Posgres 10: "spoofing" now() in an immutable function. A safe idea? - postgresql

My app reports rainfall and streamflow information to whitewater boaters. Postgres is my data store for the gauge readings that come in 15 minute intervals. Over time, these tables get pretty big and the availabity of range partitioning in Postgres 10 inspired me to leave my shared hosting service and build a server from scratch at Linode. My queries on these large tables became way faster after I partitioned the readings into 2 week chunks. Several months down the road, I checked out the query plan and was very surprised to see that using now() in a query caused PG to scan allof the indexes on my partitioned tables. What the heck?!?! Isn't the point of partitiong data is to avoid situations like this?
Here's my set up: my partitioned table
CREATE TABLE public.precip
gauge_id smallint,
inches numeric(8, 2),
reading_time timestamp with time zone
) PARTITION BY RANGE (reading_time)
I've created partitions for every two weeks, so I have about 50 partition tables so far. One of my partitions:
CREATE TABLE public.precip_y2017w48 PARTITION OF public.precip
FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-12-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2017-12-17 00:00:00-05');
Then each partition is indexed on gauge_id and reading_time
I have a lot of queries like
WHERE gauge_id = xxx
AND precip.reading_time > (now() - '01:00:00'::interval)
AND precip.reading_time < now()
As I mentioned postgres scans all of the indexes on reading_time for every 'child' table rather than only querying the child table that has timestamps in the query range. If I enter literal values (e.g., precip.reading_time > '2018-03-01 01:23:00') instead of now(), it only scans the indexes of appropriate child tables(s). I've done some reading and I understand that now() is volatile and that the planner won't know what the value will be when the query executes. I've also read that query planning is expensive so postgres caches plans. I can understand why PG is programmed to do that. However, one counter argument I read was that a re-planned query is probably way less expensive than a query that end up ignoring partitions. I agree - and that's probably the case in my situation.
As a work arounds, I've created this function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hours_ago2(i integer)
RETURNS timestamp with time zone
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
DECLARE X timestamp with time zone;
X:= now() + cast(i || ' hours' as interval);
Note the IMMUTABLE statment. Now when issue queries like
select * from stream
where gauge_id = 2142 and reading_time > hours_ago2(-3)
and reading_time < hours_ago2(0)
PG only searches the partition table that stores data for that time frame. This is the goal I was shooting for when I set up the partitions in the first place. Booyah. But is this safe? Will the query planner ever cache the results of hours_ago2(-3) and use it over and over again for hours down the road? It's ok if it's cached for a few minutes. Again, my app reports rain and streamflow information; it doesn't deal with financial transactions or any other 'critical' types of data processing. I've tested simple statements like select hours_ago2(-3) and it returns new values every time. So it seems safe. But is it really?

That is not safe because at planning time you have no idea if the statement will be executed in the same transaction or not.
If you are in a situation where query plans are cached, this will return wrong results. Query plans are cached for named prepared statements and statements in PL/pgSQL functions, so you could end up with an out-of-date value for the duration of the database session.
For example:
CREATE TABLE times(id integer PRIMARY KEY, d timestamptz NOT NULL);
PREPARE x AS SELECT * FROM times WHERE d > hours_ago2(1);
The function is evaluated at planning time, and the result is a constant in the execution plan (for immutable functions that is fine).
Seq Scan on times
Filter: (d > '2018-03-12 14:25:17.380057+01'::timestamp with time zone)
(2 rows)
SELECT pg_sleep(100);
Seq Scan on times
Filter: (d > '2018-03-12 14:25:17.380057+01'::timestamp with time zone)
(2 rows)
The second query definitely does not return the result you want.
I think you should evaluate now() (or better an equivalent function on the client side) first, perform your date arithmetic and supply the result as parameter to the query. Inside of PL/pgSQL functions, use dynamic SQL.

Change the queries to use 'now'::timestamptz instead of now(). Also, interval math on timestamptz is not immutable.
Change your query to something like:
WHERE gauge_id = xxx
AND precip.reading_time > ((('now'::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - '01:00:00'::interval) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')
AND precip.reading_time < 'now'::timestamptz


Get max timestamps efficiently for large table for a set of ids

I have a large PostgreSQL db table (Actually lots of partition tables divided up by yearly quarters) that for simplicity sake is defined something like
id bigint
ts (timestamp)
value (float)
For a particular set of ids what is an efficient way of finding the last timestamp in the table for each specified id ?
The table is indexed by (id, timestamp)
If I do something naive like
SELECT sensor_id, MAX(ts)
FROM sensor_values
WHERE ts >= (NOW() + INTERVAL '-100 days') :: TIMESTAMPTZ
Things are pretty slow.
Is there a way of perhaps narrowing down the times first by a binary search of one id
(I can assume the timestamps are similar for a particular set of ids)
I am accessing the db through psycopg so the solution can be in code or SQL if I am missing something easy to speed this up.
The explain for the query can be seen here. https://explain.depesz.com/s/PVqg
Any ideas appreciated.

