How to use replacingOccurrences for NSAttributedString in swift? - swift

In a NSAttributed type statement, I want to keep the existing attributed value and give it a new attributed value.
The problem is that replacingOccurrences is only possible for string types, as I want to give a new value every time the word appears in the entire sentence.
If I change NSAttributedString to string type, the attributed value is deleted. I must keep the existing values.
How can I do that?

To get this working,
1. First you need to find the indices of all the duplicate substrings existing in a string. To get that you can use this:
extension String {
func indicesOf(string: String) -> [Int] {
var indices = [Int]()
var searchStartIndex = self.startIndex
while searchStartIndex < self.endIndex,
let range = self.range(of: string, range: searchStartIndex..<self.endIndex),
let index = distance(from: self.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)
searchStartIndex = range.upperBound
return indices
2. Next you need to apply your desired attribute to substring at each index, i.e.
let str = "The problem is that replacingOccurrences Hello is only possible for string types, as I want to give Hello a new value every time Hello the word appears in the entire sentence Hello."
let indices = str.indicesOf(string: "Hello")
let attrStr = NSMutableAttributedString(string: str, attributes: [.foregroundColor :])
for index in indices
//You can write your own logic to specify the color for each duplicate. I have used some hardcode indices
var color: UIColor
switch index
case 41:
color = .orange
case 100:
color = .magenta
case 129:
color = .green
color = .red
attrStr.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: color, range: NSRange(location: index, length: "Hello".count))
Let me know if you still face any issues. Happy Coding..🙂

You can use replaceCharacters. You can find the range of the substring you want to remove and use it as your range.


Swift String Tokenizer / Parser [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello there fellow Swift devs!
I am a junior dev, and I'm trying to figure out a best way to tokenize / parse Swift String as an exercise.
What I have is a string which looks like this:
let string = "This is a {B}string{/B} and this is a substring."
What I would like to do is, tokenize the string, and change the "strings / tokens" inside the tags you see.
I can see using NSRegularExpression and it's matches, but it feels too generic. I would like to have only say 2 of these tags, that change the text. What would be the best approach in Swift 5.2^?
if let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\{[a-z0-9]+\}", options: .caseInsensitive) {
let string = self as NSString
return regex.matches(in: self, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: string.length)).map {
// now $0 is the result? but it won't work for enclosing the tags :/
If the option of using html tags instead of {B}{/B} is acceptable, then you can use the StringEx library that I wrote for this purpose.
You can select a substring inside the html tag and replace it with another string like this:
let string = "This is a <b>string</b> and this is a substring."
let ex = string.ex
ex[.tag("b")].replace(with: "some value")
print(ex.rawString) // This is a <b>some value</b> and this is a substring.
print(ex.string) // This is a some value and this is a substring.
if necessary, you can also style the selected substrings and get NSAttributedString:
.font(.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16)),
myLabel.attributedText = ex.attributedString
Not sure if you have solved it with NLTokenizer or not, but you can certainly solve it with Regx here is how (I have implemented it as generic, in future if you have to handle different kinds of tags and substite different string for them small tweak to the logic should do the job )
override func viewDidLoad() {
let regexStr = "(\\{B\\}(\\s*\\w+\\s*)*\\{\\/B\\})"
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: regexStr)
var string = "Sandeep {B}Bhandaari{/B} is here{B}Sandeep{/B}"
var foundRanges = [NSRange]()
regex.enumerateMatches(in: string, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, string.count)) { (match, flag, stop) in
if let matchRange = match?.range(at: 1) {
let substituteString = "abcd"
var replacedString = string as NSString
let foundRangesCount = foundRanges.count
var currentRange = 0
while foundRangesCount > currentRange {
let range = foundRanges[currentRange]
replacedString = replacedString.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: substituteString) as NSString
reEvaluateAllRanges(ranges: &foundRanges, byOffset: range.length - substituteString.count)
currentRange += 1
func reEvaluateAllRanges(ranges: inout [NSRange], byOffset: Int) {
var newFoundRange = [NSRange]()
for range in ranges {
newFoundRange.append(NSMakeRange(range.location - byOffset, range.length))
ranges = newFoundRange
Input: "Sandeep {B}Bhandaari{/B} is here"
Output: Sandeep abcd is here
Input: "Sandeep {B}Bhandaari{/B} is here{B}Sandeep{/B}"
Output: Sandeep abcd is hereabcd
Look at the edge case handling Longer strings replaced by smaller substitute strings and vice versa also detection of string enclosed in tag with / without space
Regx (\\{B\\}(\\s*\\w+\\s*)*\\{\\/B\\}) should be self explanatory, incase you need help with understanding it use cheat sheet
regex.enumerateMatches(in: string, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, string.count)) { (match, flag, stop) in
if let matchRange = match?.range(at: 1) {
I could have modified substring here itself, but if you have more than one match and if you mutate string evaluated ranges will be corrupted hence am saving all found ranges into an array and apply replace on each one of them later
let substituteString = "abcd"
var replacedString = string as NSString
let foundRangesCount = foundRanges.count
var currentRange = 0
while foundRangesCount > currentRange {
let range = foundRanges[currentRange]
replacedString = replacedString.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: substituteString) as NSString
reEvaluateAllRanges(ranges: &foundRanges, byOffset: range.length - substituteString.count)
currentRange += 1
Here am iterating through all found match ranges and replace character in range with substitute string, you can always have a switch / if else ladder inside while loop to look for different types of tags and pass different substitute strings for each tags
func reEvaluateAllRanges(ranges: inout [NSRange], byOffset: Int) {
var newFoundRange = [NSRange]()
for range in ranges {
newFoundRange.append(NSMakeRange(range.location - byOffset, range.length))
ranges = newFoundRange
This function modifies all the ranges in array using the offset, remember you need to only modify range's location, length remains same
One bit of optimisation you can do is probably get rid of ranges from array for which you have already applied substitute strings

