Lexical Bindings in Common Lisp Macros - macros

I am currently working my way through Graham's On Lisp and find this particular bit difficult to understand:
Binding. Lexical variables must appear directly in the source code. The
first argument to setq is not evaluated, for example, so anything
built on setq must be a macro which expands into a setq, rather than a
function which calls it. Likewise for operators like let, whose
arguments are to appear as parameters in a lambda expression, for
macros like do which expand into lets, and so on. Any new operator
which is to alter the lexical bindings of its arguments must be
written as a macro.
This comes from Chapter 8, which describes when macros should and should not be used in place of functions.
What exactly does he mean in this paragraph? Could someone give a concrete example or two?
Much appreciated!

setq is a special form and does not evaluate its first argument. Thus if you want to make a macro that updates something, you cannot do it like this:
(defun update (what with)
(setq what with))
(defparameter *test* 10)
(update *test* 20) ; what does it do?
*test* ; ==> 10
So inside the function update setq updates the variable what to be 20, but it is a local variable that has the value 10 that gets updated, not *test* itself. In order to update *test* setq must have *test* as first argument. A macro can do that:
(defmacro update (what with)
`(setq ,what ,with))
(update *test* 20) ; what does it do?
*test* ; ==> 20
You can see exactly the resulting code form the macro expansion:
(macroexpand-1 '(update *test* 20))
; ==> (setq *test* 20) ; t
A similar example. You cannot mimic if with cond using a function:
(defun my-if (test then else)
(cond (test then)
(t else)))
(defun fib (n)
(my-if (< 2 n)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(fib 3)
No matter what argument you pass you get an infinite loop that always call the recursive case since all my-if arguments are always evaluated. With cond and if the test gets evaluated and based on that either the then or else is evaluated, but never all unconditionally.


How Lisp (Allegro Common Lisp) uses variables in lambda with ' vs #'