PostgreSQL 11.5 doing sequential scan for SELECT EXISTS query

I have a multi tenant environment where each tenant (customer) has its own schema to isolate their data. Not ideal I know, but it was a quick port of a legacy system.
Each tenant has a "reading" table, with a composite index of 4 columns:
site_code char(8), location_no int, sensor_no int, reading_dtm timestamptz.
When a new reading is added, a function is called which first checks if there has already been a reading in the last minute (for the same site_code.location_no.sensor_no):
FROM reading r
WHERE r.site_code = p_site_code
AND r.location_no = p_location_no
AND r.sensor_no = p_sensor_no
AND r.reading_dtm > p_reading_dtm - INTERVAL '1 minute'
Now, bare in mind there are many tenants, all behaving fine except 1. In 1 of the tenants, the call is taking nearly half a second rather than the usual few milliseconds because it is doing a sequential scan on a table with nearly 2 million rows instead of an index scan.
My random_page_cost is set to 1.5.
I could understand a sequential scan if the query was returning possibly many rows, checking for the existance of any.
I've tried ANALYZE on the table, VACUUM FULL, etc but it makes no difference.
If I put "SET LOCAL enable_seqscan = off" before the query, it works perfectly... but it feels wrong, but it will have to be a temporary solution as this is a live system and it needs to work.
What else can I do to help Postgres make what is clearly the better decision of using the index?
EDIT: If I do a similar query manually (outside of a function) it chooses an index.
My guess is that the engine is evaluating the predicate and considers is not selective enough (thinks too many rows will be returned), so decides to use a table scan instead.
I would do two things:
Make sure you have the correct index in place:
create index ix1 on reading (site_code, location_no,
sensor_no, reading_dtm);
Trick the optimizer by making the selectivity look better. You can do that by adding the extra [redundant] predicate and r.reading_dtm < :p_reading_dtm:
select 1
from reading r
where r.site_code = :p_site_code
and r.location_no = :p_location_no
and r.sensor_no = :p_sensor_no
and r.reading_dtm > :p_reading_dtm - interval '1 minute'
and r.reading_dtm < :p_reading_dtm

Postgres table partitioning not improving query speed

I have a query that's run on a table (TABLE_A) that's partitioned by recTime……
WITH subquery AS (
select count(*) AS cnt, date_trunc('day',recTime) AS recTime
from TABLE_A
WHERE (recTime >= to_timestamp('2018-Nov-03 00:00:00','YYYY-Mon-DD HH24:MI:SS')
AND recTime <= to_timestamp('2018-Nov-03 23:59:59','YYYY-Mon-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
GROUP BY date_trunc('day',recTime)
SET fixes = subquery.cnt
FROM subquery
sumDly.Day = subquery.recTime
If I do an explain on the query as shown above it's apparent that the database is doing an index scan on each of the partition in the parent table. The associated cost is high and the elapsed time is ridiculous.
If I explicitly force the use of the partition that actually has the data in by replacing….
from TABLE_A
from TABLE_A_20181103
Then the explain only uses the required partition, and the query takes only a few minutes (and the returned results are the same as before)
QUESTION - Why does the database want to scan all the partitions in the table? I though the whole idea of partitioning was to help the database eliminate vast swathes of unneeded data in the first pass rather than forcing a scan on all the indexes in individual partitions?
UPDATE - I am using version 10.5 of postgres
SET constraint_exclusion = on and make sure to hard-code the constraints into the query. Note that you have indeed hard-coded the constrains in the query:
WHERE (recTime >= to_timestamp('2018-Nov-03 00:00:00','YYYY-Mon-DD HH24:MI:SS')
AND recTime <= to_timestamp('2018-Nov-03 23:59:59','YYYY-Mon-DD HH24:MI:SS'))

