spark multiplie value of frequence in an other string column dataframe - scala

I have a dataframe with this shema:
ocId: integer (nullable = true).
freq: integer (nullable = true).
nameFile: string (nullable = true)
word: string (nullable = true).
I want to multiplie value of row freq in column word to have word*freq in a new column
example :
value freq = 2, word = analyses ---->a new column : analyses,analyses.
value freq = 3, word = carried ---->a new column
: carried,carried,carried.
value freq = 1, word =
atlantic---->a new column : atlantic.
value freq = 2, word =
hello---->a new column : hello,hello.

You can define a UDF similar to the following:
val df = Seq(
(1, 2, "a", "analyses"),
(2, 3, "b", "carried"),
(3, 1, "c", "atlantic"),
(4, 2, "d", "hello"),
(5, 2, "e", ""),
(6, 1, "f", null),
(7, 0, "f", "blah")
).toDF("ocId", "freq", "nameFile", "word")
def multiWords = udf(
(word: String, freq: Int) => word match {
case null => null
case "" => ""
case _ => if (freq > 0) ((word + ",") * freq).dropRight(1) + "."
else ""
df.withColumn("multiWords", multiWords($"word", $"freq")).
// +----+----+--------+--------+------------------------+
// |ocId|freq|nameFile|word |multiWords |
// +----+----+--------+--------+------------------------+
// |1 |2 |a |analyses|analyses,analyses. |
// |2 |3 |b |carried |carried,carried,carried.|
// |3 |1 |c |atlantic|atlantic. |
// |4 |2 |d |hello |hello,hello. |
// |5 |2 |e | | |
// |6 |1 |f |null |null |
// |7 |0 |g |blah | |
// +----+----+--------+--------+------------------------+


scala: get column name corresponding to max column value from variable columns list

I have the following working solution in a databricks notebook as test.
var maxcol = udf((col1: Long, col2: Long, col3: Long) => {
var res = ""
if (col1 > col2 && col1 > col3) res = "col1"
else if (col2 > col1 && col2 > col3) res = "col2"
else res = "col3"
val someDF = Seq(
(8, 10, 12, "bat"),
(64, 61, 59, "mouse"),
(-27, -30, -15, "horse")
).toDF("number1", "number2", "number3", "word")
.withColumn("maxColVal", greatest("number1", "number2", "number3"))
.withColumn("maxColVal_Name", maxcol(col("number1"), col("number2"), col("number3")))
Is there any way to make this generic? I have a usecase to make variable columns pass to this UDF and still get the max column name as output corresponding to the column having max value.
Unlike above where I have hard coded the column names 'col1', 'col2' and 'col3' in the UDF.
Use below:
val df = List((1,2,3,5,"a"),(4,2,3,1,"a"),(1,20,3,1,"a"),(1,22,22,2,"a")).toDF("mycol1","mycol2","mycol3","mycol4","mycol5")
//list all your columns among which you want to find the max value
val colGroup = List(df("mycol1"),df("mycol2"),df("mycol3"),df("mycol4"))
//list column value -> column name of the columns among which you want to find max value column NAME
val colGroupMap = List(df("mycol1"),lit("mycol1"),
var maxcol = udf((colVal: Map[Int,String]) => {
colVal.max._2 //you can easily find the column name of the max column value
|1 |2 |3 |5 |a |5 |mycol4 |
|4 |2 |3 |1 |a |4 |mycol1 |
|1 |20 |3 |1 |a |20 |mycol2 |
|1 |22 |22 |2 |a |22 |mycol3 |

