Embedded blazegraph vs orientdb? - orientdb

We are looking for a embedded graph database that can run withing application scope. I have tried a proof of concept with OrientDB and blazegraph by integrating jar files within application. I'm not sure which one to pick for my application.
Can anybody explain me which is better among these two?

(disclaimer: I was part of the OrientDB team)
The first thing I evaluate is the licence model.
OrientDB is released under ASL while Blazegraph is released under GPLv2.
Can you deal with GPLv2?
Moreover, the blazegraph github repo is not updated since the end of 2016.
OrientDB, AFAIK, is going to release the 3.0 version and 2.2.x should be very stable, it's at 2.2.30 right now.
After that, you can start to evaluate the features
- APIs
- query languages: SQL, gremlin, RDF
- db features: kind on indexes, backup, restore
- addons: console, web interfaces
- client support (java, js, phyton etc.)
Even if you want to go embedded, maybe in the future you will need to deploy your db in standalone way, so I will evaluate compatibility and support of other client languages.


Confluence migration from cloud to server

We have migrated a space from cloud instance to server instance,in cloud instance we were using "Plantuml diagrams for confluence" but in server we are using "Confluence PlantUML Plugin" .so macro name are different in both cloud and server ,so macro name for cloud is "plantumlcloud" but for server it is "plantuml".so ,in pages after migration it is showing "plantumlcloud" not a valid macro ,kindly help to resolve.
In general, migration of confluence spaces to another application which is not running the same plugins will cause any functionality of that plugin to break.
If you migrate hosting platforms, and have the equivalent version of the plugin for your new platform, created by the same developer, in most cases you will retain functionality, however there will often be differences between versions.
These differences are found especially when downgrading, and moving from cloud to server is a very definite example of a downgrade, as cloud will always run the latest version.
In general I would reccomend against a migration from cloud to server, and when it must be done, time should be spent to ensure compatability with all plugins, and migration guides and plans should be made and followed.
As commented by #tgdavies, there seems to be an equivelent version of the plugin you were using on cloud, so hopefully that can resolve your issue.

Neo4j Deployments / Versioning

We have Neo4j environments set up on developers' machines, QA and Production. When doing development, we make schema changes, add nodes, add relationships, rename things, etc. - typical development (graph or no graph, a database is a database).
Once the development reaches a certain point, these changes (application code and database code) needs to be pushed to QA -> PROD.
With traditional database (e.g. SQL Server), one could have a table that contains a version, a SQL script that would query that table/version #, and have a branching logic, which, depending on the version, would execute the right statements, to bring target database to the right schema level.
How do people do the same in Neo4j? Is there a good solution? Seems that apoc/branching logic in Cypher are rather limited and cumbersome.
neo4j has documentation on upgrades, and also a web page on upgrades.
Generally, a newly-installed neo4j version will support automatic upgrading of the files backing an existing DB (for specific older versions), as long as the dbms.allow_upgrade config setting is true.
Also, older versions of the Cypher language can still be used. The Cypher version can be specified per-query, or neo4j can be configured to use that version for all queries.

Play Framework Application and embedded Database packaging

I implemented a server application with Play Framework.
I built native packages for different Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) with SBT Native Packager.
This application requires a NoSQL Database. In particular, I am using MongoDB. Is there a way to embed MongoDB binary/package in my native package? Is this the best practice? Or do you suggest to install MongoDB and my Play application with two different packages?
If it is not possible / recommended to embed MongoDB in a package, do you suggest another DBMS (for instance Nitrite Database)? Thanks
This is not really best practise. Play has H2 in-memory DB embedded but this is only intended for development (because it is quicker than something that reads/writes to disk as well).
You really want to have your Mongo (or whatever other data store you decide to use) instance running in a different process, and packaged, deployed, stopped, started separately from your Play application.
You could probably figure out how to package it with your Play application and then have some script run during app startup to setup the database and load any existing data in -dbpath ie. whenever you redeploy/restart your application. But then you would have to stop/redeploy your Mongo binaries each time you redeploy a code change. You may update your application several times over a year but you are unlikely going to want to update your Mongo binaries as often. I could go on, but don't do it. It is best practise to manage your data stores separately from your applications.

Can Eclipse/IntelliJ Idea be used to execute code on the cluster

Production system : HDP- using Ambari
Aplenty demands coming in for executing a range of code(Java MR etc., Scala, Spark, R) atop the HDP but from a desktop Windows machine IDE.
For Spark and R, we have R-Studio set-up.
The challenge lies with Java, Scala and so on, also, people use a range of IDEs from Eclipse to IntelliJ Idea.
I am aware that the Eclipse Hadoop plugin is NOT actively maintained and also has aplenty bugs when working with latest versions of Hadoop, IntelliJ Idea I couldn't find reliable inputs from the official website.
I believe the Hive and HBase client API is a reliable way to connect from Eclipse etc. but I am skeptical about executing MR or other custom Java/Scala code.
I referred several threads like this and this, however, I still have the question that is any IDE like Eclipse/Intellij Idea having an official support for Hadoop ? Even the Spring Data for Hadoop seems to lost traction, it anyways didn't work as expected 2 years ago ;)
As a realistic alternative, which tool/plugin/library should be used to test the MR and other Java/Scala code 'locally' i.e on the desktop machine using a standalone version of the cluster ?
Note : I do not wish to work against/in the sandbox, its about connecting to the prod. cluster directly.
I don't think that there is a genereal solution which would work for all Hadoop services equally. Each solution has it's own development, testing and deployment scenarios as they are different standalone products. For MR case you can use MRUnit to simulate your work locally from IDE. Another option is LocalJobRunner. They both allow you to check your MR logic directly from IDE. For Storm you can use backtype.storm.Testing library to simalate topology's workflow. But they all are used from IDE without direct cluster communications like in case wuth Spark and RStudio integration.
As for the MR recommendation your job should ideally pass the following lifecycle - writing the job and testing it locally, using MRUnit, then you should run it on some development cluster with some test data (see MiniCluster as an option) and then running in on real cluster with some custom counters which would help you to locate your malformed data and to properly maintaine the job.

Oracle access from iOS

I'm developing an iPad app that needs read-only access to an Oracle database.
Is there any way to do this? As far as I can see, the only options are using OCI, which requires a prebuilt binary in the form of the instant client (and not built for ARM), or OJDBC drivers. Both of these seem to be out of the question.
In my research I have discovered that libmysqlclient compiles for arm with minimal tuning. This is a stretch, but is there any possible way to use this to my advantage?
I have seen this product providing odbc connectivity through the use of a Windows gateway machine using the ODBC client libraries, but this solution really isn't an option for me at the present time.
Any ideas?
At the very bottom, there are only two libraries for accessing Oracle:
The OCI binary library.
The Java OJDBC Jar file.
All other libraries (such as ODBC, ADO.NET) build upon one of these libraries (usually on OCI).
There's no OCI library for the iPhone (or any ARM architecture as far as I know) and there's no Java VM to use OJDBC. So you cannot directly connect from the iPhone to an Oracle database.
So whatever your solution will be, it'll require an intermediate server (or gateway).
While I did end up using an intermediary server... I have since realized that this isn't strictly necessary. Direct access should be obtainable by using the OJDBC drivers directly on iOS using gcj to compile them for ARM. Since Objective-C is a superset of C, you could use JNI for communication to and from. Hope this helps anyone who comes here :)
Direct access to an Oracle database from iOS is not possible as of this moment. Exchanging data with an Oracle database by means of web services is fairly simple. You can use APEX for this, lean and mean.