How does now() get evaluated when passed into a function as a parameter

I have a table that is range partitioned on timestamp with timezone field. I was pretty surprised to find that the following where condition caused the planner to query every single 'child' table in the partition:
WHERE reading_time > (now() - '72:00:00'::interval)
As I learned, the planner doesn't know what now() will be at execution time, so it generates the plan to query every child table. That's understandable, but that defeats the purpose of setting up partitions in the first place! If I issue reading_time > '2018-03-31', it'll only do an index scan the tables that have data that meets those conditions.
What happens if I create the following function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.last_72hours(in_time timestamp with time zone)
Select * from precip where reading_time > (in_time - '72:00:00'::interval)
--the function will then do work on the returned rows
Then I can call the function with
SELECT last_72hours(now())
When does now() get evaluated? Or, in other words, does the literal time value (e.g., 2018-03-31 1:01:01+5) get passed into the function? If it's the literal value, then Postgres only queries the appropriate child tables, right? But if it's evaluating now() inside the function, then I'm back to the plan that scans the index of every child table. It seems like there's no easy what to see what the planner is doing in the function. Is that correct?
There are several questions here; I'll do my best to answer them all.
PostgreSQL cannot evalutate now() at planning time because there is no way to know when the statement will be executed. Plans can be kept around for an unlimited time.
If you call a function with now() as argument, it will be evaluated at the time of the function call.
If you use a parameter in an SQL statement involving a partitioned table inside a function (so the plan is cached), two things can happen:
PostgreSQL decides to switch to a generic plan after the fifth execution of the query. Then no partition pruning can take place.
PostgreSQL decides to stick with custom plans so that partition pruning would take place.
One would assume that the second option will usually be chosen, but to find out you can use auto_explain to see the plans actually used.
It might be a good idea to use dynamic SQL so that the query is always replanned with the current parameter values, and partition pruning is certain to be used.

Add datetime constraint to a PostgreSQL multi-column partial index

I've got a PostgreSQL table called queries_query, which has many columns.
Two of these columns, created and user_sid, are frequently used together in SQL queries by my application to determine how many queries a given user has done over the past 30 days. It is very, very rare that I query these stats for any time older than the most recent 30 days.
Here is my question:
I've currently created my multi-column index on these two columns by running:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY some_index_name ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
But I'd like to further restrict the index to only care about those queries in which the created date is within the past 30 days. I've tried doing the following:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY some_index_name ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
WHERE created >= NOW() - '30 days'::INTERVAL`
But this throws an exception stating that my function must be immutable.
I'd love to get this working so that I can optimize my index, and cut back on the resources Postgres needs to do these repeated queries.
You get an exception using now() because the function is not IMMUTABLE (obviously) and, quoting the manual:
All functions and operators used in an index definition must be "immutable" ...
I see two ways to utilize a (much more efficient) partial index:
1. Partial index with condition using constant date:
CREATE INDEX queries_recent_idx ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
WHERE created > '2013-01-07 00:00'::timestamp;
Assuming created is actually defined as timestamp. It wouldn't work to provide a timestamp constant for a timestamptz column (timestamp with time zone). The cast from timestamp to timestamptz (or vice versa) depends on the current time zone setting and is not immutable. Use a constant of matching data type. Understand the basics of timestamps with / without time zone:
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Drop and recreate that index at hours with low traffic, maybe with a cron job on a daily or weekly basis (or whatever is good enough for you). Creating an index is pretty fast, especially a partial index that is comparatively small. This solution also doesn't need to add anything to the table.
Assuming no concurrent access to the table, automatic index recreation could be done with a function like this:
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS queries_recent_idx;
EXECUTE format('
CREATE INDEX queries_recent_idx
ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
WHERE created > %L::timestamp'
, LOCALTIMESTAMP - interval '30 days'); -- timestamp constant
-- , now() - interval '30 days'); -- alternative for timestamptz
SELECT f_index_recreate();
now() (like you had) is the equivalent of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and returns timestamptz. Cast to timestamp with now()::timestamp or use LOCALTIMESTAMP instead.
Select today's (since midnight) timestamps only
db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle
If you have to deal with concurrent access to the table, use DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY and CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY. But you can't wrap these commands into a function because, per documentation:
... a regular CREATE INDEX command can be performed within a
transaction block, but CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot.
So, with two separate transactions:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY queries_recent_idx2 ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
WHERE created > '2013-01-07 00:00'::timestamp; -- your new condition
Optionally, rename to old name:
ALTER INDEX queries_recent_idx2 RENAME TO queries_recent_idx;
2. Partial index with condition on "archived" tag
Add an archived tag to your table:
ALTER queries_query ADD COLUMN archived boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
UPDATE the column at intervals of your choosing to "retire" older rows and create an index like:
CREATE INDEX some_index_name ON queries_query (user_sid, created)
WHERE NOT archived;
Add a matching condition to your queries (even if it seems redundant) to allow it to use the index. Check with EXPLAIN ANALYZE whether the query planner catches on - it should be able to use the index for queries on an newer date. But it won't understand more complex conditions not matching exactly.
You don't have to drop and recreate the index, but the UPDATE on the table may be more expensive than index recreation and the table gets slightly bigger.
I would go with the first option (index recreation). In fact, I am using this solution in several databases. The second incurs more costly updates.
Both solutions retain their usefulness over time, performance slowly deteriorates as more outdated rows are included in the index.