Have Dijkstra compute widest path - dijkstra

I would like to modify the dijkstra algorithm to compute the widest path. I know I have to change the sum to min and min to max but I am having difficulty making the changes in the code.
Please take a look at the code below and suggest where and how to make the changes. Thanks.
public class DijkstraAlgorithm {
private final List<Vertex> nodes;
private final List<Edge> edges;
private Set<Vertex> settledNodes;
private Set<Vertex> unSettledNodes;
private Map<Vertex, Vertex> predecessors;
private Map<Vertex, Integer> distance;
public DijkstraAlgorithm(Graph graph) {
// create a copy of the array so that we can operate on this array
this.nodes = new ArrayList<Vertex>(graph.getVertexes());
this.edges = new ArrayList<Edge>(graph.getEdges());
public void execute(Vertex source) {
settledNodes = new HashSet<Vertex>();
unSettledNodes = new HashSet<Vertex>();
distance = new HashMap<Vertex, Integer>();
predecessors = new HashMap<Vertex, Vertex>();
distance.put(source, 0);
while (unSettledNodes.size() > 0) {
Vertex node = getMinimum(unSettledNodes);
private void findMinimalDistances(Vertex node) {
List<Vertex> adjacentNodes = getNeighbors(node);
for (Vertex target : adjacentNodes) {
// looks at the connected nodes in the graph
if (getShortestDistance(target) > getShortestDistance(node) + getDistance(node, target)) // looks at the source (node), then at the adjacent nodes and then the target one by one
distance.put(target, getShortestDistance(node) + getDistance(node, target));
predecessors.put(target, node);
private int getDistance(Vertex node, Vertex target) {
for (Edge edge : edges) {
if (edge.getSource().equals(node) && edge.getDestination().equals(target)) {
return edge.getWeight();
throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen");
private List<Vertex> getNeighbors(Vertex node) {
List<Vertex> neighbors = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
for (Edge edge : edges) {
if (edge.getSource().equals(node) && !isSettled(edge.getDestination())) {
return neighbors;
private Vertex getMinimum(Set<Vertex> vertexes) {
Vertex minimum = null;
for (Vertex vertex : vertexes) {
if (minimum == null) {
minimum = vertex;
} else {
if (getShortestDistance(vertex) < getShortestDistance(minimum)) {
minimum = vertex;
return minimum;
private boolean isSettled(Vertex vertex) {
return settledNodes.contains(vertex);
private int getShortestDistance(Vertex destination) {
Integer d = distance.get(destination);
if (d == null) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
return d;
* This method returns the path from the source to the selected target and
* NULL if no path exists
public LinkedList<Vertex> getPath(Vertex target) {
LinkedList<Vertex> path = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
Vertex step = target;
// check if a path exists
if (predecessors.get(step) == null) {
return null;
while (predecessors.get(step) != null) {
step = predecessors.get(step);
// Put it into the correct order
return path;
As far as I can see, I think I have to make changes to findMinimalDistances and getMinimum. I understand how both Dijkstra and Widest path work on paper but in terms of code, I'm having some difficulty.


Unity: spawning enemies works but they are not visible

I'm busy with creating a school project where I need to integrate wave spawners.
For now, I used this video as an example and implemented it in my project.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0SBfDFn2Bs
Everything is spawning fine and I also get my debug logs. The main problem is: I can't see my enemies. (not John Cena guys hahah, in that case it would be logic ;) )
I'm new to Unity and I like the interface and workflow but I have a lot to learn. I hope someone can help me out! :)
Source WaveSpawner.cs:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class WaveSpawner : MonoBehaviour
public enum SpawnState { SPAWNING, WAITING, COUNTING };
public class Wave
public string name;
public Transform enemy;
public int count;
public float rate;
public Wave[] waves;
private int nextWave = 0;
public int NextWave
get { return nextWave + 1; }
public Transform[] spawnPoints;
public float timeBetweenWaves = 5f;
private float waveCountdown;
public float WaveCountdown
get { return waveCountdown; }
private float searchCountdown = 1f;
private SpawnState state = SpawnState.COUNTING;
public SpawnState State
get { return state; }
void Start()
if (spawnPoints.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("No spawn points referenced.");
waveCountdown = timeBetweenWaves;
void Update()
if (state == SpawnState.WAITING)
if (!EnemyIsAlive())
if (waveCountdown <= 0)
if (state != SpawnState.SPAWNING)
StartCoroutine( SpawnWave ( waves[nextWave] ) );
waveCountdown -= Time.deltaTime;
void WaveCompleted()
Debug.Log("Wave Completed!");
state = SpawnState.COUNTING;
waveCountdown = timeBetweenWaves;
if (nextWave + 1 > waves.Length - 1)
nextWave = 0;
Debug.Log("ALL WAVES COMPLETE! Looping...");
bool EnemyIsAlive()
searchCountdown -= Time.deltaTime;
if (searchCountdown <= 0f)
searchCountdown = 1f;
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy") == null)
return false;
return true;
IEnumerator SpawnWave(Wave _wave)
Debug.Log("Spawning Wave: " + _wave.name);
state = SpawnState.SPAWNING;
for (int i = 0; i < _wave.count; i++)
yield return new WaitForSeconds( 1f/_wave.rate );
state = SpawnState.WAITING;
yield break;
void SpawnEnemy(Transform _enemy)
Debug.Log("Spawning Enemy: " + _enemy.name);
Transform _sp = spawnPoints[ Random.Range (0, spawnPoints.Length) ];
Instantiate(_enemy, _sp.position, _sp.rotation);
From what I can see is you're also changing the Z position of the bat. Generally you would not want to do that in a 2D game cause it can go behind stuff as is happening there. In the code I did notice that you are using random points in the world so you would want to check the Z position of those points and change them to 0 or 1.Here's the Image of what you need to change on the points! Hope this helps!

