I have one question. In Citrus frame work I can't to run sql procedure.It is look like that sql(datasource).statement("BEGIN Procedure name END"). The procedure packet is stored in the database.
This problem i decided by next query sql()
I am getting SQLCODE-724, indicating cascading trigger at 17th level, and I suppose that some procedure called by a procedure called by a trigger updates a field that calls the trigger.
How would I create a monitor to help identify the sequence in which procedures/triggers are being called so I can put an end to this cascading-trigger problem?
You can use the DB2 profiler written by Serge Rielau:
More than a TRACE. Extending the SQL PL Profiler to do tracing https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/SQLTips4DB2LUW/entry/tracing?lang=en
Reality Check: SQL PL Profiler and plan explain with actual row counts https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/SQLTips4DB2LUW/entry/sql_pl_profiler_and_plan_explain_with_actual_row_counts23?lang=en
Also, you can put a logger tool in the code, like log4db2 https://github.com/angoca/log4db2
With these tools, you can identify what is happening in the code, and identify the source of the problem.
I am trying to create a trigger that sends an email based on a database event, specifically, when a record is INSERTed in a certain table, I want an email stating that fact to go to the SysAdmin.
I can successfully do the following from a SQL window in iSeries Navigator:
DSTD('this is the Subject Line')
LONGMSG('This is an Email sent from iSeries box via Navigator')
...and an email gets sent. Which means that the necessary SMTP stuff is there and working.
So all I'm trying to do is encapsulate this code, perhaps with some data changes (e.g. "A record has been added to the XYZ table on whatever-the-sysdate-is"). Navigator has some tantalizing examples that call CL to do some plain-vanilla things, but no clue as to how to make it work in a trigger. I know how to write triggers that do "database stuff", but not this CL stuff. And this is iSeries DB2, so I don't have access to UTL_MAIL.
I know next to nothing about CL, DDS or other iSeries internals... I would prefer not to have to create an external Java program, but will do that as a last resort...but even then, I'm having a hard time finding straightforward examples.
thanks in advance.
First off, note that SNDDST isn't the best choice for internet mail from the IBM i. Basically, SNDDST is a relic from the SNADS networking days that IBM hacked into supporting SMTP emails. There are free alternatives, or if you're reasonably current on fixes for 7.1 then you should have the Send SMTP E-mail (SNDSMTPEMM) command available.
The Run SQL Scripts window of iNav does indeed support CL commands using the CL: prefix. But that's not the same thing as having the query engine itself understand CL.
The CL: prefix isn't going to work inside an SQL trigger.
You could however,use the QCMDEXC stored procedure to call a CL command. But I wouldn't necessarily call that the best option.
The IBM i supports using "external" stored procedures and triggers. Theoretically, you could use a CL program that invokes the SNDSMTPEMM command directly. But given you desires to include data from the table, I wouldn't recommend that approach as you'd be tied to the table structure.
Instead, create your own UTLMAILSND CL program that invokes SNDSMTPEMM. Then defined the UTLMAILSND program as an external stored procedure (you can even give it a longer SQL name of UTIL_MAIL_SEND).
Now you can call your UTIL_MAIL_SEND() procedure from your SQL trigger.
You need to try the SNDSMTPEMM command. It's like sliced bread compared to SNDDST TYPE(*LMSG) It supports HTML too which makes for a lot of fun.
Yes, I used SNDSMPTEMM (skipping the html for now...).
One big note, however: using this command in a CL program doesn't work when being called from SQL. I had to change it to a CLLE program.
So the final answer is as follows: a) an INSERT trigger on the table in question, which calls: b) an (external) PROCEDURE created in the database, which in turn calls: c) the compiled CLLE program object. Works like a charm.
p.s. I create the whole body of the email in the INSERT trigger, and pass it along, eventually to the CLLE program. This allows me to have just this one CLLE program to report on any INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE anywhere in the database.
I want to use a Data Flow Task that has two sources one from an Access DB and one from a SQL Server DB. I then want to manipulate the data and finally call a stored procedure on the same SQL Server that was my second source.
So I can't use an Execute SQL Task since I want to manipulate the data and call the stored procedure at the end.
