Why does the order of a dispatched print() change when run in a Playground? - swift

In a Udacity's GCD course there was a small quiz:
let q = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive)
q.async { () -> Void in
Which will be printed first?
The correct answer is: tac, then tic. Seems logical.
But, why is it so only when I create an Xcode project? In a playground it prints tic then tac. What am I missing?

DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async{}
is below
Even thought it has quality of service (qos) as UI thread it does not means it is a main thread. So may be there is a difference in performance with play ground and ui project
please check apples documentation as well.
Apples documentation on GCD

key to your answer is in the question what really are you asking the "system" to do, an by system that is the whatever the code is running on the playground, your computer/phone or emulator. You are executing an asynchronous "block" of code - print("tic") with some priority ".userInteractive". If the system handles the asynchronous block first or continues with "normal" execution depends on priority and available resources. With asynchronous calls there is no real why to guarantee that it is executed before or after the code continues that is the nature of being asynchronous i.e execute the block as soon as the system allows it, all without blocking your current work. So the difference you are seeing in playground vs a project/emulator is that the project/phone/emulator must keep the UI/primary thread responsive so it continue with print("tac"), while the development playground favors the thread executing print("tic"). Bottom line is it has to deal with priority of execution and the available resources and how its implemented on the system you're running the code.


How can I use sleep in while without freezing all app?

I have a while loop which looping until some expression get true for breaking the loop, inside this loop I got a sleep(1), everything works fine, the only problem is the app get frozen until end of the while loop which is logical, I am trying to find out a way that the app would not get frozen while "while" working! Maybe multithreading programming? is it possible?
var repeatLoop = true
var count: Int = 0
while repeatLoop {
count += 1
if count >= 10
repeatLoop = false
PS: My Goal is finding the Answer for this question rather than changing the way of solving, I mean there is so many way to get the same result without sleep or while.
With this program you can't! You need to look for options in your programming framework which can do multi threading. Your sleep() function must allow other threads to run.
One nice solution is to invert the logic and use Timers. instead of call sleep to block the operation till the next interaction. Your timer will call your routine many times you want.
Look this: The ultimate guide to Timer
The main thread / queue is the interface thread / queue, so time-consuming activity there freezes the interface.
Maybe multithreading programming
Indeed. The answer to your actual question is: do the time-consuming activity on a background thread / queue.
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
// your code here
Of course, this raises the spectre of concurrency-related issues involving multiple simultaneous execution of the same code, non-thread-safe conflicts between accesses to shared data, etc. But that is the price of doing time-consuming things, and you just have to learn to cope.
The app won't freeze if you don't run this code on the main/UI thread.
There are several ways to do this on iOS. Here's one quick way:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async
// Your code here.

Swift dispatch queues async order of execution

Considering this trivial piece of code
DispatchQueue.global().async {
we can say that output will be as following:
Are there any circumstances under which order of execution will be different (disregarding kind of used queue)? May they be forced to appear manually if any?
You said:
we can say that output will be as following ...
No, at best you can only say that the output will often/frequently be in that order, but is not guaranteed to be so.
The code snippet is dispatching code asynchronously to a global, concurrent queue, which will run it on a separate worker thread, and, in the absence of any synchronization, you have a classic race condition between the current thread and that worker thread. You have no guarantee of the sequence of these print statements, though, in practice, you will frequently see 1 before 2.
this is one of the common questions at tech interview; and for some reason interviewers expect conclusion that order of execution is constant here. So (as it was not aligned with my understanding) I decided to clarify.
Your understanding is correct, that the sequence of these two print statements is definitely not guaranteed.
Are there any circumstances under which order of execution will be different
A couple of thoughts:
By adjusting queue priorities, for example, you can change the likelihood that 1 will appear before 2. But, again, not guaranteed.
There are a variety of mechanisms to guarantee the order.
You can use a serial queue ... I gather you didn’t want to consider using another/different queue, but it is generally the right solution, so any discussion on this topic would be incomplete without that scenario;
You can use dispatch group ... you can notify on the global queue when the current queue satisfies the group;
You can use dispatch semaphores ... semaphores are a classic answer to the question, but IMHO semaphores should used sparingly as it’s so easy to make mistakes ... plus blocking threads is never a good idea;
For the sake of completeness, we should mention that you really can use any synchronization mechanism, such as locks.
I do a quick test too. Normally I will do a UI update after code execution on global queue is complete, and I would usually put in the end of code block step 2.
But today I suddenly found even I put that main queue code in the beginning of global queue block step 1, it still is executed after all global queue code execution is completed.
DispatchQueue.global().async {
// step 1
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("1. on the main thread")
// code global queue
print("1. off the main thread")
print("2. off the main thread")
// step 2
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("2. on the main thread")
Here is the output:
1. off the main thread
2. off the main thread
1. on the main thread
2. on the main thread

