Github pages are not showing images - github

Images are not showing on my site on github pages.
This is my site:
Locally everything is working fine.
This is the repository:
What is wrong?
For example, here's an excerpt of src/components/home.vue <template>:
<div class="home">
<img class="home__img__header" src="src/assets/craft-beer.jpg" alt="Craft Beer">
<header class="home__header">
<transition appear appear-active-class="bounce-enter-active">
<h1>"Czasem najlepszym wyjściem</h1>
<transition appear appear-active-class="bounce-enter-active">
<h2>Jest wyjście na piwo"</h2>
<main class="home__main">
<h1 class="home__title">Fun Facts</h1>
<article class="home__article">
<div class="home__content content-1"><h1>Lepsze od wody?</h1>
<p>W mi... dziś.</p></div>
<img class="home__img img-1" src="src/assets/wish-you-beer-here.jpg" alt="piwo">
<article class="home__article">
<img class="home__img img-2" src="src/assets/beer-mine.jpg" alt="piwo">
<div class="home__content content-2"><h1>Nie tylko z chmielem</h1>
<p>Co cie...ika!</p></div>
<article class="home__article">
<div class="home__content content-3"><h1>IPA czyli napój żołnieży</h1>
<img class="home__img img-3" src="src/assets/water.jpg" alt="piwo">
<div class="description">
<div class="description__content">
<div class="description__article">
<h1 class="description__header">Piłeś piwko?</h1>
<h2 class="description__header">Oceń je!</h2>
Images are located at src/assets/craft-beer.jpg for instance.

So webpack is able to find the images and process them as resources, you should reference the assets (images) via relative paths, not absolute paths.
So, considering a file at /src/components/home.vue with images at /src/assets (being / the project root), instead of:
<img class="home__img__header" src="src/assets/craft-beer.jpg" alt="Craft Beer">
<img class="home__img__header" src="../assets/craft-beer.jpg" alt="Craft Beer">
Naturally, in other files, change the relative path accordingly.

For the images to work with Vue the generated file there are few ways.Here is an SO link on the same.
How to import and use image in a Vue single file component?
What you will want to do here is something like this.
<img class="home__img__header" src="~src/assets/craft-beer.jpg" alt="Craft Beer">
This lets the webpack know about the image being an asset and generate its path appropriately.


remove tag and add additional css class to data-sly-resource

Here's my code and I want to add another css class toggleable-content to the existing code:
<sly data-sly-resource="${'item' # resourceType='components/header'}"></sly>
This code would look something like this:
<section aria-label="aria label">
<ul class="row">
<li class="col">
<div class="body px-3">
<h2 class="h3">
<p>body text</p>
I want to remove section tag and add another css class toggleable-content to the <ul> tag. Below is what I'd like to achieve:
<ul class="row toggleable-content">
<li class="col">
<div class="body px-3">
<h2 class="h3">
<p>body text</p>
I was wondering how to use slightly to achieve the above? I tried something below but it doesn't work:
<sly data-sly-resource="${'item' # resourceType='components/header', cssClassName='toggleable-content'}"></sly>
Assuming the section markup is managed by the included resource (components/header) then you cannot do it directly. Indirectly, with AEM, you can pass a parameter (through request attributes) and retrieve it in the components/header model, then add the section conditionally (using data-sly-unwrap for example).
Or you re-organize your code and switch from resource inclusion to template calling and pass the parameter directly using data-sly-call.

