Azure AD B2C Custom Policy for Custom Identity Server 3 IDP - identityserver3

I have uploaded the custom policy for custom IDP which is using Identity Server 3 and OpenId to communicate.
I am passing secret key as the cryptographic key for TrustFrameWorkExtensions.xml file but I am getting error policy doesn't contain the cryptographic key client_secret_ correlation ID, Any help as I am stuck with this error message ?
I followed this document


"Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider" error when Keycloak broker is configured as a client to another Keycloak instance

I am getting an error when I try to login to Keycloak by using it as a broker.1 I am using credentials from another keycloak instance to login. So far, I am redirected to the correct login page but after entering my credentials I receive an error.
I have set up Keycloack Identity Brokering on computer 1 by following the basic steps.2 I have used the generated redirection URI of the broker to register a new client on computer 2 in another Keycloak instance.3 The client configuration present on computer 2 4 is then used to fill in Authorization URL, Token URL, Client ID and Client Secret on the Identity Broker on Computer 1. 5
I may be leaving important fields missing. Pictures are attached for reference.
I have changed some settings to get the broker to work with the other Keycloak instance. I am now sending client secret as basic auth with signed verification off. I have also enabled back-channel logout. Hope this helps someone else.
I fixed this problem by regenerating the client secret on the identity provider side and using it on keycloak. The keycloak realm data import was not working very well for me apparently.
In my case I needed to empty the hosted domain field in the "Identity providers" configuration of my Google identity provider in Keycloak.
See also:
Keycloak Google identity provider error: "Identity token does not contain hosted domain parameter"

sign request to AWS API gateway with Signature v4 from using AWS Cognito token

I created a AWS API Gateway set with authentication = AWS_IAM to call a Lambda function. Now, to call this API I understand that I need to sign the request and as stated in the AWS documentation the correct way is to add the Authorization header calculated using AWS Signature V4 which need an access_key and a secret_key.
On my client side the user authenticate with AWS Cognito first and receive the JWT tokens (id token access token and refresh token) but I cannot find the access_key/secret
_key in them. How can I calculate the AWS Signature V4 from the tokens received from AWS Cognito?
I believe you can't (with 99,99999 of certainty)!
Please confirm that you are authenticating your users with AWS Cognito User Pool. You probably are because Cognito User Pool is the service that provides JWT. In this case, the token will assure the service that receives it (API Gateway) that your user is registered in a specific identity directory (User Pool). Your service should evaluate if it will provide access or not to its resources for users registered in this specific directory with the provided claims (groups, roles, etc).
When you secure your API Gateway endpoints with AWS_IAM you are saying that only identities that AWS can recognize inside its own identity directory (Users or Roles) are allowed to perform actions on the resource. In general, users registered in Cognito User Pools are not considered by AWS as valid identities.
For a Cognito User Pool user to be considered a valid AWS identity, you have two options:
1 - Configure your AWS account to use external Identity Providers and Federation. Not a simple thing and a solution to a different use case. In summary, don't choose this one.
2 - Use another AWS product (with a name that creates a lot of confusion) called Cognito Identity Pool. This service evaluates if the JWT token is allowed in that context (you configure it inside the Identity Pool). If is a valid token from a registered identity directory, Cognito Identity Pool will exchange your JWT token for a AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key and AWS Session Token associated with a specific IAM Role. You can then use these keys to sign your request. But keep in mind that with this change you will lose your capacity to identity the specific user in API Gateway and in the downstream services called by API Gateway.
If you need to have the JWT token in your downstream services, you can do it with a little bit of additional effort. You can't find a way here:

How to Configure OAuth2 Authentication for Apache Kafka Cluster using AZURE AD

due to the lack of INTROSPECT_ENDPOINT in azure AD, I am unable to validate the token.
How to validate the Azure Access token in Java?
Usually, the ADAL or the MSAL SDK will take care of it. But, you can still manually validate the access token you get. Here is the official tutorial: Validating tokens.
In summary, there would be 3 steps:
Get the kid in token header, and the tid in token payload.
Get all sign keys from{tid_here}/discovery/v2.0/keys, and find the key with kid
x5c in the key is the public certificate. You can use it to verify the signature of a token.

AWS Cognito Session Tokens and API Gateway Templates

I am using AWS Cognito Federated Identities to map tokens from arbitrary identity providers to Session Tokens and Temporary Credentials. But it is critical that we obtain the issuer and subject claims for each of these identities within either the API Gateway or our target micro services.
To this end, I am trying to extract the issuer and subject claims from an AWS Session Token using API Gateway Mapping Templates. All APIs are signed with AWS Signature Version 4. But to be clear, very few of our identities are coming from AWS Cognito User Pools, but from various trusted identity providers we have configured in AWS Cognito Federated Identities.
I am referring to the following page for instruction:
What I have seen thus far:
$ only useful for identities from Cognito User Pools
$context.identity.cognitoIdentityId: gets the Cognito Federated Identities key for an identity
Am I missing something?
Is it possible to extract issuer/subject from Mapping Template Context for an arbitrary identity?
Alternatively, is it possible to query Cognito Federated Identities for issuer/subject using a CognitoIdentity obtained via $context.identity.cognitoIdentityId
Feedback is much appreciated,

Wso2 - Change Resident Identity Provider to use different certificate other than wso2carbon

Could you please let me know how I can change the Resident metadata value to have a different certificate other than ws02 where I have signed a metadata using a specific cert. Seems IS is signing the SAMLRequest using its own cert so i get an invalid signature when sending a SAML Request to the Identity Provider.
I change the certificate alias on service provider configuration from IS console to the appropriate certificate but doesn't seem to overwrite signing it and still using the standard wso2 certificate.
Is there somewhere in the IS configuration where I can change the wso2carbon cert to one of my own so it will apply to identity provider resident?
Currently, the primary keystore configured by the / element in the /repository/conf/carbon.xml file is used for internal data encryption (encrypting data in internal data stores and configuration files) as well as for signing messages that are communicated with external parties. However, it is sometimes a common requirement to have separate keystores for communicating messages with external parties (such SAML, OIDC id_token signing) and for encrypting information in internal data stores. This is because, for the first scenario of signing messages, the keystore certificates need to be frequently renewed. However, for encrypting information in internal data stores, the keystore certificates should not be changed frequently because the data that is already encrypted will become unusable every time the certificate changes.
This feature will be available from IS 5.5.0 WUM and above. You can follow steps in [1] to configure multiple keystores.