} else {
letterCounts[String(letter)] = 1
for letter in s {
if letterCounts[String(letter)] == 1 {
result = letter
return result
OrderedDictionary makes this easy for all Sequences of Hashables, not just Strings:
import struct OrderedCollections.OrderedDictionary
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
var firstUniqueElement: Element? {
OrderedDictionary(zip(self, true)) { _, _ in false }
.first(where: \.value)?
/// `zip` a sequence with a single value, instead of another sequence.
public func zip<Sequence: Swift.Sequence, Constant>(
_ sequence: Sequence, _ constant: Constant
) -> LazyMapSequence<
(LazySequence<Sequence>.Element, Constant)
> { { ($0, constant) }
func getFirstUniqueChar(string:String)->Character?{
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
for character in string {
let charString = "\(character)"
counts[charString] = (counts[charString] ?? 0) + 1
let firstNonRepeatingCharacter = string.first {counts["\($0)"] == 1}
return firstNonRepeatingCharacter
print(getFirstUniqueChar(string: string))
import Foundation
import Glibc
var str:String = "aacbbcee"//your input string
var temp:String = ""
var dict:[Character:Int] = [:]
for char in str{
if let count = dict[char]{
dict[char] = count+1//storing values in dict and incrmenting counts o key
dict[char] = 0
var arr:[Character] = []
for (key, value) in dict{
if value == 0{
arr.append(key)//filtering out, take characters which has value>0
} //int(arr)
if arr.count != 0{
outer:for char in str{//outer is labeling the loop
for i in arr{
if i == char{
print(i,"is first")//matching char with array elements if found break
break outer
print("not found")
func firstNonRepeatedChar(string: String) -> Character {
var arr: [Character] = []
var dict: [Character : Int] = [:]
for character in string.description {
for character in arr {
dict[character] = (dict[character] ?? 0) + 1
let nonRepeatedArray = arr.filter { char in
if dict[char] == 1 {return true}
return false
let firstNonRepeatedChar = nonRepeatedArray.first
return firstNonRepeatedChar!
print(firstNonRepeatedChar(string: "strinstrig"))