I am hoping someone can explain why tests 1-5 work but test 6 does not. I thought that quoting a lambda with ' and using #' in front of a lambda both returned pointers to the function with the only difference being that the #' will compile it first.
(defun test-1 (y)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (expt x 2))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-2 (y)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (expt x y))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-3 (y)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (expt x 2))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-4 (y)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (expt x y))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-5 (y)
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (expt x 2))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-6 (y)
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (expt x y))
'(1 2 3)))
I am using the free version of Franz Industries Allegro Common Lisp. The following are the outputs:
(test-1 2) ; --> (1 4 9)
(test-2 2) ; --> (1 4 9)
(test-3 2) ; --> (1 4 9)
(test-4 2) ; --> (1 4 9)
(test-5 2) ; --> (1 4 9)
(test-6 2) ; --> Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `Y'. [condition type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
For a start, you should be aware that your tests 1-4 are conforming Common Lisp, while your tests 5 and 6 are not. I believe Allegro is perfectly well allowed to do what it does for 5 and 6, but what it is doing is outside the standard. The bit of the standard that talks about this is the definition of functions like mapcar, which take function designators as argument, and the definition of a function designator:
function designator n. a designator for a function; that is, an object that denotes a function and that is one of: a symbol (denoting the function named by that symbol in the global environment), or a function (denoting itself). The consequences are undefined if a symbol is used as a function designator but it does not have a global definition as a function, or it has a global definition as a macro or a special form. [...]
From this it is clear that a list like (lambda (...) ...) is not a function designator: it's just a list whose car happens to be lambda. What Allegro is doing is noticing that this list is in fact something that can be turned into a function and doing that.
Well, let's just write a version of mapcar which does what Allegro's does:
(defun mapcar/coercing (maybe-f &rest lists)
(apply #'mapcar (coerce maybe-f 'function) lists))
This just uses coerce which is a function which knows how to turn lists like this into functions, among other things. If its argument is already a function, coerce just returns it.
Now we can write the two tests using this function:
(defun test-5/coercing (y)
(mapcar/coercing '(lambda (x) (expt x 2))
'(1 2 3)))
(defun test-6/coercing (y)
(mapcar/coercing '(lambda (x) (expt x y))
'(1 2 3)))
So, after that preamble, why can't test-6/explicit work? Well the answer is that Common Lisp is (except for for special variables) lexically scoped. Lexical scope is just a fancy way of saying that the bindings (variables) that are available are exactly and only the bindings you can see by looking at the source of the program. (Except, in the case of CL for special bindings, which I'll ignore, since there are none here.)
So, given this, think about test-6/coercing, and in particular the call to mapcar/coercing: in that call, coerce has to turn the list (lambda (x) (expt z y)) into a function. So it does that. But the function it returns doesn't bind y and there is no binding for y visible in it: the function uses y 'free'.
The only way that this could work is if the function that coerce constructs for us were to dynamically look for a binding for y. Well, that's what dynamically-scoped languages do, but CL is not dynamically-scoped.
Perhaps a way of making this even clearer is to realise that we can lift the function creation right out of the function:
(defun test-7 (y f)
(mapcar f '(1 2 3)))
> (test-7 1 (coerce '(lambda (x) (expt x y)) 'function))
It's clear that this can't work in a lexically-scoped language.
So, then, how do tests 1-4 work?
Well, firstly there are only actually two tests here. In CL, lambda is a macro and (lambda (...) ...) is entirely equivalent to (function (lambda (...) ...)). And of course #'(lambda (...) ...) is also the same as (function (lambda (...) ...)): it's just a read-macro for it.
And (function ...) is a magic thing (a special form) which says 'this is a function'. The important thing about function is that it's not a function: it's a deeply magic thing which tells the evaluator (or the compiler) that its argument is the description of a function in the current lexical context, so, for instance in
(let ((x 1))
(function (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
The x referred to by the function this creates is the x bound by let. So in your tests 2 and 4 (which are the same):
(defun test-4 (y)
(mapcar (function (lambda (x) (expt x y)))
'(1 2 3)))
The binding of y which the function created refers to is the binding of y which is lexically visible, which is the argument of test-4 itself.
