How to serarch from JSON data with MongoDB - mongodb

I am new in MongoDB. I am using MongoDB 3.6.3. I have one fields in the document with huge josn data and I don't know all key names present inside JSON data.
Now I want to search documents by the value which will present in any key inside JSON data.
I have tried using this.
db.getCollection('booking').find({'result.important_information': /.*small dogs*/})
But this required key for search But I dont have key name I have to search using the only value.


Exclude nested field from encryption Mongoose encryption

So i am using an npm package called mongoose-encryption all is great except one important thing. I have an array called reports and it has alot of objects in it. Each object has one unique field called report_id the thing is i need to perform a delete operation based on that ID but if i encrypt it mongoose apparently cant find it. For that i excluded some fields like the docs said but i cant apparently exclude a nested field i tried this:
usersSchema.plugin(encrypt,{secret:sigKey,excludeFromEncryption: ['username','reports.report_id']});
So the username is excluded from encryption but not the reports.report_id
any ideas?
The [document](] says:
To encrypt, the relevant fields are removed from the document, converted to JSON, enciphered in Buffer format with the IV and plugin version prepended, and inserted into the _ct field of the document. Mongoose converts the _ct field to Binary when sending to mongo.
If the reports field is encrypted by mongoose-encryption, it will not be present at all in the document stored in MongoDB.
If you need the value of the reports.report_id field to be accessible in a query while encrypting the reports field, you'll need to copy them out to an array that is not being encrypted.

Spring Mongodb search string inside binary data

I am storing document(text,pdf,csv,doc,docx etc) in mongodb using spring rest.Documents are getting stored as binary data.
Now i want to search documents based on contents inside it.
For e.g. if user searches for string "office", he should see list of documents that contains string "office".
How can i query mongodb for data contains in binary data?
You could try to define a text index over your binary files. I don't know if it would work, but even if it does, such an index would match any words that are part of the file format rather than user content which is generally undesirable.
If I was implementing your requirements I would use a transformer from all of the binary documents to plain text (e.g. pandoc), thus obtaining the user content of each of the documents, then insert that content into a field which has a text index over it, then query on that field.

Get a document from couchbase lite database swift

I want to retrieve a document from database to update it, so I need the document ID, how to get this ID if I didn't create the document with a custom ID (I've used database.createDocument() instead of database.documentWithID("docId"))
If you haven't created the document with a custom Id then you can use
some other uniquely identifying property (or properties) of the document to query for the specific document.
Instead of querying and iterating over entire list of documents to find the match, you can create a view with the specified property/properties as index. You can then query for that view with startKey / endKey set to the desired property value. That will return the document of interest.
Alternatively,if it's an option, create the document with a custom ID.

fill up mongo data automatically by using script

I am a newbie to mongo, I have a collection in my mongodb, To test a feature in my project I need to update database with some random data.I need a script to do that. by identifying the datatype of the field script should fill up the data automatically.
suppose I have the fields in the collection:
id, name, first_name, last_name, current_date, user_income etc.
Since the my questions are as follows:
1. Can we get all field names of a collection with their data types?
2. Can we generate a random value of that data type in mongo shell?
3. how to set the values dynamically to store random data.
I am frequently putting manually to do this.
1. Can we get all field names of a collection with their data types?
mongodb collections are schema-less, which means each document (row in relation database) can have different fields. When you find a document from a collection, you could get its fields names and data types.
2. Can we generate a random value of that data type in mongo shell?
3. how to set the values dynamically to store random data.
mongo shell use JavaScript, you may write a js script and run it with mongo the_js_file.js. So you could generate a random value in the js script.
It's useful to have a look at the mongo JavaScript API documentation and the mongo shell JavaScript Method Reference.
Other script language such as Python can also do that. mongodb has their APIs too.

Spring Data MongoDB return object converter

I have a large documents with 50 different fields in it. Only few fields are required when I save this document. When I fetch that document though Spring Data MongoDB is it possible to eliminate null value fields from the object?
During the save Spring Data MongoDB does the same thing and only save those values which are not null.
Our Query class has a fields() method which returns a Field object that allows defining which fields to be read from the document (Javadoc). Thus when executing the query object against a collection you get partial document back and thus a partially filled domain object.