How to concatenate string from XML in EditText - android-xml

I need to add a sort of salt to a password field in Android. The problem is its with firebaseUI and i do not have direct access to the password EditText. but i do have access to it through styles.
For example in firebaseUI for android we can do the following:
that overrides the styles in the password field. I'd like to be able to add a string that would be concatenated to every password here. so essentially i want to do this in xml. if the users entered password is "1234" and my salt is "mysecret_salt" then the final password sent to firebase should be: "mysecret_salt1234". is there anyway to do this through xml since i dont have access to the password EditText directly ?
In password protection, salt is a random string of data used to modify a password hash. Salt can be added to the hash to prevent a collision by uniquely identifying a user's password, even if another user in the system has selected the same password. Salt can also be added to make it more difficult for an attacker to break into a system by using password hash-matching strategies because adding salt to a password hash prevents an attacker from testing known dictionary words across the entire system.
if there is now way to add to the password from client side, is there a way to do it in firebase console ?


Keycloak reset user password via REST API by hash

The CredentialRepresentation used in the Keycloak 'reset-password' REST API contains fields for hashing algorithm, hashed password, hashing iterations etc.
This implicates that I can pass through a hashed password and all its hashing specifications, instead of passing the plain-text password to the service. This is exactly what I'd like to do, because passing a plain-text password doesn't feel right.
When I try to call the service without the plain-text value however, I get a 400 error with the error message that the plain-text value is missing. Is there any way to pass just the hashed password?
Passing in a plaintext password (via HTTPS of course) allows keycloak to hash it using the hash algorithm policy of the realm.
If you want to pass in the hashed password value, iterations and algorithm then you also need to provide the hashing SPI that implements PasswordHashProviderFactory and PasswordHashProvider. And I don't think this is available via the reset-password API, but would work with the Update User API (I haven't tested this).
Rather than specifying a new password manually a better security practice is to use the PUT /admin/realms/{realm}/users/{id}/execute-actions-email admin call with "UPDATE_PASSWORD" as the required action. This causes Keycloak to send an email to the user that gives a link to set a new password directly.

Apache Shiro salt hashed password

I need to salt a hashed(SHA-256) password using Apache Shiro. I used the following method, but it uses plainText password as a parameter. But I need to get an alredy hashed password from the frontend and salt it and store in the server side. Otherwise if I use the following method I will have to pass the plain password all the way through frontend, which is not secure. So please suggest me a way to overcome this problem.
String hashedPassword = new Sha256Hash(plainTextPassword, salt);
You cannot salt the password after it has been hashed. Salting works by combining the salt with the plain text password, and hashing the entire thing. This is why Shiro's Sha256Hash requires you to give it the plain text password.
It is common to pass the plain text password from the front end to the service layer as long as this communication is secure (e.g. HTTPS for web UIs). The only thing you should not do is store the plain text password in a database (which a correctly configured Shiro will not do) because your database may be compromised.
When passing the plain text password from the front end to your service, it will only exist in memory for a short time before being garbage collected. To obtain the password someone would have to either break your SSL connection (in which case you are screwed anyway) or compromise your server and dump the memory (in which case you are screwed anyway).

How to re-hash Laravel passwords?

I'm making a forget password feature in my web app, problem is I store user's password using:
Is there any way to re-hash it back or any recommended approach for this?
The point of hashing a password is that it's (supposed to be) an irreversible operation. If your database is compromised, the attacker will gain access to the hashes, but not to the passwords. That way the attacker can't log in with the users' passwords on other sites.
Make a "we'll reset your password" feature instead of a "we'll send you your password" feature.
Note that there are also other best practices you absolutely should be following regarding password hashing, to make sure the "supposed to be" above actually holds, and to further minimize the impact if your site is compromised. Laravel's Hash class seems to already be using the password-appropriate hash function Bcrypt. However, make sure you're using a salt when you're hashing your password.
The Laravel's Hash method cannot be reversed.
One way encryption is the best way to store user passwords, or other sensitive data.
One way means that your data can be converted into an encrypted string, but due to a complex algorithm with painful maths, reversing the process is not possible. This makes storing passwords a doddle! Your customers don't have to worry about you knowing their passwords, but you are still able to compare them (by hashing the password they provide) or change the password if needed.
If you need to reverse, you can use Crypter class.
$secret = Crypter::encrypt('I actually like Hello Kitty');
$decrypted_secret = Crypter::decrypt($secret);
Read more about encryption here
If you want to verify the content of password with other value use the following.
return Hash::check($value, auth()->user()->password);

