Sentiment analysis using IBM Data Science Experience (DSX) and Bluemix Services - ibm-cloud

I’m trying to analyze customer feedback data (unstructured data) using IBM Data Science Experience (DSX) and Bluemix services. The objective is to do sentiment analysis.
Is it possible to call the Bluemix instances from DSX for this exercise? If yes, I’m looking for a sample Watson Machine Learning Flow.
Any alternative idea?


Trying to upload a AnyLogic model to AnyLogic Cloud that uses an AI Brain developed in Bonsai

As personal training for working with the Bonsai platform, I've used a model called "Activity Based Cost Analysis" and developed a Brain using Bonsai to optimize the models performance.
The brain has been fully trained and exported into an Azure Web App. Locally it worked well but when I upload the model to AnyLogic cloud I get the following error message:
This is how the Bonsai Connector block properties look in AnyLogic:
The AnyLogic public cloud prohibits any access to the Web, so this will not work.

How to train IBM Watson Assistant to answer from a specific dataset (say a eBook)?

I am a new bee to IBM Watson. I went through videos to create virtual assistant/chatbot where we could define intents/entities and answer accordingly. This seems fine when I have limited number of intents/entities. But say, I have a eBook and I want to train Watson to answer from this eBook. How do I achieve this. Anyone high level approach or direction will be really helpful.
There are different approaches.
You could use the integrated search skill which provides a link to Watson Discovery. You would upload your eBook to Watson Discovery and kind of index it.
Another approach is to use a database or something else as backend. Based on the input which identifies the search term and scopes which eBook to search, the answer would be retrieved from the backend database. This tutorial features a Db2 database and Watson Assistant retrieves the answer from the database. A similar approach is taken in this sample which shows how to retrieve excerpts from Wikipedia.

IBM DataConnect refine operations

The supported list of transformations in IBM's ETL service DataConnect in Bluemix Cloud are these ones here:
I have looked and looked but with no luck, what if I want to transform some of my data with an operation that is not included here? For example run custom code in a column and get some specific output?
Data Connect does not currently support refine operations outside of those provided with the service. We are adding new features and functionality weekly, but if you have a specific operation in mind, please let us know.
I will find out for you if we have the ability to execute custom code on our roadmap.
Wesley - IBM Bluemix Data Connect Engineering
As Wes mentions above in the short term we will continue to add new data preparation and transformation capabilities to the service. Currently there is no extensibility that allows you to code new transformations.
In the longer term we are considering allowing users to edit/extend pipelines using languages like Scala and Python. We don't have a defined date for these new capabilities.
Hernando Borda
IBM Bluemix Data Connect Product Manager

IBM Watson evaluation - is training data uploaded/saved to IBM servers?

Reading the documentation at
it states "Ensure that you have a Bluemix account. While you can do part of this deployment locally, you must still use Bluemix.". If I use a custom dataset will any of this data be sent to IBM's servers ?
Specifically I think im referring to step circled red ('Create or import training data') :
I plan to build a similar app to conversation-enhanced ( but want to ensure local data will not be sent to IBM.
Yes, you will need to send data to IBM.
If you are planning on using the IBM BlueMix services, then I recommend you read the terms of use, found here, to understand your full agreement:$file/i126-6606-08_05-2016_en_US.pdf

How do I ingest corpus data into IBM Watson?

I am building a application where I am trying to use IBM Watson question & answer API.
Currently I see only corpus for Healthcare and Travel, but I would like to ingest Custom dataset suiting my needs. Can anyone please point me to right direction or exact API which does that or IBM already built explorer which I can use to upload the data files directly.
Thanks for the help
At this time you can not ingest corpus data into IBM Watson. That is coming in the future.