LDAP passport strategy for Hyperledegr composer - github

I have been trying to use LDAP passport strategy for authentication in hyperledger composer rest server. I am using below configuration for ldap passport:
"ldap": {
"bindOn":"cn=admin,dc=example, dc=com",
While starting composer-rest-server with authentication its showing error
SyntaxError: Unexpected token
in JSON at position 210
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at Promise.then (/home/mfgteg/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.3/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/server/server.js:127:34)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

I got the correct format. Thanks to a link I found on IBM site
I used the following configuration :
"ldap": {
"provider": "ldap",
"authScheme": "ldap",
"module": "passport-ldapauth",
"authPath": "/auth/ldap",
"successRedirect": "/",
"failureRedirect": "/",
"server": {
"url": "ldap://localhost:389",
"bindDn": "cn=admin,dc=example, dc=com",
"bindCredentials": "*****",
"searchBase": "ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
However I am yet to figure out what to mention in "callbackURL".

Use the variable provided below. Just change the successRedirect and credentials as per your configuration. Also in case you are running Client application on some other machine, you may need to change the localhost in url to your machine IP address.
Note : I have tested this with open LDAP configured.
"ldap": {
"provider": "ldap",
"authScheme": "ldap",
"module": "passport-ldapauth",
"authPath": "/auth/ldap",
"successRedirect": "Where you want to redirect",
"failureRedirect": "/ldap",
"session": true,
"json": true,
"LdapAttributeForLogin": "cn",
"LdapAttributeForUsername": "cn",
"server": {
"url": "ldap://localhost:389",
"bindDN": "cn=admin,dc=hsc,dc=com",
"bindCredentials": "xxxxx",
"searchBase": "ou=users,dc=hsc,dc=com",
"searchFilter": "(cn={{username}})"


Wiremock json stub for https calls

I wanted setup https call as json configuration stub in wiremock.
What are the additional configuration need top provide?
I have below json config
"id": "177a103d-85e4-4688-acd6-acc8a97ce085",
"name": "provider_rest_push",
"request": {
"url": "/user/profile",
"method": "POST",
"bodyPatterns": [
"equalToJson": "{\"type\":\"011\".....}",
"ignoreArrayOrder": true,
"ignoreExtraElements": true
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "{\"result........."}",
"headers": {
"Cache-Control": "must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Server": "Jetty(8.1.15.v20140411)"
"uuid": "177a103d-85e4-4688-acd6-acc8a97ce085",
"persistent": true,
"insertionIndex": 5
Above perfectly work for http but NOT for https:
I get below when changed to https
[WARNING] Illegal character 0x16 in state=START for buffer HeapByteBuffer#35a693b9[p=1,l=262,c=8192,r=261]={\x16<<<\x03\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\xFd\x03\x03\x87\xEb\xEb\x8b0\xB7\x14...\x01\x03\x02\x03\x03\x02\x01\x02\x02\x02\x033t\x00\x00>>>ding: gzip, defla...\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}
[WARNING] badMessage: 400 Illegal character 0x16 for HttpChannelOverHttp#72ab37c7{r=0,c=false,a=IDLE,uri=-}
2020-03-17 12:53:14.631 Request received:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - POST /user/profile
I referred this answer but not sure the password for the second step in the first answer
Import certification into keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mock -file localhost.crt -keystore identity.jks
According to http://wiremock.org/docs/https/ you need to configure the httpsPort. This is done at startup, not at runtime so it seems that you can't use the JSON API for that. If you're running the standalone version of Wiremock you can provide the port by specifying the environment variable https-port, have a look at http://wiremock.org/docs/running-standalone/ for that.
In either case, make sure you take note of the certificate requirements at the bottom of http://wiremock.org/docs/https/.

Standalone Service Fabric - AWS - FileStoreService - Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage Fails