How to split a NSAttributedString

I imported a NSAttributedString from a rtf-file and now I want to split it at another given String. With the attributedSubstring method you get one attributedSubstring as result, but I want to split it at every part, where the other String appeares, so the result should be an Array of NSAttributedStrings.
var source = NSAttributedString(string: "I*** code*** with*** swift")
var splitter = "***"
var array = //The method I am looking for
The result should be the following Array(with attributedStrings): [I, code, with, swift]
Following extension method maps the string components using into [NSAttributedString]
extension NSAttributedString {
func components(separatedBy string: String) -> [NSAttributedString] {
var pos = 0
return self.string.components(separatedBy: string).map {
let range = NSRange(location: pos, length: $0.count)
pos += range.length + string.count
return self.attributedSubstring(from: range)
let array = NSAttributedString(string: "I*** code*** with*** swift").components(separatedBy: "***")

How to get the range of the first line in a string?

I would like to change the formatting of the first line of text in an NSTextView (give it a different font size and weight to make it look like a headline). Therefore, I need the range of the first line. One way to go is this:
guard let firstLineString = textView.string.components(separatedBy: .newlines).first else {
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: firstLineString.count)
However, I might be working with quite long texts so it appears to be inefficient to first split the entire string into line components when all I need is the first line component. Thus, it seems to make sense to use the firstIndex(where:) method:
let firstNewLineIndex = textView.string.firstIndex { character -> Bool in
return CharacterSet.newlines.contains(character)
// Then: Create an NSRange from 0 up to firstNewLineIndex.
This doesn't work and I get an error:
Cannot convert value of type '(Unicode.Scalar) -> Bool' to expected argument type 'Character'
because the contains method accepts not a Character but a Unicode.Scalar as a parameter (which doesn't really make sense to me because then it should be called a UnicodeScalarSet and not a CharacterSet, but nevermind...).
My question is:
How can I implement this in an efficient way, without first slicing the whole string?
(It doesn't necessarily have to use the firstIndex(where:) method, but appears to be the way to go.)
A String.Index range for the first line in string can be obtained with
let range = string.lineRange(for: ..<string.startIndex)
If you need that as an NSRange then
let nsRange = NSRange(range, in: string)
does the trick.
You can use rangeOfCharacter, which returns the Range<String.Index> of the first character from a set in your string:
extension StringProtocol where Index == String.Index {
var partialRangeOfFirstLine: PartialRangeUpTo<String.Index> {
return ..<(rangeOfCharacter(from: .newlines)?.lowerBound ?? endIndex)
var rangeOfFirstLine: Range<Index> {
return startIndex..<partialRangeOfFirstLine.upperBound
var firstLine: SubSequence {
return self[partialRangeOfFirstLine]
You can use it like so:
var str = """
some string
with new lines
var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: str)
let firstLine = NSAttributedString(string: String(str.firstLine))
// change firstLine as you wish
let range = NSRange(str.rangeOfFirstLine, in: str)
attributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: firstLine)