Item in ScrollView is not seen in Scene, but it shows in hierarchy

I am trying to display a list, generated dinamically. I created a prefab with the things I need in it (a TextView, 3 TMP_InputFields and 2 Buttons.)
To manage the different list items, I created a script (SkillManager, since the items represents skill the player can choose), which I attached to the prefab.
Then, I add every item (currently I am adding only one for testing purposes) to a List, iterate that list, and add the prefab to the Content of a ScrollView:
for(int i = 0; i < listaSkills.Count; i++)
GameObject listItem = Instantiate(SkillPrefab) as GameObject;
listItem.GetComponent<SkillManager>().skill = listaSkills[i];
//listItem.transform.SetParent(SkillsContent.transform, false);
listItem.transform.parent = SkillsContent.transform;
When I run this, no item is seen in the ScrollView, but I can see the SkillItem added to the hierarchy:
If I move to Scene tab after playing, I see a square with red lines crossing it:
Why is my item not displaying? Why the red cross? How can I populate my ScrollView?
This is the code of SkillManager, the script added to SkillPrefab:
public class SkillManager : MonoBehaviour
public TMP_InputField toSpend;
public TMP_InputField rangos;
public TMP_InputField modificadores;
public TMP_InputField total;
public Button plusButton;
public Button minusButton;
public TMP_Text nombre;
public Skill skill;
private int modificador;
private int pointsToSpend;
private int totalPoints;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
total.text = "0";
modificadores.text = "0";
if (toSpend != null)
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = GetSkillPoints();
totalPoints = int.Parse(total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
pointsToSpend = int.Parse(toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
GameObject GameObjectToSpend = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("tospend");
toSpend = GameObjectToSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>();
if (toSpend == null)
print("Sigue siendo nulo");
toSpend.text= GetSkillPoints();
//totalPoints = int.Parse(total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
totalPoints = int.Parse(total.text);
pointsToSpend = int.Parse(toSpend.text);
if (skill != null)
modificador = GetModificador(skill);
string sModificador = modificadores.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int iModificador = int.Parse(sModificador);
modificadores.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = iModificador.ToString();
if (plusButton != null)
private string GetSkillPoints()
return "1";
public void MinusButtonClicked()
string ranks = rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int ranksInt = int.Parse(ranks);
if (ranksInt > 0)
int newRank = ranksInt - 1;
pointsToSpend += 1;
rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = newRank.ToString();
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = pointsToSpend.ToString();
total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = (newRank + modificador).ToString();
skill.Puntos = newRank;
public void PlusButtonClicked()
string ranks=rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int ranksInt = int.Parse(ranks);
Character character = Almacen.instance.Character;
int level = character.CharacterLevel;
if (ranksInt < level && pointsToSpend > 0)
int newRank = ranksInt + 1;
rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = newRank.ToString();
pointsToSpend -= 1;
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = pointsToSpend.ToString();
total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = (newRank + modificador).ToString();
skill.Puntos = newRank;
private int GetModificador(Skill skill)
int retorno=0;
if (skill.Clasea)
retorno += 3;
retorno += 0;
retorno += GetModificadorCaracteristica();
return retorno;
private int GetModificadorCaracteristica()
Utils utils = new Utils();
int retorno = 0;
int characteristic=0;
switch (skill.Caracteristica)
case "Fue":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveStr;
case "Des":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveDex;
case "Con":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveCon;
case "Int":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveInt;
case "Sab":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveWis;
case "Car":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveCha;
retorno = utils.GetCharModifier(characteristic);
return retorno;
it looks like you instantiate the object as a GameObject. but this will not be seen in the canvas because it isn't a UI component. you may want to add a sprite or image to the component and instantiate that into the Canvas. it will look something like this:
public class SkillPrefab
//put all your variables here!!!
public Sprite skillSprite;
public class YourClassName : MonoBehaviour
public List<SkillPrefab> skills = new List<SkillPrefab>();
private void Update()
Sprite listItem = Instantiate(skills[0].skillSprite); //the index is the skill you want to spawn in the list.
this does take into account that you have made your skills into a list of skills that you can acces.

