OPTIONAL not working with SPARQL query on local YASGUI editor - group-by

I am once again having trouble with SPARQL.
First off, a bit of background information:
I have been using the Wikidata Query Service to retrieve data from Wikidata.
As the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint is limited and timeouts occur for large tasks, I figured I would:
Split the queries into several smaller ones
Download them as .csv
Convert them to .nt N-Triples
Import them into Cliopatra (which uses SWI-Prolog)
Use the built-in YASGUI SPARQL Editor to query the data locally
As of now, the query works in the Wikidata Query Service.
However, locally I am not getting the OPTIONAL function to work.
My Wikidata code is as follows (this is a smaller selection of all data I want to retrieve):
SELECT ?q ?GTAA_ID ?pseudonym ?date_of_death
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?occupationLabel;separator=", ") as ?Occupations )
?q wdt:P1741 ?GTAA_ID.
OPTIONAL {?q wdt:P742 ?pseudonym.}
OPTIONAL {?q wdt:P570 ?date_of_death.}
OPTIONAL {?q wdt:P106 ?occupation.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl".
?occupation rdfs:label ?occupationLabel.}
GROUP BY ?q ?GTAA_ID ?pseudonym ?date_of_death
and this correctly retrieves:
q | GTAA_ID | pseudonym | date_of_death | occupation
Q3295087 | 102376 | | 2000-11-05 | acteur
Q2800419 | 89301 | | | politicus, staatsman
and so on
The point here being that it allows me to select all results that have a Wikidata ID and a GTAA ID and corresponding pseudonym, date_of_death and occupations (if available). Furthermore, if a person has multiple occupations, it separates them by a ',' and places them in the same row.
However, as stated above I downloaded the files to be able to query them locally. To do this I converted the .csv files to .nt with the following format:
<?s> <?p> "?o"
where the object is a string.
Note that in the following examples, the ?p is correctly used in the way I converted to .nt. (Therefore the PREFIX ps is used)
Loaded them into Cliopatria and used the following code in the YASGUI editor:
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
SELECT ?q ?GTAA_ID ?date_of_death ?pseudonym
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?occupation;separator=", ") as ?occupations )
?q ps:P1741 ?GTAA_ID.
OPTIONAL{?q ps:P742 ?pseudonym.}
OPTIONAL{?q ps:P106 ?occupation.}
OPTIONAL{?q ps:P570 ?date_of_death.}
GROUP BY ?q ?GTAA_ID ?date_of_death ?pseudonym
However, in this query, ?pseudonym ?occupation and ?date_of_death are optional, but the occupations are not concatenated into a single row.
Query 1
If I replace the GROUP BY function with
it does not display ?pseudonym and ?date_of_death at all, but does concatenate ?occupation.
Query 2
If I replace the GROUP BY function with
GROUP BY ?q ?GTAA_ID ?date_of_death
it concatenates only the ?occupation for a ?q that has a ?date_of_death.
Those without a ?date_of_death are not concatenated into 1 row. Furthermore, it does not display any ?pseudonym at all.
Query 3
I suspect is has to do with the GROUP BY function in combination with the group_concat function. However, I do not understand why it works in the Wikidata Query Service but not on my localhost.
The locally used .nt file can be accessed here
Many thanks in advance!