Add new record before another in Spark

I have a Dataframe:
1 15:00:01 3
1 17:04:02 2
I want to add a new record with Spark-Scala before with the same time minus 1 second when the value is 2.
The output would be:
1 15:00:01 3
1 17:04:01 2
1 17:04:02 2
You need a .flatMap()
Similar to map, but each input item can be mapped to 0 or more output items (so func should return a Seq rather than a single item).
val data = (spark.createDataset(Seq(
(1, "15:00:01", 3),
(1, "17:04:02", 2)
.withColumn("TIMESTAMP", $"TIMESTAMP_STR".cast("timestamp").as("TIMESTAMP"))
.select("ID", "TIMESTAMP", "VALUE")
)[(Long, java.sql.Timestamp, Long)].flatMap(r => {
if(r._3 == 2) {
(r._1, new java.sql.Timestamp(r._2.getTime() - 1000L), r._3),
(r._1, r._2, r._3)
} else {
Some(r._1, r._2, r._3)
}).toDF("ID", "TIMESTAMP", "VALUE").show()
Which results in:
| 1|2019-03-04 15:00:01| 3|
| 1|2019-03-04 17:04:01| 2|
| 1|2019-03-04 17:04:02| 2|
You can introduce a new column array - when value =2 then Array(-1,0) else Array(0), then explode that column and add it with the timestamp as seconds. The below one should work for you. Check this out:
scala> val df = Seq((1,"15:00:01",3),(1,"17:04:02",2)).toDF("id","timestamp","value")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, timestamp: string ... 1 more field]
scala> val df2 = df.withColumn("timestamp",'timestamp.cast("timestamp"))
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, timestamp: timestamp ... 1 more field]
|id |timestamp |value|
|1 |2019-03-04 15:00:01|3 |
|1 |2019-03-04 17:04:02|2 |
scala> val df3 = df2.withColumn("newc", when($"value"===lit(2),lit(Array(-1,0))).otherwise(lit(Array(0))))
df3: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, timestamp: timestamp ... 2 more fields]
|id |timestamp |value|newc |
|1 |2019-03-04 15:00:01|3 |[0] |
|1 |2019-03-04 17:04:02|2 |[-1, 0]|
scala> val df4 = df3.withColumn("c_explode",explode('newc)).withColumn("timestamp2",to_timestamp(unix_timestamp('timestamp)+'c_explode))
df4: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, timestamp: timestamp ... 4 more fields]
|id |timestamp2 |value|
|1 |2019-03-04 15:00:01|3 |
|1 |2019-03-04 17:04:01|2 |
|1 |2019-03-04 17:04:02|2 |
If you want the time part alone, then you can do like
scala> df4.withColumn("timestamp",from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('timestamp2),"HH:mm:ss")).select($"id",$"timestamp",$"value").show(false)
|id |timestamp|value|
|1 |15:00:01 |3 |
|1 |17:04:01 |2 |
|1 |17:04:02 |2 |