How to spawn an object using the FlyWeight Pattern

So I've been setting up this test to implement the flyweight pattern. It's where I create an object class and a factory to basically spawn the same kind of object with different properties, in this case, color, size, and shape. So I have a dropdown menu for each property and a button to create the object. I want to use the getobject function in the factory class to create the object, but I can't seem to create it right. I got the shape, but not the color or size. It has something to do with the parameters I set up for the function. I don't want to just do what I'm doing right now to spawn cubes and cylinders. That's just a test. If anyone could come up with a way around this, I appreciate it thank you.
public class FlyWeight : MonoBehaviour
public Button CreateButton;
List<string> colors = new List<string>() { "Choose Color", "Red", "Blue", "Green" };
List<string> shapes = new List<string>() { "Choose Shape", "Sphere", "Cube", "Cylinder" };
List<string> sizes = new List<string>() { "Choose Size", "Small", "Medium", "Large" };
public Dropdown Shapes;
public Dropdown Colors;
public Dropdown Sizes;
private void Start()
Button button = CreateButton.GetComponent<Button>();
public void TaskOnClick()
if (Shapes.value == 1)
var sphere= Factory.getObject(GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere), getSize(), getColor());
else if (Shapes.value == 2)
var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
cube.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = getColor();
cube.transform.localScale = getSize();
else if (Shapes.value == 3)
var cylinder = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
cylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = getColor();
cylinder.transform.localScale = getSize();
public Color getColor()
if (Colors.value == 1) { return Color.red; }
else if (Colors.value == 2) { return Color.blue; }
else if (Colors.value == 3) { return Color.green; }
else return Color.white;
public Vector3 getSize()
if (Sizes.value == 1) { return gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); }
else if (Sizes.value == 2) { return gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2, 2, 2); }
else { return gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(3, 3, 3); }
Object Class
public class Object
private Color color;
private Vector3 size;
private GameObject shape;
private int x, y;
public Object (GameObject shape, Vector3 size,Color color)
this.color = color;
this.size = size;
this.shape = shape;
public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; }
public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; }
Factory Class
public class Factory
private static List<Object> objects = new List<Object>();
public static Object getObject(GameObject shape,Vector3 size, Color color)
Object obj = null;
if (obj == null)
obj = new Object(shape, size, color);
return obj;

