Sprites quality is very bad in Game window in Unity - unity3d

I have created a 2D project. The images I used for sprites are all with high resolution. However I do not know what settings I have changed today, the sprites in game window started look terrible when I tested the game(good quality in scene window). And this happens to all of the projects I created earlier. But when I build the exe file to play, the graphics look all good with original quality. Could anyone tell me how to fix this issue?

Scale back the game view to 1x and change the size of your camera instead or set your sprites to their original size if they have been resized

If you have a Retina screen, make sure you uncheck the following checkbox.
Watch this screencast

For 2D game also make sure Projection property in Camera component is set to Orthographic


Why do certain sprites ,look as if they're further back in the window?

I am learning how to make games using unity, i have used free sprite packs from unity's store.
i have selected each individual sprite and changed its z position to 0, but when the game runs it looks completely different to how it looks in the editing window.
please help.
Here is a video I recorded.
Are your sprites on a prefab, or children of another game object? The Transform of the parent object affects the transform of all children.
It looks like this is a camera problem. Your camera is set to perspective, it is possible to do parallax backgrounds with a perspective camera and you may have already accomodated for it, but that is the first thing I would check.
You can modify this by going to your Main Camera and selecting Orthographic from the Projection drop-down menu.

The objects in the scene looks good but in the game view looks too pixelated Unity 2019.4

I read something about this and i have to disable the «Low Resolution Aspect Ratios» but in i can't disable it beacuse unity doesn't let me.
My solution was using images with exactly the same resolution that i want in unity.
1 unit in unity is one pixel.

Unity 3D 2D Imported Sprites Pixelated

I have this image generated thanks to PowerPoint:
We can see here, the image is not pixelated.
But when I import this in Unity 3D, the result is:
Here you can see the sprite's parameters:
Am I using the correct tool for my sprite creation? (PowerPoint)
If the answer is "No", which tool can I use for avoid this kind of problem?
If the answer is "Yes", how can I avoid this pixelization of my sprite in Unity 3D?
Thanks a lot for your help!
PowerPoint is not the best image editor :D But your sprite looks correct, possible you just set small scale in Unity Scene window for it.
Try increasing your sprite Scale in Scene window. Select it, next in Inspector increase X Y Z Scale parameters in Transform component (it should be on top).
I just tried your image in my Unity editor and it seems fine. Make sure your Sprite Renderer transform scale is set to (1,1,1). For me even that seems not to affect the quality but it is a best practice not to have different distorted scales for everything in your scene.
One tip for improving your sprite quality is to export it in a POT resolution. Meaning that the resolution of the image should be divisible with 4. This way Unity will be able to compress the image with a much higher precision and quality. One resolution example of that is 800x800 or 1920x1080 etc.
Make sure your build target is set to Standalone and not other platform. If you are set to Android for example. check the Android specific compression in your sprite import inspector. That might also affect the quality.
To answer your question on what image editor to use, the best one, in my opinion, is Adobe Photoshop. If you don't want to pay for it, just search for any free image editing tool. But stop using PP, I'm not exactly sure how you have come up with that.

What objects and APIs would I use to fill the unity game window with custom graphics?

I need to build an app using Unity which doesn't use a traditional camera to generate the graphics. I'll build them using some custom shaders and a few cameras whose results get stuffed in rendertextures and then frobbed. (Think http://www.purplefrog.com/~thoth/art/kaleidescope/kaleid1.html but even weirder)
I'm not sure what objects I would put in the scene to accomplish this. In any normal app you just put a camera and point it at the right spot and Unity gets the pixels into the window, but that is just not how this thing will work.
I'm not sure if I should be using a UI Canvas or what APIs would be used to copy various render textures into the proper locations.
If you are not targeting WebGL you can create a RenderTexture of the proper size (maybe using RenderTexture.GetTemporary) and use Graphics.CopyTexture or other techniques to assemble the image you want displayed in the game window.
Once you have the pixels you want in the RenderTexture you can use Graphics.Blit(src, (RenderTexture)null); which will copy the pixels into the game window. These pixels will be stretched if the game window is not the same size as the RenderTexture.
This technique worked for me in the editor's game window, but when I compile it to WebGL, all I get is a mostly-grey screen with a really big black rectangle in the bottom left.

Unexpected sprite tearing?

I making a 2d game and I am having some very random problems... My sprites are not displaying as they should be. Below is a screen shot of what I see when I run my game. This bug is present in the game window and the scene window, both when the game is running and not running. And the glitch is not because of the tiles being offset (The background is made up of tiles), if you look closely the player sprite is also glitched up. I have tried restarting unity and my computer, one of which has worked. I have been having this problem ever since i started using tilesets (using one PNG image and cropping out smaller sprites by setting the sprite mode to multiple, instad of using just one PNG image where there is only one sprite and the sprite mode is singular). How do I fix this? (BTW I am using Oryx's lo-fi fantasy and sci-fi sprites at www.oryxdesignlab.com)
This happend when your atlas is not sliced correctly. When you making 2D game there are several important things about sprites.
Set Filter Mode to Point
Set Fromat to 16 bit or TrueColor (in special cases)
Make sure that your atlas is sliced properly.
Adjust "Max Size" - make sure is value represents number equal or bigger than spritesheet size
The best way in sliceing atlas in Sprite Editor is NOT to use automatic. I got glithes like that in my project too and those steps can eliminate them.
Have a look at your Sprite in the Sprite Editor. I think you can get to it by double clicking.
Your sprites will have sort of boxes around them to identify each individual sprite (if you set your texture to multiple). One of these boxes will not have sliced correctly, and will have overlapped into another sprite, hence why you're seeing what looks like the arm of another sprite in your picture :)