Convert Spark DataFrame to HashMap of HashMaps

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
column1_ID column2 column3 column4
A_123 12 A 1
A_123 12 B 2
A_123 23 A 1
B_456 56 DB 4
B_456 56 BD 5
B_456 60 BD 3
I would like to convert above dataframe/rdd into below OUTPUT column1_ID(KEY): HashMap(Long, HashMap(String, Long))
'A_123': {12 : {'A': 1, 'B': 2}, 23: {'A': 1} },
'B_456': {56 : {'DB': 4, 'BD': 5}, 60: {'BD': 3} }
Tried with reduceByKey and groupByKey but couldn't convert the output as expected.
Can be done with creating complex structure from three last columns, and then apply UDF:
val data = List(
("A_123", 12, "A", 1),
("A_123", 12, "B", 2),
("A_123", 23, "A", 1),
("B_456", 56, "DB", 4),
("B_456", 56, "BD", 5),
("B_456", 60, "BD", 3))
val df = data.toDF("column1_ID", "column2", "column3", "column4")
val twoLastCompacted = df.withColumn("lastTwo", struct($"column3", $"column4"))
val grouppedByTwoFirst = twoLastCompacted.groupBy("column1_ID", "column2").agg(collect_list("lastTwo").alias("lastTwoArray"))
val treeLastCompacted = grouppedByTwoFirst.withColumn("lastThree", struct($"column2", $"lastTwoArray"))
val gruppedByFirst = treeLastCompacted.groupBy("column1_ID").agg(collect_list("lastThree").alias("lastThreeArray"))
val structToMap = (value: Seq[Row]) => => v.getInt(0) ->
v.getSeq(1).asInstanceOf[Seq[Row]].map(r => r.getString(0) -> r.getInt(1)).toMap)
val structToMapUDF = udf(structToMap)$"column1_ID", structToMapUDF($"lastThreeArray")).show(false)
|A_123 |12 |A |1 |[A,1] |
|A_123 |12 |B |2 |[B,2] |
|A_123 |23 |A |1 |[A,1] |
|B_456 |56 |DB |4 |[DB,4] |
|B_456 |56 |BD |5 |[BD,5] |
|B_456 |60 |BD |3 |[BD,3] |
|column1_ID|column2|lastTwoArray |
|B_456 |60 |[[BD,3]] |
|A_123 |12 |[[A,1], [B,2]] |
|B_456 |56 |[[DB,4], [BD,5]]|
|A_123 |23 |[[A,1]] |
|column1_ID|column2|lastTwoArray |lastThree |
|B_456 |60 |[[BD,3]] |[60,WrappedArray([BD,3])] |
|A_123 |12 |[[A,1], [B,2]] |[12,WrappedArray([A,1], [B,2])] |
|B_456 |56 |[[DB,4], [BD,5]]|[56,WrappedArray([DB,4], [BD,5])]|
|A_123 |23 |[[A,1]] |[23,WrappedArray([A,1])] |
|-- column1_ID: string (nullable = true)
|-- lastThreeArray: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- column2: integer (nullable = false)
| | |-- lastTwoArray: array (nullable = true)
| | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | | | |-- column3: string (nullable = true)
| | | | |-- column4: integer (nullable = false)
|column1_ID|lastThreeArray |
|B_456 |[[60,WrappedArray([BD,3])], [56,WrappedArray([DB,4], [BD,5])]]|
|A_123 |[[12,WrappedArray([A,1], [B,2])], [23,WrappedArray([A,1])]] |
|column1_ID|UDF(lastThreeArray) |
|B_456 |Map(60 -> Map(BD -> 3), 56 -> Map(DB -> 4, BD -> 5))|
|A_123 |Map(12 -> Map(A -> 1, B -> 2), 23 -> Map(A -> 1)) |
You can convert the DF to an rdd and apply the operations like below:
scala> case class Data(col1: String, col2: Int, col3: String, col4: Int)
defined class Data
scala> var x: Seq[Data] = List(Data("A_123",12,"A",1), Data("A_123",12,"B",2), Data("A_123",23,"A",1), Data("B_456",56,"DB",4), Data("B_456",56,"BD",5), Data("B_456",60,"BD",3))
x: Seq[Data] = List(Data(A_123,12,A,1), Data(A_123,12,B,2), Data(A_123,23,A,1), Data(B_456,56,DB,4), Data(B_456,56,BD,5), Data(B_456,60,BD,3))
scala> sc.parallelize(x).groupBy(_.col1).map{a => (a._1, HashMap(a._2.groupBy(_.col2).map{b => (b._1, HashMap(b._2.groupBy(_.col3).map{c => (c._1,}.toArray: _*))}.toArray: _*))}.toDF()
res26: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [_1: string, _2: map<int,map<string,int>>]
I have initialized an rdd with the data structure as in your case by sc.parallelize(x)

How to make pairs of nodes using filtering in Spark?