Let's add a y parameter to avoid closing over variables and see what kind of values we are manipulating:
USER> (type-of #'(lambda (x y) (expt x y)))
USER> (type-of (lambda (x y) (expt x y)))
USER> (type-of '(lambda (x y) (expt x y)))
As you can see, the two first lambda-like forms are evaluated as functions, while the third is evaluated as a cons-cell. As far as Lisp is concerned, the third argument is just a tree of symbols with no meaning.
Reader macros
I thought that quoting a lambda with ' and using #' in front of a lambda both returned pointers to the function with the only difference being that the #' will compile it first.
Let's go back to the definitions, ' and #' are reader macros, respectively Single-Quote and Sharpsign Single-Quote. They are found in front of other forms, for example 'f is read as (quote f) and #'f is read as (function f). At read-time, f and the resulting forms are just unevaluated data.
We will see below how both special operators are interpreted, but what matters really is the lexical scope, so let's open a parenthesis.
Lexical environment
Lexical environments are the set of bindings in effect at some point of your code. When you evaluate a let or an flet it enriches the current environment with new bindings. When you call EVAL on an expression, you start evaluating from a null lexical environment, even if the call to eval itself is in a non-null environment.
Here x is just unbound during eval:
(let ((x 3)) (eval '(list x))) ;; ERROR
Here we build a let to be evaluated by eval:
(eval '(let ((x 3)) (list x)))
=> (3)
That's all for the crash course on lexical environments.
Special operators
Special operator FUNCTION takes an argument that is either the name of a function (symbol or setf), or a lambda expression; in particular:
The value of function is the functional value of name in the current lexical environment.
Here the lambda expression is evaluated in the current lexical environment, which means it can refer to variable outside the lambda expression. That's the definition of closures, they capture the surrounding bindings.
NB. you do not need to prefix lambda with #', because there is a macro named (lambda ...) that expands into (function (lambda ...)). It looks like this could expand recursively forever, but this is not the case: at first the macro is expanded so that (lambda ...) becomes (function (lambda ...)), then the special operator function knows how to evaluate the lambda expression itself.
This means that (lambda ...) and #'(lambda ...) are equivalent. Note in particular that there is nothing about whether one form is compiled or not at this point, the compiler will see the same expression after macroexpansion.
Special operator QUOTE evaluates (quote f) as f, where f itself is unevaluated. In test-5 and test-6, there is no function, just an unevaluated structured expression that can be interpreted as code.
Type coercion
Now, certain functions like MAPCAR are used to apply functions. Notice how the specification says that the function parameter is a function designator:
function --- a designator for a function that must take as many arguments as there are lists.
A designator for a type is not necessarily a value of that type, but can be a value that can be coerced to that type. Sometimes a user wants to specify a pathname, and enters a string, but a string is not a value of type pathname: the system has to converts the string into a pathname.
Common Lisp defines a COERCE function with rules regarding how values can be converted to other values. In you case, mapcar first does (coerce (lambda ...) 'function). This is defined as follows:
If the result-type is function, and object is a lambda expression, then the result is a closure of object in the null lexical environment.
The value is thus evaluated in a null lexical environment, so it does not have access to the surrounding bindings; y is a free variable in your lambda expression, and since it is evaluated in a null environment, it is unbound. That's why test-5 pass but test-6 fails.
Name resolution, compilers and late binding
There is a difference whether you write #'f or 'f when referring to a function f where f is a symbol: in the first case, the expression evaluated to an object of type function, and in the second case, you only evaluate a symbol.
Name resolution for this function can change depending and how the compiler works. With a symbol as a function designator, the function does not even need to be defined, the name is resolved when the symbols has to be coerced as a function.
When you write #'f, some compilers may remove one level of indirection and directly make your code jump to the code associated with the function, without having to resolve the name at runtime.
However, this also means that with such compilers (e.g. SBCL), you need to recompile some call sites on function redefinition, as-if the function was declared inline, otherwise some old code will still reference the previous definition of #'f. This is something that is not necessarily important to consider at the beginning, but it can be a source of confusion to keep in mind when you are live coding.

