Run task's "problemMatcher" on console/terminal output - visual-studio-code

Is there a way to run a problem matcher on output programmatically? I'd make a certain command (compile files to DB) and then runnnig problem matcher on recevied console/terminal output, as an extension command.
I could expose a task with custom problem matcher If I could reach command from task. (feature-request #11396)
Is there maybe some other way to pass "non-shell" commands through problem matcher in extension? Or maybe run a task inside extension?
Anything that would make it work... :)


VSCode task in WSL environment, terminal keeps exiting when trying to run shell script

I've had to remove like two chunks of this post because stack overflow kept interpreting it as code when it isn't and it wouldn't let me post, I'll just make a screenshot of what the post is supposed to look like and post it here. Read this instead.
I was finally trying to learn how to use VSCode tasks and so I copied the first task example from here and created a shell script at scripts/ which contains simply "echo foo". I also commented out the windows alternative script because I exclusively use WSL/Bash. Whenever I run the task I receive a "The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1" error message, which is no help whatsoever.
I ran various tests and I have no idea why this isn't working.
Proving The Task Is In The Correct Directory & In WSL
First I thought maybe the task isn't running in WSL or that the directories are out of sync, so I changed the commands to see what happens.
First, I changed it to:
"command": "pwd",
and the output was "/mnt/f/.../.../tmp/tmp.1BitOIA78E" (... are for some arbitrary path) so clearly I concluded I was running on WSL and in the right path.
Proving the Script is Executeable
Next I thought, maybe the script I'm trying to run isn't executable or something to that affect, so I changed the command to:
"command": "stat ./scripts/",
and I got the following output which shows, the file exists, it's executeable & can be accessed through "./scripts/" from whatever directory the Task is set to on construction
I run the task by typing ctrl-shift-P to open the menu, select "run tasks" and then select 'My First Task'.
Note: I don't think this is a settings problem. There're no workspace settings setup (because this is just me testing) & just in case, you can find my current user settings here which I updated immediately before posting this.
What I'd like is either:
Someone to tell me how I can access the stderr and stdout log of the shell upon startup so I can get some actually helpful information as to why this is happening.
Someone to tell me why I can run a script perfectly fine outside of a task, but within a task it completely fails.
Whats also of note is that the script isn't the problem here. Leaving it completely blank, doesn't stop the terminal from straight up crashing.

Running a specific browser NUnit test using the command line

I am trying to run the firefox only test using the command line for NUnit but not sure how to. The code is as follow.
public class TestCases<TWebDriver> where TWebDriver : IWebDriver, new()
No problem with NUnit GUI since it is separated, however requirements forces us to run it with the command line. Thanks.
I'm looking into like: nunit.console.exe /fixture:"value" /xml:.. etc.. or any other implementation
The best way I've found to do this is to specify a category with the driver such as: [TestFixture(typeof(string), "Chrome")]
Then you can specify the category on the console arguments with nunit-console.exe foo.dll /include:Chrome

Matlab fails to run a script when scheduled with Task Scheduler

I am trying to start Matlab and run a script scheduled at a specific time using the windows Task Scheduler.
If I use a scheduled task I can see Matlab starting, but this last fails to load the script and returns me the error below
??? Unexpected Matlab operator.
Do you know what it is and why?
I am using the following syntax
c:\app\matlab\bin\matlab.exe -r c:\MyURL\ScriptFile.m
If I load the script manually and run it it tells me that the file is not in the path so give ms a choice between
Change Current Directory
Add Folder to the Path
Either choices are fine and the script runs fine.
Matlab is starting in its main directory and -r requires your function to be in quotation marks, thats why you get the error.
And you need to change to your workspace first, the syntax is as follows:
matlab -sd pathToYourWorkspace -r "function(parameters)"
Maybe you also want to avoid the complete loading of the whole Matlab working environment, so add at the end:
-nodesktop -nosplash
If you run your task sheduled, are you doing it multiple times? Are you aware that every function call like above opens a new instance of Matlab? This question may be helpful then.
From the comments: of course you could just use the command run to call a script wherever it is.
"run('c:\MyURL\ScriptFile.m')" is an example for "functionName(YourArgs)"
as run is a function and the string 'c:\MyURL\ScriptFile.m' its argument. In this case it is usually not necessary to change the workspace before.

Jenkins CLI get test result

I am trying to find out if there is a command in the Jenkin's CLI, that provides you with an xml, txt, html or some file with test results from a job that was just executed. Does any one know of such command or way to do this?
The reason I'm asking is that I'm creating a job from an xml file via Jenkin's CLI. Then, I'm executing the job I just created and once the job is complete, I'd like to use a command and get the test results.
Thank you in advanced
You can just save the results of your test as artifact, and download it, as the url is known to be something like

Can I apply PL/SQL beautifer rules from command line?

Topic is self-explanatory.
My goal is to automate the process of code beautification, so a program like SQLPlus will compile code after it has been beautified.
I am not sure i understood you correctly but if you want to have command-line beautifier you should check this link: