"Powershell Module Unavailable" error trying to connect to minikube - powershell

This is the error am getting, please help me anyone.
Error starting host: Error creating host: Error executing step: Running pre
create checks.
: Hyper-V PowerShell Module is not available

I confirm issue.
Looking at code:
powershell.go in recent minikube
func hypervAvailable() error {
stdout, err := cmdOut("#(Get-Command hyper-v\\Get-VM).ModuleName")
if err != nil {
return err
resp := parseLines(stdout)
if resp[0] != "Hyper-V" {
return ErrNotInstalled
return nil
and simple check on my box gives
C:\Users\slavko> (Get-Command hyper-v\Get-VM).ModuleName
So that check is quite silly, as that check in Go is case sensitive.
UPD: Code above is fixed 10 hrs ago. Check 0.25.2


Why argo-workflow report is not called when workflow step has outputs?

Just wondering, why with argo-workflow, as seen here:
func (we *WorkflowExecutor) reportResult(ctx context.Context, result wfv1.NodeResult) error {
if !result.Outputs.HasOutputs() && !result.Progress.IsValid() {
return nil
err := we.upsertTaskResult(ctx, result)
Why when there is output, the upsertTaskResult is not called?
(took me a while to debug "k8s API denied" error because a wrong serviceAccount, the dirty solution found by developers was to no more use "output" ....)

How to use the Kubernetes client-go server side apply functionality properly?

When I run the below code using client-go library I get an inscrutable error? What am I doing wrong?
ctx := context.TODO()
ns := applycorev1.NamespaceApplyConfiguration{
ObjectMetaApplyConfiguration: &applymetav1.ObjectMetaApplyConfiguration{
Name: to.StringPtr("foobar"),
if _, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Apply(ctx, &ns, v1.ApplyOptions{}); err != nil {
Yields the very unhelpful error:
panic: PatchOptions.meta.k8s.io "" is invalid: fieldManager: Required value: is required for apply patch
What is the correct way to send an Apply operation to the API server in Kube using client-go?
At least you should add FieldManager in your ApplyOptions
I am also trying this out, for now I am referring to https://ymmt2005.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/14/An_example_of_using_dynamic_client_of_k8s.io/client-go

cadence go-client/ client to reach server for fetching workflow results in panic

First time user of Cadence:
I have a cadence server running in my sandbox environment.
Intent is to fetch the workflow status
I am trying to use this cadence client
on my local host to talk to my sandbox cadence server.
This is my simple code snippet:
var cadClient client.Client
func main() {
wfID := "01ERMTDZHBYCH4GECHB3J692PC" << I got this from cadence-ui
ctx := context.Background()
wf := cadClientlient.GetWorkflow(ctx, wfID,"") <<< Panic hits here
log.Println("Workflow RunID: ",wf.GetID())
I am sure getting it wrong because the client does not know how to reach the cadence server.
I referred this https://cadenceworkflow.io/docs/go-client/ to find the correct usage but could not find any reference (possible that I might have missed it).
Any help in how to resolve/implement this, will be of much help
I am not sure what panic you got. Based on the code snippet, it's likely that you haven't initialized the client.
To initialize it, follow the sample code here: https://github.com/uber-common/cadence-samples/blob/master/cmd/samples/common/sample_helper.go#L82
ch, err := tchannel.NewChannelTransport(
if err != nil {
b.Logger.Fatal("Failed to create transport channel", zap.Error(err))
b.Logger.Debug("Creating RPC dispatcher outbound",
zap.String("ServiceName", _cadenceFrontendService),
zap.String("HostPort", b.hostPort))
b.dispatcher = yarpc.NewDispatcher(yarpc.Config{
Name: _cadenceClientName,
Outbounds: yarpc.Outbounds{
_cadenceFrontendService: {Unary: ch.NewSingleOutbound(b.hostPort)},
if b.dispatcher != nil {
if err := b.dispatcher.Start(); err != nil {
b.Logger.Fatal("Failed to create outbound transport channel: %v", zap.Error(err))
client := workflowserviceclient.New(b.dispatcher.ClientConfig(_cadenceFrontendService))

Mongo-go-driver: context deadline exceeded

I have recently upgraded to the newer and offical golang mongo driver for an app I am working on.
All is work prefectly for my local development however when I hook it up and point to my backend server I am getting a 'context deadline exceeded' when calling the client.Ping(...) method.
The old driver code still works fine and I also print out the connection string and can copy and paste this into the compass app and it works without issues.
However for the life of me I cant work out why this new code is return a context timeout. Only different thing is that mongo is running on a non-standard port of 32680 and I am also using the mgm package. However it just using the offical mongo driver under the hood.
Mongo version is: 4.0.12 (locally and remote)
Connection code is here:
// NewClient creates a mongo DateBase connection
func NewClient(cfg config.Mongo) (*Client, error) {
// create database connection string
conStr := fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://%s:%s#%s:%s", cfg.Username, cfg.Password, cfg.Host, cfg.Port)
// set mgm conf ie ctxTimeout value
conf := mgm.Config{CtxTimeout: cfg.CtxTimeout}
// setup mgm / DateBase connection
err := mgm.SetDefaultConfig(&conf, cfg.Database, options.Client().ApplyURI(conStr))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to connect to mongodb. cfg: %+v. conStr: %+v.", cfg, conStr)
// get access to underlying mongodb client driver, db and mgmConfig. Need for adding additional tools like seeding/migrations/etc
mgmCfg, client, db, err := mgm.DefaultConfigs()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to return mgm.DefaultConfigs")
// NOTE: fails here!
if err := client.Ping(mgm.Ctx(), readpref.Primary()); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Ping failed to mongodb. cfg: %+v. conStr: %+v. mgmCfg: %+v", cfg, conStr, mgmCfg)
return &Client{
cfg: cfg,
mgmCfg: mgmCfg,
client: client,
db: db,
}, nil
HELP! I have no idea how I can debug this anymore that I have?
Try adding your authsource in your DSN,
something like

Postgres Error running query on database: Could not detect default username

Hi I am trying to monitor postgres SQL with Prometheus. For this purpose I am using this exporter https://github.com/wrouesnel/postgres_exporter
I am starting the exporter in my docker-compose.yml like this:
image: wrouesnel/postgres_exporter
- 9113:9113
- DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://user:pass#localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable"
When the exporter is trying to access the database errors like this are thrown:
Error running query on database: pg_stat_database pg: Could not detect default username. Please provide one explicitly. file="postgres-exporter.go" line=490
Error scanning runtime variable: pg_stat_database pg: Could not detect default username. Please provide one explicitly. file="postgres-exporter.go" line=464
I am not really sure what this message could mean. Also I am not really sure if the issues originates in my docker-compose file, or the exporter.
The lines which throw the error in the postgres-exporter.go are:
// Use SHOW to get the value
row := db.QueryRow(fmt.Sprintf("SHOW %s;", columnName))
var val interface{}
err := row.Scan(&val)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Error scanning runtime variable:", columnName, err)
query, er := queryOverrides[namespace]
if er == false {
query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s;", namespace)
// Don't fail on a bad scrape of one metric
rows, err := db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error running query on database: ", namespace, err)
I am thankful for any help!
Here is the connection to the database:
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", e.dsn)
Whereas e.dsn is generated like this:
dsn := os.Getenv("DATA_SOURCE_NAME")
The connection doesn't throw any error
Hey for anyone having a similiar issue in the future:
The problem was this line in the docker-compose.yml
- DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://user:pass#localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable"
Changing it to
- DATA_SOURCE_NAME=postgresql://user:pass#localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable
(Without the quotes) made everything work :)