Using special variables as macro input?

I want to make a macro for binding variables to values given a var-list and a val-list.
This is my code for it -
(defmacro let-bind (vars vals &body body)
`(let ,(loop for x in vars
for y in vals
collect `(,x ,y))
While it works correct if called like (let-bind (a b) (1 2) ...), it doesn't seem to work when called like
(defvar vars '(a b))
(defvar vals '(1 2))
(let-bind vars vals ..)
Then I saw some effects for other of my macros too. I am a learner and cannot find what is wrong.
Basic problem: a macro sees code, not values. A function sees values, not code.
CL-USER 2 > (defvar *vars* '(a b))
CL-USER 3 > (defvar *vals* '(1 2))
CL-USER 4 > (defmacro let-bind (vars vals &body body)
(format t "~%the value of vars is: ~a~%" vars)
`(let ,(loop for x in vars
for y in vals
collect `(,x ,y))
CL-USER 5 > (let-bind *vars* *vals* t)
the value of vars is: *VARS*
Error: *VARS* (of type SYMBOL) is not of type LIST.
1 (abort) Return to top loop level 0.
You can see that the value of vars is *vars*. This is a symbol. Because the macro variables are bound to code fragments - not their values.
Thus in your macro you try to iterate over the symbol *vars*. But *vars* is a symbol and not a list.
You can now try to evaluate the symbol *vars* at macro expansion time. But that won't work also in general, since at macro expansion time *vars* may not have a value.
Your macro expands into a let form, but let expects at compile time real variables. You can't compute the variables for let at a later point in time. This would work only in some interpreted code where macros would be expanded at runtime - over and over.
If you’ve read the other answers then you know that you can’t read a runtime value from a compiletime macro (or rather, you can’t know the value it will have at runtime at compiletime as you can’t see the future). So let’s ask a different question: how can you bind the variables in your list known at runtime.
In the case where your list isn’t really variable and you just want to give it a single name you could use macroexpand:
(defun symbol-list-of (x env)
(etypecase x
(list x)
(symbol (macroexpand x env))))
(defmacro let-bind (vars vals &body body &environment env)
(let* ((vars (symbol-list-of vars env))
(syms (loop for () in vars collect gensym)))
`(destructuring-bind ,syms ,vals
(let ,(loop for sym in syms for bar in vars collect (list var sym)) ,#body))))
This would somewhat do what you want. It will symbol-macroexpand the first argument and evaluate the second.
What if you want to evaluate the first argument? Well we could try generating something that uses eval. As eval will evaluate in the null lexical environment (ie can’t refer to any external local variables), we would need to have eval generate a function to bind variables and then call another function. That is a function like (lambda (f) (let (...) (funcall f)). You would evaluate the expression to get that function and then call it with a function which does he body (but was not made by eval and so captures the enclosing scope). Note that this would mean that you could only bind dynamic variables.
What if you want to bind lexical variables? Well there is no way to go from symbol to the memory location of a variable at runtime in Common Lisp. A debugger might know how to do this. There is no way to get a list of variables in scope in a macro, although the compiler knows this. So you can’t generate a function to set a lexically bound symbol. And it would be even harder to do if you wanted to shadow the binding although you could maybe do it with some symbol-macrolet trickery if you knew every variable in scope.
But maybe there is a better way to do this for special variables and it turns out there is. It’s an obscure special form called progv. It has the same signature that you want let-bind to have except it works. link.