I have a 3 node standalone windows service fabric setup in AWS. The TestConfiguration and CreateCluster scripts run successfully, however on attempting to deploy any applications into the cluster I get the following error from powershell.
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePath .\pkg\<packagename> -ImageStoreConnectionString fabric:ImageStore
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage : An error occurred during this operation. Please check the trace logs for more
At line:1 char:1
+ Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePath .\pkg\ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage], FabricException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CopyApplicationPackageErrorId,Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.CopyApplicationPackage
Not sure which trace logs would be useful in diagnosing the error, however checking the windows event log on one of the nodes I see the following errors, all for the FileStoreService.
ImpersonateAndCopyFile for SourcePath:\\<ipaddress>\StoreShare_Node3\131601795137630192\\131601794828730764_8589934592_1.ClusterManifest.xml, DestinationPath:C:\ProgramData\SF\Node1\Fabric\work\Applications\__FabricSystem_App4294967295\work\Store\131601795317314061\\131601794828730764_8589934592_1.ClusterManifest.xml failed: 0x8007052e. Have tried all access tokens.
CopyFile: SourcePath:\\<ip address>\StoreShare_Node3\131601795137630192\\131601794828730764_8589934592_1.ClusterManifest.xml, DestinationPath:C:\ProgramData\SF\Node1\Fabric\work\Applications\__FabricSystem_App4294967295\work\Store\131601795317314061\\131601794828730764_8589934592_1.ClusterManifest.xml, Error:0x8007052e, ElapsedTime:80
CopyFile: no new token is found. current token count: 2
Any ideas what this could be? I have recreated a new cluster with no security, firewall has all ports opened both in AWS and on the node machines (trying to remove all things that could be blocking the copying). Within AWS am using SimpleAD so all nodes are running with the same AD administrator, and can communicate to create the cluster.
Below is the cluster config I'm using, kept it as simple as I could to try to limit the causes of the problems.
Any help with diagnosing the copy file issues, or even pointing me at the relevant trace logs would be great.
Additionally I notice the ImageStoreService is showing warnings within Service Fabric Explorer
Unhealthy event: SourceId='System.FM', Property='State', HealthState='Warning', ConsiderWarningAsError=false.
Partition reconfiguration is taking longer than expected.
ImageStoreService 3 3 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003000
P/P Ready Node3 131601795137630192
S/S InBuild Node1 131601795317314061
S/S InBuild Node2 131601795317314062
(Showing 3 out of 3 replicas. Total available replicas: 1)
Additional Information
On investigating the problem more I ran the Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage with -Debug flag and it now gives the below error, suggesting the user name or password being used to either upload the package from my computer into the cluster, or for the cluster to distribute node to node is incorrect. I presume for node to node it is using the local accounts it creates ending in fffff for which I don't know why it would be creating invalid user credentials. If its between the computer uploading the package and the cluster, then currently I'm running with no security turned on, so don't know why this would be an issue?? Any help much appreciated.
Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePath ..\pkg\Release -ImageStoreConnectionString fabric:imagestore -Debug
VERBOSE: System.Fabric.FabricException: An error occurred during this operation. Please check the trace logs for more details. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The user name or password is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007052E)
"name": "SampleCluster",
"clusterConfigurationVersion": "1.0.0",
"apiVersion": "08-2017",
"nodes": [
"nodeName": "Node1",
"iPAddress": "<node 1 internal ip address>",
"nodeTypeRef": "StandardNodeType",
"faultDomain": "fd:/0",
"upgradeDomain": "UD0"
"nodeName": "Node2",
"iPAddress": "<node 2 internal ip address>",
"nodeTypeRef": "StandardNodeType",
"faultDomain": "fd:/1",
"upgradeDomain": "UD1"
"nodeName": "Node3",
"iPAddress": "<node 3 internal ip address>",
"nodeTypeRef": "StandardNodeType",
"faultDomain": "fd:/2",
"upgradeDomain": "UD2"
"properties": {
"diagnosticsStore": {
"metadata": "Please replace the diagnostics store with an actual file share accessible from all cluster machines.",
"dataDeletionAgeInDays": "7",
"storeType": "FileShare",
"IsEncrypted": "false",
"connectionstring": "c:\\ProgramData\\SF\\DiagnosticsStore"
"nodeTypes": [
"name": "StandardNodeType",
"clientConnectionEndpointPort": "19000",
"clusterConnectionEndpointPort": "19001",
"leaseDriverEndpointPort": "19002",
"serviceConnectionEndpointPort": "19003",
"httpGatewayEndpointPort": "19080",
"reverseProxyEndpointPort": "19081",
"applicationPorts": {
"startPort": "20000",
"endPort": "30000"
"ephemeralPorts": {
"startPort": "49152",
"endPort": "65534"
"isPrimary": true
"fabricSettings": [
"name": "Setup",
"parameters": [
"name": "FabricDataRoot",
"value": "C:\\ProgramData\\SF"
"name": "FabricLogRoot",
"value": "C:\\ProgramData\\SF\\Log"
"addOnFeatures": [
After more investigating, I discovered it was due to not correctly enabling File Sharing on the windows boxes. Although shown as enabled within the Properties of the Network Adaptor. I failed to realise the settings needed to be enabled under the Advanced Sharing Centre Options (Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center\Advanced sharing settings).

Access Parse Dashboard without SSL

I recently created Parse Dashboard on my server.My server does't have SSL
,how can i connect without ssl
How to solve Parse Dashboard can only be remotely accessed via HTTPS using a Configuration file
First create a parse-dashboard-config.json and file should contain the following code
"apps": [
"serverURL": "http://example.com:1337/parse",
"appId": "yourappid",
"masterKey": "yourmasterkey",
"appName": "appname"
"users": [
On terminal
parse-dashboard --config parse-dashboard-config.json --allowInsecureHTTP

Asterisk REST ARI snoop (cURL)

I try to:
curl -v -u j123:j321 -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/channels/1421226074.4874/snoop?spy=SIP/695"
In response to receiving:
"message": "Invalid direction specified for spy"
I try to:
SIP/695; SIP:695, SIP#695, localhost#695, channel, channelName
It's all not working.
Call comes into the queue from sip-416 to queue_1 and distribute to 694. I need to connect 695 for wiretapping channel 1421226074.4874.
I only need to listen and not to whisper.
Help me please)
The error message is telling you what the problem is:
"message": "Invalid direction specified for spy"
The spy parameter is a direction for spying, not the channel to spy on (see reference documentation here). You've already specified the channel to snoop on in the URI path - you need to specify the direction of the media in the spy parameter.
As an aside, apparently the auto generated wiki isn't display enum values, which is unfortunate. We'll have to fix that.
For reference, here's the parameter in the Swagger JSON:
"name": "spy",
"description": "Direction of audio to spy on",
"paramType": "query",
"required": false,
"allowMultiple": false,
"dataType": "string",
"defaultValue": "none",
"allowableValues": {
"valueType": "LIST",
"values": [

Centrifuge not using MongoDB?

I just installed centrifuge (https://centrifuge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) and created a configuration.json file and placed it in /var/www/ folder.
When I try to run centrifuge centrifuge config = /var/www/configuration.json, the server starts. However when I go to the default path http://localhost:8000 in the admin panel it keeps saying DataStructure used as SQLite.
Here's my configuration.json file
"password": "admin",
"cookie_secret": "secret",
"api_secret": "secret",
"structure": {
"storage": "centrifuge.structure.mongodb",
"settings": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"name": "centrifuge",
"pool_size": 10
state: null
I checked and the MongoDB server is running on port 27017.
It seems you are starting Centrifuge using incorrect command line arguments. Try copy and paste into your terminal:
centrifuge --config=/var/www/configuration.json