Comparing two text array columns using % and ordering by number of matches

I have a user table that contains a "skills" column which is a text array. Given some input array, I would like to find all the users whose skills % one or more of the entries in the input array, and order by number of matches (according to the % operator from pg_trgm).
For example, I have Array['java', 'ruby', 'postgres'] and I want users who have these skills ordered by the number of matches (max is 3 in this case).
I tried unnest() with an inner join. It looked like I was getting somewhere, but I still have no idea how I can capture the count of the matching array entries. Any ideas on what the structure of the query may look like?
Edit: Details:
Here is what my programmers table looks like:
id | skills
1 | {javascript,rails,css}
2 | {java,"ruby on rails",adobe}
3 | {typescript,nodejs,expressjs}
4 | {auth0,c++,redis}
where skills is a text array.
Here is what I have so far:
SELECT * FROM programmers, unnest(skills) skill_array(x)
INNER JOIN unnest(Array['ruby', 'node']) search(y)
ON skill_array.x % search.y;
which outputs the following:
id | skills | x | y
2 | {java,"ruby on rails",adobe} | ruby on rails | ruby
3 | {typescript,nodejs,expressjs} | nodejs | node
3 | {typescript,nodejs,expressjs} | expressjs | express
*Assuming pg_trgm is enabled.
For an exact match between the user skills and the searched skills, you can proceed like this :
You put the searched skills in the target_skills text array
You filter the users from the table user_table whose user_skills array has at least one common element with the target_skills array by using the && operator
For each of the selected users, you select the common skills by using unnest and INTERSECT, and you calculate the number of these common skills
You order the result by the number of common skills DESC
In this process, the users with skill "ruby" will be selected for the target skill "ruby", but not the users with skill "ruby on rails".
This process can be implemented as follow :
SELECT u.user_id
, u.user_skills
, inter.skills
FROM user_table AS u
( SELECT array( SELECT unnest(u.user_skills)
SELECT unnest(target_skills)
) AS skills
) AS inter
WHERE u.user_skills && target_skills
ORDER BY array_length(inter.skills, 1) DESC
or with this variant :
SELECT u.user_id
, u.user_skills
, array_agg(t_skill) AS inter_skills
FROM user_table AS u
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(target_skills) AS t_skill
WHERE u.user_skills && array[t_skill]
GROUP BY u.user_id, u.user_skills
ORDER BY array_length(inter_skills, 1) DESC
This query can be accelerated by creating a GIN index on the user_skills column of the user_table.
For a partial match between the user skills and the target skills (ie the users with skill "ruby on rails" must be selected for the target skill "ruby"), you need to use the pattern matching operator LIKE or the regular expression, but it is not possible to use them with text arrays, so you need first to transform your user_skills text array into a simple text with the function array_to_string. The query becomes :
SELECT u.user_id
, u.user_skills
, array_agg(t_skill) AS inter_skills
FROM user_table AS u
CROSS JOIN unnest(target_skills) AS t_skill
WHERE array_to_string(u.user_skills, ' ') ~ t_skill
GROUP BY u.user_id, u.user_skills
ORDER BY array_length(inter_skills, 1) DESC ;
Then you can accelerate the queries by creating the following GIN (or GiST) index :
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS user_skills ;
CREATE INDEX user_skills
ON user_table
USING gist (array_to_string(user_skills, ' ') gist_trgm_ops) ; -- gin_trgm_ops and gist_trgm_ops indexes are compliant with the LIKE operator and the regular expressions
In any case, managing the skills as text will ever fail if there are typing errors or if the skills list is not normalized.
I accepted Edouard's answer, but I thought I'd show something else I adapted from it.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partial_and_and(list1 TEXT[], list2 TEXT[])
SELECT * FROM unnest(list1) x, unnest(list2) y
WHERE x % y
Then create the operator:
PROCEDURE = partial_and_and,
And finally, the query:
SELECT p.id, p.skills, array_agg(t_skill) AS inter_skills
FROM programmers AS p
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(Array['ruby', 'java']) AS t_skill
WHERE p.skills &&% array[t_skill]
GROUP BY p.id, p.skills
ORDER BY array_length(inter_skills, 1) DESC;
This will output an error saying column 'inter_skills' does not exist (not sure why), but oh well point is the query seems to work. All credit goes to Edouard.

How to use ts_query with ANY(anyarray)

I currently have a query in PostgreSQL like:
name = ANY({"string value",tomato,other})
My ingredients table is simply a list of names:
My issue is that plural values in the array will not match single values in the query. To solve this, I created a tsvector column on the table:
name | tokens
jalapeno | 'jalapeno':1
tomatoes | 'tomato':1
avocados | 'avocado':1
lime | 'lime':1
I'm able to correctly query single values from the table like this:
ts_rank_cd(tokens, plainto_tsquery('tomato'), 16) AS rank
tokens ## plainto_tsquery('tomato')
rank DESC;
However, I need to query values from the entire array. The array is generated from another function, so I have control over the type of each of items in the array.
How can I use the ## operand with ANY(anyarray)?
That should be straight forward:
WHERE tokens ## ANY

group by in postgres sql with error must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function [duplicate]

