Detect and compare Tumblr {block:Permalink} - tumblr

OK, so I'm trying to find out if there is any way to detect and compare the URL/permalink of Tumblr's posts/pages with a custom URL.
The main idea is to use Tumblr as a store/selling platform powered by PayPal, and have the PayPal links prerendered within the head of the page - to speed up the payment process - by using the prerender link (below). However, there should be only one link (as below) per Tumblr post, and not for all posts.
<link rel="prerender" href="">
So what I have so far is this:
{block:Permalink} //detects if Tumblr URL is a post/page
{Permalink} //gets the URL of the post/page
What I need is something like this:
{block:Permalink} //detects if Tumblr URL is a post/page
{Permalink=} //not working
I have no idea is this is possible using the Tumblr code and I do not need a javascript alternative as it will be useless for this purpose.


How to do Facebook Open Graph friendly meta tags with client-side template engines like AngularJS, Mustache, Handlebars

According to my testing, Facebook's crawlers do not render client-side templates like a browser.
I want to avoid a webserver and building HTML files for Open Graph objects at all costs. I want to generate the meta tags on the fly via the URL, but it seems Facebook cannot do this.
Can someone from Facebook please confirm? I asked the head of Open Graph at #mobiledevcon and she said that Facebook can render stuff like {{value}}
My meta tags are as follows, and they render fine in every browser. But the Facebook Open Graph Debugger only sees the raw text, not the interpolated content.
<meta property="{{}}" content="{{meta.content}}">
When you think about it it should be clear, why this does not work.
The Facebook crawler downloads the HTML as it is served by the server. The Facebook crawler will not execute any JavaScript, like all the crawler will not execute the JavaScript. This is due to security restrictions and for speed reason (they do not have the time execute JavaScript on their servers.)
There is no way around this. If you want the crawler to index you page, you need to give them directly what you want them to read.
Tip: You could use something like phantom.js to render your pages on the server side and serve this to the crawlers.
The solution is basically to use some kind of server-side user-agent detection to pick up whenever a social media crawler arrives.
Use the ?_escaped_fragment_ method along with a prerender service. Facebook will respect the same crawlable Ajax specification as Google. Please see

Facebook do I need app_id to integrate open graph on my website

I have been reading about using Open Graph (OG) meta tags to improve the way facebook works with your website. I have read two tutorials that say to create an application and use the application ID. But I am not developing an application, all I have is a business page... Can I just the page ID?
Can anybody also point out any good, simple resources around the using OG in my website?
The sharer.php method (which is deprecated) allows you to post without an application. The feed/post method appears to require an app_id, though it's possible that there's some way around that. On the bright side, there's nothing complex about creating an application, so, if that's what you must do, I'd say just do it :)
Here is an example of how it works *with an app using the feed/post method (you'll need to click the "Post to feed" link at the top (yes I know it doesn't look like a link!).
and Here is the same exact example only using Sharer (notice that this time it's pointing at a slightly different url (drawImageForFB2.php instead of drawImageForFB4.php).
I use a php to render the tags based on the vidId that I collect but that's neither here nor there... you could just as easily have this as a static HTML page.
The innards of the OG tag are just about identical and the app_id tag in the OG is entirely optional as it pertains to the second example).
Oh, and addthis does it using the dialog api which looks like this

Like Box ('Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.')

I need some information, why like box frame not working: 'Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.'. I`m testing this href in - it says correct answer, but frame not working.
In access logs for UA facebookexternalhit/1.1 always answer status 200 (and 301/302 for specific page).
example page:
additional information: on some pages frame works, and some does not work
The Facebook Like Box is really designed to use the URL for a Facebook page, not for a general Web Page. It pulls Timeline content from a fan page within Facebook.
It can be used for a Web Page if the page has defined Open Graph Meta Tags and has been Liked at least once. However, there will be no "stream" functionality. The Like-Box for a Web Page would just have functionality similar to the Facepile plugin (except that Facepile just shows you friends, and a Like-Box also shows non-friends.)
Typically, though, you would want to supply the Like-Box with a Facebook Page URL in the following format:
Perhaps you are intending to use a Like Button or Facepile Social Plugin instead? Either of those can accept any URL as input.

Facebook like a different domain

OK, I have the standard Facebook Like code.
But we are ajaxing in Tumblr posts from the Tumblr feed and putting the FB Like button in.
So we are LIKING the Tumblr post URL.
However the page is not on a Tumbler URL, so FB momentarilly shows the comments box, then replaces it with a Confirm button, which triggers a popup. Like in the popup, then it allows you to use the normal JS comment that should appear on the button.
QA and UI have flagged this up as unacceptable, so is this a massive UI failing by FB? Whatever it is, and how can I get around it?
If we LIKE a unique URL on our site/domain this works as intended;
BUT THEN we would have to write a backend to receive that URL and present OG tags for FB to scrape, probably grabbing from the tumblr post.
Yes, by default the Like plugin it will search the page for og:metadata,
to go forward you can use the new build in, Open Graph Like Action
So, now you can associate each Open Graph object with a like.

How to achieve dynamic fb actions?

My site has a feed system and when user clicks on any one of those feed snippets (the object), I want the action to be publish in their Facebook news feed. So I'm really confused on how to go about it because as far as I'm aware this is how you post actions on Facebook's JavaScript SDK:
How do you dynamically change the properties of the object? Are there parameters you can send? As far as I'm concerned, Facebook asks you to give pass a URL and it'll grab the <meta> information from that URL?
Am I supposed to perform a GET request with my own server and change the meta tags dynamically. This sounds like more work than it needs to be. For example, what if the feed includes a paragraph of text, it'll be impractical for me to post that as a get request and then urldecode the entire thing.
I'm not sure I totally understand your question, but...
You can dynamically change the tags for facebook og: properties, but you have to do it before the page loads (e.g. using PHP as opposed to javascript). After you send the post using the javascript SDK, facebook crawls the page and looks for the info in the og: meta tags.