Trying to understand setf + aref "magic"

I now have learnt about arrays and aref in Lisp. So far, it's quite easy to grasp, and it works like a charme:
(defparameter *foo* (make-array 5))
(aref *foo* 0) ; => nil
(setf (aref *foo* 0) 23)
(aref *foo* 0) ; => 23
What puzzles me is the aref "magic" that happens when you combine aref and setf. It seems as if aref knew about its calling context, and would then decide whether to return a value or a place that can be used by setf.
Anyway, for the moment I just take this as granted, and don't think about the way this works internally too much.
But now I wanted to create a function that sets an element of the *foo* array to a predefined value, but I don't want to hardcode the *foo* array, instead I want to hand over a place:
(defun set-23 (place)
So basically this function sets place to 23, whatever place is. My initial naive approach was
(defun set-23 (place)
(setf place 23))
and call it using:
(set-23 (aref *foo* 0))
This does not result in an error, but it also doesn't change *foo* at all. My guess would be that the call to aref resolves to nil (as the array is currently empty), so this would mean that
(setf nil 23)
is run, but when I try this manually in the REPL, I get an error telling me that:
NIL is a constant, may not be used as a variable
(And this absolutely makes sense!)
So, finally I have two questions:
What happens in my sample, and what does this not cause an error, and why doesn't it do anything?
How could I solve this to make my set-23 function work?
I also had the idea to use a thunk for this to defer execution of aref, just like:
(defun set-23 (fn)
(setf (funcall fn) 23))
But this already runs into an error when I try to define this function, as Lisp now tells me:
(SETF FUNCALL) is only defined for functions of the form #'symbol.
Again, I wonder why this is. Why does using setf in combination with funcall apparently work for named functions, but not for lambdas, e.g.?
PS: In "Land of Lisp" (which I'm currently reading to learn about Lisp) it says:
In fact, the first argument in setf is a special sublanguage of Common Lisp, called a generalized reference. Not every Lisp command is allowed in a generalized reference, but you can still put in some pretty complicated stuff: […]
Well, I guess that this is the reason (or at least one of the reasons) here, why all this does not work as I'd expect it, but nevertheless I'm curious to learn more :-)
A place is nothing physical, it's just a concept for anything where we can get/set a value. So a place in general can't be returned or passed. Lisp developers wanted a way to easily guess a setter from just knowing what the getter is. So we write the getter, with a surrounding setf form and Lisp figures out how to set something:
(slot-value vehicle 'speed) ; gets the speed
(setf (slot-value vehicle 'speed) 100) ; sets the speed
Without SETF we would need a setter function with its name:
(set-slot-value vehicle 'speed 100) ; sets the speed
For setting an array we would need another function name:
(set-aref 3d-board 100 100 100 'foo) ; sets the board at 100/100/100
Note that the above setter functions might exist internally. But you don't need to know them with setf.
Result: we end up with a multitude of different setter function names.
The SETF mechanism replaces ALL of them with one common syntax. You know the getter call? Then you know the setter, too. It's just setf around the getter call plus the new value.
Another example
world-time ; may return the world time
(setf world-time (get-current-time)) ; sets the world time
And so on...
Note also that only macros deal with setting places: setf, push, pushnew, remf, ... Only with those you can set a place.
(defun set-23 (place)
(setf place 23))
Above can be written, but place is just a variable name. You can't pass a place. Let's rename it, which does not change a thing, but reduces confusion:
(defun set-23 (foo)
(setf foo 23))
Here foo is a local variable. A local variable is a place. Something we can set. So we can use setf to set the local value of the variable. We don't set something that gets passed in, we set the variable itself.
(defmethod set-24 ((vehicle audi-vehicle))
(setf (vehicle-speed vehicle) 100))
In above method, vehicle is a variable and it is bound to an object of class audi-vehicle. To set the speed of it, we use setf to call the writer method.
Where does Lisp know the writer from? For example a class declaration generates one:
(defclass audi-vehicle ()
((speed :accessor vehicle-speed)))
The :accessor vehicle-speed declaration causes both reading and setting functions to be generated.
The setf macro looks at macro expansion time for the registered setter. That's all. All setf operations look similar, but Lisp underneath knows how to set things.
Here are some examples for SETF uses, expanded:
Setting an array item at an index:
CL-USER 86 > (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(setf (aref a1 10) 'foo)))
(LET* ((#:G10336875 A1) (#:G10336876 10) (#:|Store-Var-10336874| 'FOO))
(SETF::\"COMMON-LISP\"\ \"AREF\" #:|Store-Var-10336874|
Setting a variable:
CL-USER 87 > (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(setf a 'foo)))
(LET* ((#:|Store-Var-10336877| 'FOO))
(SETQ A #:|Store-Var-10336877|))
Setting a CLOS slot:
CL-USER 88 > (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(setf (slot-value o1 'bar) 'foo)))
Setting the first element of a list:
CL-USER 89 > (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(setf (car some-list) 'foo)))
As you can see it uses a lot of internal code in the expansion. The user just writes a SETF form and Lisp figures out what code would actually do the thing.
Since you can write your own setter, only your imagination limits the things you might want to put under this common syntax:
setting a value on another machine via some network protocol
setting some value in a custom data structure you've just invented
setting a value in a database
In your example:
(defun set-23 (place)
(setf place 23))
you can't do it just like that, because you have to use setf in context.
This will work:
(defmacro set-23 (place)
`(setf ,place 23))
CL-USER> (set-23 (aref *foo* 0))
CL-USER> *foo*
The trick is, setf 'knows' how to look at real place its arguments come from, only for limited number of functions. These functions are called setfable.
setf is a macro, and to use it the way you wanted to, you also have to use macros.
The reason why you have not been getting errors, is that you actually successfully modified lexical variable place which was bound to copy of selected array element.