Trap SIGINT in Cocoa macos application

I am attempting to trap a SIGINT for a UI application made for MacOS. In the app delegate class, I see the following method:
func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {
However, a Ctrl + C, SIGINT, never gets caught in here. Reading around the internet, has shown that this function is not guaranteed to execute, especially if the app goes in the background.
What can I do in the app delegate to catch a SIGINT? Or is there an alternate place I am to catch the interrupt so that I can close the resources appropriately?
Charles's answer is correct, but his caveat ("Be sure only to call reentrant functions from within the handler") is an extreme limitation. It's possible to redirect handling of a signal to a safer environment using kqueue and CFFileDescriptor.
Technical Note TN2050: Observing Process Lifetimes Without Polling is on a different subject but illustrates the technique. There, Apple describes Charles's caveat this way:
Listening for a signal can be tricky because of the wacky execution
environment associated with signal handlers. Specifically, if you
install a signal handler (using signal or sigaction), you must be very
careful about what you do in that handler. Very few functions are safe
to call from a signal handler. For example, it is not safe to allocate
memory using malloc!
The functions that are safe from a signal handler (the async-signal
safe functions) are listed on the sigaction man page.
In most cases you must take extra steps to redirect incoming signals
to a more sensible environment.
I've taken the code illustration from there and modified it for handling SIGINT. Sorry, it's Objective-C. Here's the one-time setup code:
// Ignore SIGINT so it doesn't terminate the process.
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
// Create the kqueue and set it up to watch for SIGINT. Use the
// EV_RECEIPT flag to ensure that we get what we expect.
int kq = kqueue();
struct kevent changes;
(void) kevent(kq, &changes, 1, &changes, 1, NULL);
// Wrap the kqueue in a CFFileDescriptor. Then create a run-loop source
// from the CFFileDescriptor and add that to the runloop.
CFFileDescriptorContext context = { 0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL };
CFFileDescriptorRef kqRef = CFFileDescriptorCreate(NULL, kq, true, sigint_handler, &context);
CFRunLoopSourceRef rls = CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, kqRef, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), rls, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(kqRef, kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack);
And here's how you would implement the sigint_handler callback referenced above:
static void sigint_handler(CFFileDescriptorRef f, CFOptionFlags callBackTypes, void *info)
struct kevent event;
(void) kevent(CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor(f), NULL, 0, &event, 1, NULL);
CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(f, kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack);
// You've been notified!
Note that this technique requires that you run the setup code on a thread which will live as long as you're interested in handling SIGINT (perhaps the app's lifetime) and service/run its run loop. Threads created by the system for its own purposes, such as those which service Grand Central Dispatch queues, are not suitable for this purpose.
The main thread of the app will work and you can use it. However, if the main thread locks up or become unresponsive, then it's not servicing its run loop and the SIGINT handler won't be called. Since SIGINT is often used to interrupt exactly such a stuck process, the main thread may not be suitable.
So, you may want to spawn a thread of your own just to monitor this signal. It should do nothing else, because anything else might cause it to get stuck, too. Even there, though, there are issues. Your handler function will be called on this background thread of yours and the main thread may still be locked up. There's a lot of stuff that is main-thread-only in the system libraries and you won't be able to do any of that. But you'll have much greater flexibility than in a POSIX-style signal handler.
I should add that GCD's dispatch sources can also monitor UNIX signals and are easier to work with, especially from Swift. However, they won't have a dedicated thread pre-created to run the handler. The handler will be submitted to a queue. Now, you may designate a high-priority/high-QOS queue, but I'm not entirely certain that the handler will get run if the process has numerous runaway threads already running. That is, a task that's actually running on a high-priority queue will take precedence over lower-priority threads or queues, but starting a new task might not. I'm not sure.
You can do this via the sigaction() function:
import Foundation
let handler: #convention(c) (Int32) -> () = { sig in
// handle the signal somehow
var action = sigaction(__sigaction_u: unsafeBitCast(handler, to: __sigaction_u.self),
sa_mask: 0,
sa_flags: 0)
sigaction(SIGINT, &action, nil)
Be sure only to call reentrant functions from within the handler.
Although I won't dare to compete with the great answers above, I think there is something important to say that may simplify the solution a lot.
I think your question mixes two very different levels of MacOS program life-cycle management.
True, you can run simple posix-style executables on Mac - but a Mac Cocoa app IS NOT a posix app with "attached UI". Mac application relies on a very verbose, complete, and feature-rich life-cycle mechanism that allows much more than anything posix process can -- from state preservation and restoration (when killed/re-launched) to being auto-launched in response to opening a file. Energy management, handling computer sleep, background and foreground transitions, attaching to the same app on close-by device, modes etc. etc.
Furthermore -- I can't see how one can ever expect a 'ctrl-C' from the keyboard to reach a Cocoa ("UI") application, as keyboard shortcuts are totally different in this context, and you can't run "UI" app from a terminal/shell synchronously.
Now the right wa to 'interrupt' a Cocoa app that is "stuck" or takes too long to perform something, is using the convention command-preiod key-combination, still widely implemented by many apps (Photoshop, video-editors, the Finder etc.) I'm sorry I could not locate this definition in Apple User Interface Guidelines - maybe it is no longer part of the standard. However, Ctrl-C certainly isn't!!!
you can implement Cmd-Period (⌘.) in your app (i.e. register for this high-level "interrupt" action, and handle it gracefully.
There is a good reason why NSApplication object wrapping the Cocoa App ignores SIGINT! it is completely out of context.