Validate password+salt with another salt

I'm storing the user's credentials in a database with the encoded password: sha1(pw + salt) and the salt.
When I'm trying to login the user from a client app I do the same thing only with a different salt value, so I send the sha1(pw + another_salt) and another_salt for authorization.
The question is that what further modification should be done to the received encoded password to be able to check against the stored value.
If you send something from client it doesn't matter if it's hashed password or just string. And if it's content generated by client (i.e. you generate salt on client, not on server) - attacker could as well just send your string. So if it's not secured connection, then you add additional work which doesn't help.
To allow checking passwords on server with another salt, you need to store original password in clear text.
That's the whole point of storing hashes instead of passwords in database is to not allow guessing them from hash only. And if you salt them additionally, then you need to use the same salt (it's public, as it's stored in database in clear text, but it's now part of original password). What you ask is something like this:
Haw to login on user (whose password is "secure password" + "hard" => sha1("secure passwordhard")) sending something + "soft" (and then test with sha1(something + "soft")) instead.
If you really need this app to work, just send user's password in cleartext from client app, but over secured connection.

What is the standard way to create a "key" from a value?

I need to take a user's email address and somehow manipulate the value to come up with an auto-generated password. I want to make sure that I can re-create the same password whenever a user needs to retrieve their password.
Is there a standard way of doing this? Is this what a "hash" is? I would be greatly appreciative if someone could point me in the right direction! :) Once I know where to look, I can do the research myself.
Yes, that's what a "hash" is. However, I would strongly caution against this approach, because it means that someone who's good at cryptographic analysis could potentially generate the password for any user on the system, just by knowing their email address.
Standard practice in the case you're suggesting is to actually reset the user's password with a new, random password when they forget their password. That keeps their previous password "safe," so that someone happens to intercept the email with their password, it will only contain a random password rather than a password that the user very likely uses for every other website they log in to.
After a password reset, users should be encouraged to change their password when they first log in.
A hashing function does do what you're looking for - it takes some input x and generates a digest d that will be the same whenever you give it input x again.
A better definition from wikipedia, that explains this property:
A hash procedure must be deterministic—meaning that for a given input value it must always generate the same hash value. In other words, it must be a function of the hashed data, in the mathematical sense of the term. This requirement excludes hash functions that depend on external variable parameters, such as pseudo-random number generators that depend on the time of day. It also excludes functions that depend on the memory address of the object being hashed, if that address may change during processing (as may happen in systems that use certain methods of garbage collection), although sometimes rehashing of the item can be done.
However, if this is for password retrieval, I would advise against it. Instead, I would recommend the approach of sending them a link to reset their password, and then have them reset their password.
If you are doing some sort of password reset system, you should just randomly generate a password to their email and than force them to change it on initial login. If they need to reset their password at some other time, than they can go through the same process again.
Something like the md5 function in PHP would be a good place to start. However, why would you need to recreate the same autogenerated password if the user lost it ? Personally, it would make more sense to just generate a new random one.
A Hash is like a fingerprint. If you have the original value (the password for example), you can get the fingerprint and compare to the one you have in your database. But with the fingerprint you have in the database, you can't recreate the original value (you can't create an human from a fingerprint).
It seems to be what you want. But even so it could be not what you need. Generating a password from the hash of an email address means that anyone that know how you hash your email address will potentially know every password.
If you're looking to a password recovery system, you should instead use a Self-service password reset system.
The users says that he forgot the password
You send a unique key (that you store in your database) to this user by a secure mean (usually mail).
The user confirm that he forgot the password by giving you the unique key previously used. This way you're sure that the user is the owner.
You generate a totally random password that you store (in the hashed form) in your database and send it to the owner by the previously used secure mean.