Facebook API v2.12 permission error - facebook

I have requested api for retreive data from open facebook group. I know that user_managed_groups permission should be approved by facebook, but if I add someone as tester they should have that permission to read the group. Or am I wrong?
Even if the test user member of group with v2.12 api call I can't retreive any data, because it says permission denied. When I try v2.11 ( of course only in graph explorer ) then the data appears.
Is this happens because user_managed_groups is not enough permission to give to the test user?
This is with v2.12 api call


Get group events as a system user with Facebook API

I have a website which should list all the events from my facebook group. So I created a facebook dev account and created an app.
When I tried to get the data with the graph API explorer it worked, but the access token expired after a few hours. So I had to get a never-expiring access token.
I created a sytem user at the facebook business manager. With the system user I got a never-expiring access token but I couldn't get the event data anymore. Everytime I tried it I got this response.
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api"
I have the following permissions as system user:
read_insights, read_audience_network_insights, manage_pages, pages_manage_cta, pages_show_list, publish_pages, business_management
Why did it fail? Are the permissions correct?
Thanks for your help.

Why does the Facebook Graph API show some permissions declined when they were all granted and the UI accurately reflects this?

I have authorized my app for several Facebook permissions using my own user account. If I look at the UI, I can see those permissions granted.
If I pull the permissions from the API, it shows many of these same permissions as declined for my user.
That's an API call through the Graph API Explorer using my app's token. I get the same results using cURL.
Some of these permissions require approval from FB, but they have all been approved.
It feels like I'm missing something here. Why does the API return different results than what is shown in the UI? I'm hoping to use the API to see which permissions a user has granted for my app and to ask for a new one if they haven't already granted it. If I can't get accurate results from the API, this won't work.
This happened because I had the wrong Facebook user ID. I used a web site to find my ID which gave me the wrong ID. I found my ID in my app's database, and this returned the correct results from the API.

How can I access the posts of my own fb page using graph api version 2.0

It want to access the posts of the FB page owned by me using the graph api version 2.0 .
I know how to do it, I have the code but the issue I am facing is that I need to submit my app for review as manage_accounts permission is granted only after the app facebook
Can I do this without getting the app reviewed as I need it by tomorrow?
I get the following error in the graph api explorer for this query:
QUERY: me?fields=id,name,accounts{access_token}
The field 'accounts' is only accessible on the User object after the user grants the 'manage_pages' permission.
Please let me know if there is a way around this?
Thank YOU
It is manage_pages, not manage_accounts. You can use manage_pages for everyone with a role in the App (Admin, Developer, Tester). If you want to make your App available for all users, you have to go through the review process with manage_pages.
Either way, you have to authorize the user with manage_pages, that´s exactly what the error message tells you.

Cannot get Facebook ads_management extended permission

I'm trying to get statistics on my facebook ad campaigns. I've followed Facebook own guide, and I've created an app and so on. However I'm unable to get ads_management permission. If I use the Graph Explorer and its "Get Access Token", I cannot select ads_management under extended permissions, the option is simply not there.
I've also tried just sending a request to the Facebook api as follows:
Which does get me a access token, but not one with ads_management permission
Any thoughts?
Edit: My app is not whitelisted, but unless I've misunderstood the guide, it does not have to be, as long as I'm a developer on the app, is this correct?
From what I understand of the Facebook Ads API guide is that the ads_management extended permission is only granted to whitelisted apps. So if the Graph endpoint you're hitting requires that permission then you'll have to get your app approved. Check out the getting started overview https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/overview

Get user approved permissions in facebook graph API

After I add a permission, the user has to remove the app and add it again, in order to grant new permission. The weird thing is that when I request a permission that the user hasn't approved, I don't get an error, but rather only an empty result set.
How do I check if the user approved a permission?
It is quite simple as you can just use the openn graph API to get that information