Unity 5 Inventory system not working

Hello programmers all around the world. I have made myself an inventory system for my game. Only problem is that when I click on item and then drag it to and empty slot it doesn't move and I kinda don't see the error which I am having and I have tried to debug it but without success any help? Here is the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
private RectTransform inventoryRect;
private float inventoryWidth;
private float inventoryHeight;
public int slots;
public int rows;
public float slotPaddingLeft;
public float slotPaddingTop;
public float slotSize;
public GameObject slotPrefab;
private static Slot from;
private static Slot to;
private List<GameObject> allslots;
public GameObject iconPrefab;
private static GameObject hoverObject;
private static int emptySlots;
public Canvas canvas;
private float hoverYOffset;
private bool isPressed;
public EventSystem eventSystem;
public static int EmptySlots{
get{ return emptySlots;}
set{ emptySlots = value;}
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
CreateLayout ();
canvas.enabled = false;
isPressed = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) {
canvas.enabled = false;
canvas.enabled = true;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0)) {
if (!eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject (-1) && from != null) {
from.GetComponent<Image> ().color = Color.white;
from.ClearSlot ();
Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Hover"));
to = null;
from = null;
hoverObject = null;
if (hoverObject != null) {
Vector2 position;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (canvas.transform as RectTransform, Input.mousePosition, canvas.worldCamera, out position);
position.Set (position.x, position.y - hoverYOffset);
hoverObject.transform.position = canvas.transform.TransformPoint (position);
private void CreateLayout(){
allslots = new List<GameObject> ();
hoverYOffset = slotSize * 0.01f;
emptySlots = slots;
inventoryWidth = (slots / rows) * (slotSize + slotPaddingLeft) + slotPaddingLeft;
inventoryHeight = rows * (slotSize + slotPaddingTop) + slotPaddingTop;
inventoryRect = GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
inventoryRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, inventoryWidth);
inventoryRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, inventoryHeight);
int colums = slots / rows;
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < colums; x++) {
GameObject newSlot = (GameObject)Instantiate (slotPrefab);
RectTransform slotRect = newSlot.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
newSlot.name = "Slot";
newSlot.transform.SetParent (this.transform.parent);
slotRect.localPosition = inventoryRect.localPosition + new Vector3 (slotPaddingLeft * (x + 1) + (slotSize * x), -slotPaddingTop * (y + 1) - (slotSize * y));
slotRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, slotSize);
slotRect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, slotSize);
allslots.Add (newSlot);
public bool AddItem(Item item){
if (item.maxSize == 1) {
PlaceEmpty (item);
return true;
else {
foreach (GameObject slot in allslots) {
Slot temporary = slot.GetComponent<Slot> ();
if (!temporary.IsEmpty) {
if (temporary.CurrentItem.type == item.type && temporary.IsAvailable) {
temporary.AddItem (item);
return true;
if (emptySlots > 0) {
PlaceEmpty (item);
return false;
private bool PlaceEmpty(Item item){
if (emptySlots > 0) {
foreach (GameObject slot in allslots) {
Slot temporary = slot.GetComponent<Slot> ();
if (temporary.IsEmpty) {
temporary.AddItem (item);
return true;
return false;
public void MoveItem(GameObject clicked){
if (from == null) {
if (!clicked.GetComponent<Slot> ().IsEmpty) {
from = clicked.GetComponent<Slot> ();
from.GetComponent<Image> ().color = Color.gray;
hoverObject = (GameObject)Instantiate (iconPrefab);
hoverObject.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = clicked.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite;
hoverObject.name = "Hover";
RectTransform hoverTransform = hoverObject.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
RectTransform clickedTransform = clicked.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
hoverTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, clickedTransform.sizeDelta.x);
hoverTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, clickedTransform.sizeDelta.y);
hoverObject.transform.SetParent (GameObject.Find ("Canvas").transform, true);
hoverObject.transform.localScale = from.gameObject.transform.localScale;
else if (to = null) {
to = clicked.GetComponent<Slot> ();
Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Hover"));
if (to != null && from != null) {
Stack<Item> tmpTo = new Stack<Item> (to.Items);
to.AddItems (from.Items);
if (tmpTo.Count == 0) {
from.ClearSlot ();
else {
from.AddItems (tmpTo);
from.GetComponent<Image> ().color = Color.white;
to = null;
from = null;
hoverObject = null;
The method which is causing the problem is the MoveItem() sadly it is not a nullreference or nullpointer and I simply am out of ideas been strugling with it for a couple of days... Any advice on how to fix this would be helpfull and much welcomed indeed. Thanks in advance!
I haven't taken a long look at your code but right away I saw this issue:
else if (to = null) {
to = clicked.GetComponent<Slot> ();
Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Hover"));
This is causing the end location to be set to null. To fix this, change to double equals like so:
else if (to == null) {
to = clicked.GetComponent<Slot> ();
Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Hover"));
If this does not solve your problem, let me know and I'll look at your code harder.

Binary searchTree traversal display nodes up to N level

I want to display nodes up to 3 level. Here I'm writing code using Level order(BFS). Each node having 2 childrens. I'm not sure how to increase level after displaying that level data and want to display up to 3 level.
public Void LevelOrder()
Queue q = new Queue();
int level=1;
while (!q.empty() && level<=3)
Node n = q.DeQueue();
if (n.left !=null)
if (n.right !=null)
private static void Main(string[] args)
var root = new Node
Val = 0,
Left = new Node {Val = 1, Left = new Node {Val = 2, Left = new Node() {Val = 3}}},
Right = new Node() {Val = 1, Right = new Node() {Val = 2, Right = new Node() {Val = 3,Left = new Node(){Val = 4}}}}
Printbylevel(root, 5);
public static void Printbylevel(Node root, int depth)
Stack<Node> activenodes = new Stack<Node>();
Stack<Node> nextnodes = new Stack<Node>();
var level = 0;
while (activenodes.Any())
if (level == depth+1) return;
Console.WriteLine("\n----{0}----", level);
while (activenodes.Any())
var current = activenodes.Pop();
if (current == null) continue;
while (nextnodes.Any())
internal class Node
public int Val;
public Node Right { get; set; }
public Node Left { get; set; }