Converting numbers to string in a given string in Swift

I am given a string like 4eysg22yl3kk and my output should be like this:
foureysgtweny-twoylthreekk or if I am given 0123 it should be output as one hundred twenty-three. So basically, as I scan the string, I need to convert numbers to string.
I do not know how to implement this in Swift as I iterate through the string? Any idea?
You actually have two basic problems.
The first is convert a "number" to "spelt out" value (ie 1 to one). This is actually easy to solve, as NumberFormatter has a spellOut style property
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
let text = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: 1))
which will result in "one", neat.
The other issue though, is how to you separate the numbers from the text?
While I can find any number of solutions for "extract" numbers or characters from a mixed String, I can't find one which return both, split on their boundaries, so, based on your input, we'd end up with ["4", "eysg", "22", "yl", "3", "kk"].
So, time to role our own...
func breakApart(_ text: String, withPattern pattern: String) throws -> [String]? {
do {
let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[0-9]+", options: .caseInsensitive)
var previousRange: Range<String.Index>? = nil
var parts: [String] = []
for match in regex.matches(in: text, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: text.count)) {
guard let range = Range(match.range, in: text) else {
return nil
let part = text[range]
if let previousRange = previousRange {
let textRange = Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: previousRange.upperBound, upper: range.lowerBound))
previousRange = range
if let range = previousRange, range.upperBound != text.endIndex {
let textRange = Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: range.upperBound, upper: text.endIndex))
return parts
} catch {
return nil
Okay, so this is a little "dirty" (IMHO), but I can't seem to think of a better approach, hopefully someone will be kind enough to provide some hints towards one ;)
Basically what it does is uses a regular expression to find all the groups of numbers, it then builds an array, cutting the string apart around the matching boundaries - like I said, it's crude, but it gets the job done.
From there, we just need to map the results, spelling out the numbers as we go...
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
let value = "4eysg22yl3kk"
if let parts = try breakApart(value, withPattern: pattern) {
let result = { (part) -> String in
if let number = Int(part), let text = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: number)) {
return text
return part
}.joined(separator: " ")
This will end up printing four eysg twenty-two yl three kk, if you don't want the spaces, just get rid of separator in the join function
I did this in Playgrounds, so it probably needs some cleaning up
I was able to solve my question without dealing with anything extra than converting my String to an array and check char by char. If I found a digit I was saving it in a temp String and as soon as I found out the next char is not digit, I converted my digit to its text.
let inputString = Array(string.lowercased())

Swift. Add attributes to multiple instances

I have arrays containing strings of the text terms to which I want to apply a particular attribute. Here's a code snippit:
static var bold = [String]()
static let boldAttribs = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "WorkSans-Medium", size: 19)!]
for term in bold {
atStr.addAttributes(boldAttribs, range: string.rangeOfString(term))
This works great for single term or phrase use. But it only applies to the first use of a specific term. Is there a way, without resorting to numerical ranges, to apply the attribute to all instances of the same term? For example, make every use of "animation button" within the same string bold.
Edit: This works.
// `butt2` is [String]() of substrings to attribute
// `term` is String element in array, target of attributes
// `string` is complete NAString from data
// `atStr` is final
for term in butt2 {
var pos = NSRange(location: 0, length: string.length)
while true {
let next = string.rangeOfString(term, options: .LiteralSearch, range: pos)
if next.location == NSNotFound { break }
pos = NSRange(location: next.location+next.length, length: string.length-next.location-next.length)
atStr.addAttributes(butt2Attribs, range: next)
You don't have to resort to numerical ranges, but you do need to resort to a loop:
// atStr is mutable attributed string
// str is the input string
var pos = NSRange(location: 0, length: atStr.length)
while true {
let next = atStr.rangeOfString(target, options: .LiteralSearch, range: pos)
if next.location == NSNotFound {
atStr.addAttributes(boldAttribs, range: next)
pos = NSRange(location: next.location+next.length, length: atStr.length-next.location-next.length)