Splint Out of Range Error - splint

I am using Splint 3.1.2, and I am getting Out of Range Error during Execution of Splint in My Code. My code has 2000 .C files, my execution is Stopping every time in some .c files, because of Out of Range Error. Can anyone Help me on this Issue ???.


Hey folks ! I getting error when I debugging UE4.25 the file "dll" file is missing called 'MagicLeapSharedWorld.dll'

the file is in Engine/plugins/lumin/MagicLeapPassableWorld/MagicLeapSharedWorld.dll
can anyone may can share that file i can't rebuild it will take time about 3 days.

MetalKit for iOS 10 : Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Timeout Error (IOAF Code 2)

Using MetalKit for iOS 10, when we try to perform MPSCNNConvolution, with inputs as following :
Kernel Size : 16x16
Input channels : 300
Output channels : 250
Dimensions of input image : 250x250x300
Execution of Command Buffer takes over 10 seconds and after that it exits saying "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Timeout Error (IOAF Code 2)". How to fix this?
Is there a way to fasten the process? (as 10 seconds is too much for executing these high-dimensional convolutions)
With the help of these convolutions, our aim is to execute deconvolution and as there is no API on it yet, we try to do it on our own. Is there any API methods to perform these deconvolution operations?
It sounds like there was an error that led to a timeout. I don't think the execution time of your program is the actual cause of the timeout.
I would try the following: go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> with "Run" selected hit the Options tab -> Set Metal API Validation to Enabled.
That will allow Metal to throw an exception the moment you pass it invalid parameters, rather than spitting out mysterious errors later on.

Multiple GPU code on Matlab runs for few seconds only

I am running the following MATLAB code on a system with one GTX 1080 and a K80 (with 2 GPUs)
parfor i=1:100
The code runs for around a second. When I rerun the code after few seconds. I get the message:
Error using parallel.gpu.CUDADevice/reset
An unexpected error occurred during CUDA execution. The
CUDA error was:
unknown error
Error in CreateDictionary
I tried increasing TdrDelay, but it did not help.
Something in your GPU code is causing an error on the device. Because the code is running asynchronously, this error is not picked up until the next synchronisation point, which is when you run the code again. I would need to see the contents of SingleGPUMatlabCode to know what that error might be. Perhaps there's an allocation failure or an out of bounds access. Errors that aren't correctly handled will get converted to 'unknown error' at the next CUDA operation.
Try adding wait(gpuDevice) inside the loop to identify when the error is occurring.
If either device 2 or 3 are the GTX1080, you may have discovered an issue with MATLAB's restricted support for the Pascal architecture. See https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/309235-can-i-use-my-nvidia-pascal-architecture-gpu-with-matlab-for-gpu-computing
If this is caused by the Windows timeout, you would see a several second screen blackout.

Strange Xcode error

When I run my app, i get one error and i dont know how to fix it. Can someone help me?
Here is the error:
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/200/screenshot20110609at256.png/
The causative problem is the error immediately preceding that one, the duplicate symbol error.
gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 Error Occurs due to some of your file or frame work are duplicated check it out which file is in you target link file or in your framework are repeated.
from your log message "didUpdate" may be repeated in your project look for that...
May be this is helpful to You.
From the error message, it seems like didUpdate is defined more than once in your code. Search for didUpdate on your workspace and make sure it's only being defined once.
Either you are redefining variable or you are probably importing a *.m file somewhere in your project.Try importing corresponding *.h file.

iphone: co-processor offset out of range

i have a strange compiling problem with xcode and iphone. my game is almost finish but now i got suddently this compiling error:
{standard input}:6108:co-processor offset out of range
gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
this only happens if i compile the release version for the device. the debug version and both versions for the simulator works. clean targets and recompile don't work.
strangly enough that error only happens if i add a line of code to one specific source file and only between these lines:
[_sharedDirector checkAndPutScoreToHighscore:(int)[player score]];
gameOverScreen = YES;
gameOverScreenSlideY = 320.0f;
[buttonManager activateButtonWithID:replayButton];
[buttonManager activateButtonWithID:menuButton];
so when i put a random line between this lines of code i get that error.
i do not know what causes this error. i had opened the sourcecode file to "show as assembly file" just for fun but i don't think this has caused the error.
has anybode a hint for me what could be going on? i am searching the web for over 3 hours and thats very frustrating.
You most likely found a compiler bug. You really should switch to the LLVM compiler (clang).