I have the following DataFrame in Spark and Scala:
nodeId typeFrom typeTo date
1 A G 2016-10-12T12:10:00.000Z
2 B A 2016-10-12T12:00:00.000Z
3 A B 2016-10-12T12:05:00.000Z
4 D C 2016-10-12T12:30:00.000Z
5 G D 2016-10-12T12:35:00.000Z
I want to make pairs of nodeId for those cases when typeFrom and typeTo values are the same.
The expected output for the above-shown example is the following one:
nodeId_1 nodeId_2 type date
1 2 A 2016-10-12T12:10:00.000Z
3 2 A 2016-10-12T12:05:00.000Z
2 3 B 2016-10-12T12:00:00.000Z
4 5 C 2016-10-12T12:30:00.000Z
5 1 G 2016-10-12T12:35:00.000Z
I don't know how to make pairs of nodeId:
.filter($"typeFrom" === $"typeTo")
You can use self-join on matching nodeFrom with nodeTo:
val df = Seq(
(1, "A", "G", "2016-10-12T12:10:00.000Z"),
(2, "B", "A", "2016-10-12T12:00:00.000Z"),
(3, "A", "B", "2016-10-12T12:05:00.000Z"),
(4, "D", "C", "2016-10-12T12:30:00.000Z"),
(5, "G", "D", "2016-10-12T12:35:00.000Z")
).toDF("nodeId", "typeFrom", "typeTo", "date")"df1").join("df2"),
$"df1.typeFrom" === $"df2.typeTo"
$"df1.nodeId".as("nodeId_1"), $"df2.nodeId".as("nodeId_2"), $"df1.typeFrom".as("type"), $""
// +--------+--------+----+------------------------+
// |nodeId_1|nodeId_2|type|date |
// +--------+--------+----+------------------------+
// |1 |2 |A |2016-10-12T12:10:00.000Z|
// |2 |3 |B |2016-10-12T12:00:00.000Z|
// |3 |2 |A |2016-10-12T12:05:00.000Z|
// |4 |5 |D |2016-10-12T12:30:00.000Z|
// |5 |1 |G |2016-10-12T12:35:00.000Z|
// +--------+--------+----+------------------------+

Spark - named_struct for empty Map

I use Spark 2.0.1 Scala 2.11, and this question is related to this
Below is the setup:
val ss = new StructType().add("x", IntegerType).add("y", MapType(DoubleType, IntegerType))
val s = new StructType()
.add("a", IntegerType)
.add("b", ss)
val d = Seq(Row(1, Row(1,Map(1.0->1, 2.0->2))),
Row(2, Row(2,Map(2.0->2, 3.0->3))),
Row(3, null ),
Row(4, Row(4, Map())))
val rd = sc.parallelize(d)
val df = spark.createDataFrame(rd, s)$"a", $"b").show(false)
// +---+---------------------------+
// |a |b |
// +---+---------------------------+
// |1 |[1,Map(1.0 -> 1, 2.0 -> 2)]|
// |2 |[2,Map(2.0 -> 2, 3.0 -> 3)]|
// |3 |null |
// |4 |[4,Map()] |
// +---+---------------------------+
The below statement works when I have to provide a default to coalesce (row 2 col 3 cell has the default value):
agg(expr("first(coalesce(b, named_struct('x', cast(null as Int), 'y', Map(0.0D, 0) )))" ) )
// +---+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------+---------+
// |a |1 |2 |3 |4 |
// +---+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------+---------+
// |1 |[1,Map(1.0 -> 1, 2.0 -> 2)]|null |null |null |
// |3 |null |null |[null,Map(0.0 -> 0)]|null |
// |4 |null |null |null |[4,Map()]|
// |2 |null |[2,Map(2.0 -> 2, 3.0 -> 3)]|null |null |
// +---+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------+---------+
But how to create an empty Map() (like what's seen in a=4) using named_struct or otherwise?
You can achieve this with an case class and an UDF:
case class MyStruct(x:Option[Int], y:Map[Double,Int])
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf, first,coalesce}
val emptyStruct = udf(() => MyStruct(None,Map.empty[Double,Int]))