Changing git account on Xcode - swift

What I am trying to do is, I have a project that I got from someone on GitHub a little while ago. I just created my own GitHub account and wanted to link this app to my GitHub account so that I can use repositories and commit and push, etc. However in this app in the Xcode project in source control where it shows the master and history etc. it shows the name of the person who created the app originally and gave it to me. What I would like to do is to be able to link it to my account also so that when I commit something, he can't see it on his GitHub. I have already created a new repository on GitHub and have tried it out with a test app that I just made and it says my name under the source control side panel. I am not sure where to add a new remote and delete his for this project. I want to be able to commit and have it all set up on my account, so that he can't see my commits, etc.
What I have been doing before setting up GitHub was constantly duplicating the Xcode project whenever I wanted to add a new feature or edit something. I'm hoping this will help cut that step out?

If having the original owner not see your new contributions to the code is important to you, then you could simply clone the new repository that you created on GitHub and copy the code from his repository into your new one manually.
If you do not mind your code being linked to his original code, you can fork the repository on GitHub and then clone it and begin working from there.
Doing either of these methods will give you the same situation that you had with your test app, your name and information will show up in xcode, and you will be able to make changes to the repos.


How to remove "generated from" tag?

I see this message below my repo name. Is there any way to remove it? I used template for my app for a quick start, but in current form my app doesn't look like this template, because everything changed so much. I don't see any reason why it's still there.
I had the same problem and at the time for writing this answer, there is no option of removing this from Github. So removed this tag by deleting the repository from Github and recreating a new one with the same name.
⚠️ This operation will preserve only the information stored in git, not all other Github features, i.e. issues, PRs, ... If your repository has been used for a while, this might not be the right time to do this anymore.
Specific instructions:
Make sure you have cloned your repository and all your non-stale branches are saved locally.
git fetch
Delete the original repository in the Github web UI.
Create a new repository with the same name.
Push the branches you want back to the remote.
git push

Show commits and description but hide code in repository [Github]

I've almost done my first big project in React+Typescript+Redux and started it on Firebase with users and some database conneted with logged users.
It was supposed to be my project to portfolio before looking for my first dev job, but it start to be very complex.
Now I have idea to use it in the future to make commercial app.
So the problem is I don't want to publish my code on github, but at the same time I want to publish all my commits and repository description on Github for recrutiers (and all my tasks from trello table). Is it possible to publish only commits and description from github repository?
No, this is not possible. If your repository is public, anyone can clone the entire repository. The only way to make your code inaccessible is to make the repository private, which means nobody can see it without having permssion.

Rename a github repo temporarily?

I found the steps to rename a github repository. My question is whether I could rename it and then change the name back to the original name. I read that github will do some redirects, so I was concerned before doing it that it would not allow me to rename it back to its original name.
Here is my scenario: I'm have a course that has an associated github repository. People are currently watching the course and need access to the github repository with the current name.
I am working on an update to the course which has a slightly revised name and hence I want to rename the github repo. For today, I want a screen shot of the newly named repo. But I can't officially (and permanently) change the name until the updated course is done and ready to go live.
No, GitHub will not block you from changing the name of the repository back to what it was previously if you have to temporarily change it like this.
I just tested it myself, was able to rename my repo right back to how it was previously.

Create new branch from the Issue

Is it possible to create new branch directly from Issue which is posted on Github? We have project hosted on Github with many issues, it would be easy for us just to click one button in Issue web interface and create new branch for it to start developing.
This is not possible directly from the issue interface. I can try to provide you some workarounds and maybe start a debate why one would want this feature:
Creating branches directly on the web interface
After you've noticed that you need to start working on an issue you can just go to the repository main page (keyboard shortcut gc) and create a branch with the name you want:
Chrome extensions
If this is a must for you, you can create a chrome extension that augments the UI and creates a branch directly from the Issues WebUI using the GitHub API. There's a lot of open source extensions that augment the default WebUI.
Is it the most efficient way to start a new feature?
I think this changes from developer to developer, but having worked with GitHub for 7 years using Issues I've never felt the need for this feature because unless it's a one line change that doesn't require local testing or compilation, I still want to get down to my command line and IDE. If I have to do that, I still have to at least git fetch to get the branch I just created directly through the issue interface. If that's the case I've always preferred to just look at the issue and run git checkout -b branch-name, optionally with git push if my team needs to see the branch.
Then the issue name wouldn't normally translate to a branch name, at least I wouldn't want that. So that option to create a branch from an issue would probably need to spin out a prompt to allow me to name the branch what I wanted.
This is just my personal opinion and nothing else, hope it helps :)
GitHub finally added this feature request to their roadmap.
The branch is the first thing a developer creates when the start
working on a new issue. Creating that association makes it really easy
for someone to then follow the work happening and keep everything
connected as they take their idea to code.
Intended Outcome
We want to help developers get started on work faster and signal to
their team where to find the code changes related to an issue. It
should also be really easy to then follow development to the pull
request without the user needing to do additional work to link
everything together.
How will it work?
From the issue page, a user can quickly create a branch with an
auto-generated or custom name that becomes associated with the issue.
They can then fetch the branch and switch to it in their development
environment and further development changes (such as commits and pull
requests) are automatically associated with the issue.
Nope. You can subscribe this issue.
You could accomplish this by creating a small script.
I'd start by leveraging the Issues Event webhook. This will fire a JSON payload every time an issue is opened. When the webhook fires, your script can then create a new branch using the Create a Reference API endpoint. Note: URL must be formatted as heads/branch, not just branch.
There is an app that automatically creates branches for issues. You can install it here for free:
If you want to create the branches manually instead of automatically:
It does not enable you (directly) to click on create branch from the issue. Instead you would have to write a comment in the issue consisting of: /cib. If you do that, it automatically creates the branch from the issue.
Please note I have no affiliation with the app.
Recently I saw that Github finally added this feature to its Issues Panel.
All you have to do is navigate to an Issue on Github and scroll down to the following section:

Issues if migrating a repository to a Github organisation then forking the repo?

I have a Github repository, lets call it:
I want to hand ownership of this repository over to an Organisation to get:
But, I want to keep working on the code on my own fork. If I forked this code, I'd once again have a repository with the address:
In effect, I'd move the upstream to the organisation, make forks in a local github fork, and then be able to issue pull requests to the organisation.
I'd like to do this with the least hassle and breakages, and the documentation on what happens after a repository is handed over is a little hazy.
Are there any serious issues that will happen as a result of shifting the repository like this? Will things break because a repository that was there disappeared for a short time?
So having just given this a shot, it appears there are no issues when doing this. However a few things to note:
The organisation cannot have a previous fork of the repository. This prevents it from being able to take ownership.
If you transfer the repository to the organisation, and then fork this into your own account, any working copies of this don't need to be updated, however changes you make will be pushed into your repository, not the organisations.
You may need to reconfigure third-party applications (like Travis-CI and Coveralls) to work with the new organisation, but this is straight forward:
From your account, go to settings and select Applications:
Find the application you need to reconnect (for example Travis-CI) and click View:
Next to each orgnaisation there will be a button titled Grant (not shown because I've already clicked it):
To get Coveralls working properly, in addition to the above, you also need to:
Set your visibility in the organisation to Public:
Refresh the list of repositories in Coveralls (ignore the button name, it syncs public and private repositories):
Lastly, to retain your coverage history, in Coveralls in your old repository select "Change source" and in the list select the corresponding repository in your new organisation.
And now your organisation is all set!