What toolbox component would I use and what format would the stored procedure call?
I tried to do an OLE DB Destination with a stored procedure called something like this.
Exec sppUpdateAATable1 ?,?
SSIS uses concept of a pipeline to organise DataFlow task. Data flows from source to destination and processing of this data happens in between. Since you want to use the result of processing in your stored procedure as parameters, it cannot be done under pipeline concept. SP is not really a destination for your data, as SP will do something with it too.
You can populate an in-memory Recordset (destination), and use ForEach loop container to execute your SP for each row of recordset.
You package should look something like this:
Data Flow task:
OLE DB connection to Access
OLE DB connection to SQL Server
To combine 2 data streams use UNOIN task
Record set destination, in properties you name a variable of type Object (MyRecordsetVar). It will hold recordset data.
ForEach Loop Container. In properties select type of loop container - ADO Recorset, specify MyRecordsetVar variable in loop properties.
Assign two more (or as many as needed) variables to hold data from each column of the recordset. Data from each row of the recordset willbe passed to these variables. One row at a time.
Inside the loop put Execute SQL task. In Input "menu" of the task specify your INPUT variables - those that have data from columns of recordset. I would assume that you know how to do it.
Put your query into the task as execute sp_MyProc ?,?.
This should be it.
You can save yourself the trouble of the recordset destination and foreach loop route and instead use an OLE DB Command in your Data Flow. It's going to fire that stored proc for each row that flows through it.
I have started using tsqlt, and my question is it possible to have a separate database with just the testing stuff? (tables/sp's/assemblies etc).
This testing database will sit on the same instance as the actual/target database.
If I try to fake a table I get the following error:
FakeTable could not resolve the object name, 'target_db.dbo.Sometable'
Has anyone had any experience with this?
As you discovered, this isn't currently possible as the mocking procedures don't accept three part names. This is something that's been covered at the User feedback forums of SQL Test (RedGate's product that acts as a front end to tSQLt) at : http://sqltest.uservoice.com/forums/140716-sql-test-forum/suggestions/2421628-reduce-the-footprint
Dennis Lloyd, one of the authors of the tSQLt framework wrote towards the end of that thread that support of a separate 'tSQLt' database was something they would keep under consideration.
Also a related issue of mocking remote objects at http://sqltest.uservoice.com/forums/140716-sql-test-forum/suggestions/2423449-being-able-to-mock-fake-remote-objects
I hope that helps,
You can now do this, so long as the tSQLt framework is in the other database:
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable '[dbo].[Position]';
EXEC OtherDB.tSQLt.FakeTable '[dbo].[PositionArchive]';
This means that you can at least put your tests where you want them, though you have to install the framework in the actual database under test. Which is not perfect, but it's better.
Is it possible to set a database role before running a report? I have a number of databases each containing a number of schemas with the same set of tables, where each schema has a number of roles to control read, write, data management and so on. None of these are default roles.
In sqlplus or TOAD I can do SET ROLE , before running a select statement. I would like to do the same in BIRT.
It may be possible to do this using the afterOpen event for the ODA Data Source, but I have not found any examples on how to get and use the native connection in JavaScript.
I am not allowed to add or change anything on the server end.
You can make an additional call to the database in the afterOpen method of the Data Source using Java. You can use JavaScript or a Java Event Handler to execute the SET ROLE statement, or to call a stored procedure that will execute it for you. This happens after the initial db connection is made, but before the Data Set query runs. It will be a little tricky to use the data source connection to make that call however, and I don't have the code right now to provide as an example.
Another way is to create a stored proc Data Set that will execute the desired command, and have that execute first. Drag and drop the Data Set into the report design, and make it invisible. It will run first before any other queries. Not the cleanest solution, but easy to do
Hope that helps
Le Birt Expert
You can write a login trigger and do a set role in this trigger ( PL/SQL: DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE). You can determine the username, osuser, program and machine of the user who want to log in.
The approach to use a stored procedure for setting the role won't work - at least not on Apache Derby. Reason: lifetime of the set role is limited to the execution of the procedure itself - after returning from the procedure the role will be the same as before the procedure has been called, i.e. for executing the report the same as no role would have ever been set.