Functionality of data-sly-test for given example in image

Please find the below snippet. Can any one explain above functionality for the data-sly-test. How it will work condition here for image??
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
<sly data-sly-test="${properties.fileReference}">
<img class="spon-_image" src="${properties.fileReference}"/>
There are a few things to mention here. The gist of the code snippet is, that the <img> tag will only be rendered if {$properties.fileReference} is not empty.
Be aware, there is no sanity check involved here. data-sly-test won't check if the referenced file exists etc.
So assume that ${properties.fileReference} equals /content/dam/myImage.png. Then the resulting HTML would like this:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
<img class="spon-_image" src="/content/dam/myImage.png"/>
On the other hand, if the ${properties.fileReference} is empty (or null) you get the following HTML:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
Depending on your HTML/CSS/JS you might not want that to happen. So you could improve your code to include the data-sly-test statement in the <div> tag:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4" data-sly-test="${properties.fileReference}">
<img class="spon-_image" src="${properties.fileReference}"/>
This way, the <div> is only rendered, if a fileReference is set. But even if you still want the <div> to appear, your code can be improved by removing the <sly> element and adding the data-sly-test to the <img> tag:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
<img class="spon-_image"
As mentioned in the specification, data-sly-test:
Keeps or removes the element depending on the attribute value.
For your case if fileReferece property evaluates to true (not null, not empty), it will render:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
<img class="spon-_image" src="....."/>
Note that the sly tag unwraps/removes itself, it's actually unnecessary here as the data-sly-test attribute could be moved to the img.
If fileReference evaluates to false, it will render:
<div class="spon-image-container col-12 col-md-4">
It basically checks if the current resource properties(i.e component properties) contain fileRefernce then it will add an image tag.

Remove ce-wrappers of fluid cObject

I masked(mask-extension) a couple of plug-ins. When the image is generated in the template, it is always wrapped in following divs:
<div id="c63" class="frame frame-default frame-type-image frame-layout-0">
<div class="ce-image ce-center ce-above">
<div class="ce-gallery" data-ce-columns="1" data-ce-images="1">
<div class="ce-outer">
<div class="ce-inner">
<div class="ce-row">
<div class="ce-column">
<figure class="image"><img class="image-embed-item"
src="fileadmin/user_upload/bla" width="975"
height="678" alt=""></figure>
Is there any way to remove all those wrappers? I simply want to have the image.
1. f:image does not work, I cannot access the proper uid for it to show. (This is perhaps an issue with mask)
2. I cannot find the tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap > in my typoScript, as I do not know where mask puts it. It is neither in the netup.ts nor in the NewContentElementWizard.ts
You need to overwrite the fluid_styled_content partial in Resources/Private/Partials/Media/Gallery.html.
How to overwrite, you can read here:

ng-flow define maximum number of files

I am using ng-flow in my app, is there any way to limit the number of files for upload?
A code sample:
<div class="thumbnail" ng-show="$flow.files.length">
<img flow-img="$flow.files[0]" />
Select image
<a href="#" class="btn btn-danger" ng-show="$flow.files.length"
The attribute flow-file-added is expecting a boolean value.
You can put all your conditions in there.
$flow.files.length returns the number a files you have already added
For example:
<div flow-init flow-files-submitted="$flow.upload()" flow-file-added="$flow.files.length<3"></div>

How to prevent an element from appearing under a parent schema?

I have some slightly awkward markup and need to reference some elements from a separate container, and prevent those elements from appearing under the parent in their hierarchy. How can I do this?
Here's my (simplified) markup:
<body itemscope itemtype=''>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<li><img id="photo-emp1" itemprop="image" src="..."/></li>
<li><img id="photo-emp2" itemprop="image" src="..."/></li>
<li><img id="photo-emp3" itemprop="image" src="..."/></li>
<li><img id="photo-emp4" itemprop="image" src="..."/></li>
<div id="tab-emp1" itemprop="employee" itemscope itemtype=""
<h1 itemprop="name">John Doe</h1>
<h2 itemprop="jobTitle">Vice President, Finance</h2>
<div itemprop="description">John is...</div>
<div id="tab-emp2" itemprop="employee" itemscope itemtype=""
<h1 itemprop="name">Jane Roe</h1>
<h2 itemprop="jobTitle">Vice President, Operations</h2>
<div itemprop="description">Jane is...</div>
The structure is required for a tab control, so I can't rearrange the markup.
The itemref attribute on the Person correctly drags the image 'under' the node.
However, the image elements ALSO appear as properties under the node, which is not correct or desired.
How can I keep the image elements in their current location, reference them under Person, but prevent them from appearing under ProfessionalService?
Just add the itemscope attribute to the ul element. You'll get an extra, disconnected, item, but the images will no longer be part of the ProfessionalService item.