Is evaluating of constructed evaluation equal to macro?

I want to know if these two definitions of nth are equal:
I. is defined as macro:
(defmacro -nth (n lst)
(defun f (n1 lst1)
(cond ((eql n1 0) lst1)
(t `(cdr ,(f (- n1 1) lst1)))))
`(car ,(f n lst)))
II. is defined as a bunch of functions:
(defun f (n lst)
(cond ((eql n 0) lst)
(t `(cdr ,(f (- n 1) lst)))))
(defun f1 (n lst)
`(car ,(f n `',lst)))
(defun --nth (n lst)
(eval (f1 n lst)))
Am i get the right idea? Is macro definition is evaluating of expression, constructed in its body?
OK, let start from the beginning.
Macro is used to create new forms that usually depend on macro's input. Before code is complied or evaluated, macro has to be expanded. Expansion of a macro is a process that takes place before evaluation of form where it is used. Result of such expansion is usually a lisp form.
So inside a macro here are a several levels of code.
Not quoted code will be evaluated during macroexpansion (not at run-time!), in your example you define function f when macro is expanded (for what?);
Next here is quoted (with usual quote or backquote or even nested backquotes) code that will become part of macroexpansion result (in its literal form); you can control what part of code will be evaluated during macroexpansion and what will stay intact (quoted, partially or completely). This allows one to construct anything before it will be executed.
Another feature of macro is that it does not evaluate its parameters before expansion, while function does. To give you picture of what is a macro, see this (just first thing that came to mind):
(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
`(let ((it ,test))
(if it ,then ,else)))
You can use it like this:
CL-USER> (defparameter *x* '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
CL-USER> (aif (find 'c *x* :key #'car) (1+ (cdr it)) 0)
This macro creates useful lexical binding, capturing variable it. After checking of a condition, you don't have to recalculate result, it's accessible in forms 'then' and 'else'. It's impossible to do with just a function, it has introduced new control construction in language. But macro is not just about creating lexical environments.
Macro is a powerful tool. It's impossible to fully describe what you can do with it, because you can do everything. But nth is not something you need a macro for. To construct a clone of nth you can try to write a recursive function.
It's important to note that LISP macro is most powerful thing in the programming world and LISP is the only language that has this power ;-)
To inspire you, I would recommend this article: http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html
To master macro, begin with something like this:
Then may be Paul Graham's "On Lisp", then "Let Over Lambda".
There is no need for either a macro nor eval to make abstractions to get the nth element of a list. Your macro -nth doesn't even work unless the index is literal number. try this:
(defparameter test-list '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
(defparameter index 3)
(nth index test-list) ; ==> 6 (this is the LISP provided nth)
(-nth index test-list) ; ==> ERROR: index is not a number
A typical recursive solution of nth:
(defun nth2 (index list)
(if (<= index 0)
(car list)
(nth2 (1- index) (cdr list))))
(nth2 index test-list) ; ==> 6
A typical loop version
(defun nth3 (index list)
(loop :for e :in list
:for i :from index :downto 0
:when (= i 0) :return e))
(nth3 index test-list) ; ==> 6
Usually a macro is something you use when you see your are repeating yourself too much and there is no way to abstract your code further with functions. You may make a macro that saves you the time to write boilerplate code. Of course there is a trade off of not being standard code so you usually write the macro after a couple of times have written the boilerplate.
eval should never be used unless you really have to. Usually you can get by with funcall and apply. eval works only in the global scope so you loose closure variables.

Creating a lambda from an s-expression

I have an s-expression bound to a variable in Common Lisp:
(defvar x '(+ a 2))
Now I want to create a function that when called, evaluates the expression in the scope in which it was defined. I've tried this:
(let ((a 4))
(lambda () (eval x)))
(let ((a 4))
(eval `(lambda () ,x)))
But both of these create a problem: EVAL will evaluate the code at the top level, so I can't capture variables contained in the expression. Note that I cannot put the LET form in the EVAL. Is there any solution?
EDIT: So if there is not solution to the EVAL problem, how else can it be done?
EDIT: There was a question about what exactly I am try to do. I am writing a compiler. I want to accept an s-expression with variables closed in the lexical environment where the expression is defined. It may indeed be better to write it as a macro.
You need to create code that has the necessary bindings. Wrap a LET around your code and bind every variable you want to make available in your code:
(defvar *x* '(+ a 2))
(let ((a 4))
(eval `(let ((a ,a))
CLISP implements an extension to evaluate a form in the lexical environment. From the fact that it is an extension, I suspect you can't do that in a standard-compliant way.
(ext:eval-env x (ext:the-environment))
See http://clisp.cons.org/impnotes.html#eval-environ.
What is the actual problem that you want to solve? Most likely, you're trying to tackle it the wrong way. Lexical bindings are for things that appear lexically within their scope, not for random stuff you get from outside.
Maybe you want a dynamic closure? Such a thing doesn't exist in Common Lisp, although it does in some Lisp dialects (like Pico Lisp, as far as I understand).
Note that you can do the following, which is similar:
(defvar *a*)
(defvar *x* '(+ *a* 2)) ;'
(let ((a 10))
;; ...
(let ((*a* a))
(eval *x*)))
I advise you to think hard about whether you really want this, though.
In Common Lisp you can define *evalhook* Which allows you to pass an environment to (eval ...). *evalhook* is platform independent.
It is possible to use COMPILE to compile the expression into function and then use PROGV to FUNCALL the compiled function in the environment where variables are dynamically set. Or, better, use COMPILE to compile the expression into function that accepts variables.
Compile accepts the function definition as a list and turns it into function. In case of SBCL, this function is compiled into machine code and will execute efficiently.
First option (using compile and progv):
(defvar *fn* (compile nil '(lambda () (+ a 2)))
(progv '(a) '(4) (funcall *fn*))
Second option:
(defvar *fn* (compile nil '(lambda (a) (+ a 2))))
(funcall *fn* 4)