I've been migrating some of my MySQL queries to PostgreSQL to use Heroku. Most of my queries work fine, but I keep having a similar recurring error when I use group by:
ERROR: column "XYZ" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in
an aggregate function
Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
MySQL which works 100%:
SELECT `availables`.*
FROM `availables`
INNER JOIN `rooms` ON `rooms`.id = `availables`.room_id
WHERE (rooms.hotel_id = 5056 AND availables.bookdate BETWEEN '2009-11-22' AND '2009-11-24')
GROUP BY availables.bookdate
ORDER BY availables.updated_at
PostgreSQL error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: column
"availables.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an
aggregate function:
SELECT "availables".* FROM "availables" INNER
JOIN "rooms" ON "rooms".id = "availables".room_id WHERE
(rooms.hotel_id = 5056 AND availables.bookdate BETWEEN E'2009-10-21'
AND E'2009-10-23') GROUP BY availables.bookdate ORDER BY
Ruby code generating the SQL:
expiration = Available.find(:all,
:joins => [ :room ],
:conditions => [ "rooms.hotel_id = ? AND availables.bookdate BETWEEN ? AND ?", hostel_id, date.to_s, (date+days-1).to_s ],
:group => 'availables.bookdate',
:order => 'availables.updated_at')
Expected Output (from working MySQL query):
| id | price | spots | bookdate | room_id | created_at | updated_at |
| 414 | 38.0 | 1 | 2009-11-22 | 1762 | 2009-11-20... | 2009-11-20... |
| 415 | 38.0 | 1 | 2009-11-23 | 1762 | 2009-11-20... | 2009-11-20... |
| 416 | 38.0 | 2 | 2009-11-24 | 1762 | 2009-11-20... | 2009-11-20... |
3 rows in set
MySQL's totally non standards compliant GROUP BY can be emulated by Postgres' DISTINCT ON. Consider this:
SELECT a,b,c,d,e FROM table GROUP BY a
This delivers 1 row per value of a (which one, you don't really know). Well actually you can guess, because MySQL doesn't know about hash aggregates, so it will probably use a sort... but it will only sort on a, so the order of the rows could be random. Unless it uses a multicolumn index instead of sorting. Well, anyway, it's not specified by the query.
SELECT DISTINCT ON (a) a,b,c,d,e FROM table ORDER BY a,b,c
This delivers 1 row per value of a, this row will be the first one in the sort according to the ORDER BY specified by the query. Simple.
Note that here, it's not an aggregate I'm computing. So GROUP BY actually makes no sense. DISTINCT ON makes a lot more sense.
Rails is married to MySQL, so I'm not surprised that it generates SQL that doesn't work in Postgres.
PostgreSQL is more SQL compliant than MySQL. All fields - except computed field with aggregation function - in the output must be present in the GROUP BY clause.
MySQL's GROUP BY can be used without an aggregate function (which is contrary to the SQL standard), and returns the first row in the group (I don't know based on what criteria), while PostgreSQL must have an aggregate function (MAX, SUM, etc) on the column, on which the GROUP BY clause is issued.
Correct, the solution to fixing this is to use :select and to select each field that you wish to decorate the resulting object with and group by them.
Nasty - but it is how group by should work as opposed to how MySQL works with it by guessing what you mean if you don't stick fields in your group by.
If I remember correctly, in PostgreSQL you have to add every column you fetch from the table where the GROUP BY clause applies to the GROUP BY clause.
Not the prettiest solution, but changing the group parameter to output every column in model works in PostgreSQL:
expiration = Available.find(:all,
:joins => [ :room ],
:conditions => [ "rooms.hotel_id = ? AND availables.bookdate BETWEEN ? AND ?", hostel_id, date.to_s, (date+days-1).to_s ],
:group => Available.column_names.collect{|col| "availables.#{col}"},
:order => 'availables.updated_at')
According to MySQL's "Debuking GROUP BY Myths" http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/debunking-group-by-myths.html. SQL (2003 version of the standard) doesn't requires columns referenced in the SELECT list of a query to also appear in the GROUP BY clause.
For others looking for a way to order by any field, including joined field, in postgresql, use a subquery:
SELECT DISTINCT ON(availables.bookdate) `availables`.*
FROM `availables` INNER JOIN `rooms` ON `rooms`.id = `availables`.room_id
WHERE (rooms.hotel_id = 5056
AND availables.bookdate BETWEEN '2009-11-22' AND '2009-11-24')
) AS distinct_selected
ORDER BY availables.updated_at
or arel:
subquery = SomeRecord.select("distinct on(xx.id) xx.*, jointable.order_field")
result = SomeRecord.select("*").from("(#{subquery.to_sql}) AS distinct_selected").order(" xx.order_field ASC, jointable.order_field ASC")
I think that .uniq [1] will solve your problem.
[1] Available.select('...').uniq
Take a look at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#selecting-specific-fields