swift stop loop and continue it with a button

is it possible to stop an for in loop and continue it and the stopped position with a button.
i mean something like this:
for x in 0..<5 {
if x == 3 {
// show a button
// this button have to be pressed
// which do some tasks
// when all tasks are finished >
// continue this loop at the stopped point
is this possible? if yes, how?
Short answer: use a semaphore
Longer answer:
Your situation is an example of the more general case of how to pause some computation, saving its current state (local variables, call stack, etc.), and later to resume it from the same point, with all state restored.
Some languages/systems provide coroutines to support this, others the more esoteric call with current continuation, neither are available to you (currently) Swift...
What you do have is Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), provided in Swift through Dispatch, which provides support for executing concurrent asynchronous tasks and synchronisation between them. Other concurrency mechanisms such as pthread are also available, but GCD tends to be recommended.
Using GCD an outline of a solution is:
Execute you loop as an asynchronous concurrent task. It must not be executing on the main thread or you will deadlock...
When you wish to pause:
Create a semaphore
Start another async task to display the button, run the other jobs etc. This new task must signal the semaphore when it is finished. The new task may call the main thread to perform UI operations.
Your loop task waits on the semaphore, this will block the loop task until the button task signals it.
This may sound complicated but with Swift block syntax and Dispatch it is quite simple. However you do need to read up on GCD first!
Alternatively you can ask whether you can restructure your solution into multiple parts so saving/restoring the current state is not required. You might find designs such as continuation passing style useful, which again is quite easy using Swift's blocks.

Grand Central Dispatch async vs sync [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference between DispatchQueue.main.async and DispatchQueue.main.sync
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm reading the docs on dispatch queues for GCD, and in it they say that the queues are FIFO, so I am woundering what effect this has on async / sync dispatches?
from my understand async executes things in the order that it gets things while sync executes things serial..
but when you write your GCD code you decide the order in which things happen.. so as long as your know whats going on in your code you should know the order in which things execute..
my questions are, wheres the benefit of async here? am I missing something in my understanding of these two things.
The first answer isn't quite complete, unfortunately. Yes, sync will block and async will not, however there are additional semantics to take into account. Calling dispatch_sync() will also cause your code to wait until each and every pending item on that queue has finished executing, also making it a synchronization point for said work. dispatch_async() will simply submit the work to the queue and return immediately, after which it will be executed "at some point" and you need to track completion of that work in some other way (usually by nesting one dispatch_async inside another dispatch_async - see the man page for example).
sync means the function WILL BLOCK the current thread until it has completed, async means it will be handled in the background and the function WILL NOT BLOCK the current thread.
If you want serial execution of blocks check out the creation of a serial dispatch queue
From the man page:
Conceptually, dispatch_sync() is a convenient wrapper around dispatch_async() with the addition of a semaphore to wait for completion of the block, and a wrapper around the block to signal its completion.
See dispatch_semaphore_create(3) for more information about dispatch semaphores. The actual implementation of the dispatch_sync() function may be optimized and differ from the above description.
Tasks can be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
Synchronous function returns the control on the current queue only after task is finished. It blocks the queue and waits until the task is finished.
Asynchronous function returns control on the current queue right after task has been sent to be performed on the different queue. It doesn't wait until the task is finished. It doesn't block the queue.
Only in Asynchronous we can add delay -> asyncAfter(deadline: 10..