Postgresql query results to depend on few rows of same table

I'm working on some application, and we're using postgres as our DB. I don't a lot of experience with SQL at all, and now i encountered a problem, that i can't find answer to.
So here's a problem:
We have privacy settings stored in separate table, and accessibility of each row of data depends on few rows of this privacy table.
Basically structure of privacy table is:
entityId | entityType | privacyId | privacyType | allow | deletedAt
5 | user | 6 | user | f | //example entry
5 | user | 1 | user_all | t |
In two words, this settings mean, that user id5 allows to have access to his data to everybody except user id6.
So i get available data by query like:
SELECT <some_relevant_fields> FROM <table>
JOIN <join>
(privacy."privacyId"=6 AND privacy."privacyType"='user' AND privacy.allow=true)
OR (
(privacy."privacyType"='user_all' AND privacy."deletedAt" IS NOT NULL)
(privacy."privacyType"='user' AND privacy."privacyId"=6 AND privacy.allow!=false)
I know that this query is incorrect in this form, but i want you to get idea of what i try to achieve.
So it must check for field with its type/id and allow=true, OR check that user_all is not deleted(deletedAt field is null) and there is no field restricting access with allow=false to this user.
But it seems like postgres is chaining all expressions, so it overrides privacy."privacyType"='user_all' with 'user' at the end of expression, and returns no results, or returns data even if user "blocked", because 'user_all' exist.
Is there a way to write WHERE clause to return result if AND expression is true for 2 different rows, for example in code above: (privacy."privacyType"='user_all' AND privacy."deletedAt" IS NOT NULL) is true for one row AND (privacy."privacyType"='user' AND privacy."privacyId"=6 AND privacy.allow!=false) is true for other, or maybe check for absence of row with this values.
Is this what you want?
select <some_fields> from <table> where
privacyType='user_all' AND deletedAt IS NOT NULL
select <some_fields> from <table> where
privacyType='user' AND privacyId=6 AND allow<>'f';
You left join the table with itself and found what element doesnt have a match using the where.
FROM privacy p1
LEFT JOIN privacy p2
ON p1."entityId" = p2."entityId"
AND p1."privacyType" = 'user_all'
AND p1."deletedAt" IS NULL
AND p2."privacyType"='user' AND
AND p2."privacyId"= 6
AND p2.allow!=false
p2.privacyId IS NOT NULL

Having(count) in a Cakephp 3 query fails on PostgreSQL

I have the following table structure with matching relations:
,---------. ,--------------. ,---------.
| Threads | | ThreadsUsers | | Users |
|---------| |--------------| |---------|
| id | | id | | id |
'---------' | thread_id | '---------'
| user_id |
This custom query in ThreadsTable is meant to find threads with a given number of participants. It works fine on mysql
public function findWithUserCount(Query $query, array $options)
return $query
'count' => 'COUNT(Users.id)'
->group('Threads.id HAVING count = ' . $options['count']);
However it fails on postgresql with the following error
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7
ERROR: column "count" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ThreadsUsers.user_id)) GROUP BY Threads.id HAVING count = 2
The HAVING clause cannot reference column aliases defined in the SELECT clause. The documentation says:
Each column referenced in condition must unambiguously reference a grouping column, unless the reference appears within an aggregate function or the ungrouped column is functionally dependent on the grouping columns.
Since count is neither a "grouping column" (i.e. the subject of the GROUP BY clause) nor an aggregate function, it can't be used there.
So the correct form would presumably be (I don't know CakePHP, and the fact that you can inject SQL into the group call at all seems like a massively broken design for a query builder):
->group('Threads.id HAVING COUNT(Users.id) = ' . $options['count']);